
Chapter 5: Amun Becomes Pharaoh

Armon walked into the camp of the rebels. There was a group of children playing with a leather ball. He saw people walking everywhere. His thirst was sated and the fire in his throat was cool for now. He walked over to the group of people who claimed to be from the future.

"General O'Neill?"

Jack O'Neill turned in the direction of his name.

Armon took off his hood, his face sparkled in the desert sunlight.

They all looked at his face in awe.

General O'Neill raised his P-90.

"Who are you?" asked General O'Neill.

"It is me, Armon. I have been subjected to an experiment by the Goa'uld."

"An experiment that allows you to sparkle in the Sun?" asked O'Neill in a half sarcastic voice.

"More or less." Armon responded.

The Jaffa that was with the visitors who's forehead tattoo indicated him as a former first prime of Apophis stepped forward.

"Perhaps you should explain." said Teal'c.

Armon began to tell his story.

"I was tired of our current approach. All of this plotting and scheming. But I thought I could take action. Cut off a snakes head and the body will die. If I could take out Ra, then all of Egypt would be free. But the false God Amun stepped in front and stopped me."

Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter looked at Daniel Jackson in confusion.

"Amun, Daniel?" said Sam Carter questioningly.

Daniel Jackson began speaking very fast without stuttering, pausing, or punctuation, as though he had the information perfectly memorized.

"Well according to ancient Egyptian myth Amun was the Egyptian God of wind and air. It is believed through Egyptian hieroglyphs in tombs and ruins that he reappeared several times throughout history and became Pharaoh of Egypt multiple times under different aliases each time ruling for a hundred years or more always the same host and apparently never aged."

Jack turned in Teal'c's direction.


"On Chulack, in Jaffa military training with Master Bra'tac, there was very limited information about Amun. What we Jaffa were educated in about him is, he was a minor Goa'uld who used to serve Ra." explained Teal'c.

"And then fell in line with someone else after Jack and Daniel's first Abydos mission 9 years ago, right?" said Sam Carter anticipating the next sentence.

"No, he turned rouge, 5000 years ago. Apparently he grew very powerful and became Pharaoh of Egypt after the rebellion that drove Ra from Egypt." said Teal'c. "Though he never did ascend to the rank of System Lord. He seemed content to just stay on Earth and rule over just Egypt. He was described as being very 'unambitious' for a Goa'uld. Though he was never reported as dead, he hasn't been seen in a while. For several thousand years he possessed only a few ships and commanded only a handful of Jaffa."

"So, in our time, is he still on Earth or what?" asked Jack.

"Sir, you remember 6 years ago, we encountered Seth?" asked Sam Carter.

"How could I forget?" said Jack in a half sarcastic tone.

"Well sir, the Tok'ra were doing a census of all living Goa'uld, and other than Seth, Amun was one they had lost track of." explained Sam Carter.

"Selmak, asked me to do a search of him after we found Seth so quickly. He thought that since I had found Seth so quickly, I would be able to find Amun just as fast." said Daniel.

"And?" Jack prompted Daniel to go on.

"Inconclusive. There were no false religions like Seth's that represented Amun. There were a few cults of hippies, and game shop nerds, all who claimed on blog sites that they worshiped Amun, but I ruled them out." said Daniel.

He again began talking fast without stuttering, pausing, or punctuation.

"The only practical historical information I found was; the last time he was seen was somewhere around the year 600 A.D. The last ever Pharaoh of Egypt was visited in his palace in Egypt by an Italian Christian missionary by the name of Father Marcus and then Amun just dropped off the face of the Earth."

"Most likely that was just some kind of cover-up for whatever reason he needed to go into hiding. There could been 1000 reasons that he needed to go into hiding." said Sam Carter.

"Though most historical information conflicts and we're not 100% sure of the timelines of each one." said Daniel.

"What does that mean?" asked Jack.

"Well, according to legend, the so-called father Marcus was a… it's rather embarrassing to say out loud, as I said, there are inconsistencies and it is only just legend." hesitated Daniel.

"Go on Daniel, nothing is really so strange to us anymore." Jack prompted.

"Well, according to legend, the Italian priest by the name of father Marcus was a… vampire Hunter." Daniel was skeptical.

"Vampire?" said Jack with extreme doubt. "You mean, bloodsucking, burns the daylight, garlic allergy, vampire?"

"Well, for all intents and purposes, that's what the legend says." replied Daniel.

"I'm semi-curious about this, sir." said Sam Carter.

"Okay Daniel." said Jack. "What else is there in this so-called 'Father Marcus's legend'?"

He again talked fast without stuttering, pausing, or punctuation.

