
Chapter 47: Yesterday’s Lie

At the Noceda house inside Luz's room; Vee is seen putting Luz's stuff in a box and looks in the mirror before going outside to meet Camila who is going to her car.

"Creepy Luz! Is this where we learn her deal?" King shouted out loud as things were tense.

"What is she doing with my stuff? Oh she better not break anything..." Luz fumed at the screen and Camila was gulping wondering what kind of witch or creature was staying with her pretending to be her Luz for all that time.

Camila asks about the box and Vee explains that she is cleaning up a little, Camila asks about the tinfoil swan since Luz used to love making them and Vee is looking for a fresh start as Camp taught her a lot and Camila unsure said it sure did.

"Throwing my stuff out... Those swans are special..." Luz glared at the screen.

"Wait Camp... So this is confirmation that this imposter has been at the Camp in your palce and sending your mother those letters." Eda remarked upon realising that detail.

Camila hears a rabbit being stuck in a trap and takes care of freeing it as Vee gets her pliers; Vee points out that it's the week's fifth trap and Camila warns what will happen if she catches whoever is responsible.

Camila's eyes were widened as the humans wondered who could be doing that; "I can see where Luz gets her kindness from." remarks Amity with a smile as Camila smiles right back at her.

"Real great of you to do that Mrs Noceda!" Viney shouted with Beastkeeping students nodding in agreement.

They go back inside and Vee looks in a mirror talking about a new life and gets a shirt but is faced with Luz's reflection in the mirror shouting 'You!' causing her to scream.

"So I get to confront this imposter? Is there any mirror magic that lets me do this Eda?" Luz asks looking back while the audience were freaked out by this.

"Sorry Luz but I have no idea; trust me if I knew any I would have made use of whatever this is." Eda replied as some were giving her eyes. "I don't like these looks..." Eda whispered to Raine who sighed.

the opening is shown.

Outside the Owl House; King, Eda and Hooty are watching Luz work on her new portal door and say that according to Phillip's instructions the hardest part was finding someone who knew how to build it and said Eda's apocalypse supplies came in handy.

"Having supplies for an apocalypse in a Demon Realm is probably one of the most sensible things I have seen you do Eda." Camila said as Eda grimaced.

"Wonderful; you found a way to insult and compliment me at the same time!" Eda snapped as others especially Lilith laughed at this.

King hands over Amity's glove with the Titan Blood not able to believe that something that powerful was in the Key this whole time; she then said that it's okay since if Belos is trying to get to the Human Realm then he has has to beat her to it.

"Looks like he didn't from what we have seen." Eda laughed and some more people did as well.

She then tapes a bit of the glove to the door and Eda at a cycle machine inside a tub asks if she is sure that it won't blow their faces off; Luz said nope and Eda starts with it powering up the door which opens up in a different shape.

"That... Doesn't look good..." Willow mutters and things were tense in the audience.

"Luz; the door looks different from before so what will happen..." King asks feeling scared.

"I will have to try something King to get back to my mum especially since I outside of the show now know about this imposter!" Luz tells him.

King points out how different it looks from the old door but this is Luz's one chance to see her mum and ties a rope around her saying to pull if it looks like it's closing. Eda doesn't want Luz getting hurt and she says that as soon as she makes sure that her mum is okay then she will be right back.

"Eda being sensible..." Camila whispers with a small smile of approval.

Eda tells her to be careful since the Human Realm is full of real weirdoes and Luz pulls them all into a hug.

"Hey!" shouts the humans in the audience but Eda shoots them a smirk.

"Tell me that i'm wrong and besides I'm a weirdo as well so that's a compliment!" Eda laughed.

Luz jumps in and is in the In Between Realm filled with cubes; she wonders if she did someting wrong while calling for the others.

"Luz is stuck in a place with all these weird cubes... I so missed seeing my Mija in dangerous situations..." Camila muttered sarcastically.

She looks into a cube and finds herself in the reflection of a window at the Owl House; she watches as King asks if they think Luz is safe and Eda says that they have to trust her since she made it this far.

