
The Past of Phyre

The truth will come out. When? is the real question.

thephyregoddess · Fantasie
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8 Chs

4. the family and my confusion.

'Yes, I am wearing that, and what up with being all goody-good? No disrespect.'

'I am not being all goody-good. I am trying to make it comfortable for you. If it were someone else I would probably send Lily or Lilac but it is just I know. And the palace is not the best place for you to know friends and stuff.'

'Me? Your friend? You sure, I am not the best person to be friends with. And we fought like cats'

'Yeah, you don't talk to me just because I am not a royal. And you fought with me, I felt normal every time we fought so that's the reason I got on your nerves.'

'Okay, that's new information, and by the way who are Lily and Lilac?'

'Oh, right, you will see. Get dressed, you are my partner tonight. I will show you around and also introduce you to my family, don't worry.'

The more he tells me to not worry, the more I worry.

I got changed, knowing his family would be very different. I pulled myself together and walked out.

'You look like a young mistress, let me tell you. All feisty as if you have a knife strapped to your thigh which I hope you don't. And your short hair is down, You look good. Better than the girls who have curls in their hair and fans in their hands.'

'Your sisters are Young Mistresses aren't they?'

'Well, my elder ones married so they are Ladies, and the younger ones prefer princesses. Let me show you, my siblings, they look intimidating but they aren't, I promise.'

He took me towards the hall room, and there were almost thousands of people. I hate crowds.

He looked at a Lady.

'That's Lady Nicolette, Nicky for short, the eldest sister. She is married to Elliot, the duke of Sigma. She has a boy, he is 3, Axel is his name.'

'Ah, the duke of Sigma, quite a rich man.'

'Ah, Quite judgy as well.'

I laughed softly on that one. He looked at me and stopped in his tracks. He pointed towards two young ladies with fluffy lavender-colored gowns.

'Lily and Lilac, They are twins, the younger two.'

I nodded in response.

'They will eventually find me and you so before that let me show you some other of my siblings.'

4 more, this was a long night.

There was a handsome man in a blue suit, talking to a lady, probably his wife.

'Now, the guy you are looking at is the duke of Iyota, my second eldest brother, Dmitriev. He is married and he is born after my eldest brother right there.' He said pointing to the man that came in my room before. 'That's Clyde, not married and the Master of the Palace.'

We went towards the cake where a young lady was standing in a blue ball gown.

'That is Naisha, and the bloke over there is Neil, duke of Hadria, they had a kid but miscarriage.'

'Oh, a tragedy indeed.'

'Seemed kind of a plan, they said it would be a girl. The mother-in-law is narrow-minded.'

'Well, I am rather speechless.'

We walked towards a broken tower, I loved that tower. You could see all the way from my town.

There was standing one handsome young boy, probably a year older. Dressed in all white as the moonlight reflected in him.

'That is Ciel, he is also the young master. A year older, he will be loads of help to you.'

He said looking at the ground as if something was just not right.

Which apparently I couldn't agree, I mean Ciel just looked perfect and I felt like it was wrong to meet someone this good when you yourself are a mess.

He looked at me, with his blue eyes looking deep into my soul.

'He looks like an Angel.'

'Well, hope you get along. I will be at the ballroom if you need me.'

He was leaving. Why?

Not in front of this man. No!

'I am Ciel and you must Sapphyre. You surely live up to your name. Feisty as the fire yet cold like the color of Sapphires. A pleasure to meet you.'

'Pleasure to meet you too.'


A long one.



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