
Chapter 15: Escape of the Palisman

At the Slayground; next to a sign saying that all bloodthirsty monsters must be leashed; Eda and Luz sit down at a bench. Luz worriedly wonders if King will get hurt or the kids are mean to him and her parental instincts are freaking out, Eda says that King will be fine as he climbs up the slide.

"Not old enough to start learning to drive and your parental instincts are kicking in?" laughed Camila as Luz looks embarrassed.

"I feel sorry for anyone who would have the human as a mother." Laughed Boscha to which Willow, Gus, Luz and Camila glared at her.

"Sorry could you repeat that please? I am not certain but it sounded like 'I miss looking like a fashion train wreck so can you please change me back'!" Cornholio told Boscha in a warning voice and Boscha gave a quick apology in a panic tone of voice.

"I have to say that I don't think you are mother material yet yourself Boscha dear!" Boscha's mother scolded to laughter from some students.

Luz wonders what game is he playing as he reaches the top calling it a throne worthy of a tyrant and orders the kids on the ground to bow but one just does a headstand and the other turns around and puts her head on the ground.

The girl from the episode gets off her seat to try it to some audience members calling it cute.

The usurper kid behind him tells him that it's for sliding and not standing as he goes and pushes him off the slide.

"Hey you! Bring the usurper to me so that i can have him destroyed!" King demanded to the amusement of the audience.

"Even if I wasn't already pondering that I might be in danger of making this audience too crowded; I am not bringing another person in just to satisfy the demands of a wannabe tyrant not tall enough to ride big boy rides." Cornholio replied with his arms folded as King does his Squeak of Rage to the amusement of the audience.

King goes up to the bench calling the usurper kid a monster who took his throne and wants her to go over there and blow him up Kaboom and the usurper repeats it as he is riding on a spring rocker.

King is furious at the laughs.

Eda takes Owlbert from her staff saying that she won't use him to blow up a five year old and he has more important things to do like having his belly scratched which he enjoys.

Eda does the same to Owlbert and Luz mutters about how he is a sweetie.

Luz calls him a sweetie and asks how he got him; Eda explains that she made him from the branch of an ancient tree and they are bonded for life since he is his Palisman; she would annihilate anyone who hurt him as he is resting on her shoulder having his belly scratched.

"Palisman?" questioned Camila and several other humans.

"They act as familiars and totems which set upon our staff and help with our magic who come to life when not connected to our staffs. Frewin here helps with my eyesight." Bump explained standing up and taking Frewin off his head amazing the humans and other students. "What did you think Frewin did while on my head?" Bump asked putting him back on his head.

"I was hoping that he was some sort of fancy mask..." said one of the human students to which Bump batted an eye.

"I always thought that it was some sort of leech that was the real Principal Bump; a demon that leeched off a witch's head and took over his body." Edric said with other audience members freaking out at the idea.

Bump rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he said "Don't be ridiculous Edric and if you paid attention to your history classes you would have known that demons like that went extinct a long time ago!"

King says that revenge will be sweeter if they fall by his hand alone as the usurper comes up and pushes him down to the ground saying tag he is it before running off. Eda is excited as King gets up and does his Squeak of Rage before running off.

"Wow he did the same in the 2nd episode, after you asked him if he wanted to start paying rent." Luz remembered.

Eda laughs calling him a tea kettle as Luz asks about the interlock on Owlbert's claw and Eda explains that every Palisman has one and he only fits on her staff.

"Wait, this is a show and if I know TV then it is setting something up... Will something happen with the Owl?" asked one of the human kids.

"Better not..." grumbled Eda.

Then she finds herself in a dark room on the bench wondering where Luz is as the staff and bench disappears, Eda is down on the bench as Luz is worriedly telling her to wake up and asking if she was alright as she helps her up.

"The stupid Curse..." Eda muttered shaking her head.

"You really must get help if it's getting worse Edalyn..." Lilith said and Eda gave a humourless laugh.