"Well that explains that..." Gus remarks as the audience all made that conclusion.

Luz is out of the reflection wonders about seeing Amity but reminds herself that she is in a mission; she then calls out her mother's name and tries to use an ice platform to get to the cube but it doesn't work.

"Amity; try and imagine your girlfriend spying on you without your knowledge!" Emira teases with a laugh from Edric much to Luz and Amity's embarassment with Amity shooting her siblings a glare.

She then jumps on top of another one which is going up but falls down, she grabs one and ends up in the reflection of a phone watching Camila go into the fridge while music is playing.

Luz calls for Camila but she can't hear her but then Luz finds Vee entering asking if Camila needs help much to her shock, Vee leaves after saying that she feels like a different person with the stuff gone.

"I now know about her in the show at least..." Luz said to herself.

Back in the In Between Realm; Luz tries to call for the doppelganger and then calms down with another cube coming up. Luz looks through and is face to face with Vee and Camila hears the yell.

"Well here we go..." Eda mutters wondering what is going to happen with this confrontation; Luz better win whatever fight they somehow have...

Luz notices that Vee does hear her and Vee says that Luz is from the Demon Realm; Vee freaks out getting a baseball bat saying that she won't go back.

"She... Sounds scared..." Camila realises and Luz and most of the audience were taken aback and felt uneasy.

"So... This isn't some sort of villainous plot..." Amity asks dreading whatever revelation is coming.

Camila calls from outside the door and Luz shouts saying that she just saw a Monster Slayer Academia spoiler and Camila remarks that she will never understand anime.

Most of the audience were wide eyed; "Hey; Monster Slayer Academia is awesome and gets the first experience ruined if someone gives something away!" Luz shouts out loud with her friends wondering if they can watch this show later.

Vee then jumps out of the window and runs to the old cabin in the trees and Luz appears in a pocket mirror; Vee says that she will have to run again and kicks a rock asking why couldn't this just work out which activates a trap and she turns into her true form.

The audience gasps at this and were concerned for this creature; even if they were freaked out about this creature.

"Wait..." Steve whispers feeling uneasy about the appearence of Vee and Lilith felt the same.

Luz tells her to stop moving or she will make it tighter; she says that she didn't mean to freak her out and just wants to figure out what is going on.

"A stranger has been taking your place for months and you give her the chance to hear her out? Some being you are Luz..." Eda remarks.

"Luz is Luz and we won't have her any other way!" Gus shouts out loud with Willow nods in agreement along with Amity and Camila who both embraces Luz who smiles at this.

Vee turns into her Luz form and Luz asks about her name; Vee calls herself Vee correcting herself after saying that she is Number V.

Lilith and Steve both share a silent gulp; "No use trying to deny what she is right Mam?" Steve whispers and Lilith shook her head.

Luz says that she is going to help her out giving her the instructions to free herself; Vee thanks hers saying that Luz must be Camila's real daughter and Luz asks why is she pretending to be her. Vee is just looking for a place to belong, Luz was missing and Camila was so kind so she stayed with her but she will go but Luz interupts her; Luz wants them to help eachother since because of Vee her mother doesn't realise that she had been missing so keep living in her place for now: she can introduce Camila to the Demon Realm when she gets back and find Vee a place to live.

"Not going to be that easy Luz..." Camila sighs and the audience were in agreement; nothing was this easy.

"You think Vee could be a basilisk? Like the one that attacked the school?" Viney asked and this caused the audience to mutter and with some sort of fear; despite Vee looking like a scared girl they still remembered what happened in that episode. Things were especially tense with Lilith and Steve.

Vee says that there is one problem as she needs magic to transform and she just used the rest of it and Luz points saying that is there they could get some magic. Vee picks up a copy of the Gravesfield Reporter with an article by Jacob Jopkins but Luz tells her that it's junk and tells her to turn it around; there is an article of a strange woman banned from a cafe and there is flying treats in the photo and Eda is cearly seen in the photo.

"Oh; I remember that..." Eda laughed as she had the audience staring at her.

"I am guessing you weren't too concerned with keeping a low profile Eda." Bump spoke with her arms folded.

"I hope you weren't using magic carelessly out in the Human Realm; Eda as you should know how dangerous the wrong kinds of attention would get." Raine chastisted their ex but Eda shrugged.

"Nothing bad happened so why bother worrying?" Eda asked as there were groans at this.

Luz explains that Eda had been going there for years so she must have left some magic stuff with Vee picking up the pocket mirror saying they could try and there is a camera watching them.

"Looks like the trapster will know about Vee..." groans Camila since even in the Human Realm there is still a threat for the episode.

Vee wearing a hat goes to the Robin's Roast Cafe and Vee explains that maybe someone in the cafe saw one of Eda's enchanted pastries and reminds Vee about her ears as she uses the hat to hide them. The barista asks Vee what she can get her and she asks if anyone left any enchanted items and the barista asks if she is friends with the witch obsessed guy since he was told to stop leaving pamphlets there.

"Oh yes the weirdo from the Historic Society; the one my brothers should stop associating with." said a human boy looking to his brother shaking his head.

"Is this the same guy who apparently taught you that the Demon Realm is on Mars?" Eda asked and the boy gave a nod.

"Is he really that bad?" Perry asks and the humans gave him a look and then nods.

Vee asks about Eda whose photo with a raccoon is on the Banned For Life display; she answers that 'Marilyn' tried to paid for a latte with a live raccoon but she did something weird to the croisants when the cops were called.

You did what? How exactly have you not exposed yourself Edalyn?" Lilith asked looking like she was about to rip out her own hair in agitation.

"Why did you think a live animal would be currency in the human world? Shouldn't you have been going to the Human Realm long enough to know better?" Raine asks Eda who groans.

"Look; I can't be expected to remember every single detail I learn about the place!" Eda retorts as there are sighs.

Vee goes to the trash bins outside and doesn't smell any magic but then finds some talking rats and Vee runs away to the park. Luz is sure someone else has seen Eda but finds three teens using Eda's Hexas Hold Em cards; Luz was wondering where they went when Eda got rid of them.

"So I threw them out in that episode then..." Eda remarks.

Vee says that they must have run out of magic since she doesnt' smell anything; Luz thinks that they might know where to find more and tells her to be careful.

Vee says that they are cool coming over, Masha gives of a Tarot card reading and Vee kneels down saying hello with Luz can't watch because she thinks that she is going to embarass herself.

"Wait? Why would you react like that Luz?" Camila asks and Luz just smiles sheepishly. "Is things really that bad with the kids at your school?" Camila asks as she and the others look to the human teens who refused to meet anyone's eyes especially as Luz's friends and girlfriend were now giving death glares.

"Luz... Doesn't get along much with her peers from what I have seen; not from a lack of trying on her part..." Hal admits and Camila knows that she will have to go back to that subject later.

They greet her referring to Camp as prison; Vee says it wasn't that bad and they had the best Cabin, they give off a cheer as Vee asks about the cards.

"So Camp really wasn't that bad and I could have made friends?" Luz asks wondering about that.

"Maybe not; not with those guys as remember Vee is not you so her experience wouldn't be the same as your's hoot-hoot." Hooty said and the audience were surprised at the smart observation that Hooty made.

"I am glad that you came to the Demon Realm and made friends with us instead!" Gus said with Willow and Amity nodding and Luz smiles as she sees other Hexside students smiling at her.

Masha gives her a reading that she is running from her past, a previous life that was unkind to her howveer the guilt and fear she is carrying wiill eventually catch her in a self-profilling prophecy that she won't be able to escape from.

"Okay those Tarot readings are unexpectedly accurate..." Luz mutters.

"Tarot?" Willow asked.

"Basically cards that can be used for fortune telling." Hal explains.

"I should ask about them later..." Luna remarks interested along with the other Oracle Track students.

Masha then explains that they got the cards from the Gravesfield Historical Society, Vee thanks her and leaves with Masha concerned asking the others if they saw the look in her eyes and has to find out where she bought her contacts.

