
Chapter 37: Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances Part 2

Luz is tying some vines for a trap as Gwendolyn calls it nice work saying that they will be curing that Curse in no time with signs set up, Luz says that Eda is always down for more Apple Blood.

"Can't believe you let my mother rope you into this Luz!" Eda said exasperated. "Plus using my love of Apple Blood against me?" she then asked as Luz looked at her nervously.

Luz says the warlock guy was really something asking if she is his pupil and Gwendolyn looking through the tome says yes but first to prove that she was worthy of his secrets she spent the last year on a bunch dangerous quests and didn't even get that many scars showing off her biceps. Luz calls it cool and says that her bicep game is ridiculous.

There were wide eyes at this as they didn't know what to say but Luz looked impressed.

They hear a sound thinking that their signs must have worked and it shows Eda following the signs with Luz and Gwendolyn watching from a hiding spot, Gwendolyn says that according to Wartlop's tome they start with lowering the beast's defences with special crystals which are supposed to be quite common and then it shows Eda dodging the crystals and gets stuck by a giant one with feathers showing on her neck.

There were great looks of concern at this and a lot of the audience were becoming freaked out, "While I don't condone what your mother is doing Ms Clawthorne, I am still scratching my head at the fact that they are using Looney Tunes tactics that appear to be working." Hal pointed out as Eda was too busy glaring at the screen to respond.

Luz is freaked out saying she is stressed about to throw a potions bottle from her pouch and Gwendolyn stops her saying that the text says that the feathers means that she is driving the beast out. Gwendolyn tells her not to worry since after today Eda won't have to drink the nasty little things again and Luz asks what they do next.

There were more harsh glares from the Potion Tracks students, "I have some potions that I would like to shove right down her throat....." muttered one such student.

Gwendolyn says that next they are going to put the beast on ice bringing out a cloud demon from her bag which starts firing ice.

"Parent of the Year everyone." Camilla said sarcastically with her arms crossed as she was thinking that already in the short time of her being shown, Gwendolyn has already shown yourself to be a much worse influence for Luz than her daughter. While she wasn't having her help in her illegal business, Eda at least showed that she had some clue as to what she was doing.

The living room of the Owl House is filled with empty and spilt ice cream tubs as Lilith and King are lying on the couch moaning; King asks how do they get a parent's attention and Lilith says that heck if she knows since her mother wasn't even at her Coven initiation taking another taste of ice cream.

Lilith glared at the screen as most of the audience wondered about how long she had been resenting her mother for this negligence, not being there for big events in Lilith's life while giving nothing but unwanted attention to the other daughter? The Parks and Perry along with Camilla were thinking how growing up with her must have been like.

King picks up Francois saying that at least she knows what she looks like, all he has is an old wall carving and what if that's just graffiti.

King looked like he was about to cry on the spot for that.

The door is opened as Hooty is worried about all the ice cream they are eating and asks if they know that Eda gets that stuff from the Night Market.

"Wow..... Hooty is being the voice of reason...." Willow pointed out as most of the audience thought that it was weird when that happened as Hooty was looking at Lilith concerned.

"I hope IAmZamber from YouTube doesn't mind me stealing that observation." Cornholio said to himself.

Lilith sounding drunk asks if he is her mother because that's an awful lot of judgement.

"Luz, I never want to drive you into resenting me like Gwendolyn did to Lilith." Camilla said pulling Luz close as Luz thought that she would never do anything that could drive them apart.

King pushing a tub from his head says that it stinks and says that if his dad doesn't care about him then why should he care about him dropping Francois to the floor.

"Yeah!" King said looking proud, he didn't need an absent father in his life!

King crosses his arms saying that he isn't going to him and he is going to have to come to him and Lilith says that she is sick of being overlooked and gets up saying that from now on she has no mother and she would say that to her face.

"Isn't that taking it too far Lulu?" Hooty asked concerned and Lilith shook her head.

"Two episodes in the row dealing with parental issues...." Gilbert pointed out to his husband who nodded along with them.

Amity herself realised that she wasn't the only one there with complicated parental issues.

King says yeah and Hooty asks if that's taking that a bit too far and King replies that it isn't taking it far enough and says to go tell her right outside and Lilith asks if she is worried. King explains that he saw her go off with Luz thinking that they are going to heal Eda's Curse or whatever and Lilith asks if that is so, saying her mother paying attention to Eda again and it's not like she cares as black feathers sprouts from her cheeks.

"Oh no Lily!" Eda screamed as there were gasps and Lilith's eyes widened with Hooty about to freak out.

King concerned points it out to Lilith and she worried goes to look for the elixirs but can't find them.