Eda takes her staff saying that it's the Curse and they have to go home now with Luz calling on King. King demands five more minutes as he is facing against the usurper on top of the slide apparatus and Luz calls him again making him retreat saying that it isn't over and the usurper saying that they should play real soon coming in for a hug to King's irritation.

"The King of Demons facing off with his lifetime rival!" Willow laughed and King snapped that she had just made the list.

The opening is shown.

In the Owl House; Eda throws her staff as she rests on the couch with Luz asking if she wants her to get her elixir and Eda says that she will get it herself, Luz asks if she wants her to stay home to take care of her and she can put King in a doctor's outfit.

"Absolutely not! I have already had to gone through the indignation of two outfits thanks to Eda so let's not add another one thanks to you Luz!" King snapped as audience laughed.

"Come on King, you would look so cute! I have a little doctor's blood so I would be great at playing doctor!" Luz said to King's further embarrassment.

"You have doctor's blood in you?" asked Gus.

"She means having my blood as I work as a vet." Camila explained.

King is taken aback as he is about to write on a piece of paper; Eda says that no one wants to see that and Luz says that she does.

More laughs at this.

Eda says that she knows how to take care of herself as she has had the curse longer than Luz has been alive, Luz asks where she got it and Eda replies that she doesn't know apart from that somebody gave it to her and she doesn't know or care because she is fine.

"Wow you don't care so I can send you back Eda as you obviously don't want to know." Cornholio grinned and Eda glared at him.

"Pay no attention to what I say because I say a lot of stuff that I don't mean, especially to customers about some products but I am looking forward to finding out so I can send the biggest fireball to them!" Eda shouted as Lilith in her seat started nervously scratching her neck.

"Are you alright mam..." Steve asked as Lilith silently ordered him to pipe down.

Eda gets up getting her staff with Owlbert returning to it asking if Luz has plans with Willow and Gus, Luz says that they have plans to go to the Grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus.

There were excitement from the Hexside students at this.

Eda asks since when is she into sports and Luz replies since she has found something called Hexside pride showing it off but asked if Eda needed her to stay and Eda tells her to go have fun at sport.

"Wow Luz, you are showing more school pride here for a school you are not technically a student at yet than you ever were at our school." Hal spoke up with his tone of voice making it clear that he was more amused at this than insulted.

"Hope that there is no hard feelings..." Luz asked.

She gives hugs and kisses to King as he is drawing telling him not to spend all day plotting revenge and he replies the drooly faced heathen will know his wrath.

The audience laughed as King huffed, "you would make a good mother Luz." Willow spoke up as Luz beamed at her.

"Thanks, just hope that I find the right spouse to parent along with me. I don't think I could do a good job of being a single parent like Mum does." Luz said as Camila pulled her in.

Luz arrives outside at Hexside coming up cheer rhymes for Hexside but finds the winged boat bus and finds Willow in her Hexside hat and Gus in his Hexside sweater with them making poses.

Luz asks about the nicknames for Hexside students and Gus explains about the Grudgby games and shows off his practiced flag waving. Luz asks if it is weird that she is not wearing anything Hexside and Willow points out that she is wearing Glandus colors as a giant student pushes her head down while passing calling her a Glandus nerd (to which Luz protests that she is a Hexside nerd).

"Now that you mention it, I am shocked that you weren't mistaken for a Glandus student before." commented Bump.

"Would there be witch truant officers mistaking me for one?" Luz asked looking back at Lilith and Steve.

"I used to work there before I got promoted to the main guard position!" Steve pointed out.

Luz asks where she can get a Hexside shirt and Gus explains that there is a lost and found box in the cafeteria. Luz finds stuff in the box and goes back through the door wearing Hexside garb and does the splits while trying a Hexside cheer, with her saying that she has never done that before.

"Out of practice from the cheerleader tryouts..." Luz commented and some human girls groaned at the reminder.

