
Go Faster

[Condition to mimic magic has been met]

[You have successfully mimicked Ultra Speed]

[You will lose mimicked magic after 48 hours at your current level]

Seeing the system messages, Jake was excited because he had just mimicked a very strong magical ability and this automatically increases the strength of any magical ability he is using. He had thrown Saban to the monarch after mimicking his magical ability, momentarily forgetting about the system quest he had to complete.

He was about to use his newly mimicked magical ability to get to Saban before the monarch will most likely deal the finishing blow but Saban never reached the monarch.

While in the air heading towards the monarch after being thrown by Jake, Saban used the remaining wing on his back to change his trajectory by flapping it in the air repeatedly, leaning towards the side, and he was able to move in another direction then using his magic, broke the sound barrier and was heading away from them.

"Not so fast." Jake said, seeing Saban running away. He used the vanishing magic and closed some of the distance between himself and Saban before running after him. As he began running, he used the ultra speed magic and in an instant he felt himself move hundreds of meters away from where he was previously. It was like a force had pushed or thrown him forward and he had lost his balance, falling and rolling on the floor before immediately getting back up.

He could see the monarch behind him, jumping as far as he could, trying to get to Saban, but Jake knew he would never make it. He had now felt how fast Saban was moving but Jake would be moving faster because of the added magical strength from his other mimicked magical abilities.

He looked at Saban far away in the distance, dust rising up quickly behind him as he ran without stopping. A smile curved onto Jake's lips as he ran again, used ultra speed, broke the sound barrier again but didn't fall this time, getting better at controlling the magic each time he used it.

Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought a six-tailed wert would be on the run from humans. But if he was being honest there was no way the wert would have survived anyway. If the monarch hadn't shown up, it probably could have killed all of them or Jake could have saved everyone with the magical dimensions magic. The minute the monarch came out of the magic circle with the other soldiers, the six-tailed wert didn't stand a chance.

However, Jake's mana was now dangerously low and if he didn't kill Saban within the next few minutes or so, he would be using out of his life force if he kept on using magic.

Sonic booms were heard coming from two different places as Jake and Saban broke the sound barrier over and over.

Jake looked at his mana, knowing he needed to be done with this quickly. He had gotten the hang of using the ultra speed magic but Saban was still a good distance away from him. He had realized that Saban was heading towards the wert base, practically baiting Jake into a trap. Unless Jake could get to him before then.


He began using the vanishing magic and the ultra speed magic together. Not at the same time but one immediately after the other. Vanishing and appearing was a good way to quickly close the gap then joining it with ultra speed, Jake could not even begin to imagine how many metres he was travelling per second.

The monarch had stopped moving now, knowing he could not catch up. He watched Jake run as though he had tunnel vision. Ignoring everything else and move in a straight line towards Saban.

The others could not see either Jake or Saban now but simply hoped Jake would finish what they had started if not, all their efforts would be in vain and Diane would have died for nothing.

Jake was now only a few feet away from Saban and as he vanished once again and used the ultra speed to push himself through that bit of distance, he jumped and grabbed onto Saban, immediately ripping off the one wing on his back.

They both fell to the ground as Saban growled in pain and took a swipe at Jake with his claws. Jake was able to easily evade it and punch one of Saban's knees. A little cracking sound was heard which showed that not much damage had been done but Jake was certain it was enough to make sure Saban wouldn't be running anywhere anytime soon.

Saban jumped and broke the sound barrier in the air, about to take off again when Jake also broke the sound barrier and appeared in his front. Jake punched him down to the ground and landed with his foot stomping on Saban's abdomen.

Being quick enough and as a last ditch effort, Saban was able break the mask Jake was wearing but Jake scoffed and broke Saban's arm from the elbow before raising him up from his neck and giving him a punch right on his neck.

Saban coughed out a lot of blood onto Jake's armour and was about to bite down on Jake's arm. Jake was wearing the enchanted armour so he was very confident when he put his fingers into Saban's mouth despite the extremely long and sharp set of teeth in it.

Jake held the top part of Saban's jaw with one hand and the lower part with his other hand. He felt Saban trying to fight back and close down on his fingers but Jake groaned and opened Saban's mouth wide. He kept going after feeling Saban's jaws reach its limit and he forced the jaws apart, tearing Saban's mouth and leaving it permanently open.

Weirdly, Saban was still alive. Standing. Weak. His jaws dangling loose from his mouth when Jake threw his fist through his mouth, making a hole through the lower part of Saban'ps head.

Jake swung his arm towards the ground, the black blood on his armour splashing everywhere. He checked out the system notification he just got and confirmed the quest was completed.

[Quest Completed: Kill the six-tailed wert]

[Reward Obtained: Speed +10, +15 Stat points, +20000exp]

[Speed: 140 +150]

[Stat points: 67]

[Exp: 90480/100000]

'Everything worked out in the end. Except Diane.' he thought with a sad expression on his face. She didn't have to die. She could have let them take care of Saban on their own but she wanted to help. And it had cost her her life. 'How many more people will die because of the werts?' Cat, Max, now Diane. If not for the monarch he wasn't so sure they could have killed Saban. He needed to get even stronger. His quest to become the greatest user of magic was still ongoing and he would not stop until it was completed.