"Had us with the concern but then lost us..." Jerbo said with other nodding.

Vee enters and is welcomed by Jacob Hopkins asking if she is there to buy the weird cards, Vee asks how he knows and Jacob explains that they had been really popular with higher schooler having found an old lady try to dump them in a river a while back but bought them off her instead but kept asking for snails.

"Great; it's the witch obsessed weirdo..." muttered one of the humans as there were other groans.

"I must ask what Raine asked earlier sister; did you really not pick up on what currency to actually use..." Lilith asks after facepalming and Eda just glares at her.

Jacob says he will be just a minute but she is free to look around and Vee goes to look at the museum section and Luz asks if she is okay; Luz said to forget what the girl said as she knows what it's like to want to run away from home since she did the same thing but Vee retorts that they are not the same: Luz had a mum that loved her and she still wanted to run away but she didn't have a choice.

Things were tense in the audience as they looked at her in sympathy.

Vee explains that her real name is Number V and technically she shouldn't exist as she is a basilisk.

This made the audience gulp; "So she is one... Are we going to hear where the other came from as well?" asked Luz who wonders that as Lilith and Steve shares a look.

She explains that her kind became extinct long ago but the Emperor's Coven brought them back wanting to learn how they drained magic. Luz explains that she met one once and she wanted to hurt a lot of people; Vee explains that for many of them all they know how to do is feed and some of them escaped but Vee knew it was only a matter of time before Belos caught them again.

The audience were wide eyed and open mouthed; "That poor dear and the others... The suffering they experienced..." Camila spoke with sympathy as suddenly Eda shot up from her seat.

"Hold on a minute here!" Eda said as she then glances at Lilith and Steve pointing a figure; "This came to me especially as I heard you two sounding weird whever basilisks were brought up... You two knew about this, didn't you!" Eda snapped as the others realised the same and looked at them accusingly and with glares.

"Hey now... That's a pretty strong accusation to make..." Steve retorted trying to look innocent but Lilith puts a hand on his shoulder.

"No use trying to pretend otherwise Steve; we might as well come clean." Lilith told him and then clears her breath. "Yes... We did." Lilith said getting angry stares.

"You brought these creatures back to life to pretty much torture them?" Camila snapped as Luz herself looked unhappy with Lilith.

"That's horrible!" screamed Viney.

Barcus barks and Jerbo said "Barcus is disgusted as well."

"I know you have some really unkind things to say and I deserve them all. I have done plenty of things serving Belos that I am not proud of..." Lilith mutters shaking her head as Steve refused to look in the direction of Mattholomule dreading what reaction he could get.

"Why does Belos want to study how they drain their magic?" Amity ends up asking as Lilith shakes her head.

"I am sorry to say but like the Day of Unity this was a subject that he refused to elaborate; I can say that he seemeed especially invested in this project if that's any help." Lilith answered.

Vee saw Luz at Eda's stall the day she arrived and realised there might be a way out of it; she snuck into the tent and made it through the portal and heard Camila calling for Luz. Vee transformed into Luz and found by Camila who decided to drive Vee to Camp.

"So this was just some poor creature trying to escape her horrible captors and this pretending to be me was all accidental and not some insidious scheme?" Luz asks dumbfounded as this was unexpected.

"Is this why you took me from a different point in time than the others?" Camila asks Cornholio who turns their way and nods. " You are being unusually silent..." Camila points out.

"Sorry..." Cornholio replies apologetically not looking forward to them getting to the ending.

Vee didn't mean to keep playing the role but Camila was nice to her so she resents Luz for running away but also thankful that she did.

"Not exactly fair to Luz; you don't fit in at your school." Edric said and there were other mutters.

"I know that now but from my point of view she had a much better life than I could ever dream that she just ran away from." said a voice and Camila then finds Vee in her Luz disguise on the seat next to her and Vee ended up being strongly embraced by Camila.

She then lets go as Vee nervously waves to the welcoming smiles to everyone around them; "So that's it for the extra audience members?" Amity asks Cornholio who sighs.

