
Beast Battle • 1

Far away from most of the activities in the Institution grounds, the stables were quiet, save for the occasional shuffle of hooves and the soft rustling of straw.

Aeric pushed the wooden door open, the scent of hay and animal musk greeting him. He had finally gotten himself some alone times after asking Celestia to wait behind so he could get Sylver.

His eyes immediately fell on the Beast Companion seconds after he walked in. The majestic Silverwolf was lounging in his pen, his metallic fur shimmering faintly.

Seeing his masters Sylver's ears perked up and the wolf gave a low bark of recognition. Aeric's lips tugged into a faint smile as he approached, reaching into his pocket to produce a small treat.

Sylver sat upright, tail wagging in anticipation, before leaning into Aeric's hand and gobbling up the snack as Aeric ruffled the soft fur around his ears.