
Shit it's too much stuff for just one guy

After I hearing my reaction Joseph just said "Well I don't know why you are so surprised since this should be the second time you are in a place like this" and I just looked at him before saying "Dude it's my 4th time in a white space , btw my name is Ozma in this world , in our world my name was Matthew Oziel" and he looked surprised after my introduction "Wait so you asked to be Ozma? Damn how you gonna deal with Salem?" I just laughed at that before saying "Well I didn't commit the same mistake and took a different approach so until now we are living happily" and he laughed before saying "Damn you already changed all of RWBY by the looks of it.

Btw I really want to know if it finished since when I died season 7 had just finished" and this surprised me since that meant that this guy died a year before me , and this made me wonder why he choose to reincarnate or transmigrate into a distant past Remnant. As if he could read my mind he said "I know what you're thinking , it wasn't my choice to come to such a distant past of Remnant. I was sent here by the goddess of reincarnation , did she send you too?" , this made think 'If there is a goddess of reincarnation then why was it Rohan that brought me here?' before saying "Well for me it was a god called Rohan , I got killed by truck-kun". Joseph after hearing me was had a thoughtful face before saying "It seems that the demon's plan worked" after hearing him I was surprised and asked "What do you mean?".

He sighed before saying "Well let me tell you how I died and why that is the reason why it was another god that sent you here instead of the goddess of reincarnation" and I prepared myself for what he was gonna say since apparently the problem was so big it made the goddess of reincarnation stop her work "Well just like you I was killed by truck-kun and I don't know how many wishes you got but I was granted 3 wishes and I asked for The Arc of Embodiment from fairy tail , infinite magic and perfect affinity with Space law". I was impressed at his wishes and said "Welp I only wished for the gamer's system , infinite magic like you , the ability to devour and absorb my enemies and lastly to be an ajin".

He laughed before saying "Hey aren't those 4 wishes?" and I just laughed as well before saying "Well I wished for them has skills from certain mangas so they counted as my third second wish" after hearing me he said "Dude you could have asked for many stuff if it was like that" before he just sighed and continued saying "Forget out it , we can't change what's done. Now continuing from where I left , my wishes were granted and with them I was given a quest , my quest was to stop the evil presence that had been born in the RWBY universe since this presence would lead to the permanent destruction of this universe without the chance of ever coming back".

This scared me since this presence had the power to destroy not just Remnant but it's whole universe which meant that RWBY would be totally erased from existence but I didn't interrupt him and he continued speaking "Before I was sent to start my journey I asked why she or any god would allow such an existence in their universe and she said that apparently gods can't act directly in their universes and could only send either people with potential of being a hero or their champions to act for them in said world. And I found out I was the reincarnation of her champion and my memories of the last life were awoke by her , and so I accepted the quest without any problems and so she sent me to RWBY a bit after the wipeout and at first I found it strange but after staying in this world for a long time I finally found out why and what this evil presence was.

It was the reincarnation of all the sins and grudge the past humanity had left during their existence until their wipeout by the God of Darkness , later I came to find that it was the grudge they had against the gods in the last moment that served as the last push since just the sins weren't enough to corrupt and destroy this world has they would cease to exist with time. This being that was formed was one of pure destruction and sin , my quest was to find this thing and destroy it and well I made it but in the last moments the thing was able to gravely injure me to the point that I had to use my life energy as fuel to keep myself from dying , and unfortunately I couldn't create something strong enough with my ark to save myself so I did something that caused the goddess to almost forcibly take my soul off this world.

I absorbed the being into my body and soul since I was already dying , I wanted to drag it down with me , but before I did that I created this ring you are currently holding with the hopes that if the goddess recovered from my loss she would send another person to finish the job if I couldn't do it." after saying that he paused for a bit and said with a sad face "But since it wasn't her that sent you that means that she completely gave up" and he was silent for a bit as if he was recomposing himself and this made me question if their relationship was that of just a champion and a goddess or more but I kept my questions to myself and after a bit he apologized and continued.

"Well after I absorbed the being I could feel it corrupting and speeding up the process of my soul's dissipation so I only had time to give the ring to my son Leon before I had to leave this universe so the after effect of the explosion wouldn't reach RWBY's universe. But unfortunately I couldn't completely erase the sinful existence and some remnants of it were scattered through the other universes that were close , which was a bad thing but before it could get to far with my last will I was able to make it forcibly enter a comatose like state with the objective of giving the habitants of those universe enough time to maybe grow strong enough or what I bet put my cards in and that is you." , after hearing him I thought 'Damn I already have enough on my plate already and adding more would be just like they say biting more than I can chew'

So I said to him "Well I already have enough to worry about since I decided to rebel against the twin gods" and Joseph just laughed at my words and said "Well then I gotta tell you that if you don't deal with this he WILL come for revenge since you know , he is a reincarnation of sins too , why do you think shit was hitting the fan in the show? It was because he had returned and was affecting the world leading it to destruction. Well if you hadn't fucked the plot already you could have just left it all for team RWBY but since you have been changing shit it's not even guaranteed that Ruby or anyone from her family will be born.

Salem and the original Oz's fight was a giant cataclysm for the future events and since Salem isn't even evil anymore form what you told me you WILL have to deal with it when the time comes , but rest assured as there will be plenty of time for you to prepare since from what I could calculate he came back to this universe by volume 3 since the fall of beacon was when all the bad shit started happening , welp bad shit and some good things. You have literally millennials to prepare and with your wishes and my gifts you will be able to defeat the twin gods in no time at all and you will have a better chance at this thing if you catch it before it fully awakens and reforms it's powers" after he said that his body started to fade away slowly.

After seeing that he said "Well it seems that we don't have much time , so as last stuff you must know is that for you to leave a universe you have to be the strongest being in it and if you can please deliver this message to my son 'You where the best thing that happened to me , I love you son' and lastly if you can meet the goddess tell her that I said 'You don't have to worry and burden yourself mother. It wasn't your fault'" the first message was okay but it was the second one that really caught me off guard and before I could ask him he fully faded away and I blacked out once again just to wake to Theodore shaking me and seeing that I was fully awake he said "You fell asleep here? That's strange anyway did you find the use of the ring?" and I look at the ring in my hand and the ring cracked in many pieces before fading right before our eyes.

Theodore was really surprised at that and said "What happened? Why did it crack like that , nothing I tried could even put a scratch on it so why now?" and I calmed him down before explaining him that I had met his father and that he was able to leave a message in the ring , I excluded the rest of the story since it wasn't that important to him. After I told him the message Joseph left for him tears fell from his eyes and he smiled before thanking me and leaving the library , once again leaving me alone to think. "Fuck" I said out loud remembering the all the stuff that guy had told me before I went to the room me and Salem were staying and I found that Salem was still sleeping so I just slipped in the covers and hugged her from behind before closing my eyes making a mental note to check the system after I woke up.

Welp here is the chap of today earlier than the usual. Since today is a holiday in my country I had all the day to write this chap and to think about all the stuff I wanted to introduce in the story and this is the product. Please tell me your opinions abou this chap and ideas I could implement with this little plot I started and next chap Rohan and Truck-kun will make and appearance. And please tell me if there are any mistakes that I need to correct.

Have a good night and reading fams

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts