
Ideas and the plan

After almost 3 hours of flying we arrived on the cabin we were staying and I asked her while we were sitting in the chair outside the house "By the way did you build this cabin?" to which she said "No I found it abandoned and decided to live in it" , I looked at her asked "Why would you wanna live in a place like this?" and she said "Well it grew on me through the years. Been with this house since the since the transformation. Protected it from people who came with bad intensions" to which I said after thinking for a bit "Oh so that's why they call you a witch then" , she laughed at my words and said "They where expecting me to be just a defenseless woman so they could take advantage? I might not have strength but I have other weapons".

After hearing her I said "Yeah speaking of that if we are gonna rebel we need to the stronger. So let's do what you did before the gods left but now instead of just us being strong we shall make our followers strong" she looked at me and said "But how are we going to make these humans strong?" and I answered "Through my system , there should be a guild option after we amass enough people". After hearing me say a new term she asked "What is a 'guild'?" to which I answered with a smile "It's like a kingdom but in a smaller scale , so first it starts with a party , then a guild and after that a small kingdom and so it grows".

She smiled and said "With our powers it should be fairly easy to amass followers but if going with the logic of what you told me , only by killing can they get stronger and we can't make them kill the grimm since that would be like stabbing ourselves in the leg" , I thought for a bit and said "I have a skill that allows me to create a separate space , let's call it a dungeon , in this place monsters exist and if we kill them it has the same effect. We can even gain new skills , and new things like magically enchanted items or normal ones" after hearing my idea she said "Yes we can do that but what if they die there? Even if there are many after some die they won't go in with the fear of dying"

I smiled at that question and said "We can teach them how to use their aura , and one of the things that I noticed before meeting you is that there seems to be a trace of magic on these new human" after hearing about Aura Salem was fine but when she heard that the new humans posses a trace of magic she was shocked and said "How didn't I ever notice that?! But still if what you say is true and only traces remain what can they even do with it? It's practically useless" and I answered "Not at all , I found out that if activated these traces of magic grants them a power of sorts , it's more like a downgraded version of magic but it serves it's purposes of helping them" after she heard me she said while laughing "The while we are at it why not build a kingdom Love?" I smiled at her and said "Of course"

------------------------------------Time Skip 3 month----------------------------------

It has been three month since we started our plans and strangely it was somewhat going like the show , we now have a following of almost 5000 people which belonged to a medium sized settlement. They started following us after we saved them of a grimm attack and we created a guild after talking with the habitants of the settlement , we taught them how to activate their aura and magic that following the show we named it semblance. There were many different semblances and we were surprised since this meant that we could use magic in those ways making us look like gods in their eyes since we could use use everything and more.

Has I was thinking about our progress on our plan we were looking from the sky at the statues of us that the people built , I looked at Salem and said "They do have incredible skill's in art , even surpassing us the previous human" to which she said "Indeed , I guess the lack of magic helping them has made them develop in ways we probably wouldn't achieve since we had magic and it did everything for us" , Salem's disdain against the new age humans had lessened without the corruption affecting her mind , but it still remained there. I could only wait until the effects passed since when I tried forcing them out it started to kill her brain too , and even if we are immortal I can't do that to her.

After watching the villagers continuing to build our statues we returned home , this new home was a lot bigger compared to the cabin we used to stay , we had built it magic and the help of the villagers and it had a large bedroom , a underground room for experiments , of course a bathroom with a onsen styled that I had built myself surprising Salem with magic and a courtyard for relaxation. We went to our room and took a bath together , after we got out we sat on our bed and Salem said "I think we can use the grimm to grow the power of our followers , what do you think about it?".

To which I said after thinking a bit "Yes we can use them because has long has there is a grimm pool there will be a grimm and since I can create and manipulate the black water we have an infinite source of grimm that we can use" Salem frowned after thinking for a bit and said "The only problem comes after they surpass the level of the grimm" , after hearing her I said "No need to worry , after they surpass the grimm or at least reach their level we can start using the dungeon skill for both of them thus making both humans and grimm strong" after pausing a bit I continued talking "And we have to make new weapons that make use of the abundant resources we have".

And she said after thinking "You mean that substance they call Dust? How could we apply them to weapons?" in this time the hunters were still using dust in a rudimental way paired with swords and shields , so I thought of revolutionizing and introducing mecha weapons earlier. I smiled and said while taking out a blueprint of a mecha weapon I had designed and looked like a mix of gun and a blade "I've been designing a new revolutionary type of weapon , I call them mecha weapons , I designed them with the idea of versatility and effectiveness in combat.

This weapon makes use of Dust by compressing it in a capsule in the form of dust and shooting it at high speeds for ranged combat and the sword for melee combat" after having a look at the blueprint Salem said "This is a very complex weapon , but if we mass produce it would help a lot" but I shook my head and said "We won't mass produce it , what we will do is introduce them to a new way of making weapons that will make use of a foldable frame" after Salem heard me she asked "What is this 'Foldable Frame'?" , luckily I could remember everything in my past life to every detail , and seeing how the weapons of Remnant were made was one of the thing I remembered so I answered her question "Foldable Frame is a a framework capable of shifting various sections to change the weapon from one form into another in mere seconds. Weapons with a foldable frame possess two or more selected forms, and the wielder is capable of freely swapping between each weapon state depending on their needs".

After pausing a bit to breath I continued "So like the blueprint I showed you some of this weapons , depending on the way the wielder fights , can make use of Dust has fuel for a more..."magical" style in combat like for example making ice walls or fireballs in the middle of a fight" , after Salem heard me she looked at me with a surprised look "This method could make a great substitute for the lost magic , allowing humanity to once again make use of the elements" and I smiled at her words and said "Exactly , when the time comes even without magic they will be able to fight has the gods won't be able to take the the weapons away" So after talking a bit more we slept while reaching an agreement of giving the blueprint of the weapon to the scientists that were working on ways to use Dust on weapons tomorrow.

Damnit this is all talk and no action but I can't do shit since I don't even know how to write action scenes. The time to write the lemon is approaching and damn I'm not sure if I can do this , but I'm try for the greater good. Welp I'm blocked at the name of the guild so please help me with ideas.

That was it lads , have a good night and reading fellow readers

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts