
Trinity - III

Dashing through the breeze, the flapping of wings billowed smoothly through the cloudless skies of Alos as the Griffins began their descent, stirring Zariel, who sat upon the roof of the carriage, awake. His calm, rich eyes settled upon the three towers bathed in golden light near the horizon.

He smiled and pulled a joint of ravane, lighting it as quickly as it could reach his mouth, and chuckled, taking a pull as a comforting wave fluttered through his being. Relaxing his mind, he stared at Heaven and Earth, not to study its depths but rather to take in at face value. The Beauty of Nature had always been a source of comfort to him.

"Dumb-Dumb!" Aurelia called, slowly crawling her way out with a thin layer of Arcana around her flesh. She stared dead ahead at the Strix of Trinity a few minutes away, her heart pounding with excitement. Her hand pressed upon Zariels shoulder, unable to hide her amazement," It's beautiful up here."

"Hmm,' he agreed, handing Aurelia the ravane, who took it without another word. Waiting for the academy to come closer, they shared a smoke. It did not take long for her giggles to spill through the skies.

"I want to rule this place," Aurelia heard herself say in a passionate voice, hooking her arm over Zariels shoulder as she passed him the Ravane. " I want to rule it all!"

"Ruling is boring! " Zariel replied, in a long-winded manner, "It's so restricting." He pointed towards the tower with blurred eyes, "Which do you think is the Tower of Twilight?"

"Twilight? Hmmm, Is there any relationship with your mother?" Aurelia randomly said, her mind a bit jumbled by the smoke.

"Hey! Stop killing the buzz. Big Bird has never been to Alos, at least I don't think so."

"You call your mom big bird?"

A/N: Yes, I do.

"Big Bird, Mama Bird, mama. It's all the same thing."

"No. No, it's not," Aurelia said, cracking up in laughter, " Isn't big bird the yellow thing?"

"Your high, gimme that!" Zariel stammered to say, leaning his head over Aurelia's shoulders, feeling his entire body heavy.

"Your head is crushing me. Get off!" Aurelia wined.

"Please. Your head used to crush my shoulders when we watched movies together. Deal with it till I get lighter."

"People don't get lighter you, dummy!"

Lost in conversation, Aurelia and Zariel did not even notice the odd gleam in Theia, who was watching them, and the look of disbelief in Vesryn.

"He is to be our teacher?" He asked, robotically turning his head, the blame in his tone recognizable to any.

"Please, I'm sure you tried Ravane before. I know I—"

"Not openly. What the hell happened to teachers with higher standards?"

Theia blinked, opening her mouth for a second only to close it. She thought for a minute. "Maybe he's a cool teacher."

"Veritas," he said, praying to the Goddess of Truth," Please save us all!"

Soaring downwards at a rapid pace, a massive academy the size of a city stretching into the eyes of all the children watching. Taking in all that awaited them, the Griffen continued to beat its wings, circling the academy, cut into four sections. Around the academies, air space revealed a massive influx of griffins from all around Alos.

"Dumb-Dumb, Aurelia jumps!" The young fallen shouted, leaping off without a care for safety more than a few kilometers in the air.

Impatient to see the world that awaited her, the fluttering winds slapped against her tunic as her screams of fear and excitement intertwined.


"Aurelia, you crazy bitch!" Theia swore, pointing her finger towards the crazy lass, ready to cast a levitation spell, only to be surprised by the translucent wings of black and gold that seemed to be forming. Her finger dropped as a sensation of unease and reverence seemed to take root in her heart.

Arms spread wide; Aurelia slowly began to glide like an angel in the sky. Her gaze shimmering with the glow of dawn, she giggled, enjoying the breeze, turning to see the young master slowly make his way towards her, his gaze serene as the glow of the moon.

"I think we should start training those scrolls we got from the— Oh shit, I got to contact Tiamat. I almost forgot about that. Master too." The young master recalled, "Curse that woman for injuring me so badly."

Ignoring the Silver Devil, Aurelia was lost in the freedom of falling. She hadn't even noticed that it was not due to Zariel that she was gliding but herself, as the translucent wings on her back instinctively extended out, catching the winds as they made their way down toward the platform. They landed before anyone else, as a familiar priest dressed in all red was there to meet them.

"Duke Blackwater!" The Red Priest said, clapping his hands together, "How are you, my friend. Have the Gods been fair to you?"

"The Gods all hate me,' Zariel responded with a bitter-sweet smile.

"I get that." Aurelia joined, nodding her head. "You are quite hateful."

The red priest crackled a bit in laughter, his closed eyes leaking a bit of tear as he held his stomach. " You two have grown so much in these short few years. Come with me. The Headmaster would like a word."

"Gods, I have to meet a new person?" Zariel painfully lamented, still hovering in the sky. He knew if he allowed gravity to touch him, he would fall flat on his face.

"Indeed. You are a new teacher, and Trinity carries her reputation, after all." The Red Priest calmly revealed, beckoning the two to follow. " Come. Let me give you a to—

Snapping out of his stupor, Zariel snapped into action instantly as he felt a bubble from around him. Stirring space and time, he frowned as both he and Aurelia were torn from their location, appearing within an unknown forest.

"What just happened?" Said Aurelia glancing back and forth, her palm over the hilt of Morningstar.

"Seems the headmaster wishes you get here faster than normal." The Red Priest remarked, "Always so impatient. Anyway, this is between you three. I must be going." he said in a way as if to flee before he was caught up in a storm. Vanishing before Aurelia's eyes, the young fallen turned to her companion.

"Did he just abandon us?"