
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


The next few days were spent collecting alien artifacts around the world. We scored a Hatak ship from Egypt along with two canopic jars with live goa'uld inside and a boat load of goa'uld technology that was advanced for us but pretty old for them. I found a full ZPM as well. We stored all that away and took the ship to the airfield close to Cheyenne mountain and run by the Air Force. It would be stripped apart by Heretic scientists and area fifty-one scientists.

The scanners already have the blueprints and they were sent to both the SGC and Heretic HQ. I went to germany and broke into a museum for another stasis jar before flying to Honduras. I brought a led lined box for this trip. When I pulled the ancient healing device out of the temple, I left in a blur. The led lines box seemed to work nicely.

Bonnie and I hid the outpost for now as it was to important of a piece to be brought into play just yet. Besides, we'd gained enough technology for now to make plenty of advances in the world. She introduced laptops and iPhone technology along with plasma screen TVs.

I patented and released several products that went along those lines while increasing the amount of technology incorporated into each new item. Sooner or later someone else had to think of the idea. I released personal radiation shields for nuclear reactor workers.

We advanced the world one step in the span of a month. While that was going on, I was sent on another mission. We arrived on a world I was actually looking foreword to, Harlem's world. The MALP scans picked up technology that far and away more advanced then the current earths.

Our robotics alone would be advanced to nearly perfect clones. Fallout eat your heart out, there were synths here. When Harlem went to knock us out, I followed along with it. He managed a robot double by using hair clippings when he failed to get a blood sample.

I actually felt my clone come online and alive. It was connected to me sort of like Freya is, though more personal and with a stronger psychic bond. Once it woke up, it studied everything about this worlds technology that we'd gained from the MALP. It ignored Harlem for the most part as my plans set into motion.

When it left with the team and I still felt it's connection to myself over the vast distance between planets, I came up with a plan. My clone explained everything to the SGC about what it was. The team seemed shocked at first but it explained the scans and brought them back with it.

It explained the thermal nuclear power source that kept them going and let them know they couldn't stay on earth without dying. Bonnie saw the potential of my words and volunteered to go with them back to Harlem's world.

When they arrived, Harlem was waiting, though he didn't expect Bonnie. She informed him that our people were aware of his actions and volunteered herself for cloning as well. My clone offered. "If you want to fully repair this place, make more of me. I'll get it as good as new within a year if you can make twenty of myself."

Jack asked. "Why do you seem to be enjoying this?"

My clone chuckled. "I can feel my real body in the back of my mind. It's like a link or connection. Through it, I've been able to feel it even on earth. If I repair this place, I'll have a supply of portable power sources and an off world base to work with. Imagine the damage I could do with twenty of me attacking goa'uld bases with gorilla warfare."

Jack shivered Before muttering. "Jesus, you scare me sometimes. I almost feel pity for them."

My clone turned to Teal'c. "Your clone is defective, Harlem copies the larva and your mind together. It's causing your mind to be in flux and eventually the larva will win."

Harlem looked confused then shot Teal'c and disintegrated his clone. "I will fix that, the next one won't have that flaw."

My clone nodded and started patching in the MALP's scanner to its body. When it was done, it helped Harlem patch a leak before running around the facility and mapping it all out. It noted all the places not functioning or in need of repair before returning to Harlem. They released the pressure build up in the vents to the main power source easily enough before Harlem got to work on the clones.

He was excited to have the facility up and running at full steam once more. After Harlem cut enough of my hair off, my main body's mind went through multiple copies one after another.

While that was going on, Harlem was making another Teal'c and a copy of Bonnie. She wanted to try the same thing with me and while she had reached my level of understanding, her soul wasn't as strong yet. After the second copy, she couldn't feel the third one so she stopped it.

After my copies were complete, I got off the table as if I wasn't stuck. I removed the restraints on the others and filled them in on everything. They found it weird until O'Neill spoke up. "I think I feel something similar."

I nodded. "It's a possibility that it takes a certain type of person or mind to feel it."

He shrugged. "It's really weak though."

I chuckled. "Talk to your clone and see if he tries to feel it as well. It may make the connection stronger. It's probably a form of mental discipline."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow and I chuckled. "Relax, your first clone was damaged by the goa'uld's mind in the process. Try again when it's just you."

My clones set out to start repairs while my main body sent out repair spells through them. They themselves had no magic but they were connected to my mind and soul some how. The facility was mostly repaired before I left the planet for the SGC.

I gave my report on my clones and mentioned Bonnie's and O'Neill's connections to theirs. They were surprised by the number but in the end it was more of an odd fascination. My clones spent the time they weren't charging either in meditation or effecting repairs.

I felt my soul growing slightly stronger over the next week. It was faint, but still there. When we went out on our next mission, I made sure to send my clones into meditation to keep them stable without their connections to my mind. The facility was nearly completely repaired and running at full power.

Jack led us through the gate to a share house like world. I stuck with Daniel and started packing things up. When he packed the remote to the mirror up after Jack and the rest went to leave, I joined him beside the mirror. We touched it at the same time and I let my connection with my clones disappear.

We left to try and find the team. When we arrived before the gate, I shrugged. "They must've gone home without us. Great, we'll never hear the end of this."

I dialed earth and sent our IDC before we stepped through. When we arrived on the other side, I tapped him in the back of the head and he passed out. I turned to the soldiers before waving a hand and vanishing there weapons. "Sorry boys, can't have a misfire and hurt yourselves here."

I waved a hand and put Daniel in a coma like spell state where he dreamed of the reality from the show only with me in it as a bodyguard like role. I put him in the vault before turning to the crowd. I mimicked a robot voice. "Take me to your leader?"

When they didn't find it amusing I shrugged. "Okay you people are tense. Tell Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter a friend from a different reality is here and I'm willing to save this world from the goa'uld if they hear me out."

That got their attention. Three minutes later I was sitting in the briefing room with the whole ensemble of people from my previous reality that are still alive. Jack started. "So you've come from a different reality to help us out? What's with the freaky powers?"

I chuckled. "Straight to the point as ever. Actually, I didn't come to help you out, but I might as well, since I've already knocked out a team member to do so."

Samantha asked. "How did you achieve the reality transference without a biofeedback from your doubles?"

I chuckled. "Because there is only one of me in all the multiverse. Or there is so far anyway."

She looked confused and I sighed. "The guy I knocked out is clearly already dead in this reality. I on the other hand am not originally from either realities. I am a being that can freely roam all of the multiverse. It's a strange multiverse out there as well. I've seen dragons and gods and I'm not talking fake ass goa'uld either. I'm talking beings that can consume dimensions if they wanted. I should know, I'm one of them."

That took them back for a loop. Samantha asked. "So you're a god?"

I nodded. "Probably not from your standards. The reality I'm from considers a god a being that has become apart of an aspect of nature and the natural cycle of life and death. There were witches in my world. Magic as well."

I waved a hand and the chair turned into a tiger that roared and walked over to my feet before laying down. I continued. "I was born a witch that nature itself had spurned. I had no magic of my own, but I had a curse from birth that allowed me to consume all forms of magic and energy. My body is like a black hole that can absorb worlds or even dimensions if I let it. Of course I couldn't stay human and be this powerful. But that's a story for another time. Very long story short, I died and was brought back again. I wasn't dead but for a few seconds at most, but it was enough for my curse to connect to the realm of death."

Samantha looked intrigued and I chuckled and handed Jack a gun. "My curse consumes even death and it went out of control. I left my home reality to avoid consuming the ones I loved. I went to another similarly magic reality for a few billion years. There my body and soul advanced to the realm of a god when I killed and consumed a hell goddess. She wanted to destroy thousands of dimensions so I ate her for lack of a better term."

I turned to Jack. "You can shoot me as much as you want. The reason I knocked out my companion is because I don't want the people of his reality to know what I am. I plan on making a home there so I'm helping his people raise their technology level and protecting his world in secret."

Jack opened fire and the bullet hit me right between the eyes before flattening and falling off. I snorted. "Rude."

Sam looked to Jack who asked. "What? I was just making sure he wasn't yanking our chain."

I chuckled. "Speaking of which, I'm going to slaughter most of the Jaffa and Apophis, I'll be right back."

I teleported to the mother ship and read all the Jaffa's minds before killing the devout followers and teleporting the rest onto a nearby habitable planet with no stargate. I did so with all the Jaffa and Apophis. I brought him before the crowd of Jaffa on his knees. "This is your god? Really? I mean I'm actually offended that a worm can pretend to be one of my kind for so long."

I waved a hand and Apophis the goa'uld appeared in it. I raised my hand and crushed it before the crowd of Jaffa. I sighed. "You people followed a snake in a human body as a god."

I made the air around me glow and the world go dark. "I am the god of death and magic. You may call me the Heretic God!"

I punctuated my words with my glowing eyes and the shaking of the world. I stopped the theatrics saying. "Those that worship me will find that they no longer need rely on snakes to protect them from death."

I waved a hand and made a totem of worship that would make my words a reality. I teleported a stargate from an unused world here saying. "Those that continue to worship me will find their lifespans increased many fold, whether they be Jaffa or human alike. They will be protected from the snakes harming their bodies as no false god can over power my followers."

I waved a hand saying. "I do not force this as it is your choice to make. I agree with free will and you may leave at any time you wish. You are free from the false god Apophis. Make your choices whenever you feel ready. Know that this is a protected world now. No harm can come to any sentient being on it. No weapons no mater how advanced will work here or aimed at it."