The audience had a sneaking suspicion on what happened to the elixirs.

King worried checks on her as her eyes become black and the shadow of her transforming hovers over King who tries to offer her ice cream and Hooty.

There were shocked gasps at this as Hooty was now forcibly embracing Lilith as if she was going to transform at any second, "This is karma for me intentionally pushing Edalyn's Curse....." Lilith muttered to herself.

Eda climbs onto a ledge saying that this had better be the oldest, strongest and stinkiest Apple Blood ever and yells at another sign saying that it really is that good.

"Don't worry Luz, I am putting the blame for this on who it truly belongs...." Eda assured Luz.

She then slips on a slimy flower saying that she just stole those shoes but walks into a trap that sends her flying yelling as Gwendolyn is telling Luz that the Curse isn't her daughter's only problem.

"Indeed correct but it's not what you think it is, the other problem is a mother who has been bothering me for all these decades...." Eda muttered getting agitated.

Eda lands in a bush and has her staff flying saying to help mama up, Luz says that she doesn't think the stuff is working as they watch Eda being chased by flying snakes.

at this point the humans didn't think that the existence of flying snakes in the Boiling Isles was worth commenting on.

Luz then asks if Wartlop ever said where he learned this stuff and Gwendolyn is talking to a raven phone saying that she is sending it right away, Luz asks what did she just do. Gwendolyn is putting crystals in a sack to give to the phone saying that it turns out the tome is only the first in a series so she is trading a few poultry family heirlooms to get the rest.

There were open mouths of disbelief at this, "How exactly did you become such a conwoman with someone like this as your mother?" someone asked Eda who didn't know where she got her skills from either. Dad might have some secret tricks that she picked up on.

Luz suspicious asks to see the tome and Gwendolyn says that only those who scaled Wartlop's pyramid of study can touch it but Luz uses a vine glyph to snatch it away and looks through it, she then tells Gwendolyn that she is being scammed and that Wartlop is a fake.

This only confirmed what most had figured out, "Can't believe you have to be the one to point that out to her." Amity told Luz in disbelief.

Gwendolyn takes the tome back asking if she really thinks that she would spend her life's savings on a fake and Luz says that she knows that she wants what's best for Eda and so does she but she is calling this off as she takes a potions bottle out. Gwendolyn takes the bottle away saying that she thought that she is really on the same side and says that poison like this is made by healers and potion makers who simply want money showing a section of the tome saying it.

At this the Potion Tracks students were now shouting out what appeared to be Boiling Isles swear words and Amity was now forcibly covering Luz's ears.

Luz is agitated saying that she will get more at the house and Gwendolyn says that she is afraid that it would be a waste of her time as she had gathered all the bottles .

Again confirming what they had already figured out.

Luz asks why would she do that and Gwendolyn says that she is a mother who will do anything for her daughter as Luz jumps at her.

"Do anything but listen to common sense....." Eda muttered.

Eda gets up and gets a flying snake out of her hair and sees her arms saying that this isn't good as Luz and Gwendolyn falls behind her , she goes to them asking what is going on and Gwendolyn says that Luz and her are working to heal her and Eda angrily asks if this was all her saying that she wasn't healing her and nearly killed her. Luz asks her to try and stay calm and she asks why should she be calm and she has a right to be upset as her eyes are filled with black transforming into the Owl Beast and it cuts to Eda in her head with the Owl Beast hovering over her.

There were frightened yells at this, "Just once.... Just once I would like for an episode where Luz isn't in any danger of any tyrant's thugs, magical monster or Cursed mentors.... An episode where she is just hanging out with her friends or something with no life threatening stakes....... Is that too much to ask at this point?" Camilla cried out thinking that this show is going to kill her with a heart attack at this point.

Eda says to get this over with as she runs from the Owl Beast as the Owl Beast Eda goes closer to Luz and Gwendolyn and Gwendolyn says not to worry since according to the tome she then stops and shows that it said to buy the next volume to which Luz has a humph and an 'are you serious' face.

Just about everyone had such a face.

King comes out from the bushes and sees Owl Beast Eda and he does his best to explain as Raven Beast Lilith comes flying out easily towering over Owl Beast Eda with Gwendolyn asking 'Sweet Flea'.

There were gasps as Lilith was frozen with her mouth wide open with Hooty embracing her, "So Lily.... Wishing that you didn't scare my Curse right about now?" Eda asked as Lilith now had Steve trying to comfort her.

Raven Beast Lilith flies out as Owl Beast Eda charges in as Raven Beast Lilith picks up Owl Beast Eda and flies off.

