
Another Attack?

After carefully and critically thinking of the next move he was going to make, Nishon got up from the bed and a thinly curved smile appeared on his face.

'It's time things got a bit interesting from here on out.' Nishon thought as he walked out of the house in the direction of a large building.

Going into the large building which was called the chamber, Nishon saw the seven werts who also had a say in the decisions and matters of the Wert race.

The seven werts all had seven tails each but had very distinct characteristics and seeing Nishon come in, most of them stopped talking amongst themselves.

"Be quiet." Nishon said to the werts who were still talking. "I have come up with a temporary but satisfying decision."

"And what exactly does 'temporary but satisfying' mean?" Diablo asked.

"What it means, Diablo, is that I have made a decision that you have no choice but to obey." Nishon replied, knowing fully well what Diablo felt towards him. "We are going to attack Veda but differently this time. This time, we attack with much more might and ferociousness. I already have a target in mind."


Back on Veda, in the Thradon district, where Jake was imprisoned in the world penitentiary, his whole body was immobile but he had something that nobody except Sasha knew about. Or so he thought.

He had first used the strange energy power when Cat had died during the first comeback move of the Werts. Since then, he had been practicing with it and trying to get better at using it. Even he didn't really understand what it was, where it came from, or how he was able to use it and Sasha just didn't seem to care.

Now, being held prisoner in the world penitentiary, in a pod where his magic was useless, the purple energy was his only chance of breaking out of the pod and making sure he dealt with Commander Lucy.

'And maybe I'll get my ears pierced afterwards.' Jake thought. 'That should help me relax a little. I've been working a lot lately and I only just got back. Now I'm locked up. I hope this works.'

Closing his eyes to help him concentrate, Jake accessed the energy within him and because of the cameras that were literally at every corner of the room, he did not open them again to avoid one of the cameras filming his eyes glowing purple.

'That would be kinda difficult to explain. Focus Jake.'

After accessing the energy, Jake tried to release it outwards as a form of explosion but nothing happened. He could tell that he had accessed the energy but he could not release it from his body. Almost as if it couldn't leave his body.

'Shit!' Jake shouted inside his head. 'Shit! Shit! Shit! Damn it! It's not working. Does this mean I'm going to stay here for ten years. That can't be possible. This can't be happening. If I stay here for ten years, how will I ever become the greatest mage in existence? How will I kill the bastard that murdered my mom?'

While Jake's thoughts were spiraling and he was wondering what was going to happen to him, the footsteps from a group of people could be heard walking towards the cell Jake was in.

Jake could hear the footsteps and he had stopped using the energy but at that moment, his thoughts were far louder in his head and he was trying to figure out what to do next. That was until he saw who the group of people were as they all stopped in front of his cell.

Standing in front of the vertical and horizontal bars, outside the cell, Smith, Kevin, Kyle, Max, Sasha, Nikki, Diane, and Duke were staring at Jake with a lot of mixed emotions visible on their faces.

"It's not possible." Nikki said in a broken voice.

Seeing Jake floating in the pod inside the cell with only his open eyes to show that he still had life inside him, Duke broke the almost awkward silence with a loud laugh. He bent over with his hands on his knees and kept laughing and pointing at Jake in the tube.

"Did you... really think... I would... miss this?" Duke asked between bursts of laughter. Trying to control himself but still leaving a wide grin on his face, Duke looked at Jake again and suddenly began laughing again, even harder than before.

"What is wrong with you?" Smith asked Duke, almost in tears from looking at Jake in the pod.

"Told you guys it was a bad idea for him to come with us." Kevin said.

"Not like we had a choice." Max said.

"They let him come with us once he said he was also a friend of Jake's and wanted to see how he was doing." Diane chipped in.

"In all fairness," Duke said, his fit of laughter now dying down, "I did want to see how he was doing. So I could gloat." And his laughter began again before it was cut short by a solid hit from Kyle which made him fall to the ground.

"You either shut yourself up or I help you shut up." Kyle said, staring down at Duke.

Duke was about to jump at Kyle before Kevin kicked him in the ribs.

"I've been wanting to do that all day." Kevin said with a satisfactory smile on his face.

Getting up from the floor, Duke looked at all of them before saying, "You know what? Screw all of you! I'm done here anyways. I already saw that son of a bitch locked up like the dog he is so, I'm out of here."

After Duke left, everyone's attention went back to Jake.

'Why are they staring at me like I'm some sort of puppy who lost his way along the lines?' Jake asked himself, annoyed and irritated by how they were staring at him.

"What are we going to do about him?" Smith asked.

"What do you mean?" Max asked, confused.

"I mean we can't just leave him in here." Smith said.

"Why not?" Kevin asked.

"He has already been in here for five days according to Anna and he's our friend." Smith said, saying it as if he shouldn't have had to explain it.

'So I've been here for five days already huh? That's too long.' Jake complained.

"Yeah our friend who broke the law by killing more than a dozen soldiers and giving critical wounds to normal civilians who did nothing." Kevin replied.

"But he's Jake." Smith said.

"And that means the law doesn't apply to him?" Kevin asked.

"You guys, arguing won't solve anything." Max said. "Besides, it's not like we can do anything about his current situation."

"Jake what happened to you?" Nikki asked with tears dropping down to the ground from her eyes. "How did you become like this? Cat would never have wanted this for you. She never would have wanted for things to turn out this way."

"It's funny." Kyle said. "It feels like it was yesterday, when Anna was teaching us how to control our magic and teaching us hand-to-hand combat. Everything's changed since then."

"Yeah." Kevin agreed. "One thing hasn't changed though."

"What's that?" Kyle asked.

"People still don't give a shit about school. It's even worse now." Kevin said.

"Kevin if that was a joke, this is not the time for it." Smith said. "That's it! Anna!"

"What about her?" Max asked.

"She might be the only one who could pull some strings about Jake." Smith answered. "With her father being a monarch and all."

"But her father is the monarch of Ansteria." Diane pointed out. "What power does he have here in Thradon?"

"There's only one way to find out." Kyle said.

'At least they're good for something.' Jake thought, listening to their conversation.

"Time's up." a voice said which was heard through the speakers in the cell and in the hallway.

"We'll be back for you Jake." Smith said.

"Don't hold your breath though." Kevin said as they walked away.

Leaving the world penitentiary, as fast as a small gap was opened in the force fields surrounding the huge and well protected building, the gap closed immediately they left.

"All of this protection for what?" Kevin asked.

"Do you know the type of dangerous people in there?" Smith asked back. "Excluding Jake." he hurriedly said before Kevin could say anything else.

Looking at Diane, one could tell she was thinking very hard about something. Almost as if she was trying to make a decision in her head but wasn't sure whether to do so.

At that moment, just above the world penitentiary, a large red light appeared which began making noise like a siren.

The sound was coming from above the world penitentiary but was being projected throughout out the district.

"What's going on?" Nikki asked, startled by the sharp and sudden sound.

"That's a warning mechanism." Smith explained. "Created with magic. Something's coming."

Suddenly, the world penitentiary they had all just left disappeared from their sight and the only they could see was the red light still spinning and making a loud noise.

From the sky, a single creature dropped and landed on it's two feet but before anyone could react, the head of the creature had been burnt completely and Kyle's hands could be seen stretched out, with poison dripping from his fingers.

"That was a two-tailed wert." Kyle said. "They're coming."

"Oh come on." Kevin said. "Another attack?"