She sees that the bus has flown away with her, Gus and Willow and asks why they weren't on the bus and Willow says that they weren't going to leave her behind but Gus says that he was to which Willow elbows him.

Some laughs as Luz, Willow and Gus looked disappointed at this.

Luz asks if they could walk there and Gus explains that they would never make it in time since Glandus is in the middle of the island, Willow explains that her parents are working otherwise they could ask them to give them a ride on their staff. Luz realises it's because staffs fly and claims that she can get them a staff as she drags them.

"I know what you are up to and I just hope that you don't get into too much trouble." Amity tells Luz who didn't have time to react to the sympathy that Amity gave her before...

"Luz! I don't care if you don't end up doing this after we are done here; I swear that if ANYTHING happens to Owlbert I promise that you will be doing all of Hooty's cleaning for the next thousands months!" Eda thundered as Luz just looked at her sheepishly.

King comes to Eda in her room saying that he has the perfect plan for revenge on the usurper with the top page having Fire with a question mark on it, he was about to break down his plan before seeing that Eda has transformed into her owl beast form on her bed.

"Take care of yourself you say Edalyn? Seriously sister you must let me help you and take you back to the Emperor himself. He can fix you..." Lilith told Eda getting up from her seat in concern.

"Back off sister; I don't need the help of anyone especially not your oh so special tyrant who destroyed witch lifestyle forever with his stupid Coven system!" Eda retorted to which Lilith shook her head as she sat down.

"Why must you rebel against those who only want to help you sister..." Lilith muttered

She comes closer and King tells her to stay back afraid and is surprised to find that she listens to him, he gets her to come near and sit.

"Edalyn; your pet has tamed you..." Lilith said trying to stop her giggles from escaping as some weren't trying and Eda glared down at the scared looking King.

"Come on Ea, you know that I would only take advantage of this if you were alright with it..." King muttered to the death glare.

King realises that she is only partially transformed so she is suggestible, he decides that she will help him regain his throne if that's alright with her and he takes her weird grumble for a yes.

"Forget what I said earlier Luz; I will find another punishment for you to be threatened with because cleaning Hooty for the next thousand months will now go to the King of demons here!" snapped Eda as King begged for mercy.

King gets a bottle of elixir just in case she goes rogue on him as he puts it in a bag and hears Luz asking if King is home, King closes the door as Luz asks if Eda is up. King claims that she is out like a light passing her grumbles off as snoring, Luz says that she wanted to ask if she could borrow her staff and King says it's fine to just take it as he gives it to her. Luz says that she can't without permission and after a yell King tells her to go and that's her permission.

"Congratulations Luz as you can consider you're off the hook; I will transfer all responsibility to whatever happens to Owlbert to this idiot!" Eda snapped as King was trying to come up with excuses.

"I can't believe you would buy that story that King gave you; I mean seriously did you that sound like snoring to you?" Amity asked aghast as Luz giggled.

"Much easier to believe than you think; you need to hear Eda snore and how it's not that far off the mark..." Luz told her and Amity giggled in response along with Camila.

Luz says that she really owes Gus and Willow one and she is sure that Eda wouldn't mind since it is just for the afternoon.

Eda just shook her head.

King calls Eda generous with a big heart and Luz says that she will be back soon and King calls it a close call and says nothing when Luz asks what he just said. King says close call again and now revenge as he goes back through the door to face owl Eda who is eating a chair.

Everyone looked towards to Eda who laughed, "Not the weirdest thing that I had eaten as an Owl. The less you know the better..."

Luz goes through the front door waving the staff up and accidentally knocks Owlbert on the wall to which she apologises for saying that they are just going to help some friends.

"I fear for your future Palisman kid if you're not careful!" Eda muttered.

Luz asks who is ready to board air Luz as she goes on the staff with the others, Luz tells Owlbert to step on it as they fly off with them knocking into some trees and crashing into one with them falling out of it. Owlbert lands on his head and is chipped and Luz asks if everyone is okay as she gets up, Owlbert disconnects from the staff and flies off with Luz panicking shouting for Owlbert to come back.