That was the last blessing of my totem and I teleported to space and made the mother ships and all the gliders follow me to earth. I landed them in an airfield by Cheyenne mountain. I put out all the fires around the world and went to each city repairing the damage done to it all.

I teleported back to the SGC of this world and sat back down. "Sorry it took so long, I cleaned up your world and healed a great many as well as killed most of the Jaffa and Apophis. I freed his host and landed all the goa'uld ships in an airfield not far from here. Consider it an apology on the time it took to finish. I kind of went all preachy on a crowd of Jaffa that watched their god die. I mean really a snake?-"

I saw their incredulous looks and sighed. "That's neither here nor there. Your people are saved and now all I want from you is the deep space recording from p3r233 and a promise that you'll not be trying to contact the other reality."

Jack held up a hand. "Scouts honor."

Cathrine Langford came in with the recording. I listened to it and wrote the message down in coordinates. "This is where the attack originated from, might I suggest you send a malp before you nuke it."

I sighed and stood up. "There's a crystal in Egypt that looks like this."

I held up a doodle then continued. "It will power a chair made by an ancient race that made all human life in this galaxy. They are the gate builders. The chair is in Antarctica. There's also a second gate there. The chair itself is a defense platform that could defend this planet for a time even from the largest invasion of goa'uld."

I wrote down two addresses. "These are to the home world of two ancient and powerful races called the Nox and the Asgard. You'll need to use the crystal in Egypt to power the gate to speak with the Asgard."

I pulled out a vial of blood and handed it to them. "This will solve the Asgard's cloning problem. Exchange it and make friends with them. Both races are old and wise. They are kind beings as well. Do not take advantage of them."

I told them of a tablet and the eye of Ra on Abydos that could theoretically help them in the future. I teleported the remains of Daniel from this reality to here. I healed the body and used up a lot of excess power to summon his soul back to it. When he woke up I told them. "My last gift, a way to decipher the languages you'll come across in the future."

I teleported to the mirror with the note and took out Daniel. I created an illusion of a staff blast to my arm and woke him up as we walked through the mirror. He passed the note to Jack saying the right things while I wrapped up my arm with Carter's help.

We carried the mirror back to the SGC for further study. It was shipped off to Heretic industries like usual. Daniel and I gave our reports general Hammond and I backed his story. I even showed them that we weren't lying by activating the mirror and showing alternate realities.

When the general saw this, he recommended a trip through the stargate to the president. Bonnie gave her recommendations as well and with the full weight of Heretic industries behind us, the president agreed. Although a senator that found out about the program through Colonel Kennedy and his replacement, Colonel Maybourne. Although they knew about the program, they couldn't do much as it is because of Heretic industries footing the bill and its airtight deal with the government.

They knew it was a career ending if they messed with the deal and Heretic industries pulled out of it because of them. As it is, Heretic industries was dumping three billion dollars a year into this project now that the government was using their side to study and replicate space flight.

The senator himself tried to get in good with Heretic industries but was turned back as it was a family owned company that was unique in this world. The tax laws on it were considerable but it was one of the largest companies in the world. Even the government had no real idea of all its assets as its over seas business was even more lucrative than its US counterparts.

So when Bonnie spoke, the president listened as he new she had her fathers ear. He approved of the mission for SG-1 to go through and determine the threat. During the briefing I suggested we go in blind because we needed stealth for this one. The general wanted to disagree but I pointed out that if they're planning an attack, we need all the surprise we can get.

He understood and agreed with my words and we started our mission. We were all in black with no other colors. When I stepped through the gate to the other side, I felt around immediately for my clones. When I felt the connection again, it was accompanied by a surge in spiritual strength.

Now that I was paying attention to them and all the connections to me, I felt the worship of the Jaffa in the alternate reality feeding my spirit as well. I put it all to the back of my mind and focused on the mission. I felt a small lurch as the ship we are on jumped into FTL.

The others fell over except for Teal'c. We searched the cargo hold and found stashes of weapons. Unfortunately we had to hide while the goa'uld and the Jaffa came in to receive a message from Apophis. I had to grab O'Neill when he saw Skaara. When they left again, I asked Teal'c. "What's with the crystal ball of enemies?"

He raised an eyebrow. "It is a highly advanced version of your television."

I nodded. "Alright, here's the plan, Jack and Teal'c will get Skaara while Daniel and Carter back them up from a distance and cover their six."

Jack asked. "And what'll you be doing?"

I sighed. " Syria."

He went grim. "Alright. Just, this time let's get out of it without me getting shot in the ass."

I nodded. "You're much more likely to get shot in the head on this one. Be careful, I won't be around for all of it this time."

He nodded as Teal'c opened the doorway. I ran off and went hunting. I started clearing rooms on the ship and I teleported Jaffa and Tok'ra our to distant worlds with stargate's they could use to flee. I killed all the rest and without O'Neill and the team around, I could cut loose.

Hundreds of Jaffa and a hand full of servant goa'uld died in mere minutes. When I found the team again, they were held up on the flight deck. They hand Skaara/Klor'el bound and disarmed. I waited and when we came out of FTL, I knocked on the wall to get their attention. "You all could've been captured and killed if you stared at that without me here."

Jack sighed. "What's the damage?"

I sighed. "Just a bit of staff burns in a few places, but all in all, we are the only living people on this ship now. Hanger bay was a bitch to clear out but this ship and its cargo is all ours now."

Jack asked. "How many?"

My face visibly paled before I sighed. "Too damn many. Most that resisted tried to blow themselves up when they saw they couldn't win."

He blanched and whispered. "So just like Syria then."

I nodded and asked Teal'c. "Can you fly this thing?"

He nodded and I grinned. "Good, then I have another crazy plan."

They all perked up. I walked over to Skaara. "Sorry kid, I can't let you hear it."

I hit him in the back of the head with my gun then sighed Jack went to comment but I stopped him. "Either way he has a goa'uld in his head, I take no chances for failure on missions, you know that."

He nodded sadly and I continued. "Teal'c will ring me over to Apophis's ship while you all dial the alpha site. You start sending all the weapons and supply's in the cargo hold to the alpha site and I'll search the other ship for our friend master Bra'tac. When I ring back over with him, Teal'c and I will set this ship on a collision course with the other. It's the only way to take out both threats. We'll take a glider apiece out of this ship and meet you both at stargate command."

They agreed and wished me luck. I shook my head."Screw luck, hand me your extra clips."

They smiled and passed them over when they saw I meant it. I took nearly all the extra ammo and the C4. When I ringed over they got to work. I set myself at a leisurely mortal pace and made a bang. I kept the Tok'ra and the rebel Jaffa away from me and sent them a strong mental suggestion to get out by ringing to the other ship and using the gate.

When I finally ran into Bra'tac, I found him with two other rebel Jaffa. I told them the plan and he made a slight alteration to it. He led me to the engine and shield generator room where we planted the C4. I felt around and knew Apophis was fleeing the ship and heading to a hidden cargo ship.

We ringed over and Teal'c rigged the controls. When we got to the cargo hold, the ships were close. I dialed the Alpha site and we stepped through. I hit the detonator on the C4 as I did so and all hell broke loose. Both ships collided while the second ship exploded and wiped out nearly all traces in a bang that lit up the sky over earth.

When I saw the banged up team minus a Skaara, I asked. "What the hell happened?"

Jack grunted. "The damn goa'uld is what happened. He woke up and caught us off guard with a hidden sound grenade. We covered our ears and eyes in time but he'd already dialed an address and stepped through. We dialed to here after the gate shut off and emptied the cargo hold of everything but the big tv ball that was destroyed when the gate came on."

I sighed. "Jack, meet Bra'tac and his free Jaffa."

Bra'tac smiled. "Not yet, but we are fighting for it."

Teal'c smiled. "And some day we shall have it."

They clasped hands and did their own greetings. I ignored them and dialed the SGC sending my code before we walked through. I gave my report and the general mentioned the explosion in the sky. I sighed. "I don't know if Apophis survived though, on the way towards the cargo room I saw a Al'kesh leaving the second ship at full speed."

General Hammond nodded. "You all prevented a major attack on earth and that's all we can hope for. If Apophis really fled, then we'll see him again I'm sure."

I sighed and asked. "I'd like a few days after this one, I need a break to calm my nerves from the mission."

He nodded and agreed especially after hearing what I did to the Jaffa there. I took a few days with Bonnie and we went on a few days vacation to a cabin by a lake near Jack's cabin.

We spent those days together in bed or in meditation. We enjoyed a calming evening sitting by the lake with her in my arms. We hadn't done anything like this since we came to this world. We'd simply been to busy to.

The weekend went by quick and soon we were back at base working again. My next mission was interrupted by goa'uld death gliders. We evacuated over for hundred Nassian people while I took out one of the gliders.

More than half the people were injured severely but the worst part was I felt two goa'uld was mixed in. One found its way into Carter and the other in a Nassian man. When Carter went off the rails the next day, I knocked her out before O'Neill could inject her with a sedative.

He nodded. "Not the way I was going to do it, but that works I guess."

I sighed and helped Carry her into a detention cell. The airmen took her weapons and vest while the rest of our team was briefed. When Jack mentioned the goa'uld, I volunteered to guard her in case of incidents. The general agreed and I spent the rest of the day being talked down to by a uppity Tok'ra.

When it toldTeal'c about itself, I chuckled. "Explains the attitude. Half the time your either talking down to me like I'm an idiot and the other you're trying to convince me to free you. You're inside Carter. Ask her how safe you are in that cell, compared to our here with me."

