
Levels Of Speed

"Let's put practices for a front kick on hold for now." Anna said to the students. They have been practicing for quite some time and most of them had already learnt how to do the front kick, only a few were having small difficulties. "Just like clockwork, I teach you something new, you go practice it and make sure you're doing it right. I've seen the level of strength you all have, now I want to see your level of speed."

Moving to the treadmill in the training room, Anna gestures to the students to move over as well. "You used the doll to show me your strength, now you're going to use this treadmill to show me your current level of speed. Each one of you will get onto the treadmill and run on it as fast as you can. I will see your level of speed on this little digital screen here." she said as she pointed at the screen on the top of the treadmill which had some icons for different purposes.

"Shouldn't you have checked our level of strength and speed at the same time?" Lilah asked.

"No. I do what I want, when I want. I don't have to do anything the way it should be done. This is my training room, remember?" Anna said.


"Good. Kevin, care to go first on the treadmill?" Anna asked.

"No I don't want to go first, let someone else go first this time." Kevin answered. "Someone like Jake."

"Why me?" Jake asked.

"You're the number one student aren't you?" Kevin asked. "So you should go first. Miss Anna, let's do it like that. We'll run on the treadmill, in order of the rankings on the leaderboard. Jake goes first, Kyle second, I go third, then Rick, Smith, and so on."

"That's not a bad idea Kevin." Anna said.

"Is it good enough to get me a kiss from you?" Kevin asked in expectation.

"Not yet." Anna said to Kevin. "Jake, do you mind getting on the treadmill?"

"Fine." Moving to the front of the small crowd of students, Jake got onto the treadmill and Anna activated it.

Running on the treadmill, Jake was not using his full speed. Since he had shown Miss Anna around ninety percent of his full strength, he decided to use about seventy percent of his actual speed to run on the treadmill.

'I don't know how I'm going to hold back enough speed, but I know I'm not going to run with my full speed.' Jake thought. 'Miss Anna will probably tell me to show her my full speed later on during my personal training with her. That's if I somehow manage to escape from receiving any punishment.'

After gradually increasing the speed at which he was using to run on the treadmill, Jake stopped increasing his speed when he felt like he had shown enough of his speed to the other students. Putting in the effort to look like he was running as fast as he could, Jake stopped running and looked at the digital screen on the control panel of the treadmill.

Looking at a hologram which was projected from the control panel of the treadmill, all the students saw Jake's level of speed and were not surprised.

"It's no wonder he's at the top of the leaderboard." a student said.

"I know right? What else did we expect from the best student in this training room?"

"It does make me wonder though, how would we fair against students from the other training rooms?" Diane said.

"19." Anna said. "Very impressive Jake."

"Thanks." Jake replied.

"Kyle, you're up next." Anna said.

Stepping down from the treadmill, Jake went back to where he had come from while Kyle got onto the treadmill.

Gradually running as fast as he could on the treadmill, Kyle pushed his legs to move faster. Coming to a stepwise stop, Kyle looked at the digital screen while the other students looked at the hologram that was projected and saw 17.6

"That's also impressive Kyle." Anna said. "That's why you're the only one that was able to hit Jake during the tournament, your speed level is close to his."

"It might surpass his one day." Kyle said while looking at Jake.

"We'll see about that." Jake replied.

"Kevin? You're turn." Anna said.

Walking forward and running on the treadmill, the students saw Kevin's level of speed to be 12.

After Kevin ran on the treadmill, Rick, Smith, Max, and the other students also ran on the treadmill while it showed their different levels of speed. The treadmill showed 11.6 for Rick, 11.2 for Smith, 11.8 for Max and a lot of other numbers for the rest of the students.

"You all need to work harder to get stronger. Strength doesn't just come to you by sitting down and doing nothing." Anna said after all the students had run on the treadmill and she had seen their level of speed.

"Well in some cases it does, look at Kevin for example. He isn't very strong and isn't very skilled. But in a fight, strength, speed and skill aren't all that matters. Kevin might not be strong and skilled, but his magic is powerful. As long as he can use his magic on you, he doesn't need to fight you. Once you are susceptible to his possession magic the fight between the two of you is over."

"Yeah people, that's what's up." Kevin said proudly.

"Don't get too cocky Kevin." Anna said. "There will always be those who your magic can't work on."

"I know, but I'm still happy I have a powerful magic." Kevin said.

"Should we call it a day and end today's training session here?" Anna asked the students.

"Yes!" the students shouted together.

"Well that's too bad, because you're staying till I say you can leave." Anna said and smiled as she watched dismal expressions creep onto the faces of the students. "I'm kidding, you guys can leave. Except..."

"I know, except me." Jake interrupted before Anna could finish. "Can you give me ten minutes? Please?"

"No." Anna answered.

"Come on Miss Anna, please." Jake said as he walked to meet her. "Eight minutes?"

"Eight minutes. And I want you back by then." Anna said.

"Thanks." Jake said then left the training room.

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