"Wow Luz, I am actually really impressed. This has to be the record for the shortest amount of time it takes for you to have something to go completely wrong! I mean seriously it took longer for your stupid sign to attract the Emperor's guards while you were in my body!" Eda said sarcastically as Luz had a look of panic on her face. Owlbert suddenly disconnects from the staff and flies to Luz's hands.

"Owlbert, I am so sorry this could happen to you! I swear that I won't let anything happen to you from now on!" Luz cried hugging Owlbert close to her as he snuggles up to her, he gave a forgiving motion as he flies back to Eda. "I have you to thank for being shown how to deal with and help animals Mum." Luz told Camila with a smile who smiled with pride in return.

The three are running through the woods as they stop after seeing Owlbert fly through a section of trees and Gus comments on how humans can run and it must be their dorsal finns.

"We don't have those!" most of the human children shouted.

"Please be careful Willow dear!" said Willow's dads in concern along with Perry.

Luz wants to follow on but Willow stops her saying that they have to be careful as it's easy to get lost in the part of the forest, Luz replies that Eda will kill them if they don't get her Palisman back so they go in.

"Don't worry as I will now only kill King or I would if I didn't want his suffering to be drawn out!" Eda remarked with a frown towards King.

"Come on Eda, you know that Luz will get Owlbert just fine and so will you after I get my throne on the Slayground back!" King tries to defend himself.

"Still I hope nothing happens to you three, I would hate for anything to happen to you all!" Amity tells Luz with sternness and worry as she looks back at Gus and Willow as well, Willow notices somewhat before Amity turns her back to the screen.

The three goes through the cave like bit of the forest with Willow commenting on the crunch twigs that she keeps stepping on with Luz saying that those are bones and Willow puts her head up saying not if she never looks down.

"A good way to be in denial I suppose." Eda said.

Something flies by with Luz saying that it's not any kind of forest that she is used to, Willow says that it isn't a forest as she gets her to look down and see the Bat Queen's babies with Willow calling it a nest.

"The Bat Queen?" most of the audience muttered in confusion.

Luz remembers them as they start screaming and Gus and Willow stepping back into a web with Willow saying that she will rather take her chances with Eda.

"I won't take that back!" Willow cried feeling afraid of the stories of the Bat Queen and her trials.

Luz notices Owlbert who steps back into a shadow with Luz relieved and tries to get him to come home, the claw of the Bat Queen goes in front of him as the Bat Queen comes closer. The bat Queen says hello to Luz calling her a small human.

At the Slayground the girl from before is making a sandcastle before she hears a thud and sees a shadow, looking up there is King in cardboard armor riding atop of Eda with a homemade flag. King tells them that they have two choices: grovel or another choice represented by him making Eda growl. The girl along with a three eyed demon kid and Braxas screams and runs away.

Braxas and the girl were heard screaming in fright and suddenly with a straight face Amity got up from her seat and walked over to where King was sitting, she then picked him up by the foot and got into his upside down face saying "if you ever make trouble for these kids or make them cry then the end result will be that the skull that you have over your face will be mounted on my bedroom wall... Do I make myself clear?" Amity asked in a scarily calm voice and King was crying that she does.

She puts him down and puts on a warm look as she goes to where Braxas and the other kids she reads to were sitting next to eachother, after making sure they were alright she told them softly "please feel free to let me know if the big meanie ever scares you whether in the Slayground or somewhere else." They eagerly thank her as Amity walks back to her seat while glaring at the audience members looking at her. "What are you looking at?" Amity asked as they looked away.

She reached her seat as Luz looked on in awe, "Wow Amity, earlier myself was talking about my parental instincts kicking in but there you go... May all the deities have mercy on anyone who tries to mess with your future children!" Luz told her beaming and Amity was red in the face.

"Wait, couldn't you have stopped her?" King asked Cornholio facing his direction once he got himself back up on his seat.

