
Chapter 43: Owl House/Amphibia Crossover Panel

"Okay everyone; first things I have a message from Joey. Don't worry as I am confident this place is more secure than other places in the multiverse and where Joey is running his watching the show thing but here it is." Cornholio said playing back the message from Joey warning about Ghostface and the guides on what to do if he pierces through to this plane of existence.

The crowd shivers as Luz says trying to reassure everyone including herself "I bet we are safe here and we have an all powerful Author here to help if a horror film killer ends up finding us..."

"Now let's put it aside as I explain how this will work: there will be narration from Dana Terrace who created your show and universe and Matt Braly who created Amphibia. Whoever is speaking will have their picture show up on screen." Cornholio explained and this caught the audience's interest.

"So if Dana created us, does this mean that she is God as far as we are concerned?" asked a human teen with mutterings from other humans on this point being raised as Cornholio coughed.

"Let's not dwell on that please..." Cornholio

Narration (Dana Terrace): Exterior, Boiling Isles. In the woods near the Owl House, Luz has placed a myriad of magical objects, and paces while reading Philip's journal, trying to open a portal to Earth. Eda "supervises", which means drinking a lot of apple blood.

Eda glared at everyone humphing as they bursted into laughter.

"Looks like our creator knows you too well sister." Lilith laughed and Eda looked away, "Come on Eda; you know you're not too responsible or reliable. Luz even said it herself when you were playing with bells to impress her friend so that he would write his report about you while you were supposed to listen out to free them from Willow's mind!"

Luz: Okay. Attempt number twenty-three. [To Eda] Thanks again for agreeing to help, Eda.

Eda: Ah, don't mention it, Kiddo. But if you wanted me to help, you should have mentioned something two apple bloods ago.

"Come on; I am not at my best self if I have too much apple blood to drink!" complained Eda from the looks that she was getting.

Narration (Dana Terrace): Luz puts a hand on Eda's shoulder, eyes shining with adoration.

Luz smiled at Eda's direction as said Owl Lady didn't know what to say.

"Okay sure you both have gotten closer and sure the Owl Lady can be surprising but you could do with better role models." Boscha scoffed as audience members looked at Cornholio expectedly.

"What? She is not exactly wrong and it's nothing that Camila have said multiple times." Cornholio pointed out and Camila knew that he was right and Eda just glared and muttered about him being a traitor.

Luz: Your very presence is help enough.

Narration (Dana Terrace): But she stares for a little too long.

Luz shrinks into her seat as there were giggles at this.

Eda: Cute, but creepy… like Hooty when he was a kitten.

Luz: Wait, Hooty was—

The audience were open mouthed and now looking at Hooty's direction horrified, "You should have seen me as a kitten! I was the cutest thing ever!" Hooty shouted excitedly as Lilith was unnerved.

"Don't worry no picture of him from that time exists..." Eda muttered to King who was relieved.

"I swear Dana; if you end up having a young Hooty picture somehow show up in one of the 3 specials..." Cornholio thought in his head with his arms folded shaking his head.

Eda: [Cutting Luz off] So, what do we got here?

Luz: A spell that has a very slim chance of working. But, if it does, it might get me back to the Human Realm.

"No chance of that happening if this was just a script reading at a convention..." Luz pointed out shaking her head and the audience had similar thoughts.

Eda: Well, hot Titan toes! What're we waiting for? Pull the trigger.

Luz: We have to be very careful. This spell is unstable and—Eda!

Narration (Dana Terrace): Eda has already activated the spell.

"Just... How exactly did you survive being on the run for so long?" Camilia muttered in disbelief as Eda was getting stares from the audience and shakes of the head.

"Seriously Eda; I thought that even you wouldn't be this reckless and impatient!" Lilith snarked shaking her head.

"Well... too much apple blood makes me not think straight!" Eda tried to defend herself weakly.

"Lilith is right; even for you Eda this was really stupid." Raine brought up and Eda glared at them.

