
Rumors and Schemes

Vanessa Landrienne and The Butterflies once again made waves throughout the university. Many had already grown so disgusted with them that this incident no longer surprised them. This time Aayla Glowery made waves, too. Some said that she was a coward for not challenging Vanessa to a duel, while others agreed that her calm diffusion of the situation was the best move.

Just like with the others who defied The Butterflies, vicious rumors about Aayla started flowing around campus. They claimed that Aayla was an arrogant idiot who Deputy Heston forced into the university, and that she constantly skipped class and cheated on her exams.

Unfortunately for the rumor mongers, they made two fatal mistakes. First, people actually liked her and would speak up for her. Many of them were powerful. She was distant but polite to her classmates, professors, and residents. In particular, the healer from from the Lysander Foryl incident was very vocal.

Second, they had no idea of Aayla's actual achievements, which had been hidden by Deputy Heston and Headmaster Marin to keep her out of the spotlight. With both of them unavailable, the administration would be inclined to broadcast her achievements to the world to improve Nafriton's standing. Nothing would be allowed to ruin that chance.

As a result, the rumors were unceremoniously crushed. The Student Council ruthlessly investigated the rumor mongers and cheating accusations. President Bennett did not take kindly to anything that disturbed the peace.

Within a day, all of Aayla's exploits were known and verified by the university. Her various life-and-death incidents and participation in various university sponsored projects was spread far and wide. The students and lower ranked professors had heard rumors, but the university never confirmed anything.

As the final nail in the rumors' coffin, Captain Parlow arranged for Aayla's compensation from the Tigurum team to be publicly given to her in advance. Tigurum had yet to transfer it, but the university had plenty of funds to provide it in advance. To be honest, Aayla had completely forgotten about it.

The campus bubbled with excitement. Deputy Heston would never choose fish eye to be her goddaughter! Clearly, she had chosen a pearl. Aayla had to retreat down into the basement to avoid all of the attention. Wizards could be very pushy and persistent in learning about something if they wanted to.

"So, the university revealed all of your achievements to stop horrible rumors and you're mad?"

"No, I just don't like the attention that it's caused."

"It may be a bit overkill, but rumors like that could never rise up again. Just don't mess up in the future or the people will be disappointed."

Daren chuckled as he read his book. They had spent a lot of time together while hiding out in the basement. He always seemed a bit lonely to Aayla despite being constantly surrounded by people when above.

It's been a week since the bullying incident and the furor still had yet to die down. The foreign exchange students weren't bad to talk with. Most were respectful and nice. They just wanted to meet her and extend the well wishes of the victims and their families.

On the other hand, the students studying medicine, artifact production or taming truly scared Aayla. They got this really strange glint in their eyes when they were obsessively enthusiastic about something. Aayla decided to avoid them like the plague after they mobbed her the first time.

"Ugh. Stans are scary. Ramona had the right idea keeping me out of the spotlight."

"Stans? Do you have many new admirers named 'Stan' that are particularly scary?"

"It's not a name, but a type of person. 'Stan' is an acronym for 'Stalker Fan'. The term comes from… abroad."

Aayla caught herself before she mentioned a Terran country.

"A stalker fan, huh? That sounds right. Wizards can obsess very easily."

"My stans are nothing compared to yours though. How have things went with your self-proclaimed girlfriend?"

Daren's teasing smile dimmed for a moment.

"She's a super stan. I hate going to class. I wish the headmaster would get back to me soon. I'm not sure that I can take much more of her harassment."

Unlike how Aayla's false rumors cleared up, Daren's have only gotten worse. Conservative students surround him where ever he goes. He hasn't seen people that he actually likes in weeks. His sticky 'new friends' won't let anyone or any rumors around that they don't approve of.

However, he's heard a little bit. Now, he's somehow joined the conservative faction after falling madly in love with Vanessa. He hasn't seen any of his normal group from Halcyon in a while.

"Is Chris doing well? I haven't seen him around."

"Huh? Isn't that guy your shadow? I thought that he would die if strayed too far from your side."

"Yeah, he was."

Daren was a bit disappointed that Chris hadn't even tried to see him lately. He didn't actually believe the rumors, did he? Daren knew in his heart that the conservatives were keeping his old group away, but it still hurt that they didn't even try to come.

A green fluffball climbed onto Daren and burrowed into his arms. Daren carefully wrapped his arms around Matcha.

"They're much more emotionally aware than I thought."

"Who are?"

"These guys. The gremlins. I only started to notice as I started to spend a lot of time down here. They know when I'm sad and they try to cheer me up."

Aayla suspiciously poked the tiny furball.

"Really? She's not just trying to get some sweets out of you?"

The fluffball jumped a bit, then burrowed deeper into Daren's arms.

"Cheh. Busted. You keep acting cute, little miss sweet tooth. I'll go find Chris. That jerk's been skipping work again, so I need to have a chat with him anyways. If I find him, I'll tell him that you want to see him. Should I lock him in your room?"

"Yeah, that'll work."

Aayla closed the door as he left. Daren cradled Matcha in his arms and began to practice magic. The gremlins cheered as they gathered to watch. For some reason, an ominous sense of foreboding weighed down his heart. He wanted to savor what little joys he still had until the last minute.


Where was that jerk? Aayla quietly walked up the stairs. She didn't want to give him prior warning that she was coming if Chris was near the stair case. For some reason, a rug was stretched over the top of the stairs. It refused to budge if Aayla touched it.

"Hey Dormi? I need to leave the basement. Could you please move this rug?"

The staircase was quiet. Aayla pressed on the rug again. It still refused to move, and quivered in protest.

"Do you want me to stay or something?"

*shake* *shake*

"Dormi, I've got work to do."

More silence. Aayla sighed and sat down on the staircase. Sometimes Dormi would have these strange episodes. Usually, it would calm down in a few minutes. Only a few minutes later Aayla picked up footsteps of people walking into the building. They stopped nearby.

'One, two, four… six. There's a least six of them.'

"After I helped him see the truth about that scheming upstart leech, Day was really appreciative. We fell in love as I taught him about true noble society. Really, what are his grandparents and uncle thinking? They've pulled their family onto the completely wrong track. Yet, he's willing to risk his status to marry me. Naturally my father loves having such a son-in-law and will do everything in his power to ensure that Daren keeps his rightful position."

"Of course, we're planning on a spring wedding for right after he graduates. This way my family and I can help him stand against his uncle and take over the Forolan family. Although I want to be wed at the cathedral in Landrienne, Day insisted on getting married at the main cathedral in Sarrasak. 'It makes a bigger statement' he said. As the future Lady of Halcyon, I couldn't turn him down."

That annoying voice should belong to Vanessa. Who's 'Day'? Wait, a wedding and the 'future Lady of Halcyon'? That referred to Daren! Since when were they getting married?

"Oh really? You're 'future hubby' seems to be avoiding you like a demon. I was told that he seemed to hate your touch and found your 'kind gestures' annoying."

"Definitely. I would hate those 'kind gestures' too if I was basically forced to pander to a creepy stalker. That's why he shuts himself in the basement to avoid you all the time."

"EXCUSE ME?! I am NOT a stalker. As his fiancé, it's my duty to accompany him and help remind him of social etiquette."

"Sure. We totally believe you and were only joking." Sarcasm dripped from this voice.

"Hmph. I'll forgive you this once, but don't do it again."

"Then why does he spend so much time in the basement?"

"He's just trying to plan a surprise for me on our wedding day." Vanessa's voice shook a bit. There was no way that she really believed what she was saying.

The footsteps began to move again, and the voices faded away. What did she just hear? Finding Chris became much more urgent.

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