Cornholio gave a humourless laugh and said "Indeed I could have stopped her but I had chosen not to; especially since I still know what you pull in the next episode!" The audience were wondering what King could possibly do in the next episode which was just as bad.

Eda charges in scaring the kids away as the usurper is looking terrified at the top of the slide apparatus with King saying his time begins, the usurper cries as he goes down the slide, King gloats about him not being so tough now as the usurper runs away.

"Wow King, it was cute before but now you are acting like a bully!" Luz chided with a glare to King who shrinked into his seat from the stares he was getting.

King goes up the slide gloating about his victory only to be stopped by Eda starting to eat the slide. King tells her not to eat the throne but she takes another bite.

There were some laughs at this.

Back at the nest Luz explains that they babysit her kids once and not to worry since she got this, Luz gives her best compliments and Gus says that it could have gone worst.

Some shook their heads.

The Bat Queen growls as Luz tries to get Owlbert, the Bat Queen puts her claw in front of Luz, saying that she protects him since to be careless with stuff is very serious. Luz puts the claw down thanking her for protecting Owlbert and reminds her that she owes Eda the Owl Lady a favour, the Bat Queen replies that the Owl Lady is careless and to Luz's confusion the Bat Queen says that Owlbert told him all as her eyes glow yellow along with Owlbert's.

"If I am careless then you are too for entrusting your kids to the careless one!" shouted Eda.

Luz tells Owlbert that she never meant to hurt him and to please trust her as Owlbert's eyes return to normal and goes to the Bat Queen's head with their eyes glowing yellow again.

Mostly everyone blinked wondering what was going on.

The Bat Queen says that trust must be earned through trials as she flies to a part of the nest with her treasure. Willow warns Luz that the Bat Queen is known for her impossible trials and she had never heard of anyone winning against her.

"I haven't either... I do hope by some miracle you find a way out of this like you do most situations..." Lilith said looking genuinely afraid for Luz.

Luz accepts with Willow and Gus saying that they will be there with her until the Bat Queen uses a magic web to encase them saying no help.

Willow and Gus found their parents looking at them in concern.

The Bat Queen starts the trials starting with milking a spider demon with udders and a bell. Luz looks up at Owlbert and chases after the spider demon.

"Please cut out what comes next!" begged a student praying to the Titan.

The next trial is removing a bee's nest and Luz climbs up a tree but the nest turns out to be a giant fly demon that chases after Luz after she falls down.

"Shape shifting fly that is a bee's nest..." Camila asking once again when will this place stop surprising her as the student from before was relieved that they are not seeing the rest with the spider demon.

Gus manages to use his flags to get out of the web encasing him but the Bat Queen traps him in another web.

"Oh come on!" Gus moaned.

The next trial is giving her babies a bath with Willow and Gus cheering her on and asking to be set free to get Eda but Luz says that she was selfish and she hurt Owlbert and needs to do it alone so that he knows that she cares about him.

There was something coming from Owlbert as Eda says "I think he knows kid!" Luz gave a smile to their direction.

Luz coos at the babies after she pours the water on them but they shake it away and screams at her.

"Perhaps you are better off not helping with the babysitting Luz..." Camila muttered and Luz was in agreement.

Back at the Slayground, Eda is now eating a swing with King trying to control her and kicks her gaining her attention.

"It was nice knowing you King." Willow said sounding like she genuinely meant it to King's direction with others agreeing with her.

King goes back and finds the elixir in his bag backtracking on calling himself a fool to call himself a genius. He throws the bottle into her mouth who spits out the cork and King tries to wait for her to transform back but her claw snipes away at his cardboard armor. He gets to run but he foot gets him stuck in the climbing rope but there is an alarm from animal control.

King gulped afraid as Eda glared at him once more.

The Animal Control officers (the demon hunters) from their cart stop, one calls it embarrassing and the lead officer says the job is all they have now so he wants to see happy faces but as they start the one who complained spits her tongue at the lead officer.