Eda: Again, probably should have mentioned something two apple bloods ago.

"See?" Eda shouted but all she got was shakes of the head.

Luz: Oh, shoot!

Narration (Dana Terrace): Kablooey! A rift between time and space. Before a dazed Eda and Luz swirls a shining portal to…

Narration (Matt Braly): Exterior, Amphibia. Deep in Wartwood Swamp, the Plantar family and Anne are hunting for ingredients.

"So... This is where the Anne girl got sent to? No offense; not as bad as it could be but I don't think I would like being in a place called Wartwood Swamp..." Luz muttered with nods of agreement.

Hop Pop: Wait till you kids this Swamp Soufflé. It only tastes slightly worse than it smells.

There were disgusted looks from the sound of it, "So who is this frog?" Willow asked trying not to throw up.

"Hop Pop; the grandfather of the Plantar family who took Anne in after she got sent to Amphibia. He raised his grandchildren Sprig and Polly after their parents were killed with them young." Cornholio explained as there were wide eyed.

"Losing your own child... Even if he still has his grandchildren; I can imagine that it would have been hard for him..." Camila muttered.

"Wait... His head looks familiar... Doesn't he look like the face on the cover of one of our books Gilbert?" Harvey asked Gilbert his eyes lighting up in recognition and Gilbert did the same when he recognised it.

[Anne, Sprig, and Polly all groan in unison.]

Anne: I still think we should have ordered takeout from Stumpy's.

"So this is Anne? My fellow Disney show protagonist stuck in another world?" Luz asked and Cornholio nodded his head.

Sprig: They do Grub Satay now!

Mutters of not wanting to know what that it is, "Sprig the older Plantar child who is Anne's best friend there and younger brother figure." Cornholio explained about Sprig.

"He doesn't look bad for a humanoid frog creature." Luz said and the audience thought that they would have expected something a bit uglier, definitely not entirely fit at home in the Demon Realm.

Polly: So, what else do we need for this suffering?

"Polly the younger sister of Sprig." Cornholio explained as Luz, Willow, Gus, Skara and other Hexside students plus some human teens gushed about how cute Polly was.

"Whose a cute little tadpole..." Luz coeed.

Hop Pop: Uh, Soufflé.

Polly: I said what I said.

"Wow... What a mouth on this infant..." Luz muttered as most of the audience were taken aback.

"I like her already." Eda smirked.

Sprig: Well, according to the recipe, we need something called pineapple… fungus?

"I... Don't want to see what that is..." groaned Camila as this creeped even the Demon Realm residents out. She was just getting used to watching the Boiling Isles and doesn't really want to do the same to Amphibia.

Narration (Matt Braly): Polly runs over to an odd looking mushroom and yanks it out of the ground with all her might.

"Wait? How big would this mushroom be since this is making her sound quite strong?" Luz asked surprised and they all had no answer.

Polly: [Shouting] Is this it?

Narration (Matt Braly): The ground starts to shake. Polly has actually pulled the nose of a gigantic, horrifying creature! A giant ugly badger with insect eyes and mandibles explodes from the ground, and looms over the characters!

"Okay that sounds like something right at home in the Boiling Isles." commented Bump as the humans were frightened.

"Thank all that there is that we are not getting a picture..." Luz muttered.

"Luz; I don't suppose you want to somehow go to this Amphibia place..." Camila hesitatingly asked Luz who shook her head and Camila then shot out a sigh of relief.

Anne, Sprig, & Hop Pop: [In unison] Dang it, Polly.

Polly: In retrospect, I should have asked, and then pulled.

"Sounds like a young Eda." said Amity with laughs and Eda glared at her.

"See if you get my blessing to marry my human daughter now Blight!" Eda shouted with her arms folded and Raine patting her on the shoulder amused.

