
Mental Moxie As An Edge

"What's he doing?" Kevin asked.

Seeing Smith standing on the cliff not moving, the students were wondering what was going on. The normal thing a person is supposed to do in the situation Smith was in is remove the hands of the person hanging onto the cliff. But Smith was just standing there doing nothing, he almost looked scared.

"His timidity is kicking in again." Jake said. "He must have been fighting with some kind of adrenaline, but now it has worn out. Miss Anna is that possible?"

"Yes it is." Anna answered. "When your mind is transported into the arena, you are able to use your body just like in real life and feel everything you can feel in real life. The only difference is when you die in the arena, your mind returns to your body unlike when you die in real life. It is like this so that when you fight, it is as real as it can be."

"So I'm right? The adrenaline Smith was using to fight has run out?" Jake asked.

"Yes. Based on his character, there are two things that can happen here." Anna said.

"Let me guess." Kyle said as he joined the conversation. "One, he helps the guy fall off the cliff. Two, he helps the guy get back onto the cliff."

"Correct." Anna said.

"But why would he help Dave back up?" Kevin asked.

"Let's watch and see what he does." Jake said.

Watching the fight on the television, Smith was still standing doing nothing while Dave was still trying to get back onto the cliff.

'What should I do?' Smith thought. 'Should I help him, or should I win the fight? If I remove his fingers from the cliff he'll fall and I'll win, but... No buts, I have to do this. I need to stop being a wimp.'

Moving towards Dave, Smith bent down and said to him "I'm sorry, but I need to do this." Removing Dave's fingers from the cliff, Smith turned his head away as Dave fell to the rocks below.

Now seeing himself in the training room, Smith stood to his feet and took off the helmet.

"I knew you had it in you Smith." Kevin said when Smith came to where he was.

"Good job Smith." Jake said.

"Thanks." Smith replied weakly.

"Next fight is between Jake and Kevin." Anna said. "This should be interesting."

"Hey man. I just wanna say, when I win, no hard feelings right?" Kevin asked Jake.

"Of course not." Jake replied. "Give me a minute." Walking to meet Max, Jake asked him "Hey, can I get a handshake?"

"Why?" Max asked.

"No reason, I just want a handshake. Think of it as me being your number one fan before you become a celebrity." Jake replied as he stretched out his hand.

"Okay." Max said as he shook Jake's hand.

Shaking Max's hand, Jake counted five seconds before letting go of his hand. "Thanks, now I have to go kick some butt."

"I would tell you 'good luck' but you don't need it." Max said.

"That's true." Jake said as he walked to collect his helmet.

Putting on his helmet, Kevin said to Jake "Don't hold back."

'You have no idea. I can win this fight without using magic and with a single hit to your head, but I'll make the fight last longer.' Jake thought as he also put the helmet on his head.

With his vision going blank for a split second, Jake saw himself standing on what appeared to be a bouncy surface. The ground Jake was standing on was bouncing as he walked on it and it was brown in colour. Seeing Kevin in front of him, Jake waited for him to make the first move.

Using his magic, Kevin was trying to possess Jake but it wasn't working. 'Why isn't it working? Am I not doing it right? I spent all weekend focusing on my flow of magic, trying to make my magic stronger, this was supposed to be my trump card.'

'Sorry to burst your bubble Kevin, but your magic is not going to be working on me anytime soon.' Jake thought as he looked at the system messages he had just received.

[Mental magic has been detected]

[Effects of mental magic is being nullified by user's mental moxie]

[The level of user's mental moxie can only nullify mental magic for 10 minutes]

'My mental moxie finally became useful in a fight. It can give me an edge in some fights. I need to find a way to increase it, I doubt it will be able to nullify strong mental magic.'

'Okay then, since my magic is useless in this fight, I'm gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way.' Kevin thought as he ran forward with difficulty because of the bouncy nature of the ground. "What kind of trick are you using?" he asked as he threw a punch at Jake.

Dodging the punch Kevin threw at him, Jake replied "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you do." Kevin said as he threw punch after punch at Jake.

Dodging and deflecting the punches Kevin kept throwing at him, Jake said to him "Why don't you explain what you're talking about."

Now adding kicks into his attacks, Kevin said to Jake "I...tried...using...my...magic...on you...but it...didn't...work, why?"

Having a little bit of trouble with dodging the punches and kicks from Kevin, Jake answered "Maybe it's just because I'm stronger than you."

Stopping with his attacks, Kevin told Jake "Come on man, are you going to dodge throughout the whole fight?"

"Alright, let's dance." Jake said as he got into a fighting stance and was bobbing up and down slightly.

"Now we're talking."

This time while evading Kevin's attacks, Jake was throwing punches which Kevin wasn't fast enough to dodge or block. Jake was using half of his strength to throw the punches because he wanted the fight to last longer and he was using his full speed to be able to evade punches from Kevin while throwing out punches of his own.

'I don't even need to use magic, mimicking Max's force field magic was pointless.' Jake thought. "I'm turning up the heat Kevin, are you ready?"

"Of course not. I haven't even hit you once." Kevin replied.

"That's too bad, but I'm still turning up the heat." Now using kicks as well as punches to attack Kevin, Jake kept attacking without stopping.

"Slow down man." No longer being able to throw his own punches or kicks, Kevin was forced to keep blocking and dodging Jake's attacks which was overwhelming him.

"Sorry Kevin, it's time to end this fight." Sending a kick to Kevin's head, Jake ran forward and hit Kevin again on the top of his head which made him fall to the ground and bounce up due to the bouncy nature of the ground.

Holding Kevin down on the ground, Jake hit him twice on the head with just enough strength to kill him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gerzykcreators' thoughts