
A Scouting Team

Jake was beside Sky in a second and raised his head up from the ground. "Sky!"

Sky was shaking on the ground, almost as though he was shivering, but what stood out to everyone who was looking at him was his eyes which were glowing with purple energy in one eye and white energy in the other eye.

The energy was starting to move from his eyes and was evidently slowly passing through his veins, a green hue now mixing with the purple and white colour.

The monarch stared down at Sky, wondering what exactly was happening to the boy. 'This clearly isn't magic.' So far he had seen a lady whose magic focused on casting spells, a boy who was not up to eighteen fight a six-tailed wert and eventually be the one to kill it, now he was seeing a boy who was obviously younger displaying something absolutely foreign in his body. 'How can they all look so human yet so different at the same time?'

"What is happening to him?" Kevin asked.

"How is any of us supposed to know?" Kyle said. "We all just saw him fall."

Rheya moved to the opposite side of Jake and put the top of her staff, which had the small ball of blue light, directly on Sky's head. Just like what happened with Saban, the blue light began seeping into Sky's skin, trying to fight the purple and white energies that was in his body.

Sky's body stopped shaking for a while then abruptly the energy began moving towards his chest, condensing and getting smaller before it exploded in every direction.

Jake thought that might happen when he saw the energy begin to condense in Sky's chest and just before it exploded, he used the ultra speed magic to get himself and Rheya away from Sky's body.

After the energy exploded from Sky's body, Sky regained consciousness and got up from the floor, his eyes still glowing with purple and white energy.

"Is this part of the fusion thing your dad talked about?" Anna asked Jake.

"What fusion thing?" Nikki asked.

"What's wrong with him?" the monarch asked.

"I'm fine." Sky replied.

"You're obviously not dude." Kevin said. "Maybe you should look into a mirror or something."

Sky took out a blade from one of the holsters on his outfit and looked at his reflection on it. He saw the energy in his eyes and tried blinking a few times to get rid of it but it was still there.

"Calm down Sky." Jake said, walking towards him. "How are you feeling? Do you feel sick? Or weak?"

"I feel fine. And I can..." Sky was saying before realizing that nothing and no one around him was moving. They were all in the exact same position for at least a minute. No blinking, no movement, just every single person around including the soldiers, frozen.

"Jake." Sky called out, standing in front of Jake. He turned and looked at the monarch who was also not moving. "How is this possible? How can I accidentally freeze everyone here in time? Even a monarch, generals," he said, looking at the generals who were also frozen, "Jake and Anna?"

Two whole minutes had passed before everyone began moving again, resuming what they were saying or doing right before they were frozen.

"Your eyes are back to normal." Jake said.

Sky looked at his reflection through the blade of the knife he was holding and saw that the energy had finally died down. 'What the hell is happening?'

He felt better than he did a while ago. Stronger. Faster. It was like after his energy exploded from his body, he became lighter, feeling like he could move faster yet somehow feeling he had become sturdier.

"Do we still engage the wert base?" a general asked the monarch. "Or do we wait for the reinforcements?"

"I think we should..."

Jake was cut off by the monarch and the monarch replied the general. "A scouting team will be sent before we make any decisions. We need to know what we will be up against and any form of information will be helpful at this moment."

"I'll go." Jake immediately volunteered.

"Of course you are. You are dispensable, my soldiers are not." the monarch said. "Who else will volunteer to go? We only need four more people."

"I will go as well." a general said, stepping forward.

Anna also said she would join the scouting team and Kyle volunteered as well.

"You won't be joining them kid." Tom said to Kyle. "We need people who will be able to leave as quickly as possible the minute things go sideways and I don't know what you can do but you weren't able to help out much in the fight against the six-tailed wert so I doubt you're strong enough to join the team."

"I'm going." Sky said.

"Not even an option." the monarch said.

"If things do go sideways like you said, they'll need me." Sky said.

"I'm certain they would not need you losing consciousness and falling on the ground. What is your magical ability?" Tom asked.

"One they will need if they want to properly scout the wert base." Sky answered.

"He can come." Jake said.

"I don't remember asking your opinion." Tom replied.

"You know what I can do. I can get everyone out of there if I have to."

"You are naive." the monarch said. "You're young so it's not your fault. Do you think because you killed a six-tailed wert you're stronger than anything and everything out there?"

"I don't. But Sky's magic is really useful and could actually help us. Show him." Jake said to Sky.

Sky turned towards a general and stretched his hand out. The general was about to take a stance when he got a nod from the monarch and stood down. Sky's hand was glowing slightly green with a hint of purple mixed in as he rotated it forward and the uniform the general was wearing was decomposing right in front of their eyes.

The uniform was being worn out, its condition deteriorating rapidly and it was being broken down gradually with holes appearing in it.

"That's enough." the monarch said, his voice commanding respect.

The general let out a sigh as her uniform reverted back to the way it was, the holes being covered by the uniform.

"That just proves to me that you're a pervert." Tom said to Sky.

"No. He's the pervert." Sky chuckled and pointed at Kevin. "I just proved I have a way with time. That was just a demonstration of what I can do."

"Now we have five people." Jake said. "Anna, Sky, the general, Rheya and I."

"I never said the girl could go." Tom said.

"Remind me who put you in charge." Jake said, having had enough of the monarch's arrogance and the condescending tone he used to speak to all of them. "Don't think anyone here is scared of you just because you're a monarch."

"Speak for yourself Jake." Kevin shouted out.

"Are you trying to prove something?" the monarch asked Jake, walking towards him and towering over him despite Jake being quite tall.

"I'm not afraid of you." Jake said, staring up at the monarch. "And I don't take orders from you."

"Let's all calm down." Anna said, stepping in between the two of them and pulling Jake away from the others.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked Jake after taking him away. "Do you think you can defeat a monarch? And all the soldiers out there as well?"

"Well they certainly won't beat me without a fight." Jake said. "That guy's so frustrating. Talking like he's better than us."

"He is." Anna said and laughed. "You need to check yourself and save that anger or whatever it is for the werts. Or you could take it out on me." she said and moved closer to him, taking his hands and wrapping them around her waist. "I wouldn't mind."

"Are you really doing this now?" Jake asked.

"Doing what?" she traced his jawline with her fingers and pulled his head in from his neck, bringing her face closer to his.

Jake tried to move back but tripped and fell with her falling on him, his head trapped under her massive bust.

"I think you did that on purpose." Anna said in a seductive whisper. "You could have just asked."

"Can you get off me please?" Jake mumbled out.

Anna shifted her weight off Jake just enough so she could bring her face back down to his. Jake was not expecting to feel her soft lips envelope his in a kiss and his eyes went wide open.

Shoutout to hbgzg for the powerstones :) I need more of those

Gerzykcreators' thoughts