That seemed to shut it up for awhile and when it spoke again it simply said. "I am being chased by an Ashrak."

I turned to Teal'c who answered my unasked question. "A goa'uld assassin."

I nodded an turned to Carter. "Then I'll kill it when it comes. We will contact the Nox and have them send you to a Tok'ra planet after you come out of Sam. You have my word that you'll get to go home if you agree."

It went silent and sat down on the bunk to presumably think. A couple hours later the alarms went off for an intruder alert. I put a silent notice me not spell on myself and waited near the door. When the Ashrak came inside, I put my gun to its head and when it reacted I pulled the trigger.

There wasn't much left of the Nassian's head or the goa'uld inside. The security team showed up and I gave them my report while taking the Ashrak's weapon. When Jolinar saw me kill the Ashrak, he spoke. "I agree to your terms."

I nodded. "I'll run the plan by General Hammond and make the call to the Nox."

I debriefed the general and the rest of the team on the plan. When I was done Daniel asked. "Are you sure they have the technology to do it?"

I smiled. "I've since figured out that the Nox and the Asgard are both part of the four races that had council on Ernest's world. I even mentioned it to Anteaus the day Teal'c decided to try and be a martyr in court. He confirmed the four races and their names though he was less inclined to tell me more. I've taken it as a side project and have been doing my own studies. But my point is, they shared technology with each other and the Asgard have the technology to remove goa'uld, so by sound reasoning they should to. And that's not mentioning the fact that Jolinar is volunteering to leave her body willingly after it speaks with the Nox."

I turned to the general. "Look sir, we have the chance to confirm its story when the Nox get here and they can safely get it back to its people then."

He nodded slowly. "Your plans haven't failed us so far, I'm inclined to agree. It'll also give us a chance to have further talks with the Nox representatives. You have the go ahead to call for them."

I left and went to the gate room after telling Harriman to dial the Nox on Cartago. When the wormhole established, I sent a psychic message while Harriman sent a coded one. Lya agreed to meet with us to help out Jolinar and the people of Cartago agreed to take in the Nassian's.

After the gate closed, an incoming wormhole was announced. Lya stepped through and I greeted her with General Hammond and the rest of SG-1. Carter was brought to the meeting room and the discussions began. When Jolinar agreed to the terms, I heard Lya say. "I will speak to you mentally to get the location of the world you wish to be sent to."

After a minute, Carter opened her mouth and a goa'uld came out. It slithered into a bowl of water Lya brought out of nowhere. She left after speaking with General Hammond about the wisdom in his actions. She said we were young but growing in wisdom and that there was great hope for us.

She left with Jolinar and the Nassians through the stargate a few hours after healing most of them. When we sat in the debriefing room writing our reports on the incident, Carter mentioned seeing some of Jolinar's memories.

I checked her over with my power and saw some naquadah traces in her blood stream. Not as much as she would have if Jolinar died for instance, so I may have given her a bit more to make it like Jolinar had died.

Our next week was uneventful, mostly doing paperwork and side projects. I filled Daniel in on the four races as far as I could without raising his suspicions. When the next mission came, we were sent to a forested world to explore after half an hour of searching, we found nothing.

Jack announced our leaving and I sent out a psychic pulse to stop the fleeing murderer from coming near us. We headed back towards the gate and a light appeared above us. It teleported us to a dark room where the only light was from above. The voices of Taldor spoke. "For the crime of trespassing on sacred land-"

I snorted. "We are explorers. We are peaceful but we also carry weapons to defend ourselves if necessary. If those were your sacred lands than we apologize, we had no way of knowing they were. We found no signs of life on this world!"

They went quiet. An I continued. "Perhaps if you do not wish anyone on your lands, you should put a sign near the stargate or even a warning. We saw none and found nothing here, we were actually leaving when you took us."

The voices whispered amongst themselves. One asked. "You did not help this man?"

I light appeared not far away and a man appeared. I shook my head. "We've never seen that man before. You clearly didn't grab us both together so what makes you think we would help him."

More whispering and the female voice spoke. "Very well, you will be brought to the gate to leave."

Daniel spoke up. "Wait! We are peaceful explorers and we'd like to get to know you and your people. Perhaps even discuss cultural differences and form a friendship between our two peoples."

They whispered some more before I spoke. "If you'll agree, we'll send back a diplomatic team to meet with your leaders to wait at the gate to meet there. That way you can learn about us and we can learn about you on a professional standpoint."

They whispered some more before a male voice spoke. "We agree. You will be sent back now."

The light flashed and we were at the gate again. I dialed up command and sent our IDC before stepping through. When we arrived back on base, we debriefed with Hammond and suggested SG-10, our diplomatic team. When he agreed, I told him to warn them to stay at the gate for the aliens to make contact.

After we finished handing off that world, it wasn't two days before we were sent to another. We arrived on a garden paradise. Our scanners received blueprints to a device that produces a virtual reality. I pointed out the specs to the team before I sent all the information back wirelessly to Command.

We explored the complex and my team was locked into chairs. I managed to stop it from pulling Teal'c in but the rest were caught in the devices. I went over the blueprints and when I found the off switch to boot everyone out, I turned off the machine.

A few minutes later everyone started waking up. I helped the team get off their bed racks and a very angry man came over yelling. I snorted. "If your machine hadn't taken my team, I'd not have turned it off. Besides, playing games is all right, but you still have to live in the real world."

I opened the doors to the outside world and suddenly the angry man was being accosted by an angrier crowd. Our team stuck around to speak with the residents before leaving with their blessing to use the technology we found.

When we got back, the blueprints were given to Heretic industries and we got a couple days of down time. Heretic industries began releasing virtual reality game consoles while the military received a trading system for teaching troops everything they needed to know.

Another virtual reality system was assigned to the SGC that used some of our mission memories as training simulations for recruits. My altered memories became a hit among the program and I was viewed as an ultimate soldier by the recruits.

The next mission we were sent on was interrupted by a group of Jaffa leading priests to the stargate. I signaled Jack and the team to sit tight and I snuck down the hill and behind the group. I killed the escort Jaffa quickly and when the priest tried to attack, I knocked them out. The only ones left standing were me and a hooded woman.

I whistled and the team came down. The woman spun a tale of woe and I decided it was best to let the team handle it. They agreed to send the shipment of naquadah through the gate and afterwards we woke up the priests.

We followed her and them back to their slave mines and the pyramid beside it. The woman's father tried to pretend being a goa'uld, but as soon as he tried to order us in chains, I killed the guards and aimed a staff weapon at his head. "I've had enough of this, Jack, take the team back to the gate and have General Hammond send a escort to free the slaves, by the time you get back, all the Jaffa here will be dead and the two rulers will be captured. Command can get the gate addresses they know the goa'uld rule at from them."

Jack held up a hand and turned to the old man. "This is what you get for trying it the hard way. Let's move out, I have a message to send to the general."

The woman spoke. "Wait, please! If the shipments stop coming the goa'uld will come and attack our people."

I snorted. "Your people are the slaves you have working the mines. The rest are pretending to be Jaffa. This ruse is up, the slaves will be sent to a world free of the goa'uld and your Jaffa will either join them as regular people or stay here and die. You of course are free to choose to go, but the sarcophagus you've clearly been using stays."

The old man pulled a Zat and fired at me, but my staff blast hit him first, I hit my knees and grunted before standing up. "Damn that hurts."

Jack asked. "How are you not on your ass."

I snorted. "Bosnia was worse than that, you were spared remember? It takes some getting used to, doc says I've been deep fried enough my body just adapts to it mostly."

He nodded. "Oh, yeah, my bad."

I chuckled. "Take the girl with you, this is now a rescue mission and a hostile take over."

I picked up the Zat gun and fired it at the woman. She hit the floor and I picked her up and handed her to Teal'c. "I'll announce the changes and free the slaves while your gone, the fake Jaffa that don't lay down their weapons will be knocked out and left here."

He agreed and they left. I went outside and announced to the Jaffa that the rise is up. I told them to spread the word and I left to free the slaves. I knocked out all Jaffa on guard with a wave of my hand and took the keys, passing them to the slaves. "Free everybody, when you're done, you'll be taken to a safe planet free from slavery and goa'uld."

They whispered in excitement and started freeing everyone. When they were done, those Jaffa that weren't of guard duty that agreed to leave joined the slaves and headed for the gate. The rest, I disarmed and left in chains in front of the mine.

I went into the mine and summoned my power. I reached into the earth and drew all the naquadah in the planet to one location in the mines. I hollowed our a cavern just behind a wall of dirt and left all the naquadah there for our people to find. I broke the wall a little, just enough to see the naquadah inside.

I went back outside and greeted a contingent of marines. I told them. "Leave these people here, they aren't real Jaffa. Empty out the pyramid of all technology, use the scanners if you aren't sure. Then bring an excavation teem to mine out all the naquadah in here. There's a hole in the wall in the back of the mine that shows a significant amount of it. Leave the people for the general and command to deal with."

They left and got to work. I headed for the stargate and met the team half way. I told them. "The fake Jaffa that refused to give up the slaves are in chains in front of the mine. I have the marines taking all technology back to command and it'll be awhile. There's a huge naquadah deposit in the back of the mine one of the Jaffa uncovered when they fired a staff weapon as a threat to a slave when I arrived. I'm fixing to contact command to take the people to the untouched while sending an excavation team to dig out all the naquadah."

He nodded. "Good job, I think our job here is almost done then. The girl was sent back to command where she was given the option to join her people or come back here. Either way she's giving all the gate addresses she can think of to Command."

