

Mallus 1300 yo (born on earth september the 5th 1100) as a kid he found a monastery and hidden inside a statute of Buddha the ultimate budhist technique the lazy god panda the whole point of the technique was to cultivate while sleeping but there is only one major side effect your body grows to heights and weights normal humans can never reach but your brain and intelligence and IQ is always the same no matter what you do it s an ultimate curse so the 6y old Mallus thought it was interesting and started cultivating it subconsciously while sleeping but being a six y old he just forgot to wake up and slept for a 1000years till he reached the utmost cultivation stage available the panda god but while he was cultivating the world changed a lot and he also was deemed worthy of the ultimate true god system and and another side effect of this technique is losing all feelings and those feelings create another personality a crazy psychotic killing machine

next Chapter awakening gaining system and world travel