"Well according to legend in the city of Volterra Italy on March 19th every year they celebrate what they call the St. Marcus day parade where they commemorate the actions of the ancient Father Marcus who banished all vampires from the city of Volterra by use of repelling them with the holy cross, making them allergic to garlic, and claimed that they could be killed by staking them through the heart with sharpened wood. The legend also goes on to say that for decades he traveled across the world searching for vampires and wiping them to extinction one at a time the legend also goes on to say that his vampire hunting crusade eventually led him to Egypt and talk to the Pharaoh of the time, the last Pharaoh of Egypt ever, which most believed to be the Egyptian God Amun which would also have been the Goa'uld Amun, however if this legend is true and we have in the past found out that there are a lot of legends on earth that were based around aliens, it's possible that these vampires are some kind of alien and that may be whatever this Father Marcus was, the cross, garlic, or what appeared to be a wooden stake, was some kind of advanced technology that could kill them."

"So, what you're saying Daniel, is that Amun is going to become Pharaoh after the rebellion?" said Sam Carter.

"Well, it was rumored that for a Goa'uld he was significantly less evil than Ra was, and according to legend he apparently brought around to Egypt after the rebellion several reforms that provided the slaves with less work and more freedom though some of the Egyptian hieroglyphs on some of his monuments talked about how he would frequently ask several times every single month for blood sacrifices among the human slaves." said Daniel.

"Blood sacrifices?" said Jack.

"Well, apparently several times every month he would ask for several of the elderly, the terminally ill, and all of the dead, to be brought before him where he then would hook some kind of intravenous tubes up to their arms and then their bodies became completely pale-white and emaciated." said Daniel.

"On Chulak, it was believed that several times a month he would harvest the blood from the bodies of people and he would put it into storage, though it was just rumor and never said what he did with it." said Teal'c.

The team known as SG-1 had stepped away and was whispering their conversation just amongst themselves. But unbeknownst to them, Armon had been listening from a distance away with his superior hearing. Apparently Armon could hear the tiniest whisper from more than a mile away.

Armon then walked over to the SG-1 team.

"I apologize. I couldn't help but overhear some of your conversation, but if what you say is true, that would mean that the false god Amun is still alive. I can assure you he is dead right now." Armon said.

"Are you sure about that?" said Sam Carter.

Armon thought for a fraction of a second. No one else noticed that he paused. He didn't want to tell anyone that he had a craving for human blood or that he went totally savage after the transformation.

"I can assure you that I am quite sure. After the experimentation altered my physical body, I severely wounded him. He severely bled. I assure you, more than half of the blood in his body was gone by the time I broke out of the room. I'm pretty sure his heart stopped." Armon said.

Armon felt like there was something that he was missing? An obvious piece of information, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it?

"You are aware that the Symbiote within Amun's body could have simply taken a new host? Were there human slaves there in the room?" said Teal'c.

Armon thought.

"Yes, there were human slaves there in the room now that I think of it. I didn't really have time to think about it though, at the time. I was busy trying to escape." Armon said.

"Even if Amun's injuries were extensive, had he been placed in the Sarcophagus, the physical damage to his body could have easily been repaired." said Sam Carter.

"I suppose that you are correct," Armon said, "no matter, perhaps we should return to the matter at hand, to have a battle plan to drive the Goa'uld of from this land. He…'"

Daniel cut him off. "Not yet. We need to stockpile more weapons and we need more troops. We need more of the slaves to turn to our cause."

"What if the people had more hope that they could win?" Armon said.

"I suppose so. Which brings to mind again, how did you escape?" said Jack.

Armon smiled, a part of him was eager to show off. He walked over to a large boulder and picked it up over his head. Everyone was in awe at Armon's strength, and then he squeezed the boulder and it exploded into powder and gravel. He brushed his hands off as though it was nothing and then he ran around in a circle 10 times in a second. He was a blur.

Samantha Carter was amazed.

"That was incredible." said Sam Carter.

"How is this possible?" said Teal'c.

"It's this stuff. Some sort of liquid? Supposedly, an invention of Amun's. Apparently when it's injected into someone, you feel like you're on fire, and then you become stronger. I tell you I have never felt more alive!" Armon said

"Sir, haven't we seen this before?" said Sam Carter.

"What do you mean Carter?" said Jack.

"Well, five years ago Sir, The Tok'ra brought us the 'Atanik Armbands' and gave us super-speed and super-strength temporarily." said Sam Carter.

"So, you think Armon's new ability is only temporary?" said Jack.

"No way of knowing, Sir." said Sam Carter.

"Also, there is another power that the Goa'uld have given me." Armon said.

He walked over to a wide open area, he closed his eyes and concentrated. He tried to imagine that he was surrounded by guards and he imagined forcing them all away, then the transparent rippling energy appeared around him and then the repulse shock-wave in all directions blew a big crater in the sand around him.

He then called the attention of all the people.

"People of Egypt, with this new power I will liberate the people from enslavement of false gods. With this new power I will drive the Goa'uld from this land!"

General O'Neill was astounded at the display of power.

"Is that even possible?" said Jack.

"Well, sir, we have encountered this before as well." said Sam Carter.

"When?" said Jack.