I sighed and we got to work. Three hours later another SG team was sent to watch over the dig, while the people were evacuated to the untouched's world. We went back to command to give our reports. I was given an accommodation for my quick thinking and clear judgement.

The SGC received nearly two tons of naquadah over the next week, after that, the mine seemed to have ran dry. Even the scanners only picked up traces in the planets soil now. After the last shipment came in, a incoming wormhole activated and a thump hit the iris.

We met in the control room while Carter analyzed whatever hit the iris. She connected it to the box we left on Cimmeria. The Viking planet. We opened a portal and connected to the MALP there. When I saw the devastation, I turned to General Hammond. "Requesting permission for a search and rescue mission immediately."

He looked at me with a serious expression and nodded. "Granted. We are responsible for the destruction of their only protection from the goa'uld, it's only fair we help them in their time of need."

I left immediately to gear up. I packed enough ammo and claymores to fight a small war before meeting the team in the gate room. They saw my load of explosives and asked. "What's all that for?"

I snorted. "Odds are there's at least one mothership and an army of Jaffa on the other side, I'm prepared to set up a defense and fight them off while you get the villagers to safety."

We walked through the gate and I started bringing the recently dead men back to life, if only barely. They were breathing shallowly. I ordered. "Spread our and help the wounded."

Gairwyn came out of the bushes saying. "There already dead."

I snorted. "Not quite, there just very close. Their vitals are thready and their pluses are very faint. We need to get them medical attention immediately. Carter, dial the gate."

When she went to do so, a group of Jaffa started firing at us. I fired back and I did not miss. Every shot I took killed a Jaffa. When they were all dead, I told Carter. "Dial the gate, we'll send these people through and get them help before going for the rest."

She did so and I put in my code before speaking on my radio. "General, we have wounded and barely alive here, we need med teams in the gate room."

He gave the affirmative and we sent the men through one by one. The marines on the other side caught them and put them on stretchers before we left the gate to continue with Gairwyn to where her people were hiding.

When we arrived, Jack and Teal'c went to do reconnaissance with a Viking that showed them the way to where the village was. Gairwyn mentioned a hall of Thor's might. When Jack and Teal'c came back they told us of Heru-er. Daniel mentioned his parents and Jack said it was beside the point now.

Teal'c told us the gate would be heavily guarded. I sighed. "Daniel and Carter can go with Gairwyn to find the hall of Thor's might. Teal'c and Jack can stay and set up a perimeter with the claymores I brought. It should be enough to slow them down until their ships arrive at least. Hopefully by then Daniel and Carter will have found the weapons cache. I'll go hunting."

Gairwyn frowned. "Now is not the time for hunting game."

I chuckled and Daniel spoke. "He means hunting and killing the Ettens. He has his own way of putting it sometimes."

I passed Jack the explosives and my guns. I gave my vest to a Viking without armor and asked. "Can I borrow a couple swords?"

The Viking smiled and handed me two claymore size swords. "Haha a true Viking warrior."

I smirked and turned to the team. "Good luck."

I left at a fast jog out of the cave and into the woods. It was a while before I ran into a group of patrolling Jaffa. This group I had no mercy for. I killed every group of Jaffa I came across. I left a path of death and destruction all the way to the destroyed village. I moved faster than they could see and slaughtered hundreds of them.

By the time the sky turned dark, the only group left alive was near the stargate or in the forest where I heard constant booms from. All other Jaffa were dead. Heru-er fled to the gate with the few remaining Jaffa. I was covered in the blood of Jaffa and their dead symbiotes. When I saw the group coming I made sweat appear and started panting a little.

Slumped over and sat on a boulder to wait. When they came up to me, I passed the Viking his swords back. "Those saw the death of nearly four hundred warrior Jaffa. Take care of them, they are worthy blades."

He laughed and passed methe swords back saying. "A worthy blade deserves a worthy warrior. And from the looks of the battle, you are worthy enough to fight beside Thor himself. Keep them, I consider it a good trade for this armor."

I smiled weakly and took them back. "Then may it serve you well."

Gairwyn was teleported down to us saying. "Thor himself was impressed with your might. Though he still considers you all to be young just the same as us."

I chuckled. "Will he fix the hammer?"

She nodded. "Yes, the new one will make an exception for the one you call Teal'c as he will be welcomed here."

I nodded and watched as Thor beamed away the dead Jaffa and the goa'uld tech with their landing pads and the three mother ships it destroyed. When it finished, I sighed. "Then it's time we headed back. We'll return your people when they've healed enough to travel again."

Gairwyn smiled. "I thank you all for your help, I truly thought I'd lost them."

We chatted some more on the way to the gate. Jack informed me all the claymores were used up along with most of the ammo. When we got back to the SGC, I went for a shower to wash off all the blood and snake juice. I walked passed the general and he muttered. "Bosnia."

He gave me leave for the next week to get out of the murderous funk that accompanied my mood when I'm forced to kill so many. Bonnie took a few days off to help take my mind off of it.

When I returned to duty we were sent to a moon in space suits. When we came across the temple with the orb, I suggested it might be a bomb. Daniel disagreed and I hit it with a black light. It had small glowing things all over it. We backed up and told them. "Whatever it is, it has some sort of virus. Let's scrub the mission and get the hell out of here, I'm not bringing that to earth or any planet that has oxygen. I think the only thing that's stopped it from spreading was a lack of atmosphere here."

Carter agreed and that convinced Jack and Daniel although, Daniel did insist on taking photos from a distance and recording it. After he finished up, we left. I made sure to hit us all with a black light just to be safe. After we reported it to Command, they struck the gate address as a dangerous biohazard.

The next week was slow. Jack went fishing at his lake house and invited everyone and other than a visit to a prehistoric world, we did nothing but work on side projects. Teal'c went to the untouched world to visit his wife and son. Though he came back sad because his wife had divorced him for another.

He still got to spend some time with his son teaching him to be a warrior. I took some leave to work on some projects of my own. By that, I mean robbing goa'ulds blind of naquadah and technology. I even visited a mission planet I'd soon be on and eliminated all the bugs. To the casual observer, they just fell down dead. I cleared the entire blanket of them, even the hidden corpses. I searched the entire planet with my power and when I found no more alive, I destroyed them down to the basic molecules.

I put the refined naquadah in a warehouse near the stargate, along with a lot of goa'uld technology. It was mostly weapons and hand shields, but it worked none the less. When I went back to earth I opened up a project on naquadah generators.

A smaller version was what kept the stasis jars working so all it took was making and adjusting for a larger version with more power. I made a safety switch to turn it off with and had a working prototype by the time I went back to active duty. I went in and expected a happy day but they were mostly glum.

Daniel's wife Sha're had given birth to a baby that wasn't his and returned to Apophis. Though without said baby. Jack witnessed a hit an run in DC, and was depressed. Even then I couldn't stop my excitement. During a meeting, I handed out files to everyone. "This is a side project I've been working on and I've just completed it."

They opened the files and Carter became ecstatic. The more she read the more excited she became. Jack spoke up. "Carter, care to explain what the excitements about?"

She coughed. "Sorry sir, but If what I'm reading is correct, Alex here has built a naquadah generator. It's output is massive, we're talking about a small household generator powering all of America for a day."

I chuckled and waved the airmen to bring it in. "It's a little less than that I'm afraid. But it'll get the job done. I can't make it any larger because the output seems to cause a reaction in the naquadah, causing it to become unstable. I'm afraid if I pushed it further, it will go off like a nuclear bomb. So this is all I can do for now. As it is, it's stable and safe to use. It puts out enough power to keep this facility off the grid with three of them going full time. This is only the prototype, but it's effective and works like a charm."

Carter spoke up. "But the naquadah cost?"

I sighed. "That's the only problem with it. It takes naquadah to run it. The schematics are in the folders as well as on in the base system now. It can't be sold to the public without revealing the program and that's not something we're ready for. So I've offered it to the program as a side project. Sam and Bonnie can look it over at their leisure and make their own improvements."

Towards the end of the meeting we were debriefed for our next mission. We were in the gate room twenty minutes later in full gear. Our MALP had detected advanced technology and we searched for a while before we found the warehouse full of goa'uld tech and refined weapons grade naquadah.

O'Neill yelled. "Score! Now this is what I'm talking about."

I plugged the naquadah generator into the MALP scanners and it scanned most of the planet. I chuckled. "Looks like this planet is uninhabited. I'll tell the general and see about making this place a new alpha site. The scanners picked up a nearly perfect air scrubber that cleans out pollution. With it, we can build our own and clean up our planet."

Daniel asked. "What about all the trash and waste?"

I smiled. "One of Bonnie's projects is turning a Zat gun into a waste remover. Think about it, the third shot always disintegrates the body and all its wearing, so if you turn up the power-"

Carter finished. "You'd be able to clean up all the trash with a once over. This is huge!"

I smiled. "Just don't tell her I said anything, she wants to do her own presentation tomorrow. It's why I did mine today. I didn't want to get blown out of the water by hers."

I dialed command and sent our message along with the recommendation to take this planet as our own. He agreed and made it a part of the next few missions for the alpha and beta sites. When I mentioned what we'd found in the warehouse, he was overjoyed and cautious as it could be a place the goa'uld visited. I mentioned seeing tags on each item like they were taken by the people here as trophies for study before they disappeared.

It wasn't hard for me to make said tags appear. We left not long after with a happy day ahead of us. The government got a huge boost in weapons to study and the program got even more solid backing with this find.

