
The Only Protagonist in Comprehensive Anime World

Author: 结成梨斗的系统 Synopsis: I think I will become Yuuki Rito with perverted luck, and I will be able to enjoy various benefits from now on. But this isn’t just the world of To Love Ru. There’s Toyogasaki Academy, Sobu High School, the legendary monster Gensokyo, lazy angels and good-natured demons. However, there is nothing special about the humans on earth today, they are all ordinary people. So Yuuki Rito became a Godslayer.

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70 Chs


Rito entered the classroom less than two minutes after Haruna, the bald old teacher named Honekawa entered at the sound of the class bell, his eyes glanced around the classroom, and saw that Rito was indeed on time after asking permission.

"Today the school held a surprise quiz, liberal arts, English, and mathematics in the morning, and physical chemistry and other subjects in the afternoon."

Honekawa's words suddenly seemed like a bomb, not only to the students in the class.

Rito was confused, luckily he had just returned from leave and he was going to take a quiz. If he were an ordinary student, he was afraid he would immediately faint.

"How could that be?!"

"Damn, I didn't review at all, I almost forgot what I studied before!"

"There are so many quizzes in one day, time is too tight?!"

Hearing the whispers from inside the classroom and the words that seemed to be deliberately made louder in protest, Honekawa patted the table to signal everyone to be quiet, then said slowly.

"The questions are a bit difficult, but the number of questions is not the same as normal test questions, so there will be plenty of time. Don't worry, try to think as best as you can, this quiz is just to see everyone's level."

"There will soon be a city-level cultural competition. Those who achieve outstanding results in this test are eligible to participate in the competition, and if they can achieve good results for the school, in addition to the honors bestowed by the city, the school will have other rewards."

After all, Honekawa was old, and it was a bit tiresome to say a long string of words all at once. He paused for a moment, and waited for his students to digest what he had said.

"Even though there are many high schools in this city, the ones that can really compete with Sainan High School are Toyogasaki Academy and Sobu High School. Students need not be too nervous. If you want to give up the reward, you deliberately fail the test so you don't take part. What's the big deal, as long as you have the ability to pass the exam, you won't be embarrassed in the competition. Apart from that, the travel costs, food costs, and accommodation costs of the contestants this time will all be covered by the school."

In the end, Honekawa looked towards Haruna and Rito. He was a little afraid that Rito would deliberately fail the exam, which would make the school lose competitive participants.

After Honekawa finished speaking, he announced the start of the quiz. Even though students' thoughts vary, they can only concentrate on answering questions for a while.

This is indeed a contestant selection quiz, there are no sub questions at all, and they are all very difficult, almost all the students are frowning and thinking hard.

But Rito is different. He has a good background and has two lives. The teaching in high school in his previous life was a little deeper than the normal teaching in Japanese High School. He has learned a lot from this, and now it is very easy to solve these quizzes.

These special quizzes are not timed separately for individual subjects, but all papers for the three subjects that will be tested in the morning will be handed out at once, and may still be a timed test.

Rito didn't think about ruling the earth just because he reached High-Level Emperor. He hopes to be the only protagonist, not a passerby.

The quiz took more than three hours, but Rito finished it in just one hour, and this was still in a condition where he was very serious and careful.

Then there were only two full hours left, Rito tried not to make any big moves, and being a person who influenced others, he secretly used [Fiery Golden Eyes] to stare at the exam papers.

Of course he didn't see the answer. These are two very different fields. Rito is just bored. He wanted to try to see if he could expand his Divine Authority to other abilities as he wished like Marquis Voban, not with [Fiery Golden Eyes] to see the answer to a question or something, but to find the enemy's weakness and the like.

The greatest function of the [Warrior] incarnation is to cut divinity, and the second function is to seal divinity.

But apart from gods, in the future there will be enemies of various races, such as King Deviluke and youkai. There is absolutely no divinity, and there is no such thing as cutting divinity.

For the time being, [Fiery Golden Eyes] can only see through the ability and improve vision needs to be changed. Others such as [Gale], [Lightning], and [Indestructible Diamonds] do not need to make any changes.

But in that short time, Rito didn't research anything, instead he wrote aloud beforehand, which was in stark contrast to the way he stared at the test paper when the teacher came.

Of course Honekawa wouldn't ask, this would disturb Rito who might be thinking hard, or other students who were also stressed. He stood behind Rito and read the answer paper without looking at him.

After all, those were the school's quiz questions, and Honekawa knew most of the answers to the math he taught her. He was surprised to find that Rito answered all of them correctly.

Seeing Rito who was completely absent-minded, instead of thinking about the answers to the difficult questions, Honekawa stretched out his hand and turned over the math paper that Rito had spread out on the table.

After looking at the three test papers, Honekawa didn't know the answers to the other subjects, but saw that Rito had written some questions that weren't too difficult. He looked at Rito.

"Now that you've finished your answers and examinations, don't just sit around and waste time. I'll give you some free time. Whether it's exercising on the school field or going home. I will talk to the school guards, they will not stop you, as long as you return on time for the exam in the afternoon."

The other students are very envious, isn't this equivalent to a small vacation?

But envy is envy, those who can't study, that's not something a normal person can do after answering three test papers in one hour. Judging from the teacher's careful observation just now, Rito should have a very high level of accuracy, this is the best student.

Of course Rito wouldn't refuse, he left the classroom carrying a prepared bento.

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