"Wait them? Working for animal control?" Luz questioned.

"The Animal Control office have positions available for those with experience hunting monsters and demons." Lilith explained and no one could fault that logic.

They enter the Slayground recognising Eda from the description that the parents called in as King panics. They use a magical circle to trap Eda into a magical net and the lead one tases Eda. King calls after Eda as Eda is magically pulled into the cart.

King tries to set himself free but fails sarcastically calling it awesome and fantastic.

Eda shakes her head as King moans about his luck.

At the nest Gus gets himself free again only to be trapped in a web once more.

"If it makes you feel any better Gus, you have more success getting free than I do here." Willow told Gus in an assured tone.

Luz has done all the chores and proves her dedication, she walks up to Owlbert apologising for the pain that she caused him and promises to be more careful.

Owlbert can be heard hooting.

He nods as he flies next to her and the Bat Queen envelops him in her web magic.

"The Bat Queen is asking for what I do to her!" shouted Eda as most couldn't fault her anger.

the Bat Queen says last trial and she must face her and charges at her with Luz falling down and the Bat Queen saying that she will never get him back,

"Okay, when I get her basket I am going straight to that nest and will only watch her stupid brats if she pays me five times more than she did in that episode!" said Eda with a glare and her arms folded. Camila looks at her and Eda snapped back "don't look at me! She was the one who dumped her kids onto me without talking to me or even giving me a choice in the matter and won't let Owlbert come home!" Camila sighed as she realised that she couldn't refute the points that Eda had just made.

Luz gets Willow and Gus out of the web to help, Gus says that she will hold off the Bat Queen's babies with his flags but remarks that it was a bad plan when they come after the both of them.

"Still you had a plan at least." Spoke one student.

The Bat Queen chases after Luz as Owlbert gets a wing loose from the web, Luz tells the Bat Queen that she won't let her imprison Owlbert as she is trying to her with the staff. She falls down and is tangled in vines as the Bat Queen swoops down with Luz holding her back with the staff.

"Mum, I am sure that I will be fine! No need for this... Say do your arms feel smaller than usual and have you swapped places with Amity..." Luz said feeling someone pull her into a protective embrace and then noticed it was Amity who was embracing her. She lets go and they both have red in their faces.

Luz notices the interlock on the Bat Queen's claw.

Not a mouth of a Boiling Isles resident was closed at the sight of this, "Wait but does this mean that... The Bat Queen was a Palisman?" Luz asked as she looks to Amity.

"Sorry Luz but I don't know how I could know more about this than you do." Amity told her as Luz looked to Eda who just shrugged.

"Must have been on a very big staff..." Gus muttered.

"Wait, do Palismen reproduce? Otherwise how could the Bat Queen have children?" Edric asked as people's eyes widened.

"I think we are better off not knowing the answer that..." Emira told her brother as there were mutterings of agreement from the audience.

"Couldn't have said it better myself..." muttered Bump who was just as dumbfounded as everyone else.

Luz pushes her back after asking about the interlock and says that she used to be a Palisman. The Bat Queen is shocked that she noticed.

King gets himself free falling to the ground as he notices the usurper saying that the pride has destroyed him, the usurper says that the throne belongs to him now. King says over his dead body but hears Eda's screams and has to leave forfeiting his reign.

Most were stunned as King shouts back "I knew it! He was after my throne! He was a usurper and you laughed at my warnings!"

King notices on the road the cart is stopped at a crossing as a giant horned snail train is going by. King goes through the window in the cart door and apologises to Eda for using her strength just because he felt weak. King says that he is her friend and if only there was a way to remind her who he is.

"Just don't make it a habit of taking advantage of my Curse!" Eda told King who smiled at her.

"Does this mean that you will let out on punishing me!" King asked and moaned when Eda just laughed.

King remembers his Squeal of Rage that Eda loves and tries it. Eda then starts laughing and transforms back.

King felt relieved and embraced Eda as most were amused by King willing to embarrass himself to get Eda to normal.

