

Marvin Maxson had to face wages of life at a young age as a orphan. Starting from his stay with his uncle. He lost his parents. His uncle chase him out of house to the street, he struggle to earn a living. Through the words of his late parents he overcome problems. Still, he stop schooling but ever gave up on his dream. He used any opportunity he had to learn wisely. He had several encounter but keep on. Best and Marvin later reunite, by that time already achieve his dream. He build a Orphanage named "MAXSON HOME." At the end Marvin Maxson called his his struggle "ORPHAN ENCOUNTER."

Las_VanGuard · Andere
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   One morning, Marvin was sleeping when he had his name, so Marvin run to the room where he had his name, getting there

he see Mrs Flora starring at him badly, she said so you have trade my children intelligent

in your witchcraft cult and gave them a he-goat brain.

           Marvin could not believe his ears, but he tried to control his laugh to prevent him from jumping from frying pan to fire.

           Mrs Flora kept looking at Marvin face.

Marvin could not not control his self anymore, so he laughed, in return he received superman punch in his face from Mrs Flora. Mrs Flora then pick up an iron rod,

and was about to use it to hit Marvin head, but Marvin took his race.

       Mrs Flora Chase Marvin around the compound like "Tom and Jerry," then she stopped while she was out of breath, she said if I catch, I will tear your head with motor saw.

        At evening Marvin uncle James come home in a very happy mood, Mrs Flora asked what made him happy, he reply, I have successfully achieve the Maxson property and money. Mrs Flora hipped over her excitement.