"Remember two and a half years ago? We went to a planet that was occupied by the Goa'uld System Lord Nirrti. She was using a device of the Ancients to manipulate the people to be telekinetic and telepathic. And think of what happened to Cassandra. It is possible that this stuff that Amun developed is meant to enhance human abilities drastically. I mean, the Goa'uld have tried for centuries, so many times and in so many ways to perfect human hosts into Hok'taur. Maybe Amun succeeded, found a way to do it? And even Jonas Quinn was able to see the future." said Sam Carter.

Jack had look on his face of confusion.

"Ok, Carter. I know we've been over this before, but how is it possible to see the future exactly?" said Jack.

"Well sir, according to the rule of 'temporal mechanics', all of the subatomic-particles in the universe are moving in near perfect synchronization, which then in a sense reaches out into the space time continuum and causes most events to go a certain way." said Sam Carter. She said all of this very slowly, so Jack could pick it all up. "Now, if it was possible to determine the exact route of the movement that the subatomic-particles are taking, we would not be able to determine the exact, precise future, but we would be able to predict 'possible scenarios', it would not rule out the prediction of 'near approximate possibilities'. Now, what we think happened to Jonas Quinn when he was in Nirrti's machine is, it awakened a dormant part of his DNA that we all have, and activated the heightened sixth sense. It may have on some level caused his brain to track the course of all subatomic particles in the universe, and caused his conscious awareness to interpret it into possible outcomes in the form of psychic visions. In fact even in our time there is always the occasional crazy person that claims that they can see the future. They aren't taken seriously though, they wined-up in insane asylums and psychiatrists try to persuade them they are just ill. But I wonder if they really can see the future?"

"Sam, are you saying someone could gain such an ability naturally?" said Daniel.

"Someone with the extraordinary ability of seeing the future would require a totally 'at random' radical mutation with in the, rear central lobe of the left side of the brain, during the process of brain maturation while growing inside the womb. The odds of it happening is around a one in a billion random chance." said Sam Carter.

General O'Neill was still confused. The concept was too advanced for him. He twitched his eyebrow and put a look on his face as though he didn't care.

"If you say so."

"Yes, but back to the subject of any kind of human enhancement. There is just one thing?" said Daniel.

"What?" said Jack.

"I know what it is Daniel. Every time a human is enhanced in some way, they are defective. There is always something wrong with them in some way." said Sam Carter.

"Well, Armon. Let us know if there is anything wrong with you or something or other." said Jack.

"No worries." Armon said.

And then the memory came to his mind. He was thinking of the burning fire through his veins. At the time but he vaguely remembered the verbal dictation that Amun was making to his audio recorder at the time.

Memory flashback:

"It seems that the subject's salivary glands are manufacturing the serum." said Amun.

End flashback

He then realized that by putting some of his saliva into someone else's veins he could allow them to become like him. But he questioned the wisdom of that. He could create an army of the strong warriors; would they follow him? Would they desire a thirst for blood just like himself? It would take enough humans to feed just him. How many people would it take to feed several people like him? He felt he would have to try.

"And another thing. I can bestow this gift and power upon others as well. You three come forward." Armon said.

Three good friends of his that he knew that were committed to the cause, stepped forward towards him. He knew that the moment that he bites he will have a desire to suck them dry, however he felt fairly full so he felt he had enough control so as not to kill them. His three friends stepped up to him, he took their hands. They cringed at the cold stone but he held up their arms and he bit into one. He felt the blood flow down his throat as he sucks at the wound and as he was already extremely full he was able to stop and he released his mouth from the bite wound. Then he bit into his second friend. Just as his first friend, he started screaming with the pain of the fire that burned through his veins. The third friend began to run but Armon caught him and bit into his neck and released his mouth from the bite wound. All three of the men fell to the ground and writhed with pain.

"Don't worry. It'll all be over soon." Armon said.

"Hey! Stop that!" said Jack.

General O'Neill raised his P-90 and released a volley of bullets. The bullets bounced off of Armon's body and made not even a scratch on him, but then Armon got mad, he walked over to General O'Neill.

Teal'c raised his Zat'nic'tel. Armon stopped, he regained control of himself. Sam reminded them that they had to let this play out and that they couldn't interfere with history. Armon was all right, he spoke to his guests and said that his friends on the ground will be fine soon.

Amun was on his ship. The slave that was undergoing the vampiric transformation was in the laboratory, was being contained behind a force shield. Ra was in a holding cell. Amun had a plan. A plan that would make him king of Egypt. He entered Kebi's quarters.

"Kebi my love." said Amun.

"Master, I will stand with you no matter what you choose to do here and now." said Kebi, "But what will happen to us? Lord Ra will not allow what has happened here to go unpunished."

Amun smiled at his soon to be Queen.

"Patience my love." said Amun, "I will deal with this matter. I just need you to be patient, and you and I will be together forever. We will live together in peace."

Shortly before that, back at Ra's palace. Hathor was preparing to strike back. She stood before a group of Jaffa.

