
Invite To A Party

"Did Cat get home safely?" Andrea asked Jake as he stepped into the house.

"Yeah she did. What are you guys going to eat tonight?" Jake asked.

"We're going to eat the leftovers from the food Catherine cooked this afternoon. You're not going to join us for dinner?"

"No." Jake answered. "I'm not hungry. I ate plenty of food this afternoon and my stomach is still pretty full. I'll be in my room."

Going up to his room, Jake decided to take a quick shower then study for a while. "Wow, thanks to Cat I don't feel tired even after studying for two hours already. That's a very good improvement. Looks like all my stats are quite useful, but how about the stats for magic and mana?"

Taking a look at his system screen, Jake was still trying to figure out what the magic and mana stats are for.

[Jake Cayden]







[Mental Moxie:15]





"How do I get the elements though? Does the system give it to me or something? I won't worry about that now." Jake resolved. "Let me just focus on reaching higher levels and improving my stats."

Going downstairs after checking the system screen, Jake went to the living room, grabbed the TV remote and sat down to watch the television for a couple of minutes.


In school the next day, their teacher Mr Blackwell was informing them about the date their examination was going to take place. "The examination is going to be based on your knowledge, what you have learnt during the period of time you have been taught." Blackwell told the class with his ever-so-stoic face. "It is also going to take into consideration your ability to think on your feet. The examiners are going to put you in simulated real-life situations but it is not going to be dangerous. The main area you need to focus on is the part about what you have been taught and it also holds the most points, so I would advise you all to spend a quality amount of time with your books."

Looking up at Mr Blackwell and listening attentively, the class which was usually a bit noisy now had the atmosphere of pin-drop silence. Most of the students were feeling anxious about the coming examination.

"That being said," Mr Blackwell continued speaking, "let's get back to the topic of today. If you did like I asked and studied the handout I told you all to buy, everyone here should be able to answer my question."

Shifting uncomfortably in their seats, most of the students were worried about him picking them to answer the question. Though some of them had read the handout he asked them to read, they hadn't studied it enough to be able to answer questions from it offhand.

"Now," Mr Blackwell said surveying the class with probing eyes, "Jake." Mr Blackwell called. "Tell me, what is the Principle of Quantum Particles?"

Jake sat up confidently because he had already studied the handout. "It is the principle which states the amount or quantity of atoms observably present in the smallest possible indivisible unit of a particle are able to withstand the natural pulls of gravity." Jake answered, self-assured that he answered the question correctly.

"That is correct." Mr Blackwell said to the class. "I will be honest Jake, I really did not expect you to know the answer to that question. You are always moping around in my class and you never pay attention, maybe you are changing for the better." Mr Blackwell told Jake.

"As for those of you who didn't read the handout, I pity you. You cannot be promoted to the next year without fully knowing everything you should. I am sure you have all heard news about the possibility of another war starting. Do you think Veda needs people who are lackluster as it's soldiers?"


Meanwhile, in a building which had next to no light and was painted black with the only available light source being torches on the wall.

"Sir, shouldn't we stay here and keep an eye on the boy and his brother?" a woman asked a man in a long dark blue overcoat who, from the tone of the woman's voice, was her superior.

"No Kalvrie." the man replied. "For now we will go back to our planet. The second war between the humans and the Werts are going to begin soon, we should not get involved or be affected by it so for now, we leave the boys alone. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir." Kalvrie said standing straight.

"We leave at dawn." the man said walking away.


Back in school, the students were currently having their break after the first part of the lectures had been done.

"Hey Cat." Trish said walking up to meet Catherine and her friends. "I'm a having party at my house after school today. You should come." Trish told her while one of Trish's friends gave Cat and her friends invitation cards for the party. "Most of the students are going to be there and it's mostly invite only. See ya." After meeting with Cat, Trish walked over to meet Jake.

Since Jake began coming to school at Ansteria, he and Kevin had become friends. Kevin had the brains to pass the coming examination just like Cat and Smith. Although he wasn't as good as Cat or Smith, he wasn't far behind them either and he was very popular in their class. Smith was very intelligent but lacked basic social skills so Jake and Kevin had been hanging out with him.

"Hey new guy." Trish called out to Jake when she got to his table. "I'm having a party at my place after school today. This gets you in." she said pointing to the card that Jake and Kevin had just collected from one Trish's friends. "You'll be there right Kev?"

"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world babe." Kevin said winking at her.

"Charming as usual." Trish said sarcastically before turning around ready to go totally ignoring Smith like he wasn't even there.

"Wait." Jake said. "Can he come too?" Jake asked pointing at Smith.

"What? Jake are you crazy?" Smith asked timidly.

"Him?" Trish asked with a look of contempt on her face. "Why would I want him to come?"

"Well we're friends so if I'm coming he's coming." Jake told her.

"No Jake stop this." Smith said, the timidity still there. "I don't want to go. I have to study for the examination."

"Come on man, we all know you can pass that stupid examination with your eyes closed." Kevin said. "Trish darling," Kevin said walking towards her stopping an inch away, "let him come. For my sake?" Kevin asked fluttering his long eyelashes.

"Fine he can come. But you owe me Kev." Trish said walking away.

"Why did you guys do that?" Smith asked. "I told you I don't want to go."

"Well that doesn't matter." Jake said. "You're going even if we have to drag you there. We're coming to your house to pick you up and you better be ready. Kevin what is it with you and girls?"

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked faking ignorance.

"Don't give me that crap. You're just like Sky, always taking advantage of the fact that you have something most guys don't. With those long lashes of yours."

"You mean I'm just like your younger, cooler, better-looking brother?" Kevin asked in a very dramatic way while putting emphasis on the last words. "How is that a bad thing?"

"Uh guys? Hate to interrupt but I don't think I have what to wear to the party." Smith said.

"Don't worry about that. We'll buy some clothes for you before we go home."

Smith wasn't as rich as most of his classmates, he was able to attend the school because of the scholarship he had gotten. Since he had started school at Dicenview Academy he had never had friends. Though he had one or two interactions with people, he could never call them friends, including Kevin. But now because of Jake he could say he was sort of friends with Kevin even though Kevin didn't always hang out with him and Jake.

"Thanks guys." Smith said to them. "I really appreciate everything you're doing for me."

"It's no problem Smith, what are friends for? I'm not sure you can rely on him though?" Jake said looking at Kevin.

"Hey come on. What's that supposed to mean?" Kevin asked.

"I'm just saying you would ditch us for any girl." Jake said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Yeah? Like you wouldn't ditch us for Cat." Kevin retorted.

"He's got a point." Smith said.

"Are you on his side or mine?" Jake asked.

Getting up and heading back to class because of the bell, they continued arguing.

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