

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasie
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29 Chs

The Ming dynasty shaken!! The scary assassination house!!

After Mu Chen got the order from ye xuan; he contacted all his branch masters and gave the annihilation order for the blood fiend sect;

meanwhile after the assassins got the order; they started preparing ;but as they prepared; some of the powerful people started feeling like something was wrong ;one of them was the Ming emperor as he looked for one of his trusted assassins but he couldn't find him any were; it didn't stop there; in the Mo clan ; the shadow guards captain was missing; in the Kang clan; there genius got an emergency and went out of the clan's territory for the first time since he was brought in two years ago ;one of the most beautiful elders of the purple flowers sect discovered a beast with lightning attribute and went to tame it; similar situations happened to many clans; sects and powerful families as the assassins started going to the blood fiend sect;

Meanwhile in the blood fiend sect; the sect master couldn't understand that was going on; sometimes back; a disciple came in and said that the Supreme elder's soul jade has shattered; he felt like crying; first was the ancestors ;now it was the supreme elder; he felt like the heavens no longer wanted his sect to survive ;

As he was thinking about what to do next; he felt a powerful aura coming in the direction of the sect; and before he knew it; many powerhouses came and surrounded the whole sect; he couldn't help but wonder who their ancestor offended this time because according to the way the situation was; the only way out was annihilation of the whole sect!!

"friends from a far; what brought you to my blood fiend sect; am the sect master;you are welcome fellow daosts "

"You don't need to know why we are here; you offended someone you shouldn't have offended"

He tried everything in order to get some information about the person that ordered for the annihilation of the whole sect but the assassins were all silent about it; as he was looking at them;

he felt helpless; he was only in the saint realm (peak); but the enemies had four of them at the same realm.

A disciple came in hurriedly and said

"sect master; there are unidentified people killing fellow disciples in the outer sect; the outer elders were killed the moment they came; please help us "

"why didn't you go to the inner elders and ask for help? "

before the disciple could answer; a man wearing bloody clothes came; he was holding an arm; with many injuries all over his body

"sect master; all inner hall elders were murdered ;please help us "

After what the elder said; the sect master looked at the assassins and said

"What did my sect do to you sirs;why are you hellbent on annihilating my sect?; is there no room for negotiations? maybe there some misunderstandings"

"hmph!! no more talking; attack!!"





Sounds were heard as assassins started fighting with the sect master; inner elders; outer elders; and disciples;they tried to fight but it was an exaggeration to call it fighting; it was literally a slaughter!!

killing! killing! and killing!!

buildings fell; people killed; blood flowing like rivers many tried to escape but there was no way to escape; after two hours of nonstop slaughter; the man who seemed to be the leader of the group said

"make sure there is no survivors of the blood fiend sect; this was the order that was given by the house master "(it's the way of address that was given to Mu Chen).after that; all of them departed from the place; what was left was blood and devastated buildings together with bodies of everyone that was in the sect .

Meanwhile as ye xuan and his group were on the journey; he heard the system's notification

«congratulations host; your subordinates have annihilated the blood fiend sect; you have received a dormant weapon spirit «

"hahaha I wanted to make a weapon; now it's going to be easy; what should I make? a sword;nay maybe a spear?; I have the spacial dao; maybe I make a treasure with space attribute "

he called Long tian and told him that after reaching a forest; he should stop the carriage and come in for rest

What he didn't know was that it didn't take long for the news about the annihilation of the whole sect to reach to the Ming dynasty;


In the Imperial capital; the Ming palace.

As the emperor was looking at the reports that were given to him by his ministers; a person came out of his shadow and said

"Your majesty; there's an emergency; the blood fiend sect was annihilated two hours ago and no survivors were found "

"You mean the blood fiend sect? the one that ranked fourth; who's ancestor died some years ago? "he asked as he looked at the person that came from the shadows (this was one of the members of the black shadows team ;before the founding of the assassination house and the secrets pavilion; they were the leading group in information and assassination.

"Yes your majesty; they were all killed; I went to the heavenly secrets pavilion and I got the information that they were killed by the assassination house; but the reason why they were killed was classified as VIP information; I couldn't get it "

"Hmm?you can call shadow one for me; tell him to come now "

He felt like it won't be peaceful anymore in the whole dynasty; he couldn't even fathom the reason why people of the assassination house annihilated the blood fiend sect; even though it was not very powerful; it was difficult to annihilate it in two hours. as he was in his thoughts; a shadowy figure appeared in the hall

"Your majesty ;Iam sorry; I went out of the palace without your permission but I had received a piece of information that there was a spy in the palace; I went after him and killed him; here is the head "


As the emperor looked at the head; he was shocked because this was one of his trusted subordinates that was responsible for delivering massages to his ministers; he only had one name 'Zhao'

"hmm! you have done well; inform the enforcement team to go to his family; they know what to do "

"Yes your majesty; I will be taking my leave ".after saying that; he disappeared.what the emperor didn't know was that this was one of the assassins of the organization that he was wary of 'the assassination house ';and he was one of the branch masters at that!!

Meanwhile what happened to the blood fiend sect reached out to the four clans; one of them was the Ye clan ;after hearing from his trusted spies; the clan leader of the Ye clan called for an emergency meeting .

"What do you think we should do with the situation about the annihilation of the blood fiend sect? "asked the clan leader as he looked at the elders that were around

"clan leader; I think we should warn all our members to not offend them; they already have a powerful leader; let alone the backer that even we don't know about "said one of the elders as he looked at the clan leader

"Yes; I also think we should do that; even though the blood fiend sect was not particularly powerful; it is not easy to kill everyone in two hours; at least we can't do it "

"Elder Ye Ping ;are you looking down on the clan's power? if a force that was made ten years ago can do it; why can't we? "a hot tempered elder asked as he looked at the elder that was referred to as Ye Ping angrily

" Elder Xing you should look at the bigger picture; I said we can't do it not because we don't have the power to do it; but we can't do it because we already have enemies with other clans; if we fight now; who do you think will benefit from it? "asked Ye ping as he looked at the elder.

"Humph!! "

Many such meetings happened in other clans; sects and families as the shadow of death surrounded the whole Ming dynasty. in many cities; citizens were talking about it here and there; others were asking why even though the emperor got the news about it; didn't say anything about it; What they didn't know was that even him self couldn't do anything about it; he couldn't disrupt the peace full moments! this was a time bomb!!

(happy Valentine's Day readers; don't wish it to me; I have no girlfriend;hahaha I think you were missing me; I am at school. Ugandan schools don't allow students to have pc's so am using the school's computer illegally give me some pwr stns plz; thanks for reading my no sense (hahaha).