
The Pathos God

Shiro Kusikage was once called 'the strongest god' in the higher realms, feared and respected by all who knew him. He had accomplished great feats and built a legacy that was unmatched by any other deity. However, despite all his accomplishments, his lack of power was his downfall. He was betrayed by those close to him and banished to the lower realms, where he was forced to start anew. Fueled by his burning desire for revenge, Shiro sets out on a journey to reclaim his rightful place in the higher planes. He was determined to become stronger, to regain the power he once had and to make those who wronged him pay. As he travels through the mortal plane, he faces many obstacles and enemies, but he is not one to back down easily. Shiro slaughters his way through his obstacles, using his cunning and strength to overcome any challenge that comes his way. For Shiro, power is everything, and he will do whatever it takes to regain his place among the gods. He is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross his path would do well to remember that. . Follow Shiro Kusikage on his journey of revenge, as he embarks on a quest to become the most powerful deity in all the seven planes.

ShiroHayasaka · Fantasie
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41 Chs


Eris and Emris went to the receptionist building which was where they had writing their names after passing the trial phase, there was a small crowd already in front of the office meaning they had to wait for their turn.

After waiting for a few minutes, their turn finally came, Eris went in first, the first time they came here they had to stay outside of the building but now that they had become part of the academy they were giving access into the inside of the building.

Inside the building, Eris saw a lady who smiled at her and then led her into another part of the building. Once she was inside the building the lady went outside before coming back with some kind of gold badge, on the badge was written '1-1' in pure black letters.

"Try using your spiritual sense to scan the badge"

The lady instructed. Eris was at the Elemental enhancement realm so she understood what the lady wanted her to do, she closed her eyes and focused her spiritual sense on the badge as a stream of information flowed into her mind.

Name: Eris Wang

Age: 13

Class: 1-Gold

Cultivation Type: Energy Cultivation

Cultivation Level: 3rd Stage Elemental Enhancement/ Initial Third Grade

-Battle Points: 0

-Challenge Points: 0

-Awarded Points: 100

-Total Points: 100

-Rank: 59/100

N/A: Cultivation realms can also be called grades while the stages can be replaced by initial, middle, high and late as shown in the 'Things to note' section of the auxiliary chapter.

Once the information was through entering her head, she looked up and saw the lady grinning.

'She must have expected this'

Eris thought.

"Those are your stats, they change depending on how much you contribute during your school life here, the rest of them you will have to figure them out yourself"

The lady explained before motioning for Eris to leave, she couldn't spend all day attending to one person after all.

Eris left the office with a lot of unanswered questions in mind, she then heard the same lady that had attended to her call out to Emris. Emris glanced at her for a bit before going on to meet the woman, his procedure was more or less the same as her own so it didn't take much time for him to finish.

Name: Emris Nishimoto

Age: 14

Class: 1-Gold

Cultivation Type: Energy Cultivation

Cultivation Level: 5th Stage Elemental Enhancement/Middle Third Grade

-Battle Points: 0

-Challenge Points: 0

-Awarded Points: 100

-Total Points: 100

-Rank: 57/100

Seeing his stats, Emris also had the same confusion as Eris, if they were only twenty that survived this exams then how was he ranked 57? Emris wanted to ask Eris but then he remembered her puzzled face from before, he just had to wait like everyone else to get an answer.

The two proceeded to were the others who had gotten their badges were, they were the last ones on the line so immediately they came a man who looked to be 30 years old came out to speak.

"This year's exams have been a complete mess, we have a lot less people here than we have in other centers"

Hearing what the man said cleared up a lot of misunderstandings, the reason there were ranks ranging up to hundred was because of the other centers which also held their own exams.

"You are a lot less than the others in the other centers only because of your ordeal was more difficult, I reckon that if the others passed through what you guys did they might not even be half of what is remaining now so please do not sell yourselves short"

The man consoled which helped in raising the morale of the students.

