

              The wind was warm and the sun was high in the sky, dragonflies fluttered their wings in the air as they move from one plant to another. 

The grass brushed against one another as the wind blew for a second time.

"Gah! Gah!" Darius breathes out as they finally reach the open field.

"Is anyone injured?" Kala immediately asked.

"We're… fine…" Brennan said between deep breathes.

"What now?" Kendra asked while looking at the trolls as the creatures lingered at the edge of the forest. Keeping themselves from the sunlight.

"We need to survey the area and plan the attack carefully, we don't have to rush. What's important is we managed to complete the mission safely."

"According to the information the council provided, there should be a mountain in the west and another in the east. Beyond the eastern mountain is a great valley, while the north is covered with a shore, we first need to look for the enemy camp " Darius said.