
Announcement 01-01-2023 - Thank you

Hello readers,

The novel is finally finished. Thank you all for reading! I hope that you enjoyed it.

It's been a while since I last posted a chapter. Sorry about that. Real life got in the way. I'm not sure if I'm more embarrassed that it took me so long to start writing again or by the editing of many of my chapters in books 2 and 3. It was atrocious.

I've reread them to get a sense of the plot again, and I was horribly sleep-deprived when writing many of them. I edited a couple of them for clarity, but the main story shouldn't have changed. I'll probably go back to edit more chapters in the later books.

I might decide to write another novel based on this one. I have some ideas, but I cut out a lot of this novel when I had computer issues in book 1 (or was it book 2?). Anyways, that backstory would connect it to this hypothetical second novel.

This second novel could be a prequel covering either:

==> Option 1 - The distant past: The cause and events of the Great Disaster, the founding of Nafriton and the Chinebar Republic, and the killer from the U.L.M. who took out the Prophet of Truth. Includes the destruction of the three ancient kingdoms and the Ancient Celestial Church (name subject to change).

==> Option 2 - The long-forgotten past: The origins of Tellan magic, the demons, and the Celestials/Tellan gods. Includes the origins of the three ancient kingdoms and the Ancient Celestial Church (name subject to change).

Yes, I cut out a lot. Yes, the topics for each option are related. I love world-building, but writing every day can get tiring.

This novel could also be a sequel covering events over 200 years in the future. Namely, the return of the demons and the Celestials/Tellan gods, including plenty of revenge, martial arts tournaments, and adventure across the world. The U.L.M. should make another appearance.

Oh, did I mention a revenge plot over 300,000 years in the making ever since the founding of magic? I may or may not be more partial to writing a sequel. If I write the prequel first (namely option 2) it can give away too much during the sequel.

If I don't write another book, have fun reading all the other good novels! They've got some good stuff out there.

If I do write another book, please read it! I promise that there will be better editing and no more disappearing just before finishing the book.

Best Regards,

Ocean Tourist

P.S. One more epilogue chapter should be posted tonight as a sort of teaser for the hypothetical second novel. Edit: The final epilogue chapter has been posted.