A few days passed, Bonnie have her presentation on the Zat cleaners and we adapted the atmosphere cleaners as well. It made a big splash when the president heard of them. He authorized them to be put into place immediately under a joint world cleaning effort with Heretic industries.

Her next presentation that made another splash was adapting personal shield for all SG teams. Although we don't have enough naqahdah to use on a large army scale, it allowed our SG teams a little safety on offworld missions.

Carter mentioned having dreams of Jolinar's memories. I put forward a suggestion. "Why don't we dial the gate address and if it works, we go through on a mission to seek out the Tok'ra and and try and he them to become our allies?"

General Hammond tended to agree on my words. "Alright, but if they are resistant to the idea, come back immediately. For all we know, they could just be a suicidal terrorist group."

I nodded. "You have my word I'll get the team back safely, I always do."

He smiled then turned to Jack. "You have a go Colonel."

Ten minutes later we were geared up and waiting in the gate room. Airmen Harriman was dialing the gate. When it connected, Jack spoke. "Looks like we're going through."

I nodded and after the MALP went through and declared it safe, we stepped through. The MALP scanners picked up staff weapons and Zat guns, along with a crystal technology that was made for making tunnels. I smiled and sent the information back through the gate before telling the team. "Look alive, we aren't alone."

I felt out and noticed them hiding in the sand. I chuckled then spoke out loud. "You can come out now, we know your hiding in the sand. If you want me to prove it, I'll Zat one of you so the rest will know."

They burst out of the sand and pointed weapons at us. I moved like the wind and disarmed half of them before their leader spoke in a goa'uld voice. "Stop now or we will fire on your companions."

I stopped and tossed the staff weapon I'd just taken from a Tok'ra down. I turned to the leader. "Alright, you win. But if you'd been an enemy, just know I wouldn't have stopped until everyone here was dead. My team would've been fine after all."

I waved a hand and Teal'c tapped an arm band making a defensive shield appear around him before he tapped it again and it lowered. "See, nice and safe. As it is, we know you're Tok'ra and we've come for peace talks and hopefully to become allies against the goa'uld. Otherwise your men would be dead instead of knocked out."

The one I recognized as Martouf spoke. "Your fighting skill is impressive, and your people ability to adapt goa'uld technology is of note. But why should we risk the safety of our people on the off chance you aren't working for the goa'uld yourselves?"

I smiled and Carter spoke. "Jolinar would be able to vouch for us."

The one in charge spoke. "Then we shall find out in a moment. Hand over your weapons. We will take you to the council to plead your case."

We did so and walked where they pointed to. When they were ready, they ringed us down into the tunnels below. When I saw them, I smiled. "Your crystal technology is very advanced. Our scanners picked it up and we've acquired the blueprints on how to make our own. We of course will destroy or give you the blueprints if you decide not to share them. After all, we don't steal from possible friends."

That seemed to impress them and the leader with us shook his head. "We cannot allow you to have that technology. It is the only reason we've not been killed off by the goa'uld."

I nodded. "It will be given back when we leave."

We met with the council and they spoke of becoming allies by becoming blends. Jolinar was there and vouched for our people. She was now in a younger female body. When Jack went to disagree I spoke up. "Can your Tok'ra symbiotes heal cancer or damage done to the spine that cripples your host?"

Martouf spoke up. "We can. Although we do not know what this cancer is, we can try."

Jolinar nodded. "Martouf is right. I'm aware of what cancer is from my time with your teammate Samantha Carter. We are able to do so with little effort on our part."

I nodded and turned to Carter. "Our medicine and technology hasn't advanced to the point of curing cancer yet. If you want to give your father a chance, I'll recommend he be read in and given the choice."

I turned back to the Tok'ra council. "As for hosts willing to blend, if our commander at base agrees, I know of a group of veteran soldiers that work in my fiancé's company that would be willing to blend with your people. They are warriors of the highest caliber of our people. Most have turned to science to try and find a path after battle as well. Their minds are sharp and bodies strong. They've just been injured to seriously to fight anymore."

The prospect of new hosts made them all very happy. I sighed. "If you're looking for a safe home world, we've found several planets that are barren of life or to primitive for our needs, I can have a list of addresses made up for your council to decide on."

The council members were very happy with my promises, to the point I finally suggested. "I wish to send Carter here back to our people. She'll take a list of my words to our leader and see about getting everything started."

The leader that brought us here seemed to disagree but the rest of the council agreed. When they disbanded, Martouf left with Carter to take her back to the ring. I on the other hand walked and talked with the lead council member. We followed Jack mostly.

And he seemed to follow the leader of the team of Tok'ra that went his own way. When he went to make his presence known, I pulled him back and whispered to the leader. "Are you're people supposed to be using long range communication orbs?"

She shook her head and saw the one that brought us here using one. She became enraged. She started calling him a traitor and yelling for backup. He moved to fire a goa'uld ring weapon and I activated my personal shield, standing in front of her. It hit my shield and did nothing. I moved and twisted his arm behind his back, taking the ring weapon off his fingers.

I planted his face into the table while the Tok'ra leader called her people over. I handed them the weapon and they took it from there. I spoke to the female leader. "We need to move out immediately, he could've been calling for back up or a ship to attack from orbit. Gather your people at the gate. My team will cover them in battle. I'll set explosives and turn your crystal maker into a bomb. Nothing left behind will survive, take what you need."

She did so and I got to work immediately. I painted key sections with plastic explosives and a found the crystal control room. I set it to explode exponentially. With any luck, it'll take out ships that try to make orbit, as it'll crack the earth with the added power I put into it.

I found the groups of Tok'ra and we left for the gate. When we arrived at the gate in mass, I dialed earth and told them. "Our command is on the other side, we'll take you to a world of your choosing, once I step through this gate this planet is going to explode and take any ships in orbit with it."

I put in my IDC and they started going through as fast as possible. Two of them arrived a pallet with one I assume is Selmak and her current host. I watched them all leave and when the ships started firing from orbit at the planet, I smiled and hit the detonator while stepping through. As soon as I rematerialized I yelled. "Iris now!"

It popped into place as a giant boom rattled it. The gate shut off a second later. I bent over laughing and General Hammond asked. "What's so funny Colonel?"

I chuckled. "We just took out three goa'uld motherships. That explosion was the planet going with them. The Tok'ra traitor called them to the planet and instead of them killing the Tok'ra off, we killed them all."

I continued to chuckle and the general even smiled before straightening himself and turning to the council of Tok'ra. "We have a lot to discuss I take it. If you wouldn't mind coming with me to the meeting room."

I straightened myself and followed behind. After everyone was settled in, the general spoke. "Your traitor is in a cell with no way out. It will hold him till you are ready to leave or deal with him yourself. Either way, he will not be allowed to roam free on this base."

The council members said their thanks for our hospitality and I began with pulling a list of addresses out and turning to the group. "These are addresses you may find acceptable to your people with the crystal technology you have. One is a world where the surface is very hot do to the suns radiation levels. It would be a detriment to your enemies to fly a ship near the planet. With your crystals though, you needn't fear it at all."

I pointed to the address I mentioned. "The rest are places we couldn't find a use for and don't already have people on them."

I handed the list over to them. "Feel free to keep it and use all of them as you see fit. As far as we know, no goa'uld knows about them."

Martouf spoke. "And the hosts?"

I turned to General Hammond. He spoke now. "The hosts as you so simply put it, are only if you agree to an alliance between or people's and yours. Otherwise I cannot authorize my people to go out into the galaxy serving another command. I'm sure you understand, you wouldn't want one of your own people answering only to me without any say on your part?"

They all agreed. The council leader spoke. "We agree to an alliance between our people. We will share any and all information we do not use on our own missions."

He nodded. "I can live with that."

He waved an airmen over and Jacob Carter was brought in. "This is General Jacob Carter. He's dying of cancer, if what I'm led to believe is true, your blending will cure him and more. He's agreed to do it on the condition that he speaks with the Tok'ra he's to blend with."

Martouf nodded. "I'll take you to her. It seems neither of you have much time anymore."

They left together and I spoke up. "As for the rest of the hosts. They'll arrive in an hour and all have already agreed to it. The only down side is that your Tok'ra will have to heal them of their injuries when they blend."

The council agreed. They had many such cases like Selmak where the host was too old to go on much longer. Out of the nearly two hundred Tok'ra, only fifty were in young and strong bodies. After Jacob's blending, and resulting good health, the rest of the people of Heretic industries came and started their own. For the first time in a long time, the Tok'ra found themselves at full power. The council even went so far as to agree to letting us have the crystal technology as well.

They all left for the sun planet for a chance at a safe base. Before they left though, they extracted the goa'uld from their traitor and killed it. The host was set free and chose to take another for a blend. After they left, Jacob said his goodbyes to Sam and followed. The old hosts that survived for a while were given rooms in a nearby adult care facility with the understanding that they say nothing of the stargate or other worlds.

I spent most of the next week figuring out how to use the crystal technology for environment friendly and safe mining. After the fifth day, I succeeded and two days later we were debriefed on the Trinium. During the debriefing, the stargate came on with an inbound traveler. An airmen told us it was SG-11. The team we were supposed to be finding on the same planet as the Trinium alloy.

Instead of a team coming out, an arrow shot out and pierced through the glass window and into Colonel O'Neill's arm. The gate shut not long after that and Jack was rushed to the med bay. When his arm was relieved of the arrow, Daniel had it tested. The results came back as purified Trinium alloy. Carter mentioned it was Native American by design and centuries ahead of our native Americans.

