
The outcasts: Imperfection

Justice_0942 · Aktion
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A very long time ago in the year 1969 a Nigerian man named Damian castle arrived in London with the sole aim of starting a new life and building a good name and empire for himself. He wanted to start his own business but to do this he needed a large sum of money which was some thing he didn't have, because of this he had to borrow money, not from the bank like a normal but from the dystopian underworld for some unknown reason.

After he borrowed money from the dystopian underworld he went forward to start his own business with the money he borrowed and even though the times proved difficult for him being a black man in a place such London, he had achieved all he had ever wanted to achieve in 3 years and in those 3 years he had started his own family, built a name for himself in London as the owner and CEO of his now successful company called crimson foundations. This was all thanks to the money he loaned from the dystopian underworld.

As you can imagine he was very happy seeing that he had achieved all he had ever wanted in just 3 years but amidst all his happiness something still bothered him, what bothered him was the fact that he still hasn't repaid the money he loaned from the dystopian underworld 3 years ago and he was very worried about this, he was given exactly 4 years to repay his debt and the end of the third year was dangerously approaching, if he couldn't pay the money he owed both he and his entire family would be killed and even now he still couldn't pay half of the money he borrowed because he recently paid off several expenses and the money he owed tripled each year and now he owed the dystopian underworld 176 billion pounds,where exactly was he going to get the money from.

At the end of his 3rd year staying in London he met with the high council of the dystopian underworld and told them that he didn't have the money yet and as stated 4 years back he and his entire family were to be killed, after that everything he owned would be taken away from him, that was supposed to be his punishment but instead the high council of the dystopian underworld presented him a new way to pay back his debt, they said to him "we'd like to hire you as a bounty hunter"

A/N: For the sake of clarity, bounty hunters are skilled individuals trained in the arts of killing, they use their skills to hunt certain individuals that have a bounty on their head. Bounty hunting was introduced by the government because during those times criminals and serial killers roamed the streets of London killing innocent individuals and the criminals were just too much for the police to handle alone so the government introduced bounty hunters and put bounty's on the head of each criminal depending on how dangerous they were.

Damian was actually skilled and trained in the arts of killing he was actually an ex-convict who was lucky enough to escape the Nigerian police and end up in London that was why he wanted to start a new life when he first arrived in London. So when Damian was presented this offer it was either he accepts the offer and do what he was good at which was killing or watch everything he worked hard to build crumble before his very eyes so seeing as he didn't have a choice he picked the former and became a bounty hunter and just like that he became a hintr of men and decided to go by the name of the boogeyman but what he didn't realise was that the dystopian underworld was a corrupt place and being a bounty hunter for them meant that he would most like kill good people who wouldn't want to cooperate with them so practically he sold his soul to the devil but at least he and his entire family would get to keep their heads so this was a choice he was willing to make.

In under a year the boogeyman became London's most dangerous bounty hunter and seeing that he also killed good people now he was maker as a serial killer by the police. He only killed In the dark, in the shadows, anywhere just name it and he'd be there, without trying too much he became the most feared bounty hunter of all time and he was so good at what he did that the police never caught him they didn't even know his identity cause he always wore a mask and a costume, simply put he was too good at what he.

The streets of London became gory and filled with blood once again cause of the boogeyman and because of this the government put a 50 billion pounds bounty on his head but each bounty hunter that tried to hunt him either got killed(by him), bribed(by the dystopian underworld) or simply gave up because it seemed catching him was something that was impossible. There were several collateral damages anytime he went on a hunt and he became so proud that he began sending a note of warning to his target staying when he would kill his target and he would do exactly what he said he would do and this just made people fear him more. One time a man received a letter of warning and tried to run away with his family on a plane but just when the man thought he was safe, the plane exploded halfway to its destination and several other innocent people died.

The government soon discovered that bounty hunting was a terrible thing and they feared that more bounty hunters like the boogeyman would come up if nothing was done so they did what they could at the moment, they banned bounty hunting cause of this one single man going by the name of the boogeyman but the boogeyman still continued killing for the dystopian underworld but at least now that bounty hunting was banned killing reduced in London. Damian Castle did all this while balancing his life as the owner of crimson foundations and the father of a son named Noah. When Noah reached the age of 13 Damian Castle began teaching his son how to kill and later he began taking his son with him anytime he was going on a hunt and when Damian Castle began growing old, his son Noah Castle became the new boogeyman this passing on the mantle.

A/N: All this which was listed above was being told as a story by Noah Castle (current boogeyman) to his 8 year old son Tega Castle in the year 2016.

After Noah Castle was done telling his son the story, he said to his son "That man Damian Castle was you grand father and it may be hard for people to understand but he did what he had to to protect his family and I Noah Castle am the current boogeyman and one day you'll became a killer like me so promise me you'll be the best boogeyman of all time'' and young Tega responded saying "yes daddy"

The book you're about to read revolves around the following genres of crime, action and thriller, it talks about the heavy burdens placed on ones shoulder right from birth, it also talks about the bad sides we all possess but try to suppress all the time. It is a book directed towards older and mature readers and for this reason there are certain triggers and use of adult related content such as bullying, racism, mental illness, self harm, suicide, profanity, misogyny, sexual references and many other adult related content but still it's an interesting read with several moral lessons along the way and it also revolves around the themes of karma, revenge and justice. There are a lot of betrayals and wacky adventures here and there and that's what makes it so interesting.

Part one of imperfection is divided in to 3 arcs

Arc 1(continuous arc)

Arc 2(revenge arc:revival of the boogeyman)

Arc 3(how it all started)

Please note some chapters may be divided into parts and in some paragraph's there'll only be a single word, those words are emotions are feeling or things they're going through being represented by those words.

Please enjoy your read as the first arc also known as the continuous arc is about to begin. Thank you.

Justice_0942creators' thoughts