"My faithful Jaffa," said Hathor, " you have all served me well. I have a very important mission for you. I will be selecting the best of you to come with me. We will go to Amun's ship, and when we get there, you will waste no time in hitting him with all of your firepower. Is that understood?"

The Jaffa responded. "Yes my Queen. We will not fail you."

Back on Amun's ship there was a transmission.

The holographic screen then had Hathor's face on it.

" Lord Amun." said Hathor.

"My lady Hathor. What I can do for you?" said Amun.

"I know that you have captured my husband." said Hathor.

"So I have." said Amun. "By Goa'uld law, I have committed no crime. He branded me a criminal without cause, and tried to kill me without honor, unprovoked. I expressed and practiced my right to and defended myself. He lost. By the laws laid down by the System Lords, I claim his ships, his armies, and his territories."

"Is he alive?" said Hathor.

"For the moment." said Amun.

"I request an audience with you aboard your ship for diplomatic reasons to negotiate the terms for his release!" said Hathor.

"Audience granted. I'm lowering my shields, you may ring aboard." said Amun.

Hathor and her Jaffa ringed aboard the ship. When they materialized on the ring transporter aboard the ship she was face to face with Amun. Her Jaffa pointed their staff weapons right at Amun and opened fire, Amun dodged at lightning fast speed.

He ran at Hathor but not before she activated her personal shield. Amun crashed right into it and bounced off. Hathor then shot a blast of kinetic force at Amun, and Amun dodge out of the way. Hathor reactivated her Personal Shield, Amun pulled out a knife and threw it at her. The knife passed through the shield and stuck itself through her wrist. Amun immediately smelled the blood and paused for a moment, but he was full, his thirst was relatively sated, and he was in control. Hathor's shield went down, and Amun knocked her out with a blow to the head.

Kebi held up her Zat'nic'tel weapon and fired, stunning one of the Jaffa. Another Jaffa tried to grab her, but she quickly disarmed him and knocked him out with her 100 years of Jaffa-soldier training that Amun made her practice every single day, as he thought that as his Lo'tar she should be able to defend herself, and she was pretty good, she was actually a better fighter than most Jaffa soldiers. Another Jaffa pointed his staff weapon at Kebi and fired the blast of superheated plasma… (Slow motion)… and it hit Kebi right in the chest. There was a look of surprise and pain on her face, and then she fell to the ground dead. Amun screamed with rage and grabbed the Jaffa by the neck and held him against the wall.

"You killed my mate! For this you will suffer at the hand of your god!" said Amun.

Amun stuck his hand into the Jaffa's symbiote pouch and yanked out the symbiote.

"Your body will be exposed to disease until you die!" said Amun.

Apparently Hathor thought that stopping Amun would be far easier than this. She had completely underestimated him.


Amun called to his first prime.

Hego entered the room. "My lord?"

Hego was still not used to his master not having the loud distorted voice of the Goa'uld.

"You and your men take our Queen to a holding cell, but not in the same cell-block as Ra." said Amun.

Amun picked up Kebi and he carried her to the Sarcophagus.

"If you were like me my love, this would never have happened to you." said Amun. "If only you had been strong and fast. I will make sure you are so strong and so fast you will never be hurt by anyone again."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe full of the serum, stabbed the needle right into her heart and press the plunger down. He felt her heart jolt as though it had received an electric shock. He then placed her inside the Sarcophagus. The lid of the Sarcophagus closed. Inside the Sarcophagus invisible energy waves healed Kebi's physical body and restarted her heart. Her eyes opened, and she felt the fire burn through her veins. The Sarcophagus caused the serum to disperse throughout the tissues of her body very quickly. The fire was so intense she couldn't stand it, but her transformation became very, very accelerated.

Amun calculated Kebi to be fully transformed into a Vap'pir'ray in less than an hour. 59 minutes later Kebi's transformation was complete due to the accelerated transformation rate of the Sarcophagus. The lid of the Sarcophagus was then busted off it's hinges from the inside. Kebi sprang out snarling and growling.

"Kebi stop!" Amun commanded.

Kebi looked at Amun and then suddenly all of her madness went out of her, she was in awe, she saw her mates skin glitter invisibly, at least to human eyes it was invisible. To her new eyes he was amazing. Amun had anticipated and designed that the serum would make a person who was plain in appearance, look handsome, and beautiful. But he didn't consider just what its effect would be on someone who was already beautiful. He had never seen anyone as beautiful as Kebi looked now. Her appearance, face, body, bone structure, it was all perfect. As beautiful as she was before, she was several times as beautiful now. Only her hair was the same. He wondered if there was anything that could be done about the red eyes, any color but red would be good. He walked up to her. She walked up to him. They embraced, and they kissed and they felt something new, a sort of click in their minds towards each other. A permanent attachment emotionally. He no longer needed to dominate. She alone was his reason for being, but he would have to secure their peaceful life first.

"My love, you must feel the thirst within your throat right now." said Amun.

While her attention was on him she didn't really notice it until he mentioned it.

"Patience my love." said Amun.

He brought her to his blood storage area. He held her tightly.

