

Dave_Dot_exe · sci-fi
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The Paragon of destruction

11(eleven) its not a name, its a number assigned to me. Its also the number of "failed experiments done by the facility I was made in. I don't know how I was born, or if I was born at all the other kids say we were made in those glass tubes we see when they take us to the testing site. It could be true I don't really care though. Even if I did there is nothing I can do about it.

so I just accepted it. Everyday I wait here in this box made of white walls until the people in white coats come to take us one by one. Not everyone is too happy about this place… no one is.

Especially Number 15 she always makes a fuss saying she wants to leave outside.

Outside, never thought about that. I don't know why no one else noticed the numbers are thinning out.

whatever they are doing, those people in white coats its either going horribly wrong or they are very close to success.

I wonder what will happen to us when that happens heh, maeby they will actually let us go outside like 15 says.

she talks a lot.

she talks about outside.

what is that place like.

I who never cared for anything became curious.

I never cared what medicine they inject us with, I never cared wen they took us one by one, I never cared when the children they took never returned, I never cared if my life ended in these white walls.

its all her fault.


its been almost 4 months since the numbers started decreasing

its only 6 of us left.

oh its 5 now they are taking number 34 right now,

ah they are crying again

I wonder why I never feel the same when it happens

I wonder why I never cared

these white walls are all I ever knew

everywhere I look its white

those walls

those adults

our clothes

I wonder if my blood is a different colour


Last night 15 suggested to run away

somehow she took a screw driver from when they took her for checkup

its just us 5 running away



There is grass

And when I look up its not the same white ceiling I know

It's so colourfull

There was a outside

as I ran on the green fields I look over the horizon there was something over there

" its the sun" 15 said with a bright smile on her face.

maeby the outside isn't as bad as I thought

maeby I can finally live outside of that white box



soon after the facility found that we escaped we were caught

they shot 23 when he was running

we all panicked and stopped except 46 he ran away from us

they shot him too

52 started crying when they came and attacked them I guess she was upset about 23

15 tried to stop her but they shot both of them

I'm the only one left

they took me back because I didn't resisted

I knew that plan was stupid

and I am back in this white box

I'm next ofcouse

there is no one else in this empty room after all

my hands

they are…red?

oh its blood

its her blood

so blood is red

she taught me something even after dying

I never cared when they took us one by one and they never returned

I don't think I batted an eye when they killed 23 52 and 46

but for some reason I miss her annoying voice

her annoying enthusiasm


I thought I never cared

then why does my legs feel numb

why does it feel difficult to breather

why does the world seem lonely

why does my heart pains when I think of her lifeless eyes




I see

I loved her


after a few minutes they came

they took me some where different

its not the same white room I know

something is different I feel it

there are too many wires

before I knew it I feel unconscious as they injected me with something

I wake up tied to an unknown contraption

what is this

what are they saying I cant hear them

they are…happy?

why are they laughing

a man in those familiar white coat came to me

"congratulations"he said "you are our first successful test subject"

"so tell me"his face turned into a twisted smile

"H O W D O E S I T F E E E L T O B E A G O D"

God don't kid me those don't fucking exist if anything I hated the idea of a god I hated the idea that someone refused to help us despite having the power to

what does he mean I'm a god what is happening I need to think carefully

the men came soon enough to untie me and I finally got a look at that machine I was tied to

it was a tube it was those tubes they talked about they said we were made in them

it was connected to something with a lot of wires

I coudnt make it out

I looked around to ask that man but no one payed attention to me they were busy laughing and celebrating

that orb looked like it was talking to me

it seemed like it was inviting me

I walk towards it and extended my hand to it

I could touch it

Just as I touched it I felt it

the power seeping into me


it was over whelming

is this the power of God he was talking about

the power its still coming

those men they look worried

why are they running away

are they scared

the sight of them running away reminded me of my friends running from the gun shots


so I decided to return the favour

I just pointed my finger and the next thing I knew there was only a puddle of blood left

so I moved forward

I didn't knew why

I just kept moving forward

until there was no one left. at first they attacked me back with guns but for some reason they didn't worked on me I wonder why.

now I stand at this lonely world with nothing to destroy or hold close

so why don't I just destroy this meaning less world too

I kneel down and put my palm on the ground somewhere along this year long crusade I under stood how to control this power of god

the ground collapsed in on itself

I just put a black hole inside the planet

of course I would not be harmed its my power aftterall

finally there was nothing left of the planet

I wonder what I should do now

i look over at the bright star it looked so majestic when I was running on the field with my friends but now that I stand here its nothing I can destroy it in seconds if I wish


then why shouldn't I

it serves no purpose now that the planet no longer exists who will stop me

I am a God after all

after this a new crusade began

planet by planet star by star

I destroyed everything this universe held

now I look around all I see is eternal darkness

perhaps I wished to die along my crusade

but here I am trapped in this prison of eternal darkness

I'm scared

what do I do where do I go

who even am I


why was I doing what I was doing

somewhere along the way of my crusade I had forgotten the purpose

all I knew was one number that was somewhere in the back of my mind


who is that what is that

I don't remember

how long has it been since I started this mission how long decades centuries mallenia.

I dont remember anything except this pain I clenched my heart with looking over this empty darkness that is now my prison

nothing changed even with the power of a god

all that changed

the walls are now black instead of white