"She has mine and that's all that matters." Camila smirked to Eda's direction but this caused Luz and Amity's cheeks to blush red. "Sorry about that..." Camila told them apologetically knowing that this was far too early to even be thinking about this but Eda did bring it up.

Narration (Matt Braly): The Badger-Beetle roars, and they run away screaming.

Anne, Sprig, Polly, & Hop Pop: Aaaaah!

Narration (Matt Braly): Exterior, Wartwood Swamp. Some ways away, Eda and Luz step through the glowing portal and gaze around.

"So we get stuck here; at least we can now make sure that we dont' do whatever spell Eda screwed up to send us there." Luz pointed out and Eda hated how she phrased that.

Eda: Luz, it worked! We're in the Human Realm.

Narration (Matt Braly): Eda bows deeply to a passing grubhog.

Eda: M'lady.

Luz: I worry what you think you know about humans.

"I bet I was just humoring her!" Eda shouted as she got looks.

Eda: Well, might as well head to the nearest town and see if they have any S&P approved bug equivalent to liquor.

"Come on; aren't you even the least bit curious on what bug liquor would taste like?" Eda shouted and shook her head as she got no answer.

"I won't even try the stuff that we have here in the human world!" Hal said.

Luz: Hold on, Eda. Do you hear that?

Narration (Matt Braly): Suddenly, Anne, Hop Pop, Polly, and Sprig come tearing out of the woods. Anne stumbles into Luz, and they both fall over.

"New friends met!" Luz squealed excitedly as she got stares but looks of amusement from her loved ones.

Luz & Anne: [Simultaneously, while falling] Aaaah!

Hop Pop: Whoa! Who are you people!?

Sprig: I don't believe it! Another Anne?

Polly: And she's better dressed too.

"Why thanks Polly; you know I think that rock my looks very much!" Luz said as there were mutters of agreement from a red face Amity.

Eda: Woah! Uh, giant frog-people… either that, or this is the best apple blood I've ever had. [to Luz] Kid, are you seeing this too?

"Wow, so giant frog people would be unbelievable to all of you in the Demon Realm as well?" Luz asked as most weren't sure.

"Not too common but I don't think too out of left field." Gilbert spoke thinking of his and Harvey's book.

Narration (Matt Braly): Anne helps Luz up. The two regard one another with awe.

Anne: Another human? I don't believe this!

Luz: Me neither. I'm Luz Noceda, and I am very impressed that you're walking around with one shoe.

"...I am only now noticing..." Luz said as the picture changed to Anne's picture.

"Depending on how long ago she lost the other one, I do hope that she had been watching where she stepped. Especially in a place with Swamp in it's name." Camila said shaking her head.

Anne: Eh, It took some getting used to. I'm Anne, by the way, Anne Boonchuy.

Luz: Why do I get the feeling we have a lot in common?

Anne: I dunno, but I can already tell we're gonna be besties.

"Wow, I hope that I can meet Anne since I now I know I can make friends with another human! I just wish that making friends with other humans was this easy!" Luz squealed but then calmed down as the human teens looked nervous, Luz's friends looked at her sympathetically and then the human teens gulped as Amity gave them an evil eye.

Narration (Matt Braly): Eda leans over.

Eda: Uh, sorry to interrupt, but [shouting] we've got company!

Narration (Matt Braly): The Badger-Beetle burst into the clearing, roaring with rage. Hop Pop attaches himself to Eda's leg.

"Wow, he's a brave one..." Eda laughed sarcastically.

Hop Pop: Save us, foxy lady!

"He's not wrong..." Raine muttered embarassed as Eda smirked at them red in the face as well and decided to strike a pose while standing up.

"Eda, since you're my Mum now... Please stop..." King muttered feeling embarassed.

Eda: Get off of me.

Narration (Matt Braly): Luz steps forward, pulling some glyphs out of her pocket.

Luz: Leave this one to me, guys.

Narration (Matt Braly): She slams a glyph down on the ground, growing vines which shoot out and ensnare the beast.

Anne & Sprig: Woah, cool!

Polly: [In unison with Anne and Sprig] Wow, cool!

"Demon Realm or frog world; Luz Noceda can do what it takes to..." Luz smirked but then Boscha shot on her feet.

"Hang on a second!" Boscha shouted as the audience stared at her. "You remember how her glyphs failed in the human world I was thinking that maybe the glyphs work off the Titan's energy and that's why it failed. So does this frog world have it's own Titan or magical energy to use in order to activate?" Boscha pointed out and they blinked as it was a good point.

"That... actually is a good point..." Luz spoke speechless.

"Well I am not some idiot, I get good grades you know." Boscha retorted as if angry they all thought that she was dumb.

"Off course you are pretty smart Boscha dear!" shouted her mother as Boscha glared at her while the audience giggled.

Sprig: Anne, Polly, let's help too!

Anne: Good thinking, bud.

Narration (Matt Braly): With the badger tied up in magic vine, Anne, Sprig, and Polly all rush forward. Anne draws her racked and hits the badger in the leg.

"This is what is meant I believe!" Cornholio said showing off a tennis raquet.

"So her plan is to attack a badger monster with that... Luz, I think we have found someone who miraculously have worse planning skills than you!" Eda muttered shaking her head.

"I have to agree with the Owl Lady; I bought one of those from her once and it was worthless as a weapon!" shouted a Hexside student glaring at Eda who looked sheepish.

Anne: Taaake this!

[The badger growls.]

Narration (Matt Braly): Sprig loads Polly into his slingshot, and fires her at the badger.

"I'm sorry but can someone please tell me if they just heard that the frog kid just used his own baby sister as ammuniition?" Edric shouted in disbelief as most were open mouthed.

"Well if the frog grandfather is okay with this then if child protective services exists on this frog world then they really should have a look at this family..." Camila muttered.

Sprig: Little sister cannon, fire!

"The way he is joking about it is just making things worse..." GUs muttered.

Polly: Here comes the pain!

"How is it I am getting the feeling that the scariest thing in that frog world is a tadpole girl..." asked Samantha and most agreed with her.

Narration (Matt Braly): Pow! Polly hits the badger right in the eye. It whimpers and limps off into the woods, defeated. All the kids—Luz, Anne, Polly, and Sprig—stand tall, and look like total bosses. Eda and Hop Pop exchange a glance.

"No plan that involved sports equiptment and firing little siblings should have any business working..." Camila spoke.

Eda: Uh… I was about to help.

Hop Pop: [Fake coughing] Ditto.

"Not one world from any of you!" Eda warned with her arms folded.

"Plus she would still be helpless at this stage without her magic powers to help out." Raine pointed out and Eda shook her head; they didn't have to point it out like that.

Narration (Matt Braly): Anne sheaths her racket and rushes up to Luz.

Anne: Wow! You're like a… magician, or something. It's incredible!

"Not so good with card tricks though..." Luz said but the humans teen shouted 'we know!'

Luz: I'm a witch—well, kind of a witch-in-training… But, I come from the human world originally.

Sprig: A witch? I know a certain curse-wielding frog-girl who would love to meet you.

"Curse wielding... I don't think I want you to meet whoever it is that she is talking about..." Camila said asking how is this frog world surpising her after all she had seen of the Demon Realm.

Polly: So, what're you doing here, better-dressed-Anne?

Hop Pop: Polly, rude much?

"Well he is trying to teach his grandchildren manners, I will give him that much." Camila said.

Eda: Oh! I love the chaotic energy coming from the tiny one. Up top, you absolute beast.

Narration (Matt Braly): Eda and Polly high-five.

"I definitely want to meet her now!" Eda grinned and King nodded his head enthusiastically.

Luz: Actually, searching for a way home.

Anne: Don't tell me. You're trapped in a medieval fantasy adventure rigamarole too?