"You must not spill any on yourself." said Amun. "Drink clean."

He gave her one end of a long tube, with the other end of the tube in the storage vat of blood. She put the tube into her mouth like a drinking straw, and she inhaled and she filled her stomach with several gallons of blood until her thirst was completely sated.

"Now that your thirst is taken care of my love, we will rule Egypt together for a thousand years." said Amun. "From this day forth you are my Queen. But first we need to get the Pharaoh to hand the land over to us. But let us go to my lab first. There may be another one of us soon."

They went back to Amun's lab. Amun hadn't had the time to do study on himself, for everything went wrong after Armon had been transformed and went on a rampage.

He did some scans of himself. He did some scans of Kebi. He did some scans of the slave who was writhing in pain on the table.

Amun continued to make the verbal dictation to his audio recorder for documentation.

"Subject has been undergoing the transformation process for 5 hours and 23 minutes, only… hmm, curious," said Amun, "the subject is undergoing the transformation process at a significantly slower rate than the prisoner Armon did.

"Transformation process seems to speed up after the serum gets into the heart. I'm detecting only a very minute trace of the serum within the subject. Of course, the prisoner Armon, received a full dose from a full syringe of the serum, subject here only received maybe half a drop that covered my teeth when I bit him. Curious, I didn't think that only half a drop could transform a person, but then now that I think of it, I suppose even the most tiniest quantity could transform someone. A full dose from a syringe in someone's arm will transform someone in a little over 2 days. A massive dose directly in the heart would likely transform the person in under 2 days. The Sarcophagus seems to significantly speed up the transformation but most likely most transformations won't take place in a Sarcophagus.

"Subject here in the lab, I calculate will be fully transformed in approximately another 71 hours."

He continued to run tests on all three of them. The science fascinated him. He looked at the details behind it all. Everything was interesting to him. A part of him still felt that he could fine tune the serum, though he was now thinking of abandoning the project entirely and to minimize the chance of anyone ever getting their hands on the serum. He would have to destroy all laboratory samples of it.

He became fascinated in the newly transformed tissue that he and Kebi's body were both made out of. It felt like stone, like glassy marble, but had the consistency of metal. He took a steel rod and tried to bend it, he tied it into a knot as though it was rope. There was some effort to it, but it was not too difficult. He then took a rod of pure titanium, and he was able to bend it, but it was very, very difficult. He took a rod of pure trinium and tried to bend it, and he could, however he was straining with every muscle in his body, the effort it took to bend it even slightly was almost impossible, and it was one of the strongest metals in the universe. He was astonished at his strength. The shear strength of the Vap'pir'ray had far exceeded any of his expectations of the serum.

He collected a lot more data and felt he could move on. He wanted to get his prisoners to hand over Egypt.

He put on his newly modified Goa'uld Hand Device, that would work for him, without blood in his veins.

They went to Hathor's cell.

Hathor had a bleeding wrist. Amun and Kebi were fully sated so they were able to control themselves. Amun lowered the force shield.

"Take her!" said Amun.

Hathor was in awe, as she looked at the pale-white woman with jealousy, who's Beauty now far surpassed her own.

Kebi grabbed hold of Hathor and held her by the back of the neck and lifted her up.

"Bring her!" said Amun.

They took her to the Sarcophagus. The Queen Goa'uld that acted as symbiote and mother of other symbiotes that was within Hathor's body, had healed the worst of her wounds but she still needed a little medical work. They placed her inside the Sarcophagus only for a few minutes which was all that was needed. When they took her out she was fully healed.

"This way my queen." said Amun.

They led Hathor down a cell block until they came to Ra's cell. Amun touched the panel that was on the wall, and the force shield went down.

"Hello, my Pharaoh." said Amun.

"You will pay for your defiance!" said Ra. "I swear I will not rest until you have drowned in your own blood!"

"I no longer have any blood in my system." said Amun. "I no longer need air, so I can't drown. And blood getting inside me just makes me stronger."

"Spare me the details." said Ra. "I see you have converted your Lo'tar. This only proves my point; the plague of the Vap'pir'ray spreads ever more."

"You are in no position to threaten me, lord Ra."

"How do you figure?"

"You are my prisoner."

"You are aware that by the laws laid down by the Goa'uld System Lords, that to hold a System Lord hostage is punishable by death."

"And if I were to quote laws against you, what counter argument will I find. That law was laid down to protect the System Lords from treacherous minor Goa'uld. However, article three, section five of that law quotes; if a minor Goa'uld who has committed no treachery is attacked without honor, by the System Lord that he loyally serves, he's permitted to defend himself, and if he wins the fight, he my take his master hostage and then report him to the System Lords. And then the System Lords will decide your fate. You understand the position that you have just put yourself in, my Lord. When I report you to the System Lords, they will strip you of your rank and title, they will take your ships and armies, and then you will serve me."

"It's not like that. Your experiment has gotten out of hand. I had to act, I had to do something."

