

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasie
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29 Chs

A decision that shocked the world!!!

After Ye xuan got the news about the annihilation of the blood fiend sect; he said to Long tian to continue with there journey; as they continued with their journey; he felt bored because there was literally nothing happened even after the journey of one month ;they visited city after city; hotel after hotel; restaurants ;but everyone avoided them as plague;sometimes they bought things and cooked in the carriage; sometimes went to forests to cause trouble (cough-cough) I mean to train themselves but as usual it was a one person beating; sometimes beasts ran away as soon as one of the three released an ounce of aura; Ye xuan even wanted to release favour and ask it to unseal it's bloodline but he didn't find a suitable place just in case the Beast Emperor came and they got into a fight ;as he was looking for a forest; he got a crazy idea that will change the whole realm

He remembered that in some novels that he was reading in his previous life; some powerful cultivators didn't fight in the realm rather; they fought in a secret and separate realm in the sky;so he got a crazy idea of making a secret realm in the sky because even though others can't; it was a different story to someone as him who possessed the Supreme comprehension of space dao laws

After deciding on what to do; he told Long tian to head upwards in the void

"Young master; what are we going to do in the void? "asked Long tian as he couldn't understand why his young master asked for such a thing; even moxie looked at him questioningly as she wondered why.

"You will understand it after we reach there; you are going to witness a miracle Heheheh "

*miracle?what is it? * they wondered but Long tian still followed the order and ordered the horse for void walk. after what felt like an hour; the carriage stopped in the sky; there was nothing to be seen at all there was not even a cloud

"Young master; we have reached the highest we can go; what should I do? "he said

After hearing what he said ye xuan and moxie got out of the carriage and looked at the sky;he looked at the duo and asked them

"Didn't you want to know what I wanted to do? I want to make a secret realm which will host fights of powerhouses at the emperor realm and above "


That was shocking for the two of them; after a few seconds; the first one to come into his senses was Long tian; he asked

"Young master ;can you really make a secret realm? "

"I definitely can make one; it's just that I don't know if my spiritual energy will be enough for the job; if it's enough it will be a lot simpler ;sigh!! sometimes I feel like I didn't take my cultivation seriously "



They really felt speechless; he was ten and and two months old;a sage in cultivation; the geniuses of powerful clans are usually in the foundation establishment and at most; core formation realm;but here he was; saying that he didn't take his cultivation seriously!!

After considering everything; he started gathering all the spiritual energy that was in the area; as he was gathering the energy; he felt like the speed was not enough; so he used one of his techniques

*The Heavens Devouring Technique*.

All the spiritual energy started coming in his direction like crazy; as he felt like it was enough; he started using the space dao

*Space Lock *

After using the space lock; the space around them was locked; it was as if time was not included in it; no gravitational force; no spiritual energy; it was literally like a desolate place; after that he used the second technique

*Space Separation*

After using the second technique; the space that was locked started separating it's self from Its own self ;it was like separating two things that were together for a very long time; after using this technique; he felt his spiritual energy depleting at a very alarming rate .after re-adjusting his breath; he started gathering the spiritual energy again; after separating the space; the next step was to make a spacial core that can make the space stable enough to support any thing .

As he was making the core; he got a crazy idea; if he used his spiritual energy as the base of the realm; it means that it would be a complete separated realm; it won't have any attachment to the outside world yet he wanted it to be like a world in a world (meaning a world in different space; but still attached to the outside world in the same way)

The crazy idea he got was to use the outside world's core to nature that of the separate realm; what he wanted to make was like a cloned world; two separate worlds sharing the same core was like twins of the same mother and father; sharing everything. but he noticed a problem; even someone as powerful as Long tian can't locate the world core; let alone him who had a measly sage realm (peak);but as he was in his thoughts looking for a solution to his current short comings; he heard the system's notification

«It's detected that the host is in a critical situation; the scan feature has been unlocked «

"hahaha the system has come to the rescue; what does that feature means? "

«The scan feature can be used to locate something that may not be visible to the naked eye «

"Hahaha there is nothing that can't be got from the system; let's scan the world's core first "

After he used the scan feature; his world view became a 3D view ;it was like a map guiding him to something; his view first connected to the earth then water; rocks and then fire in form of lava; finally to a field; it was like a separate space and in it was a yellow core; after he locating the core he teleported besides it but a force blasted him away

"hmm? spiritual awareness? so you're halfway to evolve into a level two world! "said ye xuan as he looked at the world core in wonder; it should be noted that in order for a world to evolve just one level; it needed so much time and world energy ;so after seeing that this core was a step away from evolving; he was surprised

"Young master; what do you mean with evolving?what is this core all about? "asked Long tian as he looked at ye xuan and then to the core in wonder

"Long tian; the world we are in is a lower world;as we are able to cultivate; worlds also have what is called evolution in which they can evolve from a lower world to a middle and then high world; but in order to evolve into a middle world; there are nine levels in between; but it may take a million years for a world to achieve one level; so it's extremely difficult for world evolution "

"Is there even such a thing? why didn't I know about it? "asked Long tian

"well; apart from us; I think there is no one in this lower world that knows about it;its even classified as secret information even in the middle realm "said Ye xuan as he looked at them

"Young master; I heard you saying the middle realm a lot of times; what is that? "asked moxie as she looked at him

"it's another world known as the 'Divine realm' that we go to after reaching the divine fire realm and ascend "

"Does that mean that it leveled up from level one to nine then became a middle world? "asked Long tian

"Yes ;that's what happened but don't think it's simple "said ye xuan and then looked at the world core and said

"I know that you understand what I have said; I want to connect some of your powers to the secret realm that I have created; I want that realm to host fights of powerhouses at the emperor realm and above; you also know the damage they can cause in case of a fight; as compasation ;I'm going to help you out "

After saying that;he removed a white stone from his inner world and as the world core felt the energy in my it; the it started shaking

After sometime ;the shaking stopped and the force field that was around the core was removed; as he looked at it; he used a formation to separate some of the core's power and then sealed it; then he left the stone and teleported with his crew; after they left; Long tian asked him

"Young master; what was that stone? I felt like the energy in it could kill me in an instant !"

"Well; it can really kill you; do you know where the people of the divine realm go after ascending? "

"Do they also have to ascend? I thought they were the immortals; why do they need to ascend? "

"Immortals? they reach that realm after cultivating to the peak of the whole middle world and then ascend to the immortal realm;that stone is from the immortal realm "


What he didn't tell them was that the immortal stone that he gave the core was of the supreme level; it ment that the stone could support the core until it reaches level eight at least; as for how long it will take; even he didn't know.

After they reached the secret realm; he unsealed the power of the core; then removed some divine stones from his inner world; then he placed them in the middle of the realm .

what he didn't know was as soon as the core started forming; the outside world started shaking; it shook furiously; lightining flashed in the sky; spiritual rain fell; the ill were healed some broke through there cultivation; others became worried about it but couldn't fathom what brought about the phenomenon.

While this was happening; ye xuan was looking at the system's notification with stupefied eyes.

(Missing me not so? I also miss you hehe; its just that I didn't have the motivation to update this work until someone asked for the update; don't blame me, am doing this work at school and, sigh!!, let's not talk about that)