
Make Me

"If you want to leave this place you know what you have to do, hehe. Bhuzkoc is getting impatient."

Jake picked up some conversation as he nonchalantly walked among all the poor people, most of whom were living in their own feces and detritus. The more fortunate ones sometimes had a tent or mattress for shelter and rest, but the smells of urine, sweat and other bodily fluids were so strong that it almost brought tears to his eyes.

Those who had been trapped here for a long time seemed to have grown numb to this misery, but passing Evolvers like him reacted the same way, if they were not outright wearing a filter mask to ward off this olfactory torture. In particular, a huge, hairless canine alien walking by a few feet away had such a keen sense of smell that his entire head was concealed under a custom-made gas mask.