

            Heavy breathes and thick snow mix, in the cold tired huffs created mist, as the battle proceed. The young elven warriors exhausted themselves more than they wished to. Especially when they know that the mission is far from over.

Adrienne held his blades in reverse, with the edges facing out and the back touching his outer forearm. He dashed forward but was met by the wolf's snarling fangs.

Avoiding the wide-open mouth of the wolf, Adrienne went to the side and slashed his right blade. Cutting the wolf's upper cheek, about an inch close to the eye. The wolf cried from pain, its blood sipping through the wound while the smell of burning fur filled the air.

In retaliation the wolf pounced on Adrienne, both of its front paws dug in his shoulders. The beast tried to bite Adrienne but his blade was faster than its jaws.