"I relented and one more will be joining you; he will be the final one!" Cornholio answered with a strong look much to their confusion.

"Is he always this weird to you all? He just kept to yourself as I was shown the episodes?" Vee asks and the audience nods at once. "One more thing... Was it painful for you all waiting to see Luz and Amity get together as well..." Vee asks and Luz and Amity wished that she didn't.

"YES! LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!" yelled Team Lumity to laughs from the audience and embarassment from the couple in question.

Vee then smells something going into the staff room and finds the witch hunting stuff including a conspiracy board with photos of Eda including an Owl Beast photo.

"Yep the guy is a conspiracy nut as we all knew..." remarked a human teen as Vee was looking afraid.

"Wait….. Eda, did you become the Beast in the Human Realm? Lilith asked in disbelief as they looked at Eda.


"Nothing bad happened….. Some fun with human animal control but things worked out…" Eda retorted with arms folded as there were sighs.

Vee bumps into a camera which shows the camera footage of Vee in the cabin and she goes to run away but is caught in a trap with the mirror shattered and Luz frantically calling for Vee.

"So he is the trapster... Oh, this is so not good..." Luz mutters as Vee was afraid and Camila was pulling her new 2nd daughter in close for an embrace.

Luz goes into the reflection of a picture frame as Vee transforms back shouting to be let out with Jacob going in surprised that it worked; he is excited that after setting all those traps he finally caught a living breathing demon, he had a chance encounter with another one showing the Owl Eda photo and after a few internet videos he learned the truth: witches and demons are real and sent from Mars to harvest human teeth to power their time machine.

Silence of disbelief at this statement.

"I... I think listening to that killed braincells... I am now dumber than I was before I had to listen to that!" snapped Boscha and there were similar reactions.

"Ow! Thinking about everything wrong with that caused a vessel in my head to explode!" Lilith screamed holding her head as Steve patted her on the shoulder.

"You listen to this idiot?" Amity asked the boy from earlier who looked nervous and had his brother shaking his head at him. "Please tell me that this is as dumb as humans get?" Amity pleaded to Luz and Camila who couldn't face her or answer her question directly.

Vee notes that he doesn't really know anything about them and Jacob claims he knows enough and will expose her and finally get his account verified.

Facepalms from the humans.

He leaves and Vee tells Luz to go back to the Demon Realm since even if she gets out he knows what her disguise looks like, out her to Camila and cause more trouble than if she just disappeared.

Camila gulps wondering what she would react in that happened; to just have Luz disappear like that with no explanation and no way to find her...

Luz says that she is giving up too quit and Vee says that she is being realistic; it's okay since she is used to living like this and says goodbye smashing the picture frame with her tail. Luz tries calling for V and decides to for call a cube leading to her mother and it shows Camila in the kitchen with the box on the table and picking up the tinfoil swan.

"I would never have let you throw away something so special to you..." Camila tells Luz who brightens up.

"Yeah... Sorry about that... Along with other things like pretending to be Luz..." Vee remarks.

Luz is on Camila's phone screen and she says that she didn't even hear her call, Luz says that it's great to hear her voice and Camila picks it up asking what is wrong. Luz says that the guy setting up the traps is hurting a friend of her's and admits the truth with it cutting to Camila outside the Gravesfield Historic Society at night thinking that it was an elaborate story to pick her and her friend up but is going to play along saying that she is glad that she is still being creative.

Camila shakes her head wondering how she will react to seeing how real the story is; "I would never want you to give up your creativity Luz." Camila decides to tell Luz who nods appreciatively.

Camila sees Jacob picking stuff up after throwing stuff at a statue, she says that a little birdy told her that he caught a demon and Jacob asks if she works for the government and ends up thinking that the President sent a vet to study a demon's anatomy demands verbal confirmation that he gets to publish his findings first which he gets.

"This... This guy can't be real..." Skara mutters with others feeling the same.

Camila is brought to the staff room thinking that it's an escape room or a LARP; Phillip explains that in the 1600s Gravesfield was a peaceful colony until tragedy struck when 2 brothers were lured into a realm of evil by a real witch never to be seen again.