General Hammond told me to be diplomatic as the pentagon wanted open relations with these people to mine for Trinium. I was to retrieve SG-11 and make a good impression on the locals. We left half an hour later. I brought several crystals with us to show their people.

We did a sweep of the area and Teal'c checked the blasting sight. When I saw it myself, I flinched. It was going to be a long day. We went back to camp and when we were all together, a wolf appeared in the tree lines. I went through the same motions and we found the native Americans totem.

Daniel explained it to us as the story of their people. The wolf showed up again and circled us. I sent it a psychic message that I wished to speak it and their people as I was doing the same for the humans I was with. A bunch of darts hit our team and when they passed out, I brushed mine off. "I wish to speak with your spirits. I'm sure you all will not remember this."

I waved a hand and the natives passed out. The wolf came over and a raven appeared. They shifted into human alien hybrids. "You speak to us like you know we were there."

I smiled. "I am a being far older and far more advanced than your people. I can see through your shapes to the souls within. I actually admire what you're doing here and I wanted to speak with you to apologize for the humans errors. They are still young and are growing slowly. They like your people, are not ready to see me as I am."

The raven leader nodded. "We understand and except your apology."

I nodded. "Good. Then I must ask you let them mine for the alloy. The group you captured had not received the newest way to safely extract the minerals. I've brought with me an environmentally friendly mining technology. It is crystal based and will not hurt the planet. When it's done, all the alloy will be extracted and the earth put back in. It doesn't blast or leave damage to the planet."

Their heads turned sideways and one asked. "Why would you have us agree to this?"

I sighed. "Because it will help them without revealing myself or you. And while I can erase their memories of me, I don't wish to resort to such things. They are a good people at heart. Though they are still ruled by their passions. This will give them a chance to make a good find and give me cause for helping them upgrade their technology again."

I looked at the team then sighed. "You'll find all the alloy they take replaced with more when we leave this planet. I'll turn the mountain they mine from into an even richer one as thanks."

The spirits nodded and I waved a hand. "Shift back, your people are waking up."

I stuck a dart in my vest and fell over like I'd been captured. I meditated while they carried us to their camp. When I felt the others start to wake up, I did so as well. When I sat up, I turned to the team. "That didn't go as planned. Let's see about getting out of here."

While the team talked to each other I went to the doorway and asked the Indian that was pointing a bow at me. "Can I speak to someone in charge?"

After a few minutes a group of Indians came in. I introduced myself. "I am Alex, this is my team, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c. We were hoping to speak with your elders and see about the return of my people. We are also hoping for an agreement to peaceful exchange between our two peoples."

The leader with them spoke. "I am Tonane, I'll take you to the elders. Though whether you get your people back is up to the spirits."

I nodded. "Then after I've spoken with your elders, I'd like to speak with your spirits."

He nodded and Carter asked. "Can we get our stuff back?"

He smiled. "Ok."

I chuckled. "You're a pure hearted man. I like it. Simple and honest."

He smiled. "Thank you."

He gave us everything they took and led us to the elders hall. After introducing us to the elders, he sat down on an elder seat. I smiled. "My people your spirits took were using our most destructive method to mine because they thought this planet had no living people on it. They weren't equipped for our peaceful methods to mining."

I pulled out my laptop and ran the program that showed the crystal tech working to mine ores. "If you'll allow our people to continue our mining this way, I'll be able to guarantee the environment and your mountain is not harmed. When they are done, the mountain will be as if they were never there."

The elders watched in awe and Tonane asked. "You mentioned a trade with our people, what would you give us for this?"

I smiled. "I noticed your planet has very little in the way of wildlife. Most of the animals here are few in number. I propose a trade, you allow our people to mine this way, and we bring you a wide variety of animals to your planet. We have millions of species and many would thrive here."

Tonane smiled and spoke with the elders for a minute before turning to the raven that crowed. He smiled. "Ok, it seems fair and straight forward. The spirits ask about the safety of the animals though."

I nodded. "Our planet has little room for so much, so we'll provide you and your spirits with images of all our animals and you can pick which ones to bring over."

He nodded and the spirit raven crowed again. He nodded. "The spirits say your people are being released at the camp they left."

I nodded and closed my eyes scanning them with my power. When they proved to be human I smiled. "Then we have a deal."

The elders nodded and the oldest of them spoke. "We have a deal."

Daniel stayed for a bit to talk to the villagers and elders while I radioed to SG-11. When I finished my instructions, I gathered my team and a few villagers that wished to come and see the mining done. Tonane led us back to camp on horses. When we arrived after several hours ride, I gave SG-11 the go ahead with the crystal mining and showed them how to work it.

Basically you set it to make tunnels and disregard the minerals you want. When it makes the tunnels, it'll move around said minerals and you can literally walk in and pick them up. While they got started, I dialed command and told them of our deal. When I got an affirmative, they sent a data burst to my laptop and I gave my laptop to Tonane to brows the animals. The raven sat on his shoulder and squawked occasionally.

After several hours, they had a list of animals and the number they wanted. A lot of them were birds, squirrels and harmless animals. After a day of mining, we'd received Trinium by the metric ton. The next day, cargo crates were brought through and animals were released by the thousands into the wild.

The same cargo crates were then loaded up with Trinium and sent back through the gate. After a week of mining, nearly a hundred tons of Trinium was mined and the mountain was de-crystallized. When I went to leave, I saw the crow waiting. I held my finger to my lips and smiled. Power gathered in me and I turned nearly all of the mountain into a Trinium deposit.

The crow must've felt it on some level, because it squawked in alarm and flew off. I was the last member of our people through the gate. We'd promised to stay in touch with the natives every now and then.

On a hunch, I had Bonnie activate skyfall and check where on our planet the other stargate was. When she did, she became pissed. She took her findings to General Hammond and they both called to speak with the president. Words and threats were made on Bonnie's part and the president sent out a spec opts team to retrieve the stolen gate.

He really didn't have a choice in the matter as now Heretic industries was throwing nearly ten billion a year into the program. The people that stole it were killed in action and the gate with its accompanying DHD was sent to Heretic for storage.

It didn't end there, lots of military personnel were fired and even a few Sg team members were arrested under the espionage act. It all left a paper trail to a senator Kinsey who covered his ass too well to be arrested. Colonel Maybourne was sent to prison and the good senator lost a lot of clout in congress.

While all that was going on, my team was sent to Madrona to speak with it's people. Our scanner and sensors picked up the touchstone, an alien device used to control the weather. While we had the blueprints, unfortunately it didn't come with instructions on how to control it. Our scientists would have to study it and the blueprints for a while to figure it out.

All in all it was a peaceful mission on a paradise planet. When we went back to command and debriefed, Bonnie volunteered to go and study it with a group of scientists and SG-11.

SG-1's next mission was to a place I'd been anticipating for a long time. When we stepped into the repository of knowledge for the ancients,I walked to the circle of words on the floor and stepped over them. The repository opened on the wall. Daniel started making guesses while Teal'c looked into it.

When he stood aside, I walked in front of it and scanned it. All the data inside was copied onto the MALP and my personal computer that I'd modified. The MALP itself couldn't hold much, but my computer was an endless database made from my own realities future technology and my power. It was able to copy it all, though the repository was still active. I moved out of the way before it could active from my presence and O'Neill took a look into the lights.

I shook my head and sighed when it activated on him. "That's why I don't touch things."

After his download, I dialed the gate and we went back to command. When we did our debrief, Jack started to get irritable. I sighed. "It's probably the effect of the technology on his mind. I think it's some sort of repository of knowledge. My new scanner made a copy of some of it and believe me, it's a lot. It took all the storage space of my personal computer that I've modified myself and it still wasn't a fraction of what was in there. Unfortunately, I haven't a clue what it all means because it's in a different language."

I showed the group my laptops as ancient code ran across the screen. "The MALP's scanners download everything it could hold but that wasn't much either."

General Hammond asked. "So we know next to nothing then?"

I nodded. "That is unless we can translate it."

Jack stared at the computer in fascination. I slid it over to him and after a minute he began typing. I raised an eyebrow as his fingers sped up. "He seems to have downloaded all the knowledge into his own head as well."

When he stopped typing, he slid it back over and I took a look. The computer had a translator engine running with a derivation of Latin as its bases. I smiled. "Looks like Jack here just fixed that. It's a form of Latin from the looks of it."

I took a stroll through it and smiled wider. "Daniel, look at this!"

I showed him a file that had all the known and unknown gate addresses in them. I noticed Atlantis wasn't apart of it but that's fine as well. When he saw it, he took his glasses of and rubbed his eyes before putting them back on and smiling. "This race was the ones that built the stargates. There's everything about the Gates and even how to build them ourselves in this!"

I grinned. "This just became our most important find since the gate itself."

General Hammond nodded. "I'd like a copy made and-"

I shook my head. "General, you don't quite understand how difficult it is to make a laptop like this that can hold even a fraction of it all. The information on its hard drive would fill almost all servers on the planet several times over. I built it at Heretic industries with some nanites that we brought back and I'd reprogrammed. It'll take months to make another just to hold it all. I can shorten each file and send them one at a time to our servers here if you'd like but eventually we'll run out of room unless we do a full overhaul of our servers and technology."

He nodded. "Then that laptop doesn't leave this base, am I understood?"

I nodded. "Yes sir. I'll get the techs at Heretic Industries working on a full over haul of everything. We'll be at the peak of our technological age within six months."

After we were dismissed, I began making calls to copy my computer design excluding my magic that made it further advanced. Bonnie made some calls of her own and the president agreed to put it before congress for a whole overhaul of our nations servers.

