
The Mikaelsons!

Quick AN; So I wanted to do a chapter every 3/4 days but I started to work so I don't have that much time anymore so I'm gonna make the story first then I'll update it, at least like that I don't make you guys/girls wait for weeks, so here's a chapter for an apology.

Year 990;

In a big village, we could see two teens, one girl, one boy watching Caïn paint the face of a blonde woman with gorgeous blue eyes. The boy approached him and asked.

"Uncle Caïn, who's that woman your painting?" but it was the girl who answered him.

"He said it's his future woman, that he saw her in a dream and can feel that they'll meet." she was pouting, a little jealous that Caïn was interested in someone else.

Caïn chuckled at Rebekah's face while she said that and then said: "Klaus, Bekah listen well, in this world, there are many things we don't know about around us that are like the wind, you can feel it but not see it, I'll finish this paint I'm doing and then I'll let you both keep it safe."

Klaus was shocked at Caïn's answer and asked: "Why don't you keep it with you?" "Because I want to entrust the both of you with it." Rebekah was thrilled by Caïn's words but then she remembered: "Father wouldn't let us keep it if he fouds out about it, he says that we only need to learn to fight and hunt the rest is useless." Hearing that Klaus shivers a little and agrees with his sister: "Yes he will destroy it if he founds out."

But then they stopped talking and felt a little sweat drop on their foreheads when they saw Caïn smirking.

Caïn laughs after seeing their faces and said: "I would love to see him try."

During the 4 years Caïn was here, he fought, trained, and defended the village with Mikael. They were known as the best warriors but truly Caïn was amazed at Mikael's talent for battle, if he didn't have the powers/skills from the animals he ate in those 4 years he would be powerless against him. He wanted to eat humans and the werewolves too but he decided to wait, he didn't want to risk being caught or chased by wolves while he was with the Mikaelson's.

Caïn's spear was made of a 3 feet white oak staff, the staff was Black with blood-red lines on it and the spearhead was 7 inches long, he had asked Esther to make it indestructible, with it he had an old Norse shield which was black and red and the mark of Caïn painted on it.


Year 997;

Elijah could be seen dueling with a bare-chested Caïn, both had their hair swaying in the air, Elijah launched an uppercut at his opponent but he was shocked to see that Caïn didn't even flinch at his opponent attack and just took the hit. When the punch landed on Cain's shin, Elijah quickly stopped himself and ran towards Caïn cause he thought he would fall but midway he realized that Caïn was still standing on his spot with a smirk, a little bit of blood was falling from his lips but other than that he didn't even seem affected by the punch. Caïn wiped the blood from his mouth and said.

"Elijah, I could have dodged and countered you in an instant if I wanted but I let you hit me to see what would you do, tell me why did you stop attacking me after you hit me? If I was invading the village and you did that I could have killed you 3 times before you could move an inch."

Hearing Caïn words, Elijah quickly straightens himself and answered. "Uncle Caïn this is just a spar I thought I hurt you badly so I rushed to see if you were alright if this was a real attack I wouldn't have stopped, but frankly I'm astonished that you didn't even move an inch after being hit on the shin" Caïn chuckles and let out a small smile. "I'm just tougher than most people and after years of wars and pain on the battlefield, this is nothing. Just remember don't be so merciful on your enemies, they could use that against you. When someone threatens your home and family you shall become ruthless, when you are with your close ones you shall be kind and respectful. I follow this 'Code' of mine for the last 10 years, as you can see it works quite well since the people in the village respect and admire me and my opponents tremble and fear my name, whenever they see my shield and spear they run as fast as they can." Elijah had admiration written on his face, he aspired to be a man like Caïn ever since he knew him, the guy in front of him became his idol. Elijah didn't like the way Mikael treated Wars and battle as everything, yes it was important but what's the point if there's no one at home wanting you? So when he heard Caïn's 'code' he repeated it in his mind and saved it in his heart. What Elijah and Caïn didn't know was that Finn, Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah also heard them. They were hiding behind a bush with stars in their eyes, the boys cause of Caïn's manliness and Rebekah's cause of Caïn's naked chest which showed a 6 pack, well-toned muscles, and big biceps, yes he had wished for this body but he worked hard to maintain it. Caïn spoke again. "Elijah, in a year I will be leaving this Village, I'm gonna go look at other lands, I want you to keep your brothers and sister safe, yes Finn is the oldest but he is more of a wait and see what happens kind of man, you, on the other hand, know when to act, and when to stay back. You'll have a hard time as Klaus is wild and Kol is a prankster but you still have to take care of them as they are your blood."

