
His name is Arthur

Hurrying through the Halls of Trinity to her next class, Aurelia's mind was entirely on the Path of Zensu, which Zariel had picked out for her. Looking down at her hands, she thought of Necrotic Blade and Sacred Flame, the two bloodline spells she held. Where they not the same? One comes from a holy place, the other from a darker realm—a realm filled with torment.

Willing the two Aura's to appear in her arms, an emerald glow filled with ghastly wails of specters swirled over her left hand while a heavenly gold of warmth shimmered like a star over her right.

She blinked her eyes, putting her hands together, wondering what would happen, only to watch as they did not merge like she thought they would but instead swirled around each other like oil in water.

'Not that way, my little niece." A subtle whisper said, entering the left side of her ear. A chill of unease danced along her spine as Aurelia turned to her left at the lazy-eyed man. Who hooked his arm to her neck. "How've you been? My favorite niece. Zariel still an asshole?"


"That's uncle Mephisto, to you." He reprimanded, flicking the tip of her nose with a teasing smile.

Aurelia's eyes flared to life as she rubbed her nose, "What do you want, M— Uncle Mephisto," She said, feeling the title was so familiar yet unfamiliar.

Was he an enemy like Zariel had said? Was he so dangerous? She thought to herself, staring at the cynical smile over the Fallens lips pressed together.

Trying to wiggle out of Mephisto's grip to no avail, laughter sprang from his lips. " Calm yourself, my little niece. I'm only here to help. I'm only here to point you in the right direction. On my brother's glorious name, I promise," He swore, trying to mask the growing smile on his lips."There is a man here, and like you, he is a student, a knight even. "

"A student can help me?" Aurelia remarked, pursing her lips," Unless he's from Iluthath, I doubt that."

"I assure you he isn't, but rather another realm entirely, one I hope you'd find out on your own. This galavant young man is the embodiment of chivalry, so take it from me, or don't" He laugh, saying those words, and continued, " Give this young man a chance; he understands the in's and outs of yin and yang better than most. Even Zariel."

"And you're just giving this information away for free?" Aurelia wearily pointed out, growing on guard the longer she spoke to this Fallen. Her eyes flickered from side to side for a few seconds before she settled them onto the handsome expression of her uncle.

"Darling, if there is ever a single truth, it's that we Fallen can never be trusted." His smile faded, and he leaned close," Even you. You will betray Zariel one day. Just give it time." He said, leaning back, " The name is Arthur, just head to the dining hall."

Vanishing from the void feeling of emptiness skimmed over Aurelia's young heart. She clenched her fist as an unruly angler shone over her eyes. She lifted her head towards the large extravagant windows that raced along the walls to the sun's glare bearing down on her.

She turned away and headed to her next class, stopping just outside the class that taught the theory of spells.

Intrigue swelled, and her head sank, " Damn it!"

"DAMN IT!!!!" She screamed inwardly, turning without looking; her nose crashed into something hard. Staggering back, she looked up at the tall man, bearing down at her with kind eyes that seemed to hide behind his curly blonde hair, that did nothing to conceal his piercing blue eyes.

He arched his lips over his high cheekbones, " Excuse me, miss, I didn't see you there." He said in a charismatic voice that made Aurelia's heart flutter. " Are you all right?"

'I didn't sense him,' she thought and meekly nodded.

"You sure? Your nose is bleeding," He added, startling Aurelia as she hadn't been hit that hard. Unaware it was Mephisto's doing the second he flicked her nose. The stranger lifted his hands as a mist of light gold and bright as the stars rippled out, kissing the tip of her nose.

Warm and soft, Aurelia touched her nose as the light vanished, " You didn't cast a spell or use a rune. How?"

The stranger arched his slender blow, "Arent you a knowledgeable one. It's a bloodline spell; no need to chant a spell or use a rune." He commented, "You ought to head to class. It seems people are staring."

Aurelia frowned and looked behind her at the dozen students watching from the door window, their eyes sparkling with wonder. She tilted her head and shrugged, giving it no thought, shifting her attention back to the stranger, smiling at her.

"I'm Aurelia Morningstar; who're you?"

"Me? There is a person that doesn't know of me?" He commented, chuckling for a moment, " the school year might have just started, but—"

"I'm totally new. I wasn't here last year," Aurelia relayed, intrigued yet guarded by the man Mephisto had spoken of. There was something she couldn't place, a danger of sorts, not of mortal danger but something else.

"I see, " he said, taking a step back, placing his left arm over his heart, "then allow me to introduce myself. I am Arthur."

"Just Arthur?" Aurelia probed, sensing there was more.

A faded smile slipped over Arthur's cheeks, and the words he wished to speak bolted through his mind like the crackles of thunder, never to be spoken from his lips.

"I never lie, Aurelia Morningstar, but my surname must remain mine and mine alone. It's not to be shared so easily." Arthur uttered, bowing his head, with a hint of shame circling his heart.

"That's a little weird, but Aurelia understands," She said, nodding only to catch herself talking in the third person. Blushing at her mistake for a moment, Arthur chuckled.

"You remind me of my sister, Morgana; she used to be just like you." He said in a bitter-sweet tone that Aurelia missed.

"HANDS OFF BITCH!" A hoarse shout bellowed from out the door behind her as an arm snatched Aurelia pulling her in.