I linked my mind to my computer and began drawing blueprints to designs of advanced crystal technology even further down the line than the goa'uld. I filled out the complete periodic table for the scientists to go over and name themselves.

As the day progressed, so did colonel O'Neill's symptoms. I sent a message to the Nox to avoid our people as it was time for my people to make contact with the Asgard. They agreed and made it so that the gates to their worlds wouldn't function.

O'Neill added all the new gates addresses to the computer system and wrote down some equations. While he was doing that, I hid all the dangerous technology in my computer from all but mine or Bonnie's eyes. That meant no space ships or weapons until it was time for them and certainly no nanite bots.

With that, I allowed for most of the life saving stuff to be shown, like healing beds and body scanners. Heretic industries received a full work load and the government received shielding technology.

I was eventually shipped out to a planet with two suns and a malfunctioning stargate. I flexed it with our own blueprints and when we walked through, we all looked a little worn down. I saw Jacks power generator and smiled.

Daniel asked. "What is it?"

I answered him with a smile. "It seems to be a power generator that uses a staff weapons active power core as a source of power. The way it is, it could give the stargate a giant boost in power for one dial out."

Jack nodded and pressed the button that lit it up. I chuckled and left them to it. My next project was a universal translator using the ancients designs. When Jack made to leave I suggested to let him go.

My argument was that the knowledge was killing him and his self preservation instinct is driving the knowledge to take him to one of the four races for help. We'd already tried the Nox and hadn't gotten through, letting him find another race would be for the best.

After he came back and the systems started working again, I made sure to have the protocols in place to avoid dialing into a blackhole. With that another two weeks passed of constant work upgrading the base and outfitting everyone with new tech.

Our leaps in medicine went even farther. Now that we knew the goa'uld could heal cancer, we tried taking that step with ancient healing beds and medical scanners.

Heretic industries began selling the beds to hospitals very cheaply. With the new refined naquadah, we began making a production line of generators for the SGC. The new X-wing fighter jets were released to the air force and now we had short range space fighters. The military scientists were working on making something bigger. They called it Prometheus.

Time went on and so did the missions. I'd went to Ma'chello's world before the team and gave him his youth back while he slept so when it was time for my team to go there, we were greeted by a shocked younger version of him. Although I hadn't removed the beard so he looked pretty funny.

Our arrival by stargate woke him up from stasis. He was so happy to have his youth back that he let us keep the blueprints of his devices and even translated his notes on some of them. While most was goa'uld specific like viruses and machines that emit a harmful frequency to them, the body changing artifact and the healing chamber went into the plus column for me.

We left him there while he set off on his own mission to strike back at the system lords once more. Command took the weapon blueprints and Heretic industries took the rest. Another week passed and our advances in science grew. We changed out our iris for another Trinium/titanium based one.

When we were called on a mission to meet with the Tok'ra, I was at the ready and on the perimeter. When Apophis's death glider was on approach, I fire a shot through his head, killing his host and the goa'uld instantly.

When he crashed, the team saw who it was and Daniel freaked out. I calmed him down saying. "At least now all we have to do is find Sha're, he won't be able to keep her from you and we have friends now that can remove goa'uld."

He seemed better now. Death gliders came screaming in and I fired on them as well while we retreated. I took down another seven before walking through the gate back to the SGC. Teal'c thanked me for killing Apophis and General Hammond said he was going to recommend me for a medal of valor.

A few hours later a Tok'ra sent a box like what we gave the Viking through and we opened the Iris for their arrival. Martouf came through and warned us that Apophis may be dead now but Sokar would revive him with the sarcophagus and torture him some more. He congratulated me on my kills though. Each glider I shot down exploded on impact killing the goa'uld larva inside.

My mood soured and I went to work on my side projects once more. A couple days later I flew a UAV through the stargate and got a recording of albino naked people and bulbous plants. I may have secretly used some power to keep it in the air long enough to retreat once it started getting glitchy.

I played back the recording and the audio before taking out all but the lower frequency. "This is giving me a headache."

Jack was right behind me. "Can you turn that off? It's giving me a migraine."

I turned the audio off and told the General. "That was actually hidden in the sound of everything else. Whatever it is, actually causes pain in us while the naked people there didn't seem affected. Now I know what your thinking, but I won't be getting naked on a planet full of aliens any time soon."

General Hammond snorted. "Nor will I. Send that to Dr.Fraiser for answers. I want to know why it has that effect on us before I send anyone else through there. Until then this mission is scrubbed."

A few hours later I felt something else come through the gate with SG-5. I turned my senses on it and found a giant bug like creature that was mostly out of phase with this reality. I felt its intentions and let it pass. Another problem for next week I'm sure.

Other than a few not really notable scouting missions, I spent my time in meditation with Teal'c or working on side projects. I invented a new light weight body armor using Trinium and titanium alloy fibers. It had a goa'uld energy shield attached to it as well. When I introduced it to the General, he requested all teams to be outfitted with it.

Bonnie was working on turning a goa'uld hand held healing into something we could use by using a naquadah enriched battery instead of having it in our blood. When she succeeded, adding that to the ancient healing beds and the healing tank from Ma'chello, with the exception of death, most ailments had become a thing of the past.

Or they would have if we could find a way to get the technology out there. Earths pollution was already taken care of in most countries and the atmosphere was healing with the technology we've put out there already. The problem is, we've been putting a lot out there at once and sooner or later, someone's going to catch on.

On the bright side though, our oceans are clean again and our trash I regularly disintegrated when it's turned in. The old trash dumps have been reduced to free land and even old ruined buildings can now be demolished in moments.

America has never been cleaner or more self sufficient. Heretic industries has been working in countries around the globe to clean it all up. China, a major contributor to the pollution, is now as clean as it was hundreds of years ago. Most of their rundown buildings have been eradicated and the trash along with it.

Of course they had to forgive American's debt, but they're receiving all the cleanup free of charge after that. Their citizens are actually happier now than ever before. They have clean are and water and it all started with the stargate program.

With America's debt gone just like that, a ripple effect hit the US and the president personally called to thank Bonnie. She told him it was all thanks to General Hammond and his hard work that made it possible to start with.

Of course he received a call of his own then. After a weak of cleaning up the world and making body armor, the Reetou started acting up. It opened the iris for an incoming traveler.

When a boy walked through the gate, I told Sam. "I think it's time we switch to palm scanners for gate activity. A scanner and password to deactivate it and one or the other to activate it."

She nodded and the general agreed. I went so far as to add scanners to the gate room doors. It was a little bit of a pain in the ass but while I was working, most of the Reetou business went on. They called in the Tok'ra after Teal'c had a reaction to the boy's mother.

When Jacob and his friend came then went back for Reetou weapons, I sighed and finished up. When they saw the Reetou and it told them of the world where the rebels are I asked. "Are there only Reetou rebels there?"

The boy turned to his mother then he nodded saying. "No Reetou not a rebel would have anything to do with them, so they went to their own base on a different world. Otherwise they'd have already tried to stop mother from coming here."

I nodded and turned to the General. "With your permission sir, I'd like to go in alone and neutralize all threats."

He looked at me seriously and asked Jacob. "Is there any way you can let us borrow those two phase weapons for a while?"

Jacob looked to me curiously then nodded to the general. "I believe that's acceptable, so long as you believe your man here can accomplish such a mission."

General Hammond nodded. "Jacob or Selmak, this is one of our finest soldiers and his record is one that dyes even the bloodiest records a deeper red. He never misses a target and he's never failed a mission. I'm sure you'll think the same when you read it for yourself."

Selmak handed over the weapons and I asked for the gate address from the kid. Once he gave it, I told the Generals. "I'll be back in two hours with confirmation. If I'm late, send a nuke and blast the planet. Leave nothing to chance."

I left and entered the control room to put in the address and head through with and IDC. I found the planet to be mostly barren. I waved a hand and made all Reetou here visible without the weapons. When I walked over the ridge, I put a barrier around the stargate to ensure none flee.

An hour and a half later all seven hundred and twenty-three Reetou were killed and I was dialing the gate home I did one sweep of the planet and found none alive so I let their corpses become invisible again and lowered the barrier. I gave them my IDC before walking through covered in Reetou blood.

Other than some Reetou blood and torn clothing, I was fine. I walked out of the gate and handed the weapons back to Jacob. "Seven hundred and twenty-three Reetou terrorists neutralized. Go count the corpses yourself."

I walked passed him and told General Hammond. "I'd like a shower before debriefing."

He nodded. "You have an hour, take your time son."

I nodded and went to the locker room and showers for the remainder. When I came back I heard Jacob saying. "It was a bloodbath. Every Reetou there was in pieces. If I didn't here him say the number, I'd have assumed there were more that died there. Where did you find this kid George? He's a walking natural disaster!"

I walked in and sat down. "I'm glad you approve then. At least now you know your daughter is safe on missions. I'm the one that backs up SG-1. Jack leads and I cover their asses."

Jack smiled. "And a damn good job you do to."

I chuckled and Teal'c spoke. "It is true, Colonel Alex is a warrior of great renown. I my self would hesitate to face him on the battlefield."

I smiled. "Thanks Teal'c. I knew you cared."

He nodded with a raised eyebrow. "Indeed."

I gave my report and it became vague as the tale of battle went on until I finished. "The problem with fighting a group of Reetou like that was it became harder to tell when the battle ended. I had to stand on a ridge and use both blasters to scan the area for Reetou life. Eventually I got them all, but I hauled ass back to the gate just in case you decided to send the nuke early to be sure. If there are more out there, they'll avoid us for now."