"Seriously, we could both spend so much time relaying our adventures to eachother!" Luz grinned.

Then they heard barking and Jerbo said "Barcus is asking if this Anne girl has her own dangerous foes to fight in the frog world as well?" They blinked at the question.

"Well I am sure nothing there could compare to the Emperor and his resources, especially with... Whatever he is..." Lilith pointed out with the audience thinking that she was right.

Anne probably had it much easier in Amphibia compared to what Luz has had to go through.

Luz: Mmh, less of a medieval fantasy, and more of a kid-friendly hellscape on top of a giant carcass, but… yep!

Narration (Matt Braly): Anne grabs Luz's hands.

Anne: Oh my god! I have so many questions for you. How are you coping? Do you miss your parents? How was the food there?

"Yep, you two would definitely get along great!" laughed Willow and Luz along with her.

Luz: And I got questions for you. Where'd you learn how to fight like that? Do you have a found family too? Or a horrifying authority figure to fight?

Anne: [Gasp] You have to come over! Hop Pop, can we have a sleepover, like, right now?

"Wait... The way she gasped... Does she have one of those last things?" Skara asked and they blinked.

"Again, what could there be compared to Belos?" King asked as Luz was thinking about a sleepover with Anne and all her friends. She was so excited about a friend that she had yet to meet!

Hop Pop: Uh, I-I-I don't know Anne. We need to get permission from, uh… [to Eda] eh, what did you say your name was?

Eda: I am Eda, the Owl Lady. The most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles… until recently. But you can call me Eda, you weird little frog-man.

Narration (Matt Braly): Eda winks. Hop Pop blushes, hotter than the surface of the sun.

"Did... You just flirt with the frog man?" Raine asked feeling a little bit jealous but mostly shocked and disgusted along with most of the audience.

"Come on, I was just messing around with the idiot! Besides he is probably like my parents' age!" Eda yelled annoyed.

Hop Pop: Oh! Hehe, weeell I, ah… hehehe… I, ah, um… oh, hehehe, I… goodness… weh, well… huh…

Narration (Matt Braly): Sprig notices the portal beginning to flicker and waiver.

Sprig: Uh, Luz, Eda? Is your portal supposed to do that?

"Aww... So little time to spend with my new friends..." Luz muttered dissapointed but she woudl rather be in the Demon Realm than the frog one.

Luz: [Gasps] Oh-no! We're out of time! [To Eda] I told you this thing would be unstable! [To Anne] I'm sorry Anne, we've got to go!

Anne: No! Luz, don't you dare go!

"Is she in love already?" laughed Willow and Amity was now glaring at the thought of Anne even trying anything with her Luz.

Narration (Matt Braly): They clasp hands again, both tearing up.

Luz: In another life, Anne, we'll have that sleepover. In another life!

Anne: Like, some kind of… I don't know… alternate universe?

Narration (Matt Braly): Luz nods tearfully. Eda grabs Luz by the shoulders and drags her into the portal.

"We will meet Anne and have that sleepover!" Luz shouted dramatically standing on her seat as she got looks and nervously went back down.

"Glad I listened to Joey and did this..." Cornholio muttered to himself amused

Eda: Sorry kiddo, but I ain't about to get stuck in a world of frogs. Demon Realm, here we come!

Anne: Sure enough. Get out of here, you crazy kids! And Luz…

Narration (Matt Braly): Luz turns back one last time.

Anne: …never give up. You can do it. We're both gonna find a way home. I just know it.

Luz smiled confidently on the screen.

Luz: You got that right. Take care Anne… I love your hair!

Amity looked to her own one and Luz smiled at she put her arm around her shoulder and said "don't worry, your's is much better!"

Amity then smiled.

"At this rate when they do meet up; poor Anne is going to be confused when Amity is seeing her as a love rival for Luz despite the fact that she never met either of them." King said and this got laughs from the audience.

"I am sure Anne has her own two girls to pursue." Cornholio said.

