
It's Time to Go Back Home

That was very long.

I slept on a mountain for Victoria and Shirley to watch my past. Then we discussed about everything that happened in my past life and has been prevented in this life. It took so long for us to talk about it.

But finally, we're done!

...Though that doesn't mean that I'm free from others' insult. Some of them even still talking about how I'm not supposed to be the one who got returned back to the past.

If not me, then who? I'm the only guy in this world who can use Aura!

Well, there's Timmy though. But I killed him so I'm really the only one left. But I don't think that Timmy is any good to be chosen as someone who will change the future. He's a battle addict.

Who else is more fair than me? If it's other people, they might prefer their own country rather than getting everyone together. But I'm the one who can treat everyone equally.