
The Ordinary Life of a Strange Ogre

Follow the story of a strange ogre

Idk_what_I_can_Put · Fantasie
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7 Chs


The Elder of the Village, an old short man with a very long grey beard that reached his feet was Looking at the Goofy ass Ogre and at the Lonely and Cool Guy as They were sitting in front of his desk.

Elder of the Village:<<So, 2 You have basically Destroyed half of the Village in a fight between you that started because one believed other was here to kidnap him?>>

The Lonely and Cool Guy:<<well Yes, I'm not denying It since we did destroy half of the Village, anyway, in my defense he was being suspicious>>

The Goofy Ass Ogre looked at the Cool Looking guy

The Goofy ass Ogre:<<Bro, You literally started the fight without a reason at all but because thought that I had something to do with you!>>

Cool Guy:<<Again, It's not my fault if Your face looks suspicious>>

Goofy Ass Ogre:<<This Is my face, what Am I supposed to do?>>

Cool Guy:<<Well, I Guess some times people are Born Unlucky>>

Goofy Ass Ogre:<<Shut up You stupid Psycho>>

The Elder of the Village sighed before saying:<<I can see that in front of me I have a clear and big "Enemieship">>

The Cool Guy raised an eyebrow:<<A what?>>

Elder of the Village:<<Enemieship >>

The Cool Guy and the Goofy ass Ogre looked at each other.

Goofy ass Ogre:<<You know, I don't think that "Enemieship" exist as a word>>

Elder of the Village:<<Oh 2 my gods, I mean that between you there isn't happines, and this is bad for the Village, putting aside fact are like two monsters almost Destroyed out The Village of Ortensia Is a super-peaceful where every being here can should be Happy no matter what his her race is, so Individuals cannot keep acting Like this, anyway don't worry, we have also remedy individuals your "Enemieship" Is...a special Challenge>>

Goofy ass Ogre:<<And what if we refuse?>>

Elder of the Village:<<then 2 you Will have to pull out your Money and repay everything>>

The Goofy Ass Ogre:<<... >>

The Cool Guy:<<... >>

The Goofy Ass Ogre:<<what was the challenge again?>>

The Elder:<<a hunting trip>>

The Cool Guy:<<Well, It doesn't sound so ba->>

The Elder:<<You Will have to Hunt down a bolt Rabbit>>

Both the Ogre and the Cool Guy emitted a Groan.

The Cool Guy:<<Cmon Old man, Can't you give us a more Easy Hunt?...Like, I don't know, Tree Boar?>>

The Elder:<<Well, why would be so hard to Hunt down a bolt Rabbit?>>

The Ogre:<<Maybe the fact that Bolt rabbits are like super rare and they literally as fast a Lightning>>

The Elder:<<Oh well, The more big Is your "Enemieship", the Harder Challenge Will be>>

The Cool Guy sighed:<<At least It's Better than paying>>

The Ogre:<<Yeah, You are right on this>>

The Elder:<<Perfect, Now you can go and accomplish the challenge, but before, Need to tell each other your own names>>

The Cool Guy sighed another time:<<Fine >> the he turned towards The Ogre:<<My name Is Victor, and your Is?>>

The Ogre Replied:<<My name Is Giulius, Nice to meet you I Guess, even if You tried kill me>>

Victor:<<well, nice to meet you as Well, I Guess>>

Elder:<<That's 2 the right start of challenge, now, since It's so late, and I'm old, my doctor says that I should've be in bed like hours ago, why don't you go special bedroom was created for Participants these challenges rest challenge Tomorrow?>>

Victor:<<well, Indeed I Feel tired>>

Giulius:<<Yeah, me too, where Is the room then?>>

The Elder:<<I Will call One of my guards so that They can take you there. CARL!>>

Suddendly an armored man dashed at the side of the Elder as he knelt down in front of him.

Carl:<<Did you have called me Elder?>>

The Elder:<<Yes, I wanted to ask you if would be so kind take them the room for challengers>>

Carl:<<Yes sir>>

Carl then turned towards Victor and Giulius

Carl:<<Gentlemen, please, follow me>>

And so Carl then leaded them towards One of the houses that has remained intact.

Carl:<<This is where you will stay for the night, We hope that like it>>

Carl opened the door as Giulius and Victor jaws almost touched the ground from how much they were amazed. Outside it looked like a normal house that you could find in a simple village, Inside there it was something that was worthy of the best 5 stars hotels.

Giulius:<<Holy moly guacamole, How is this place even possible?>>

Carl:<<Dimensional Magic, we usually use it to give our tourists a more exciting stay>>

Victor:<<You are basically telling me that you using a powerful magic, can make create pocket-dimensions who also become as big whole universe if strong enough and use power, for just the enjoyment your tourists?>>

Carl:<<well, we do>>

Victor:<<Oh well, If it's ok for you then I will not judge>>

Giulius Looked around the room and then looked back at Carl

Giulius:<<Well, Indeed this place is quite amazing, Still, I have a question, why there only one bed?>>

Carl:<<Usually this room is used for married couples>>

Giulius:<<Then why are you making us stay here?>>

Carl:<<Well, 2 you destroyed the original room for challengers when fought>>

Giulius slapped himself in the forehead:<<of course, My luck as usual is comparable to the size of a quantum>>

Victor approached the bed as he then grabbed the pillow and throwed it on the couch of the suite-like pocket-dimension.

Victor:<<It's settled down then, You are going to sleep on the couch>>

Giulius:<<EH?!, why are you supposed to decide where I should sleep?, and be the one getting couch?>> asked Giulius in an annoyed and confused way.

Victor:<<Because 2 I am the cooler between of us, so bed belongs to me>>

Giulius:<<What?!, It doesn't make sense...ok, you know what? I will sleep on the bed>>

Victor:<<why? >>

Giulius:<<Because I'm taller than you>>

Victor:<<First of all, You are an ogre so course you taller than a human, second, it doesn't make sense>>

Giulius:<<Then why would it make sense the fact that since you are cooler than me can sleep on bed while I can't?>>

Victor:<<Fair point, anyway, I will get the bed anyway and you can't do anything to stop me>>

Giulius that was now pretty much annoyed then said:<<Ok, you know what?, FINE, we will then settle this with a match of Arm wrestling>> Then Giulius Layed on the ground as he was ready for the Arm wrestling match.

Victor Looked down at the ground where Giulius was laying.

Giulius:<<what are you waiting for?>>

Victor:<<Why should I do that?>>

Giulius:<<Do you know a better way?, and anyway, what's wrong?, are scared of losing?>>

And Victor took that Personally.

Victor:<<You know what green Asshole?, I will show you arm wrestling really means>>

Then Victor layed down in front of Giulius as he then grabbed his hand tightly.

Carl quickly tried to stop them:<<Gentlemen, I would ask you to not do anything that could damage our village even more, know, poor Village's Buildermen already have a lot of works tomorrow with their magic build back all the houses destroyed, so, please, don't be...>>

But He couldn't end his Phrase as a loud boom echoed across the whole village, the pocket dimension was dissipated and the house along with the path to it were both completely splitted in half and it was all because of the strenght that they were using in the arm wrestling, basically the strenght passed in the elbows as well and the elbows acted like two centers of some earthquakes.

Carl sighed:<<...exaggerated >>

Giulius:<<Ops >>

In the end, Giulius and Victor went to a normal house without a pocket dimension in it, but at least they had 2 differents beds, a bed for each other, it's a win actually (not for the poor Buildermen)