
Sky's Capabilities

"At last." Sky said at breakfast in the morning. "No school for now. I can finally kick back and relax all day."

"Don't get too comfortable." Andrea said. "The break is going to pass sooner than you think."

"Come on dad, don't be saying stuff like that. At least not in a place I can hear it. Where's Jake?" Sky asked.

"He's still in bed, he got back pretty late last night. After I came in last night, a few minutes later he walked through the door and went straight to his room. He hasn't come out since then."

"That simulation exam must have really done a number on him." Sky said. 'I wonder how long he survived. I'm gonna ask him but the chances of him lying are kind of high.'

"Dad." Sky called his dad who was in the living room. "I'll go check on him."

"Ok but don't disturb him."

Going up to Jake's room, Sky opened the door and went in. 'Looks like he's truly sleeping.' Sky thought to himself as he saw Jake on the bed sleeping. 'Well let me not disturb him like dad said. Sleep tight sleepyhead.'

Sky left Jake's room and went back downstairs to do the dishes.


"Yes ma'am. I've been following both of them but I don't think there's anything going on with any of them. The only thing subject 2 does is go out with his friends or with girls. Ok ma'am."

Dropping the call, Veer, the Aramante that had been sent to Veda by Kalvrie was thinking. 'I need to see what they're both capable of doing. I've already been briefed on what subject 1 is capable of but I need to see it for myself.'


Waking up in bed some hours later, Jake remained on the bed. He had dreamt about his mother and the time they had spent together. Now remembering what his dream was about, small tear drops ran down the sides of his face.

"The Clinsers never did find out who killed her." Jake said to himself. "I swear to you mom, I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I am going to kill whoever it is that took you from me. No matter how long it takes."

Going down to have breakfast, Jake saw Andrea and in the living room drinking coffee. "Morning." he said as he went to the kitchen to get some food.

"You finally woke up." Andrea replied. "I was starting to think you were going to sleep through the whole day."

"That's not possible. I just felt like sleeping in today, you know, get a good night's sleep."

"So did you?"

"Of course. Well not really." Jake admitted. "I was sleeping okay until I had a dream about my mom."

"What was the dream about?" Andrea asked.

"That's not important. What's important is how the person who killed her vanished without a single trace of him. Even the Clinsers couldn't find him or her."

Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Andrea took a sip of his coffee and responded to what Jake said. "Jake I'm sure whoever did it is surely going to get punished, even if we're not aware of the punishment or who is being punished."

"You might be right. But I don't care if the person's going to get punished or not, I'm gonna find whoever did it and punish the person myself." Sitting at the dining table eating his breakfast, Jake was pissed. He was so pissed he didn't know when he started bending the fork he was holding. Realizing what he was doing, Jake carried his half-eaten food away from the table and dumped it in the trash along with the fork he bent. Having lost his appetite, he went back to his room.

'I do hope you become strong enough to find the person Jake.' Andrea thought as Jake climbed the stairs heading to his room. 'Stronger than I ever was.'


On his way to meet with one of his friends, Sky saw a guy coming towards him. The guy looked to be around his early twenties with some muscle on him, a little beard on his face and it seemed he was extremely happy about something.

On reaching Sky, the guy didn't say anything and immediately tried to punch Sky in the stomach. Avoiding the punch by moving back, Sky was shocked. "Are you crazy?" Sky asked. "How can you walk up to someone and throw a punch? I don't even know you."

Looking at Sky, the guy was still smiling to himself. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Dave. I don't know you either but I just got a large amount of credits just to come here and beat you up a little."

"That's nonsense man. Why would someone pay you just to come beat me up? And what even makes you feel you can beat me?" Sky asked in a smug way.

"Why don't we find out?" Dave asked.

Walking towards him carefully, Dave threw out a kick to Sky's knee which Sky jumped to avoid. Coming down with a punch on Dave's face, Sky immediately gave him another punch to his stomach.

Going back two steps to steady himself again, Dave ran forward throwing a punch at Sky's head. Leaving himself open for a hit, Sky held the hand in place and broke it while also taking a punch on his face and a kick to his side.

Shouting in pain, Dave was staring at his broken arm and at Sky before breaking into a run.

"Coward!" Sky shouted. "Damn that hurt." Touching the side where he was kicked, Sky was checking if anything was broken. "Why would someone pay him to try and beat me up?" Sky asked himself. "What's the point? It's not like I'm going to figure anything out by standing here." After arranging his clothes and hair, Sky continued going to where he was headed before the disturbance.


Watching him from inside a building, Veer was upset. "I just wasted the credits that were given to me on that imbecile. He was utterly useless. Though I did learn a few things from that confrontation. The boy is experienced in fighting and with how ripped he made his body, if he ever activates his Xendor bloodline he might be as strong as his father was."

After reporting what he had learnt to Kalvrie, Veer decided to continue following Sky, but made a quick stop first to take back the credits he gave to a certain imbecile.

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