
The Outcasted Hero

Apollo grew up alone with no parents until came the time that his true strength unleashed and the people admire him.

kathy_katz · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Meriam and Apollo's peaceful life at the unknown

In the hidden sanctuary where Apollo grew up, life was both serene and solitary. The sanctuary, a secluded haven untouched by the outside world, was all Apollo had ever known. It was a place of natural beauty and peace, but also of profound isolation. The only people in this quiet retreat were Apollo and his mother, Meriam.

From a young age, Apollo displayed a rare combination of strength and kindness. His muscles grew strong from the physical labor and play that filled his days, while his heart remained gentle and empathetic, shaped by his mother's tender care and the tranquil surroundings. He would help Meriam with various tasks, from tending to the lush garden that fed them to repairing their simple home, his hands always busy but his spirit always warm.

Despite his nurturing environment, there was one topic that remained a forbidden mystery: his father. Apollo never dared to ask about him, for Meriam never spoke of him. Her silence on the matter was not born of anger or sadness but rather a steadfast resolve to keep the past veiled in secrecy. The reason for this was never clear to Apollo, but he respected her silence, as he respected the boundaries of the sanctuary itself.

His world was one of quiet contemplation and unspoken questions. The sanctuary's boundaries were defined by the rolling hills and dense woods, and there were no other people beyond its confines. It was a bubble of existence where Apollo and Meriam lived their lives, unaffected by the bustling world outside.

In this enclosed, harmonious life, Apollo found contentment despite the unanswered questions. He accepted the sanctuary as his universe, cherishing the beauty around him and the love he shared with Meriam. His strength and kindness flourished in this secluded haven, and though he often wondered about the mysteries of his lineage, he embraced the life he knew with an open heart and a hopeful spirit.

Meriam's choice to raise Apollo in the sanctuary was driven by a deep-seated need to protect him from a tumultuous and dangerous world. The outside world had been fraught with chaos and peril, a harsh reality that had once put their lives in constant danger. Meriam, having lived through countless trials and adversities, understood all too well the threats that lurked beyond their hidden refuge.

As a young woman, Meriam had been forced to navigate a world of conflict and betrayal, where danger was ever-present and trust was a luxury she could scarcely afford. The experiences she endured left scars both visible and unseen, and they shaped her decision to create a sanctuary—a safe haven where she could shield her son from the harsh realities she had known.

In this isolated world, Meriam focused on teaching Apollo the skills he would need to remain safe should their sanctuary ever be threatened. Her lessons were not just about physical survival but also about understanding the nature of danger and the importance of vigilance. She spoke of the various threats they might face, always emphasizing the importance of caution and self-reliance.

The greatest threat of all, as Meriam imparted to Apollo, was his great-grandfather—a man whose malevolence and power were legendary in the tales Meriam had shared. This formidable figure, driven by his own dark motives, was a looming shadow over their lives, a constant reminder of why their isolation was necessary.

Despite the looming threat and the constant vigilance required, Meriam found a measure of peace in their solitude. The sanctuary provided a refuge from the chaos that once consumed her life, offering a space where she could focus on nurturing Apollo and teaching him the values she held dear. Here, amid the tranquility of their secluded existence, Meriam could find solace in the knowledge that, for now, they were safe.

In their secluded haven, the bond between mother and son grew stronger. Meriam's love and guidance were Apollo's anchor, and her careful teachings prepared him for a world that remained, for now, a distant and dangerous unknown. The sanctuary, though isolated, was a testament to Meriam's resilience and her unwavering commitment to protecting the life she had built for her son.

Apollo was already six years old, a bright, curious child who had grown up in a world largely populated by animals and the gentle guidance of his mother, Meriam. The forest and fields were his playground, and the creatures that roamed them were his friends and companions. Meriam, wise and nurturing, had taken on the role of his teacher, imparting knowledge and skills with a patience that spoke of her deep love for her son.

Under her tutelage, Apollo learned to read the language of the forest, to understand the subtle signs of the animals, and to appreciate the rhythms of nature. Yet, there was one lesson that Meriam had carefully avoided: she never spoke of hate, especially towards Apollo's father and great-grandfather. Their stories, shrouded in complexity and conflict, were not presented to Apollo with bitterness or resentment. Instead, she chose to focus on the beauty of their world and the virtues she wished to instill in her son.

Meriam's approach was intentional, a gentle shield against the shadows of the past. She wanted Apollo to grow up unburdened by inherited animosities, free to forge his own path with a heart unclouded by the grudges that had once weighed heavily on her own. Her hope was that by nurturing kindness and understanding, Apollo would carve out a future that was distinct from the legacies of those who came before him.

Apollo scampered across the fields, his small hands stained with earth and his cheeks flushed from the morning's work. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the modest homestead that Meriam and Apollo called home. The rhythmic cycle of planting and tending crops was their lifeline, the foundation upon which their survival depended. Apollo had learned early on the value of hard work, and he took pride in his daily tasks.

Today, he had spent hours collecting weeds that threatened to choke the life from their precious plants and feeding the pig, a plump, contented creature that provided them with meat and companionship. His little face broke into a grin as he approached his mother, who was busy with her own tasks in the garden.