When Elijah heard Caïn's first words he wanted to shout No! but as he continued to listen he realized one thing, 'He entrusts their safety to me'. Caïn walked towards Elijah and put his right hand on his shoulder and the left hand on Elijah's heart. "Elijah, for the past 11 years I protected, loved, fed, hunted and cared for you and your siblings, from all the people in the village I treat you as my son, as you know I don't have a family and I'm a loner whenever I wasn't with you guys, I would be alone practicing my skills and painting. so when we met and became close I was happy to know you. I'm giving you a year, learn everything from me, you don't like to fight but you'll have to now, I'll teach you everything about strategy, war, shield skills, survival skills, and mostly how to protect what's important to you." Finishing his words Caïn looks at Elijah and sees tears falling down his face, he pulls him in a tight hug and pats Elijah's back saying 'it's ok, it will all be fine'. Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah join Caïn and Elijah surprising them both, they all hugged, Rebekah and Kol had tears fall down their faces, Klaus was forcing himself not to cry and Finn just watched from afar, apart from his mother he didn't connect well with others, he turned around and went home thinking about telling Esther about Caïn leaving in a year. Caïn let go first and watched all four of them and said. "Klaus Bekah Kol, what I said about Elijah being like a son to me is true but it doesn't mean I think less of you, just that I'm closer with him, Klaus, Mikael doesn't beat you as much as before because he knows that I would retaliate so when I leave, be careful around him, I'll teach you everything I know about fighting so you can protect yourself." "Hun" nodded Klaus, "Bekah, my warrior I know more than anyone about how much you care for your family, what you would do to protect them, I want you to stay yourself all the time and help Elijah and your brothers when they need, but don't forget about your dreams while doing that, always think before doing something so that you never regret anything." Rebekah nodded her head still crying a little. "Kol, little clown keep entertaining your siblings but don't mess too much with their heads, you are the craftier of your siblings so I'll teach you tricks and things you can use to defend them against your enemies." "Yes uncle Caïn." said Kol. Caïn let out a soft smile, patted their heads and told them; "Klaus, Bekah, protect the paint of Camille if ever you see her then know that when you see this woman, I'll be around. Come on you four let's hug again and go eat something, I'm hungry." They hugged and rushed Caïn's home to eat.

'Tom show me my stats please'


Name/Titles: Caïn Lecter, First Killer, Dreadful Spear (<-- Title given by the village people and enemies)

Y/O: 30 (Thousands of years)

Powers: Gluttony/Immortality

Skills: Spear/Staff/Sword/Axe/Shield/Paint/Cook/Hunt..[ect]

Year: 997, 4 years before the Mikaelson's become vampires.

So here's the chapter, hope you liked it, maybe I skipped too much but I have to cause we don't get lot of details about their past so I want to arrive fast at the start of the plot, well now if you want you can delete this from your library cause I'm gonna write all the story before uploading it, like that I'm gonna be able to do one chapter every 3/4 days without disappearing for weeks, by the way, I'll make Mikael be 59, Esther 57, Freya 39, Finn 37, Elijah 35, Klaus 33, Rebekah 28 and Kol 26 when they become vampires so that they can at least look a little like the cast. Welp sorry for the wait, and thanks for reading I'll try to make it as quickly as possible, leave some advice if you want Caïn to do wars that you'd like between 1XXX and 2000

Shentsucreators' thoughts