Narration (Matt Braly): Kablaoey! The portal collapses with an energy shockwave. The Plantars and Anne are left dumbfounded.

Anne: I don't believe it. A human girl stuck far from home in another world, just like me!

Sprig: Two kindred souls!

Polly: What are the odds?

This did seem to be a big miracle.

Hop Pop: [Sighs] Well, looks like the Swamp Soufflé is a bust. Guess we'll head back and see if Stumpy's is still open.

Narration (Matt Braly): We pan to the treeline. In the distance we hear Hop Pop one more time.

Hop Pop: Hey, have any of you seen my wallet?

Eda smirked proudly as everyone turned to her.

"Why would you even do that? What good is frog currency in the Boiling Isles?" Camila muttered shaking her head.

Narration (Dana Terrace): Exterior, Boiling Isles. Luz and Eda stand where the portal once was.

Eda: Well, [sighs] that was something. What do you say we go find King and figure out dinner?

"Getting left out..." huffed King.

Luz: Another human girl, and I barely got to talk to her! I didn't even get a memento to remember her by.

Luz was now hoping for another chance.

Eda: Oh, I wouldn't say that… [Eda pulls out Hop Pop's wallet.]

Eda smirked as just about everyone muttered that they knew it.

Luz: Eda! Did you steal that poor frog-man's wallet!?

Eda: Well I couldn't help it. He was right there!

Luz: Quick! We gotta open the portal and return it!

Eda: Maybe another day, Luz. Maybe another day.

"Yeah sure you will return it, when pigs fly... No wait they probably do where you are from..." Camila spoke shaking her head.

"Okay, are we back to you criticising my every move again?" Eda moaned.

Narration (Dana Terrace): Meanwhile, just nearby the Owl House, Amity paces in front of Tinella Nosa.

"Tinella Nosa... Wait, is that Tiny Nose's full name?" Luz asked and most didn't know that.

Amity: I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna talk to her. [She clears her throat] Hey, Luz. Remember that kiss thing? Well, I don't! [Laughs nervously] We can just, go back to normal, right? Hey, do you wanna help me study for uh, ts… Titan, I forgot what kind of magic I use.

"Amity... Just wow..." Willow spoke glaring at Amity with the twins looking at her dissappointed in her as well.

The projectionist was staring at the audience open mouthed as well.

Tinella Nosa: You look nauseous.

Amity: I am, but I shouldn't be. I faced a slitherbeast before, and I barely broke a sweat. Now look at me!

Narration (Dana Terrace): Amity lifts up her arms, revealing very sweat-stained armpits on her shirt.

Amity was now covering her face embarassed as Luz went to comfort her.

Amity: [Sigh] No, I'm Amity Blight. I can do this. I'm gonna walk right up to Luz, and say—

Tinella Nosa: Oh, there she is.

Narration (Dana Terrace): Reveal: Luz and Eda walking back from their trip in the distance.

Amity: I gotta go!

"Seriously Amity? How much longer are we going to suffer through this?" WIllow screamed throwing her arms up in the air.

"Come on Willow, I have been absent for two episodes so don't go acting like it's been longer than it actually was!" Amity shot right back.

Narration (Dana Terrace): Amity dashes back into the woods before Luz knew she was even there.

Amity sighed as there were shakes of the head.

"Wasn't that something?" Cornholio asked appearing in front of the screen and they all nodded. "Now for the final episode before our next break and it's about Hooty!" Cornholio explained as Hooty was excited and the audience groaned.

"Yay! I get to take part again!" Hooty cheered.

"Come on, can we skip it please?" begged King and there were more groans as Cornholio folded his arm and shook his head.

"Suffer through this throwaway episode that won't even need to exist..." King muttered as they all sighed but Luz was giving a thumbs up to Hooty so that the audience reaction doesn't get him down. The next actual episode started playing as the audience knew that this was going to be pure annoyance...