
The Awakening

Now ready for the spar with Anna, Kevin asked "No magic right?"

"Of course." Anna replied smiling and standing still, waiting for Kevin to make his first move.

Walking forward while paying close attention to Anna, Kevin was determined to touch Anna and get that kiss. When he was close enough to Anna, Kevin threw a punch but changed it to a kick halfway.

Still smiling, Anna dodged the kick with ease and decided to throw a kick of hers to Kevin's legs. The speed at which she used to throw a kick was so much to the extent that Kevin didn't even see it coming. Stopping her leg an inch away from Kevin's knee, Anna left it there for Kevin to see then tutted.

Trying to use the opportunity of Anna being on one leg to touch her, Kevin moved his leg forward to touch the leg Anna had thrown a kick with and also threw his whole body forward in a desperate attempt to touch her.

Anna quickly retracted her leg and jumped to the side to avoid Kevin's body. "Looks like you don't want that kiss bad enough Kevin." Anna said.

Now on the floor after falling from the way he threw his body, Kevin got up and continued his attempts to touch Anna while she kept toying with him.

"Why won't Kevin give up?" Smith asked as he watched from the side.

"He really wants that kiss." Jake answered laughing along with the other students as Kevin continued trying to touch her.

"I'm getting tired of this Kevin." Anna said while moving to the side and avoiding Kevin's hand. This time, after avoiding his hand she used her leg to hit both of his legs making him fall down. "Had enough?" she asked him.

"Not... Even... Close." Kevin said as he struggled to get up again but fell back to the floor harder than before due to Anna using more of her strength to trip him again.

"You really should stay down." Anna said to Kevin.

"Never." Kevin replied as he attempted to get back up again.

"You asked for this." Waiting for him to get back on his feet, Anna tripped him again using so much strength that Kevin did a backflip in the air before landing on his face and passing out. "Smith I think he's going to need some healing."

"Okay Miss Anna." Moving from where he was, Smith went to Kevin and began to heal him with his magic while using a very happy memory as his trigger.

"Anyone else wants to spar with me?" Anna asked. "Remember if you can touch me, you get a kiss from me on your lips as a reward."

Looking at her, the boys among the students were contemplating whether to spar with her or not. The reward if they succeeded in touching her was very tempting, were they ever going to get an opportunity like this again, an opportunity to kiss a true beauty was right in front of them.

"I'll spar with you." Jake said as he walked forward.

"What!" Kevin shouted, already regained consciousness. "You want a kiss too? I wonder what Cat will say about this."

"Of course I don't want a kiss from her." Jake said to Kevin.

"You don't?" Anna asked smiling naughtily.

"I didn't mean it like that." Jake gulped as he saw the way she was smiling at him. "I want a kiss from you but I can't get it because I already have a girlfriend."

"Why don't we do it anyway? I won't tell if you don't."

Snapping out of the control of her very alluring smile, Jake replied back "No thanks, I prefer to keep my girlfriend. And are you even allowed to be flirting with the students?"

"I do what I want." Anna replied.

"Then why we don't we meet up after school, the teachers lounge?" Jake asked now smiling back with charisma.

"What do you have in mind?" Anna asked still smiling but looking at Jake with suspicion. He didn't seem like the type that will cheat on his girlfriend and make it known publicly.

"I guess you'll find out after school is over." Jake said while walking to the middle of the room.

"Can't wait." Anna replied and joined Jake in the middle of the room.

Closing the distance between both of them carefully, Jake was looking at her simply standing still doing nothing but watch him close the distance between them. When he was close enough he threw out a punch as fast as he could and didn't stop there, he kept doing anything he could to try to touch her except throwing his whole body forward like Kevin, he wasn't that desperate to touch her.

Dodging everything Jake was throwing at her, Anna was taking note of the speed he was using. He was much faster compared to Kevin and judging from his speed, his strength should have been more than ten. 'Was he holding back? If he was, then how much was he holding back?'

Still throwing the punches at her and not relenting, Jake was also doing some thinking. 'There's no way I can touch her, she's way faster than Billy and I was only able to beat him because he was distracted. That's it!' Jake thought excitedly. 'Billy was distracted, it probably won't work but I have to try.'

"Are you always like this?" Jake asked in an attempt to try distracting her while still trying trying to land a hit on her.

"Like what?" Anna asked back as she kept on dodging all his attacks.

"Training your students with something you know they won't be able to resist. And also flirting with them."

"I flirt with them if I feel like, and I don't know what you mean about training them with something they won't be able to resist."

"Really? How do you explain giving Kevin tips while he was sparring with you?"

"Tips you're obviously not using. Your footwork is very loose, your punches are going in all the wrong angles, the only thing different between you and Kevin is your strength and speed." Anna said.

"Ouch Miss Anna. That hurt." Jake said still trying to hit her. 'This is not getting me anywhere, her focus isn't even wavering a bit.' "Alright," Jake said stopping his attacks, "I give up."

"Already? I was just starting to have fun. Looks like nobody's getting the kiss."

"I also want to try." Kyle said.

"Me too." another student said.

"Seems like every boy wants to take the chance. Who's first?"


Sitting down in the classroom with his attention somewhere else, Sky was looking at the two pictures he had of Jake. 'The change is still not clear enough. Maybe when it happens again and I get another picture, it will be crystal clear. But he's already getting suspicious of me taking pics, how do I get him to take another?'


On a planet where there were three suns, no sign of vegetation and very harsh weather conditions, a creature with eight tails was standing on a cliff-like elevation looking down at all the capsules below.

"Very soon my fellow Werts, it will be time to make our move again." Just as the creature said those words, he could see a capsule below opening and coming out of it was a Wert with seven tails.

"Nishon." the Wert said as he came out of the capsule and saw the Wert above. "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough Jardon. I have already made the preparations for our next move, all we await now is the awakening of our kin."

"We will not have to wait for long Nishon. The time for the rest of them to wake up is fast approaching." Jardon said as he flew to meet Nishon on the cliff-like elevation.

The Werts are finally awake and are ready for phase two of the battle against humanity.

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