"Wait, so she gets turned into a Raven Beast instead of an Owl Beast?" Gus pointed out as Eda thought that now that he mentioned it, this Curse did seem to be more complicated than she had ever thought....

Luz picks up Eda's staff as Gwendolyn asks if her little 'Sweet Flea' was also cursed and King finishes it asking if she was not paying any attention to her as she goes on the staff as Luz gets ready to fly off saying that they have to help them asking if she will come with them. Gwendolyn says that this must be part of the process and Luz says that she can see that she still needs a little time and flies off as Gwendolyn flies off on her staff.

"Seriously, how could she still be trying to rationalise this? How out of touch of reality could she possibly be?" screamed Boscha in utter disbelief and for only the second time this episode just about everyone was on her side.

"Welcome to the world of anti-vaxxers." Camilia muttered arms folded with other humans doing the same and the anti-potioneer student from earlier was looking nervous.

"There must be a limit to how much stupidity that they will try and rationalise, if something is big enough then they can't ignore the facts staring right in the face and won't be so boneheaded." King asked and then everyone heard as Cornholio started giggling which soon turned into laughing and then he was laughing loudly and angrily with a crossed look on his face scaring the audience.

Gwendolyn tries to tell herself that Wartlop is not a fake after everything he did for him as she goes to the cave and sees that Wartlop's skin is just a suit with the goblins enjoying the riches, making up a cleansing mud on the spot.

"A fake, who would have thought? Just like the 2nd episode...." Camilla muttered shaking her head as Eda knew that she had gotten scammed yet again.

The Fire Bees fire rises up scaring them as Gwendolyn angrily looks on and the goblins panicked gets the suit on with the mask on backwards, Gwendolyn has a Fire bee comes up to her saying that she joined the Beast Keeping Coven after Eda was cursed and thought that surely they would know what to do, she was told that the Curse couldn't be tamed and the Healers told her that it couldn't be healed and Eda told her that she found something that made it manageable at least but she didn't listen.

"All these years and she finally gets it...." Eda muttered.

Wartlop offers to give her the next volume 5% off and then offers 10% off and Gwendolyn calmly tells them to leave as the fire goes up and says that if she ever sees them in Bonesborough again then every beast in the forest will be after their head which causes the goblins to jump out of the suit and burrows out.

"I didn't think that I would say this after everything she pulled in this episode but go mom!" Eda said looking impressed and so were the Beast Track students along with everyone else.

The fire goes down as she says that she still got it Raven Beast Lilith and Owl Beast Eda are still flying and fighting causing property damage in the buildings in Bonesborough.

Things were tense as the audience gulped at this image.

They crash as Luz and King watches from Eda's staff. Luz thinks fast and remembers, Morton is about to close his potion shop since no one has bought anything for a while but Luz lands saying that she needs every last elixir that he has with him getting excited and Luz asks if he accepts payment in hyper realistic pencil portraits showing him one of him but he just shuts the windows.

There were slight chuckles at this, "Morton puts up with a lot from me but this.... No Luz...." Ea laughed.

"Still a great drawing Luz." Amity assured Luz and she smiled in response, thinking that she would have to draw her awesome girlfriend later.

Luz thought that she was improving but then Gwendolyn lands with the sack saying not to worry, they are on the roofs watching the Beasts continue their fight with Luz asking if she is sure this is going to work and King asks if they are secretly sending them to their deaths and Gwendolyn drops her medallion saying that no, she is making things right. While stepping on it.

"I hope you know what you are doing Mom...." Eda muttered and Lilith had a face agreeing with her.

Luz flies towards them and Gwendolyn summons three eye balled winged tiles for her to step on to get closer, speaking to her beautiful daughters saying that she failed them and Owl Beast Eda comes closer with Gwendolyn saying asking if Eda is in there. She touches her fur as it cuts to mental Eda still running from the Owl Beast as Gwendolyn's voice say that she should have listened to her, she knows now why she pushed her away and Eda notices her mum's voice. Gwendolyn says that she made her think that her Curse was something to be ashamed off, whether they want it or not it's a part of Eda and she loves every part of her.

Eda was now wiping away tears as she was getting looks, "What are you looking at?" she asked as they looked away but Luz and Camilla managed a smile.

Eda then stares off against the Owl Beast and puts out a hand causing it to shrink to a small animal size and then starts calling out for Gwendolyn and catches the Owl Beast by the neck.

Gwendolyn says that she is so sorry and Owl beast Eda now has Eda's face calling for her but then Raven Beast Lilith is about to claw down but Eda stops her and pins her down. Gwendolyn kneeling down takes Lilith's head saying that she was always so self-sufficient but she didn't give her the attention that she deserved, Lilith's eyes are closed with tears as Gwendolyn comforts her.

