

The Beginning

In the beginning there was a certain god that existed just for the sake of protecting the world his name was Kazuma Hazakai from the Hazakai clan he was the last surviving person in his clan they call them Kami no hagimari( gods of the beginning) but a certain event occurred people started hating him because of his emerse power so the people planned against him to kill him but naturally it is impossible to kill a god so as they tried the god didn't even pay attention as he slaughtered them one after another until a mage came and sealed the god splitting him into different parts and sealing him away at the cost of his life later after some time the seal broke but his power did not merge instead it chose people that will use the Power to protect humans from monsters and so the power passed on until it arrived at the ninteenth century where a certain boy was born and his name was Kisich Hazakai and he had "The eyes of god" will Kisich use his power for good or for evil...