"That is neither here nor there, because I'm not here to report you to the System Lords, unless it's absolutely necessary. I am here to tell you, I'm going to let you go… at a price."

Ra was astonished. He thought that his life was over. That he was going to die and now Amun tells him that he's going to let him go. Ra did not like this kind of thing. He hated being held to his honor, he preferred not to have any honor to be held to, he already committed a breach when he tried to kill Amun before, and now he was indebted to him. However, if the debt could be repaid then there would be no debt to be held to.

"What do you want Amun?"

"You may know me as a man who is not very ambitious."

"Until now. You control my armies, my territories, and my ships."

"Wrong. By Goa'uld law, I merely claim what is now mine after the crime you committed against me. Here's the deal; I want the throne of Egypt. Plain and simple."

Ra was suspicious, there had to be something more than that, some kind of catch. Ra knew that he was in deep trouble, and this was all it will take to get out of it?

"This is a trick. What do you really want?"

Amun responded "I want to live in peace with my new Queen. I want the throne of Egypt, nothing more. You are in a lot of trouble, Lord Ra. You attack me when I committed no treachery. Hathor tries to deceive me on the pretenses of diplomatic negotiations for your release and attacks me. Both attacks on me have failed. I have 10,000 times the physical strength of a human, I can move that lightning fast speed, I can dodge any weapon blast that you shoot at me, I am more powerful than any living creature, you are my prisoner, I could kill you at any time, or worse, report you to the System Lords. That is the situation that you are in, my Lord. And I'm going to allow you to keep your ships, and your territories, and your armies, and… all it costs you… for me to keep my silence about this incident… is a long, happy, peaceful, immortal life with my wife, and one measly little country… on one measly little planet."

He let the full weight of the situation and solution sink in for a moment.

"Now I don't know about you, but me personally, I would call that a bargain."

Ra continued to be suspicious. This was just too good to be true. He furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought.

"Is there a down side to this?" he muttered to himself.

"Never underestimate the small favors of a simple man with no ambition."

"Anything else, Amun?"

"Yes, the rebellion against the Goa'uld, I want to stage a ruse, I want you to leave under the pretense that the rebellion of the slaves drove you from this land, and that I helped them, otherwise they will never trust me. And then after you are gone, I will wipe them out myself."

Amun shrugged his shoulders and put on an amused face implying that the show for the benefit of the slaves was no big deal.

Ra felt that this would reflect badly on him, but at the same time, if this is what it takes to escape incrimination and therefore retribution from the System Lords, he would take it.

"How do I know that you will not just report me after you get what you want?"

"Because you have my word."

"And what is your word to me."

"My Lord, you disappoint me. I thought you knew that I have never lied to you and that I have always done anything I promised. I am promising you now, just as I've always promised you things before, that I will not report you if you do this one thing for me."

Ra thought for a moment and considered.

"I accept."

They both nodded at each other in respect which sealed the deal.

"And what about my Queen Hathor?"

"She will remain my prisoner, just to make sure that you keep your word, which doesn't hold very much weight with me. Here's the deal, once you've lived up to your side of the deal, I have made the rebellion think that they have driven you from this land, and that they trust me, and I am crowned Pharaoh, then I will send her through the Chapa'ai to a rendezvous point of your choosing."

Ra reluctantly agreed.

"Also, another thing, if you betray me, not only will I kill your Queen, but I will send the evidence straight to the System Lords. Fair enough?"

"Fair enough."

Out in the desert, in the rebel village, the rebels were preparing to go to war.

The rebels ambushed several more groups of Jaffa, took little to no casualties, and stole their weapons.

The team known as SG-1 was trying to stay out of the way, and not interfere. Colonel Samantha Carter kept on reiterating the danger of changing even so much as one little thing.

Three days passed. In Amun's ship, the slave completed his transformation. Amun had increased his blood stock pile. He and Kebi kept him under control, though they didn't completely satiate his thirst, they just gave him enough to take the edge off, and promised him more if he could control himself.

In a secret location outside the rebel village, Armon was watching over his friends, who were about to complete their transformation. He had spread around them twenty Jaffa and human slaves that continued to worship false gods. He had satiated his own thirst as well.

When they were fully transformed, they immediately fed on the people. When they were done they were confused.

"My brothers. How do you feel?" Armon said.

"Thirsty." One of them responded.

"Try not to think about it. We have work to do." Armon said.

Armon was unprepared though. He foolishly thought that he could control them.

Days passed. They became a burden. He worked around the clock to keep them under control. He then felt he should have created just one.

Amun and Ra prepared a cover story to make the rebels think that they were winning the war.

Over the next few days they allowed the rebels to take several key areas of Egypt.

Amun managed to find one of the rebels alone. He pulled the rebel off to the side where he held the rebel tightly with one hand. He pulled out a small liquid filled container, he opened it up, then reached into the water and pulled out a Goa'uld Symbiote. He put the mouth of the little aquatic snake to the rebel's neck and it borrowed inside. The rebel's head and neck fell limp for a few seconds, then he lifted his head and opened his eyes wide and his eyes glowed.