I asked Jacob. "Do you mind if I scan this so we can make our own?"

Selmak nodded. "Go ahead. We've found it hard to get enough naquadah to make more. If you can do it with your earth technology, I see no reason why we can't share it with you."

I smiled and used my hand held scanner on it. "This should be simple enough. I'll have scanners in the gate room and around the facility by the end of the week."

General Hammond nodded. "From your lips to God's ears, Colonel."

I smiled at the irony in that statement and got to work. The Reetou mother of the boy requested to leave and General Hammond agreed. Selmak promised to take the boy as we had nothing to stop the cellular degradation in him ourselves.

I took some more leave time while Bonnie volunteered to go on the next mission with SG-1 as it was a regular scouting mission. I worked on a side project and once they left through the stargate, I pulled out a briefcase and went to General Hammonds office.

I set it on his desk saying. "You're not the only one who can leave notes General. Bonnie said to tell you your even."

He opened the briefcase and there sat three solid gold bars weighing ten pounds apiece. He smiled. "How did she get the letter to you?"

I chuckled. "Heretic industries has always helped the stargate program since the gate was found. My father is the Vice President and when he got a strange note addressed to his future son from a beautiful woman, he took notice. He raised me with the words, always pay your debts where woman are involved."

General Hammond laughed his ass off and handed me a glass of scotch. We drank and waited for SG-1's arrival. SG-5 took their mission instead, while I went back to working after a couple glasses. I finished the sensors on schedule and added them to our MALP's as well. We had no need to fear a Reetou invasion any more. They would be visible in all areas of the facility now.

I increased the sensors range and power to see through most spectrums and wavelengths just to be safe. I began working on an upgraded version of the naquadah generators using ancient technology designs and trinium casing to increase its strength.

The mark two generators put out a factor of a hundred times more power than the mark ones. One of them could run the SGC for a year straight on very little refined naquadah. The team came back as I was presenting it to general Hammond. When they walked through the gate, General Hammond told them. "Welcome back."

Bonnie said her thanks and came over and kissed me. I could smell the sex on her. I couldn't help but remember and feel satisfied to my core. It's true she went into the past, but she didn't meet my father, she met me and herself for a threesome. She promised to pay Hammond back in gold so when she left, I handed him his prize because I'd already gotten mine.

After they did their debriefing I continued my reveal of the mark two naquadah generator. General Hammond agreed to use it and save a few billion on electricity for the base. With it running full time, the SGC pretty much went dark to the outside world.

Over the next week, I mentioned to Teal'c that it would be nice to have a glider that could travel through the gate. That got his attention and he mentioned something like that on Chulak. I smiled and suggested it was time he visited his old master Bra'tac in secret and see how the resistance was shaping up now that Apophis was out of the picture and in Sokar's hands.

He nodded. "Indeed."

After he left through the gate the next day, I helped the technicians move and adjust the Iris even closer to the event horizon. So close in fact, that nothing I could think of could rematerialized including subatomic particles. When I completed that, a half a day later, Teal'c came back in a Needle Threader.

I chuckled and told General Hammond what I planned to do with it. He seemed gobsmacked saying. "This may be your second biggest contribution yet, if you can pull it off that is."

I smiled and told him to open the roof and Teal'c to park it next to the new gliders in the hanger. A couple hours and a scan later and I was taking it apart and rebuilding it from the ground up. It took me nearly two weeks of hard work to complete the overhaul. Once I was done with the upgrades to the weapons and shields, I was forced to stop for another mission.

It was finally time for the team to get ahold of some more technology. While Daniel was busy looking for traces of Seth, I was hopping around the galaxy killing minor goa'uld and stealing all of their tech and refined naquadah.

When I finished, I hopped over to the Pegasus galaxy and stole several full ZPMs from the replicators. They hadn't a clue I was ever there except that the ZPMs were gone.

I hid it all under Seth's old cult house with a shield generator and went back to base. When they callers me in with intel on Seth's possible location, I was ecstatic that it was the same one I'd just left.

When Daniel mentioned that he disappeared after that, I suggested. "Maybe one of his new recruits did the same search you did and killed him before he could do whatever mind control he'd clearly done on all his other followers. All it takes is one lucky shot and even the best of us would go down."

Jack agreed. "It's worth checking out at least."

I shrugged. "It must be shielded somehow or skyfall would've detected it."

Jacob asked. "Skyfall?"

I smiled. "We deployed satellites with powerful sensors and scanned the planet for all advanced technology. We found a few great things including an old goa'uld cargo ship. Not to mention a second stargate buried under some ice and what I believe to be an unstable ancient healing device that the goa'uld found and used to create the original sarcophagus's. It's locked away deep in a lead vault because of the weird ass radiation that leaks out of it when it's activated."

Jacob nodded and Selmak took over. "Why did you not mention it before?"

I shrugged. "We already have a shit ton of technology were working with on a daily bases. My speculation is just that and we've not had time to even look back on old tech we've found. Besides, do you tell us about everything you run across on missions?"

That shut her up. I chuckled. "If you wish to know, I'm currently upgrading and making an old needle threader into a gate ship with advanced weapons and shields. With it, if I succeed, we'll finally have serious air backup on hostile planets we visit."

I turned to Bonnie saying. "Speaking of which, Bonnie love, can you reprogram it while I'm gone. The program is on my computer."

She smiled and gave me a kiss before saying. "So long as we share credit."

I chuckled. "Always love."

She leaned in like she was going to kiss me and just before our lips met, she backed away with my laptop in her hands. I grunted and held a hand over my heart. "Cruel woman, stealing my heart like that."

She smiled and sashed out of the room. When she was out of sight I turned to the staring group. "Hurry up with this mission, I've business with a heart thief when we're done."

I left the room and heard them talking about me like I was some kind of death bot except around Bonnie. They met up with me in the garage while I was signing out our SUV for the mission. I was in full tac gear and our weapons were loaded in the back.

Jack tried to drive but I snatched the keys away. "I'm driving, you can continue to gossip like old woman."

He frowned and I muttered. "Death robot my ass, I'm a nice guy."

He chuckled and said. "Nice guys let friends drive."

I grunted and tossed the keys to Selmak. "Selmak my friend, want to drive? Use Jacobs memories."

Selmak smiled and got in. I grabbed a seat in the back and Jack was forced to sit up front with Jacob while Sam sat between me and Teal'c. We drove in silence mostly until Carter started asking about my current project. "It's mostly done. The shield and weapons are upgraded the best I can do with what I've got. I've added a cloaking ability, auto gate lineup and thickened the tensile strength of the glass to the point where even without the shields it could take a few staff weapon blasts to break through. It's the same stuff I switched the glass in the control and meeting room glass with."

Selmak asked. "You have cloaking technology?"

I chuckled. "We do. Actually my next project is adding it to the new body armor I made not to long ago. We'll be able to kill goa'uld and their people before they even know we're there."

Selmak nodded. "We wish to inquire about some for ourselves."

I nodded. "It's not up to me, but if general Hammond agreed, I'd be happy to share it with you at least as far as adding it to ships and armor. Any further technology will need more approval."

He nodded. "I shall ask him on our return then."

I chuckled. "Then maybe you can be my test pilot when you return through the gate. I already have the schematics to build more. Once it proves successful, I'll turn the design and blueprints over to the SGC."

He looked a little iffy on that and Carter asked about more projects and threw out theories on the mechanics of each project. I even told her about an idea I had for building a space ship with a wormhole drive. We went through the calculations and I fixed her when she messed up or missed it.

By the end, she pointed out the only flaw she could. "The power required to use such a thing would be ginormous. We don't have anything close to that."

I pointed out. "Yet. It's a large galaxy and as Jack discovered, more than one. We might find it some day, that's why it's one of my side projects for if and when we do."

She gave up on it and I postulated turning a virtual reality bed into a full workout simulator with nerves and muscles reacting to stimulus inside the game. A fully interactive experience that gives you the workout and keeps you fit. I also pointed out using it to test for nerve damage and deterioration and adding the effects of a healing device to repair and fix the body while stimulating it to keep the persons ability to walk.

She asked if it was a project of mine and I shook my head. "No, while it sounds helpful to a few, right now I'm more focused on thee many. You can have a crack at it. If you succeed, you can patient it and make some major cash or a humanitarian donation."

I pointed out a few other random ideas like making smaller weather devices that control certain ranges when activated to stop natural disasters. Or using some of Hathor's pheromones to get endangered animals breeding at a faster rate.

I theorized the possibility of using the heavy elements of a star to power a ship through the galaxy indefinitely and needing no other energy. I pointed out that the Nox or the Asgard could have shields strong enough to try it, so it could be possible.

Sam looked at me as if I were a mad genius before saying. "If Bonnie doesn't marry you, let me know."

I chuckled. "Don't let her hear that, that's not a fight I'd wish to see, she's fully trained in all my techniques and can occasionally kick my ass."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "If she is such a great warrior, then why does she not join the team?"

I sighed. "She does occasionally, and when I'm not there, she is in case you need someone to pull your asses out of the fire. But she decided long ago that the path of blood wasn't for her. She'd still take it to protect you guys, but I take it for her and she's my rock when the storm of blood passes. She's the good things in life and I'm the bad, the light to my darkness as it were."

Teal'c nodded. "I think I understand. You fight so she doesn't have to."

I chuckled. "Something like that."

Selmak spoke up. "You're in love with her."