
Sky Vs Veer

Sky had just found out that Veer had been the one who killed his mother and not stopping there, killed Jake's mother as well.

Further vexing Sky, Veer bragged about it and then tried to justify why he had done what he did. Somehow pinning the blame on Andrea. Sky could not be bothered by the reason why Veer had killed his mom.

At the moment, the only emotion Sky felt was regret. Regretting the fact that Jake was not here to at least put Veer in his place or maybe land a hit on him. Unfortunately, Jake would never see him again and Sky would make sure of it.

Due to the size of Anna's chest which her clothes did little to cover, Sky had unintentionally put his right hand on her bust when he stopped her from moving towards Veer to attack him.

Because she had already moved forward when Sky put his hand up, his palm was pressed up against her breasts which were squeezed tightly together under her clothes.

Anna felt his hand and looked down at her chest but seeing Sky's face when he turned his head to look at her, she was shocked.

His eyes were glowing with energy just like Veer's except his eyes were purple while Veer's was white. As Sky put his hand down and looked back at Veer, the purple energy which was only glowing in his eyes before began slowly seeping out of his skin directly and formed somewhat of an outline around his entire body.

Seeing Sky's whole body now glowing with purple energy, Veer chuckled a bit and also released his white energy all around his body. "After all the time I spent watching you, you finally accessed the first gear of your abilities. Guess you just needed a little push."

Sky had immediately rushed forward and closed the distance between him and Veer then threw a punch aiming at Veer's head.

The purple energy around Sky was glowing fiercely but as Veer caught Sky's fist, the energy settled down in an instant as Veer's own white energy overpowered Sky's purple energy.

When Sky's fist was caught by Veer, Sky used his magic to stop time and without hesitating, he hit Veer with his second fist from below, directly on his jaw which sent Veer into the air after Sky released his hold on time.

While in the air, Veer shook his head a bit and clenched his jaw then looked down at Sky angrily.

Sky usually had a calm and unbothered expression on his face but now he looked like he wasn't even in his body anymore. There was not a single expression on his face and with the purple energy in his eyes, no emotion or feeling could be seen in his eyes. His blonde hair was somewhat floating, slightly stretching away from his scalp due to the energy covering his whole body.

Veer was hovering in the air then abruptly swooped down to attack Sky. Sky had rolled away and evaded Veer but Veer had shot balls of energy at Sky from his palms.

The balls of energy hit Sky on the back and sent him falling off the top of the building. Anna had shapeshifted into a beast with wings and was about to jump after Sky but she had stopped mid-jump for a second. When she moved again and was flying down to the ground, she saw Sky moving to the top of the building.

He was standing on pieces of metals that he had joined together to make a sort of board and with his hands stretched upwards, he was pushing the board of metal back to the top of the building.

"Don't interfere." he said to Anna in a monotonic voice that was very different to how he usually spoke.

Veer was shooting the energy balls from his palms at Sky again but when they were all very close to Sky, Sky used his magic and they stopped in the air, allowing Sky to jump onto the building, now sending pieces of the board at Veer.

The balls of white energy had moved and crashed into a building nearby, alarming people in the area.

As Veer evaded the pieces of metal Sky was throwing at him, he moved closer to Sky and eventually was close enough to hit Sky's hands away to stop him from throwing the metals.

Sky kneed Veer in the ribs but at the same time, Veer landed a direct punch on Sky's head which made him fall on the floor.

Veer's white energy was obviously more condensed than Sky's purple energy which is why Sky had trouble with getting his attacks to actually have proper effect on Veer but Veer did not have the same problem.

Veer had hit Sky's head again with the sole of his shoe which made Sky's head hit the floor. Sky was not bleeding yet because his purple energy which was an outline around his body was still somewhat protecting him.

Veer was about to kick Sky again when Sky used his magic and stopped time for Veer. He quickly used his time bubble skill, putting himself in a time loop and moved behind Veer.

When Veer was able to move again, his leg went through the image of Sky he was seeing on the floor but nothing happened.

Behind Veer, Sky had brought the pieces of metal back to himself and used them to form makeshift gauntlets around his fists. The purple energy now moved and surrounded the makeshift gauntlets and Sky used both of his hands to hit Veer on the head.

The time bubble skill had been cancelled when Sky hit Veer and Veer was bent over due to Sky's hit. Sky had not stopped for a moment and immediately formed the metals into a rod with a sharp tip he could hold.

He tried to stab Veer's back but the white energy around Veer was too condensed for Sky to penetrate the rod through and Veer released his white energy in an explosive form, sending Sky falling off the building again.

Veer was also falling through the building because his energy had blown up the floor he was standing on.

As Sky was falling down again, he was about to bring more metals just like he did before but Veer had broken through the wall of the building and caught Sky then flew away, flying higher than the building.

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