"You have been giving a week to rest, consider it a special privilege and an apology for allowing you pass through such a difficult situation but know this, the cultivation world is filled with dangerous situations and only the truly strong can prevail. The remaining two students who have passed this exam will be joining you tomorrow, good day"

With that the man left, he had other things to take care of now that the students were about to begin entering the academy.

The students looked at each other unsure of what next to do when a voice spoke up

"Since there is nothing left to do here I am going, see you all next week"

The guy who spoke then left without saying another word, following his footsteps many others said their good byes and left, at the end only Eris and Emris were left after all they still had to wait for Shiro and Shin.

The two continued their spell training for a while before cultivating then falling asleep. The next day they did the same thing, spell training before cultivation, the spiritual energy in the environment was dense which gave them a boost in cultivation.

The two continued with the routine for half a day when suddenly a flash of light burst through the sky landing right in front of them, dust clouds were stirred and settled as three figures came walking out of the light. The old man, Shiro and Shin walked towards Eris and Emris who were standing in an alert stance.

"So only the two of you stayed back"

Shin said as he looked around to see if anyone was left.

"If you were given a week off would you waste it waiting for someone who you never knew before the exam?"

The old man asked, Shiro just remained silent at one corner, his mind was still a mess and he was having issues understanding what had happened to his body.

"Why do the two of you look different?"

Eris asked, she had been studying the two since they returned and she had noticed a few changes in them. First of all, they now somehow looked alike, almost like they were twins.

Once she asked her question, Emris looked at the two again for a long time before commenting.

"Fuck, you really do look alike but that is not all, your hair colors have also changed well not Shiro since his hair remained black but why did yours turn white Shin?"

The two looked at each other in confusion, hasn't their hair color always been like this?

"Their souls have been linked"

The old man said


"Yes, a side effect from the curse that that masked man placed on them"

The old man answered

"What does the soul link have to do with their hair colors?"

"That might just be another side effect from the curse"

The old man answered, his answers were becoming less creative which meant that he was tired of entertaining their questions.

"Look, now that your souls have been linked, you both cannot be a certain distance away from each other, your minds are connected making it possible for you to be able to share thoughts with each other, make sure to keep this a secret, no one outside the five of us should know about this and most importantly, if one of you dies, both of you die so be careful when acting, act carrying with you the knowledge that two peoples lives are in your hands"

The old man then pulled something out of his pocket and gave them to Shiro and Shin;

"These are your badges, they hold every detail about you and about your progress in this academy so do not lose them, okay, I will leave you all to do your own things now, feel free to leave whenever but be sure to return next week"

The two looked at the badges on their hands before sending their spiritual sense into it.

Name: Shiro Kusikage

Age: 13

Class: 1-Gold

Cultivation Type: Body Cultivation

Cultivation Level: 3rd Stage Blood Replacement/ Initial Third Grade

-Battle Points: 0

-Challenge Points: 0

-Awarded Points: 100

-Total Points: 100

-Rank: 3/100

Name: Shin Hayasaka

Age: -

Class: 1-Gold

Cultivation Type: -

Cultivation Level: Initial Third Grade

-Battle Points: 0

-Challenge Points: 0

-Awarded Points: 100

-Total Points: 100

-Rank: 4/100

Shiro looked at his stats and nodded, it was like he expected, the badge couldn't tell that he had two cultivations, he wasn't confused about the rank since he already guessed that there were other exam centers, it would be weird if a well-known academy like this only got that much participants.

Shin on the other hand had confusion written all over his face, first of all he had no cultivation type, and then no age, he couldn't even tell how old he was.

N/A: Spiritual sense is something all cultivators can use while Martial awareness is a technique meant for only body cultivators and sword cultivators.

Sorry for the late release, I have no excuse for this since it was on me, was experienceing my first writters block so I got stuck typing. Thanks for the support as always, remember to review and share with your friends.

ShiroHayasakacreators' thoughts