King embraces her and tries to spin the story that he woke up the same time as her, Eda says that she will deal with him later but for now do he want to bounce?

"Did you really think you're stupid cover story would work?" Eda asked as King was silent.

King says yes please as the lead Animal Control officer sees that the cart is busted and asks Eda if she has seen a monster that kind of looks like her, Eda just walks off carrying King.

"Idiot... Has he never seen the wanted posters?" Lilith asked pinching her nose.

Back at the nest Luz asks about the Bat Queen once being a Palisman, the Bat Queen explains that she was once part of a grand staff made for a giant.

"That explains my question." Gus said.

The Bat Queen explains that she was broken and discarded so she protects all Palismen as they are seen with their eyes glowing yellow along with her.

Most were taken aback and looked on in sympathy.

The Bat Queen explains that she made a home in the forest for the lost and forgotten Palismen, Luz says that she understands but Owlbert is not forgotten as she has someone back home who loves him very much. The Bat Queen says that he won't go back with her and Luz retorts that it isn't her decision to make.

"Standing up to the Bat Queen? I doubt that I could find a lot of students willing to do that or even a lot of witches, I am definitely looking forward to having you enrolled in my school!" Bump said as Luz squealed in excitement.

The Bat Queen screams that she won't let him but Owlbert comes between them facing the Bat Queen.

"Who is my brave little Palisman?" Eda asked Owlbert scratching his belly.

Their eyes glow as the Bat Queen remarks about how much he cares for Luz and he nods as his eyes stops glowing. He walks to Luz who picks him up as he snuggles up to her face.

Some thought that this looked like a nice scene, Lilith looked towards her Raven Palisman and started petting it.

The Bat Queen allows them to leave with Willow and Gus and gets her babies to stop attacking them. Gus says that he doesn't think he will be clean again as Owlbert gives the staff to Luz, Luz asks if the Bat Queen knows what happened to her owner but the Bat Queen remarks that it has been thousands of years so she has forgotten. Luz says that she will help her if she wants to search for the truth.

"Helping someone who I am certain was trying to kill you a minute before." Camila commented shaking her head.

The Bat Queen thanks her as she flies off with her babies. Gus is happy that they are not dead as Willow hugs Luz saying that she can't believe that she took on the Bat Queen.

"I am starting to think that if the Titan itself came back alive and faced you Luz, you would still find a way to come out on top!" Emira spoke up with none wanting to bet against it. Even Boscha begrudgingly couldn't in her mind.

Luz thanks them for helping get Owlbert back and is sorry that they missed the game and Gus says that it was better than any Grudgby game.

"Speak for yourself..." whispered Boscha with some in agreement with Gus.

They get home as Luz puts a band aid on Owlbert's crack so he is part of the "boo-boo buddy club"!

"We have two Owls in the club!" Hooty happily squawked.

Eda gets in asking why is Owlbert off the staff who then flies to her saying something. Eda says that Luz took him to get ice cream which she calls a horrible lie but lucky for them both she doesn't care right now since she is going to take a nap.

"What kind of ice cream do they have there?" asked a human student but the others told him to be quiet as they didn't want to know.

King goes back to the Slayground as Owlbert flies to Luz's shoulder and they both agree keep it to themselves.

"You are getting on great with Owlbert, if I make a will perhaps I should make you the next guardian for Owlbert if something happens to him..." pondered Eda.

Eda goes to her room coughing and looks to an empty bottle of her elixir realising that it isn't working on the Curse anymore.

"Edalyn..." Lilith said getting up but Eda stood up to face her..

"Sit down Lilith!" Eda told her and Lilith did so.

Eda coughs up a broken swing wondering when she swallowed it.

There were laughs at this.

The Bat Queen gets her babies and says that it's time for a book before they go to sleep, she coughs up A Pox on a Fox ripping out the pages for them to eat. They go to sleep together.

"Come on, it's a nice children's book!" Amity spoke up shaking her head.