"Welcome, brother." said Amun.

The Goa'uld looked into Amun's face and was mildly curious but said nothing to that.

"Lord Amun, how may I serve you?" said the Goa'uld, in the loud distorted voice.

"Oh, I just need some of your host's knowledge, such as the location of the rebels primary base of operations?" said Amun.

"Of course, My Lord." said the Goa'uld.

Armon had massed an army. He was ready. The team known as SG-1 though, they were going to try and keep their involvement to a minimum.

"My friends! My brothers! We have all done very well, but we must press on! Soon we will drive the Goa'uld from this land! Soon all of your women and children will be free! If you go out there and give your lives for them, for this cause, for freedom! Wouldn't that be worth fighting for!? Wouldn't that be worth dying for!?" Armon said.

The people all cheered.

"And I too, will join your cause."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. And they saw that it was Amun, beside him was Kebi. And right behind them was the newly transformed slave and a group of Jaffa.

Armon looked at Amun with disgust and loathing.

"False God!"

He ran at Amun at full speed and a split second before he reached him, Amun dodged the side and in less than second he and Kebi grabbed hold of Armon's arms and with a sound of screeching of metal tore his arms off at the shoulders.

Armon screamed with pain.

"It is okay Armon. I have been doing extensive study on us. Our severed limb's can be re-attached to our stump's, but first you must listen to me." said Amun.

He turned to address the people.

"People of Egypt." said Amun. "For those of you who do not know who I am, I am Amun. I am a false God. I feel that I have been humbled in many ways, and now I have renounced my self-given title as a God, and I will tell you that I am but a man. I am no longer a Goa'uld. I have created a serum. A drug. It has transformed my body and young Armon's here, to become a whole new species. The new name of our species was given to me by Lord Ra. He calls us, Vap'pir'ray."

"It means 'blood drinking abomination' loosely translated." said Teal'c.

"Daniel?" said Jack.

"I've only heard throughout legend and history books, vague descriptions of the word." said Daniel. "There are various pronunciations of the word Vap'pir'ray throughout history in Greek and Romanian mythology, of beautiful demons of extraordinary power. One pronunciation from Chinese myth, meaning 'undead', while Divine-Greek legend, translates the ancient pronunciation to 'immortal'. Throughout history, in varying translations, the word Vap'pir'ray lost some of it's vowels, certain letters were re-arranged, and other consonants came and went in different languages. But I am quite sure that the most recent pronunciation of the word in English… is…'Vampire'."

"So vampires are real, and this is what they are?" said Jack.

"While it is quite possible that throughout history of the use of weird, and all of the unusual, common vampire clichés, such as burning the sun, or stake to the heart, and garlic, was just a mistake that some of the more superstitious people had incorporated into legend." said Daniel.

"I believe you are correct, Daniel Jackson." said Teal'c.

"So, in our time, do you think vampires have gone extinct, or how come we've never seen them?" said Jack.

"Most likely, after the knowledge of their existence simply fell into your modern day legends, in more recent centuries they have kept themselves hidden, General O'Neill." said Teal'c. "They are strong, fast, stealthy, clever, no doubt it would not be too difficult for them to just keep out of sight."

"What about their diet?" said Jack. "If they feed on human blood, why don't we ever see evidence of that?"

"Well, statistically speaking, sir," said Sam Carter, "with Earth having a population of 6 billion, it would not be too difficult for them to feed inconspicuously within more populated areas and disguise their victims as trivial accidents, or mysterious disappearances, and they could always hide the body anywhere, so it would never be found."

"Do you think there are security risk to the human race?" said Daniel.

"More likely they would want preserve the human population." said Teal'c. "If they want a larger population so that they can feed more inconspicuously, then the last thing they would want to do is destroy the world. So in answer to your question, I would say, No, to the overall population. Though I would say individual lives are, or could be in danger of anyone of the nomadic vampires at anytime."

"Let us worry about that later though, let's focus on the task at hand." said Jack.

The whispered conversation of SG-1 went unnoticed by Amun as he spoke to the people.

"Young Armon here is correct." said Amun. "We have an opportunity to drive false gods from this land. I have claimed the throne of Egypt as my own, we will drive Ra from this land and then, you have my word, my solemn promise, and you all may hold me to my honor, there will be significantly less work, and freedom for all Egyptian people."

There was a discussion about the matter that went on for about an hour, at the end of the hour the people had agreed.

Amun told the rebels that he was in control of three Al'kesh bombers, Four Goa'uld cargo ships, and a squadron of gliders, and had exactly 100 loyal Jaffa. Amun had given Armon his arms back. Armon was astonished that his severed limbs could be reattached simply by… putting them back on. The stump and a severed limb resealed at the point of separation with a steel-strong hold.

The day came, the rebels attacked simultaneously on several different key targets. Amun also attacked, although it was all staged.

