
A New Quest

"Where's Sasha?" Jake asked, looking around.

"Don't know." Sky answered. "She took a hit for you and the next thing, she was flying through the air like a bird about to collapse. Haven't seen her since then."

"Oh, there she is." Jake said, seeing Sasha walking towards them.

She limped a little as she walked and there was a mixture of red and black blood on her. Her blood and the blood of the werts she had been killing.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked her.

"I'm fine." Sasha replied. "Let's just get back to the haven."

"Agreed." Jake said. "I need a shower. And some clothes."

Gathering together, the soldiers began teleporting back to the haven, one set at a time. There was no one around with enough magical strength to teleport them back all at once.


A day had passed since the attack on the wert base and now Jake had completely healed from the damage he had received from Fury, the five-tailed wert.

"You look better." Sky said as he entered the room Jake had booked earlier and saw him standing by the window, looking outside. "Much better than you looked yesterday. How's that possible? Your burns were very bad."

"Guess I'm just built different." Jake said as he turned to Sky and smiled.

'Hmmm.' Sky thought. "Anyways, it's been more than a day already and there has been no signs of the second wert base making a move on us. That's what Anna says anyway."

"And what do you think?" Jake asked. "Are they going to attack anytime soon?"

"How should I know that? I'm not a fortune teller. I'm off to meet someone. See you later."

"Off to meet who?" Jake asked.

"Heather." Sky replied.

"Who's Heather?" Jake asked but Sky was already out of the room.

Continuing to gaze out of the window, Jake was silently doing some thinking.

'The fire magic I mimicked from that five-tailed wert hasn't left yet. I still have a few more hours since it hasn't been up to two days since I mimicked the magic. And I haven't even used it yet.'

'I hope those werts from the second base attack while I still have the magic. If they do, with Anna's magical strength coupled with the magical strength of the fire magic, they'll be in for a big surprise. Though I'll have to mimic her magic again.'

Leaving the room, Jake saw Sasha in the corridor, heading his way. She was most likely heading to the room.

"Sasha." Jake said as he walked to meet her and gave her a hug then a peck on her cheek. "Just wait a minute." he quickly said before she could hit him just like last time. "I haven't thanked you for taking that hit for me. So thank you."

"You're welcome." Sasha replied. "Just to be clear, the next time you hug me, I'll break your arms and so help me god, I'll break your neck too."

"That's a lot of aggression Sasha." Jake said grinning. "You do know my arms will heal right?"

"Will your neck heal too?" she asked.

"No. But that doesn't mean you're strong enough to break it. Bye." Jake said and was already walking away, heading out of the hotel.

"Where are you going?" Sasha asked, walking after him.

"To get some fresh air." Jake replied.

"I haven't seen Isabel in a while." Jake said to Sasha as both of them walked along the sidewalk of the haven square. "Didn't she leave us sometime in the past month? I recall her saying she was coming here, to the haven. I'd try searching for her but where do I begin?"

"You could ask Anna for help." Sasha said. "Since she's a monarch's daughter she might have a way to help."

"You're right. But I first of all want to use the fire magic I mimicked."

Going to a secluded part of the haven which was close to the edge of its square shape, Jake and Sasha stopped walking and looked at their environment.

The purple trees were denser than in other areas of the haven, they had much broader leaves and branches and were also taller, when compared to the normal short trees of Soran. There were only a handful of people nearby and the visibility in the area was not the best.

"This will do." Jake said and smiled in anticipation of what he was about to do.

Stretching his hands out and opening up his palms, Jake closed his eyes and focused on the magic flowing through his body.

When he mimicks a magical ability, it appears as a stream constantlyvflowing through the parts of his body and each magical ability he mimicked was unique, different from one another.

Anna's shapeshifting magic looked almost transparent in his body while the fire magic had a fiery red hue.

Opening his eyes, two balls of fire appeared in both of Jake's palms, slightly hovering over the skin.

"It doesn't burn." Jake said. "So fire can't burn users of fire magic. Figures."

Just as the balls of fire appeared in Jake's palms, he received system messages.

[Hidden Quest Completed: Use a magical element]

[Reward: Magic +3]

[Magic: 74]

'This keeps getting better and better.' Jake thought, reading the system messages and smiling.

Focusing on the fireballs in his hands, they began to slowly grow in size.

Stepping back by a few steps, Sasha watched as the fireballs continued to grow, almost reaching the top of the purple trees.

"Jake that could attract a lot of attention." Sasha said, not minding if it did but still telling him.

"Who cares?" Jake replied, still increasing the size of the fireballs which were now spreading fire to the stalk of the trees.

"I think that's enough." Sasha said.

"You're right." Jake concurred, making the fireballs begin to dwindle. "I don't want to waste too much mana. But that was awesome!"

"Yeah. It's awesome that you could have killed someone."

"Relax. There's no one here. You know what?" Jake asked.


"I swear to you, on my mother's grave, I'm going to be the greatest user of magic in existence. That is, the strongest mage in the whole fvcking world." Jake said, with his chest out, his chin up and an arrogant smile on his face.

[Quest Update: Long-term Quest]

[Become the greatest mage in existence]

[Rewards= ???]