"Wait... Was Phillip one of those two brothers?" Luz exclaims along with others.

"He had a brother? Wouldn't that be something he put in his journal, wanting to make sure that he was okay in his journey back? Was his brother lost in that voyage to Eclipse Lake?" Amity points out as they wondered about the answers there.

"Sounds like Phillip would have lived in the times of witch hunters; can you imagine a human from that time period stuck in a demon realm? I imagine that someone like that would have gotten themselves killed trying to hunt every creature and being that they see..." Hal points out and the humans found that thought funny...

Phillip says that people stopped beleiving in the horrors of witchcraft but he knows the truth banging his fist against his desk.

Phillip then removes the tarf over Vee's cage and Camila wonders if it's a very convincing costume but then screams, Jacob says that its real and shows the footage of Vee being caught by his trap and shows his custom gear armor and goes to get it down. Luz then tells Camila that it's not a game, she finds it a lot to believe and Luz says that Vee may look different but she isn't bad and begs to help her.

"I am taking it in but I know I won't stand for this happening..." Camila remarks and Vee looked surprised and grateful.

Camila goes to Vee saying hello and who knows that she had such a strong girl living under her roof this whole time reassuring her; Jacob asks how he looks in his armor but then sees Luz on Camila's phone with him asking if she is recording this but finds it wonderful as he gets a knife for a live disection.

They gulped; "If you ask me he looks like a total loser!" Boscha remarks.

"That' not cool Boscha! Think of how many losers you have insulted by comparing them to this idiot!" Skara shouts and there are laughs but then Boscha actually nodded as if thinking it ws a good point.

Camila tells him to stop claiming that the President just called but then gives up saying that she will be taking Vee with her and he will never bother them again, Jacob say that they made a verbal agreement and Camila tells him to back down or she will tell the police about his illegal traps and cameras on private property.

"go Mum!" Luz cheered along with others as Camila smiles.

Jacob claims to be the good guy and Camila says that a lot of bad guys say that as she then clobbers him with her slipper.

There were cheers and laughs at this; "A human witch hunter who thinks he's the hero, at least we won't have to worry about any of them again!" King speaks out loud and they nod.

Camila takes Vee outside as Jacob is tied up in Vee's cage and Camila drives them back and Luz appears as a vision because of the rain.

They smile amazed at this.

Luz is happy that they are okay and Vee thanks Camila for everything who says that she has a place there for as long as she needs giving the Hexas Hold Em cards saying that Luz says that they might be helpful which she starts to eat.

Vee smiles at this; "I have so many things to tell you new sister!" Luz shouts to her direction much to Vee's surprise.

Luz talks about how awesome her mother was and thanks her for being cool about everything; Camila tries to hold in her tears as she hadn't been this scared before with the Demon Realm and magic; Luz promises that she will make a working portal and Camila says that as scary as it is it really did look like she matured.

"Your fear from the Grom monster was all for naught kid! all well's that ends well!" Eda cheers with others smiling and Camila glad to see her screen self taking it well.

Luz said that staying there was the best decision she ever made.

"Oh no; why did you have to say that Mija..." Camila mutters shaking her head knowing that her screen self was not going to react well.

Camila asks about that and Luz realises what she had just said; Camila asks if she was trying to live out some witch fantasy and cries asking if she hated living with her that much. Luz says no but feels being pulled in; Camila asks her to promise to stay there when she comes home as she didn't mean to push her away swearing that things will be different.

The audience were wide eyed and mouths open wide as Camila pulled Luz in and Amity ends up taking Luz's hand to practically squeeze.

Luz says that it was never her but Camila crying pleads again to promise her and Luz promises right before she disappears leaving her mother to cry.

More tense silence at this.

Hooty, Eda and King pulls Luz out as they watch the portal door destroy itself; King asks if she talked to her mum and mentioned him. Luz claims that she can't wait to meet them and Eda tells her to rest up and not to worry; they will have a real working portal in no time.

"Well... You all can't say that I didn't try to warn you all..." Cornholio mutters shaking his head.