
Back To The Gym

"How was your date with Cat?" Andrea asked from the stairs Jake when he walked through the door.

"It was epic, but there's a little problem I have right now." Jake said as he and Andrea sat in the living room.

"Okay, but what happened to the tux you wore out?"

"It's in here." Jake said, kicking the tote next to his leg. "I changed into something else because the tuxedo didn't fit the place we went to. So about the problem I have."

"What problem is it?" Andrea asked.

"I'm broke, I spent all my credits on this date. So I was wondering if you could send me my allowance earlier than usual."

"Sure, why not. I'll send it to you tomorrow."

"Thanks. Where's Sky?"

"He's not home. He went out some hours ago and he hasn't come back yet." Andrea said.

"Where'd he go?" Jake asked.

"He told me he was going to meet some of his friends then after that he'll go to the gym."

"Okay, I'm going to my room. I want to rest for a while, today was a day I'll never forget, the day I spent all my credits in one go."

"But it was for a good reason, right?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah I know it was. But now, when I actually sit down to think about it, I feel like I overdid this date. I spent more than ten thousand credits on a date. I mean, I could have still taken her out on a date but I didn't have to spend that much."

"It's too late to think about that now. You spent the credits, you and Catherine had a great time, end of story. I'll add some more credits to your allowance when I send it to you tomorrow, you don't have to stress yourself over the matter." Andrea said.

"You're right, thanks Dad." Picking up the tote on the floor and going to his tomorrow, Jake threw the tote on the bed and laid down. 'Dad is right, I shouldn't think about what has already been done. And it's not like I wasted the credits, Cat was happy and that's enough for me.'

Sitting up, Jake decided to check his quests to know if he could complete one since he had nothing to do.


[Lift 75kg barbells 15 times= Strength +4, +30exp]

[Hold an object with a temperature of 100°C for 10 mins= Endurance +5, +30exp]

'Maybe I can go to the gym and join Sky, I can lift the barbells there.' Jake thought.

Going back downstairs, Jake said to Andrea "Dad? I'm going out."

"Where are you going?" Andrea asked.

"I'm going to meet Sky in the gym."

"Are you sure you want to go to the gym now? It's getting late."

"I'm only going to meet Sky." Jake said.

"And what if you don't see him there?"

"Then I'll just lift some things and come back home. I'll be back soon." Jake said and left the house before Andrea could ask him another question.

'I haven't been to the gym in a while, but that's because I'm trying to focus on levelling up and making my magic stronger. Do I even remember the road?'

Now at a junction where three roads meet, Jake looked at all three of them trying to remember which one he and Sky had taken to the gym.

"It's definitely this one." Jake said as he took the road by his right. "Thank god for my mental moxie, I don't think I would have remembered which road to take. I need to increase it, that's currently the lowest out of all my stats. Isn't there a way to increase it apart from the quests?"

Seeing the gym ahead, Jake increased his pace. He wanted to get to the gym fast, lift the barbells then go back home with Sky if he saw him in the gym.


"That didn't go as bad as I thought it would." Kalvrie said on her way through a dense forest of red trees. "He was furious, I could tell, but he didn't yell as much as I expected him to. That's a relief, I was kind of scared to tell him about the failure of the Aramante I sent to Veda. I will do as he said and send a stronger Aramante to Veda but only after he tells me it's time to send someone."

Leaving the forest and walking in a region with people pushing carts, Kalvrie went to a building and pushed open the double doors.

"Where is Veer?" Kalvrie asked the individual she saw looking at a projection on the wall.

Bowing her head, the lady answered "He's in the other room ma'am."

Walking past the girl, Kalvrie went to the back and opened a door leading to a passageway. Going in, Kalvrie opened another door by the side and went in.

Turning around on the chair he was sitting on, Veer immediately got on his knees and bowed his head. "Ma'am."

"You can get up." Kalvrie said as she walked past Veer and sat on the chair he was sitting on previously. "I want you to tell me everything that you saw and noticed in Veda. Tell me in details."


[Quest Completed: Lift 75kg barbells 15 times]

[Strength +4, +30exp received]


[Exp: 295/800]

Reading the system messages, Jake was glad.

After coming into the gym, Jake had gone to the section for beginners. He had only been to the gym once and he didn't know how to use most of the equipments so he was still a beginner.

Seeing Hank in the beginners section, Jake had gone to meet him. "Hey."

"Look who finally remembered the gym." Hank said when he saw Jake.

"Sorry about that, I've been very busy. But I'm here now."

"Back to lift some weights?" Hank asked.

"Yes and no. Have you seen Sky?"

"Yeah he's in the other section. You want to go meet him?"

"Not yet, I'll lift the weights first."

'I'll never get tired of seeing these messages.' Jake thought when he had seen the messages from the system. 'Now time to go meet Sky.'

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