Once the key targets were secured, they moved on to their secondary targets. Some of the rebels thought that it was a little too easy, but at the same time they didn't have time to worry about that. Most of Ra's ships had left in the evacuation on the pretense that they had been driven out by the slaves, that they were unruly, and therefore could not be ruled, at least not by him. Ra had sacrificed many of his Jaffa in battle with the rebels, on the pretense to make it look like he was resisting as hard as he could.

Secretly Ra and Amun had discussed Armon. They both had agreed that he was a security threat to both of them, and that he had to be stopped, and they had staged a secret way to get rid of him.

Ra stood by the Stargate. Ready to dial a gate address so as to make his escape.

One of Armon's vampire warriors attacked a group of 30 Jaffa. He quickly took a whole bunch of them down, but not before by mere luck, several staff blasts hit him in his torso. His flesh ignited on fire, he screamed in pain and quickly rolled in the sand to put the fire out but that only acted as distraction for more staff blasts to hit him. He screamed in pain as the staff blasts hit him. 10 staff blasts, 20 staff blasts, 30 staff blasts until several hit him right in the neck simultaneously causing his head to blow right off of the neck. The pieces of his body ignited on fire more and more. A form of thick stinking purple smoke rose up out of the fire.

Armon was surrounded on all sides by Ra's Jaffa. They fired their staff and Zat blasts and he dodged them quickly. Then he activated his gift, and create a shock-wave of invisible kinetic force in all directions knocking all of the Jaffa away, and he quickly killed them all.

Ra walked up to the dialing device in front of the Chapa'ai. He dialed six symbols in varying degrees of zigzags, squares, little rectangles, and other shapes that had little meaning, then he touched the seventh symbol which was that of a V with the point pointing upward with a little circle above it. In the distance he saw Armon killing the last Jaffa from the group that was fighting with him. Ra then placed his hand on the large, red, dome shaped crystal in the middle of the dialing device. All of the orange triangular crystals on the Stargate lit up, and the unstable vortex like a giant splash flushed sideways and then collapsed back in to form the rippling, blue, water-like surface of the event-horizon of the artificial wormhole. He then began walking towards the portal to step through. Ra stopped. Turned in Armon's direction. Held up his left hand and with his hand device, and as Armon got closer, Ra shot a blast of kinetic force at Armon. Armon countered with a wave of his own kinetic force; the two seemed to cancel each other out. Ra fired again and again. Armon countered again and again. Ra was then knocked over and held to the ground by Armon. The blood drinking demon looked at the Goa'uld System Lord with a smile of sadistic pleasure.

"You can't win, Lord Ra." Armon said, "And there is no escape. Well, my Lord, false God! I am going to satiate my thirst with your host's over so delicious blood, it will be ironic really, my people suffered so long at your hands, under your rule. I am going to savor this. Any last words?"

"Actually, yes." said Ra, "You were born my slave. And you will remain my slave for all of eternity. You will suffer the burning fire in your throat forever… at the hand of your God!"

Ra then popped open a liquid filled container at his belt, and out of its spout poured a glob of blood.

Armon hissed and he then looked in the direction of the bottle that was in Ra's hand. His brain shut down, all he could think about was drinking from the bottle. Ra then threw the bottle through the Stargate. At lightning fast speed Armon ran through the Stargate as well. The Stargate then closed.

On the other side of the wormhole, Armon picked up the bottle and emptied it into his mouth. Then he looked around, this was no doubt a secret off-world base that Ra was trying to escape to. But when he looked around, it was just a desert. Two suns beat bright light and heat down overhead. The ground was hard dirt, baked by the sun and heat. And there was no dialing device. What kind of place is this to evacuate to? Then it occurred to him; it was a trick, he dialed this place when I was near, told me I would suffer thirst forever. This is a planet with no life. No plant life. No animal life. No human life. NO BLOOD, EVER!

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Armon cried in despair.

Ra stood up brushed himself off. And then touched the communication device on his wrist.

"Lord Amun, have the rebels won yet?" said Ra.

"Yes my Lord, they have." said Amun.

"I will leave Egypt in your capable hands and never return." said Ra, "The throne of Egypt is all yours if that is all you want to get, as you say, it is a small price for me to pay. I am ready to leave through the Stargate. May I have my Queen back, please."

A cargo ship de-cloaked above him and its transport rings activated a set of five rings came down, and in a flash of light Hathor materialized.

"Come my Queen." said Ra, "Let us leave this miserable excuse for a planet where we are not wanted."

Ra started to dial the Chapa'ai.

"My Pharaoh? If I might ask, where did you send the slave Armon?"

"Planet Ormeta. Barren wasteland, no human life, no animal life, and no dialing device."

"Will he suffer, my Lord?"

Ra smiled with sadistic pleasure.

"I believe he will my Queen. I believe he will."

He finished dialing and placed his hand on the red dome shaped crystal on the dialing device. The artificial wormhole formed. He took his wife's hand and walked into the pool of water-like energy together to one of his secure bases on another planet.