Lilith was now crying into his hands as she was being comforted by Hooty and Steve as the audience thought this was a touching image.

Then shouts now as King jumps down between the two Beasts and Luz drops the elixir into their mouths. Luz catches King seeing the explosion of magic saying that it's good elixir and Gwendolyn catches her normal looking daughters.

There were sighs of relief at this.

Eda says about time as Lilith is crying saying that she heard her but she couldn't stop herself and couldn't do anything as Gwendolyn comforts her saying that it 's okay, she is there for them both as Luz and King watches on smiling. King asks Luz if she was just trying to do her best.

"She was easily fooled, ignorant and stubborn but...... She still meant well...." Eda said and Lilith nodded her head to her sister's words.

Outside the Owl House at night Gwendolyn apologises for all the trouble that she caused and just wanted to help, she should have trusted Eda more and Eda punches her on the shoulder saying that she should have but not to be a stranger.


"Hey, you think you can do something to have Mum see these events later. I for one would like to be able to have her get hit with reality sooner than later!" Eda shouted calling for Cornholio who put up a thumbs up as he will take care of it later.

Lilith goes through the door saying she is ready with her stuff tied in a sack around her staff to Eda's confusion, Lilith explains that they were talking and she has decided to go home to their mother to make up for lost time. Luz asks what, Eda says Lily, King asks if she lived there and Hooty asks what.


"WHAT? NO LULU, YOU CAN'T!!!!" Hooty shouted embracing Lilith again as if she was about to disappear. Lilith thought that making up for lost time would be good for the both of them.

Gwendolyn says that Lilith told her how she gave her the curse as Lilith looks saddened, Gwendolyn takes their hands saying sorry to them both to have this secret weighing them down and wished that she knew sooner.

"I wonder how she would have handled it..." Eda pondered to herself as Lilith had a look of regret on her face upon being reminded of being responsible for Eda's Curse in the first place.

Lilith says that there is still a lot to be learned about the Curse and it will be nice to spend some time home and reconnect with their dad.

"No one please bring him up!" Eda shouted and the audience were now silent.

King was now thinking that perhaps his Dad meant well for whatever reason he had for not being in his life. There could still be hope for him...

Gwendolyn says that they will be away for a while but they have plenty of elixirs stacked up and Luz says that someday her hair is going to be big enough to do that too and King asks if she actually wants that.

"Not if I have anything to say about that Luz." Camilla warned Luz and she groaned in response.

Hooty crying goes to Lilith saying that she can't, Lilith says that she has to but not to worry since they could be pen pals and Hooty replies that he can't hold a pen.

"We have a typewriter you could try and use Hooty." Eda laughed as Hooty cried while embracing Lilith acting as if she was going to leave at any second.

Gwendolyn tells Luz that if it weren't for her she might still be worked up in Wortlop's lies and tells her what she should have told her from the start: she is not the only human to have lived in Bonesborough to Luz's shock.

"WHAT?" shouted just about everyone in shock, something like this wasn't known in the Boiling Isles.

Gwendolyn says that there is a rare essence called Titan's Blood which is extremely powerful and sometimes causes leaks between their realms; plants, animals, she says that they have a lot of garbage but humans are rare. Her great grandmother told her about a human who once lived there but one day just vanished and rumour has it he left something in the library and if she can find out more about him then Luz finishes that maybe she could find out how he got there.

"Could Mum be right?" Eda asked herself as at the start she didn't think that her mother would actually know anything that could help Luz with getting home. Could this human have something to do with the Portal Door?

Gwendolyn says exactly and winks, she and Lilith flies off on their staffs with them waving and Hooty crying, Eda says that she will be on the couch for the next 24 hours and leaves but King says that he calls couch.

Luz calls for her mother saying that she will be home soon, camp has probably ended by now so she must be so worried.

Luz and Camilla looked sad wondering what she could possibly be thinking now.....

At the Noceda house, Camilla is crying on the couch with her hands in eyes.

Camilla felt Luz pulling her in close for an embrace and she returned it with both having tears in their eyes.

Camilla turns off the TV saying that the animal documentaries make her such a mess, someone gives her a box of tissues saying 'here Mama' and in the shadows it's Vee taking Luz's form as Camilla addresses her as Luz thanking her, saying that she always knows what to do.


For about a minute.

Just about everyone's faces were frozen and especially Luz and Camilla had their mouths wide open. Then they were able to make a loud horrified sound: