
R-1 Swarm (3)

  -Now playing "DBZ – Vegeta and Goku Train Together" by Saiyan Enigma.-

The synthetic and familiar song started slowly, and as it did, Cynrik felt himself slipping into a half-sleeping state before he opened his eyes and found himself in a vast prairie, where the sky was dark, and a storm was brewing high above. 

Off in the distance, he spotted a large purple circular Mana Construct gate, with red lightning flickering around it menacingly, a sign that it was about to "break," allowing all manner of creatures to storm out to wreak havoc. 

"Sheesh, a Purple Alpha, that's annoying." Cynrik chirped, bringing his arms down by his side and swapping into his combat gear. Not even a full second later, he was decked out in black leather armor, with both swords and Assassins tools equipped.