
The One Who Stand Above All

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

First Heroine (I)

[Status MC (Kaito) So far]

Name: Kaito

Age: 20 (Human Age)

Skill: <Ito-Ito No Mi Power>, <Color of Armaments>, <Unrivaled Culinary Mastery>, <Magical Touch: Culinary Edition>, <Purification >

Passive: <Control Immunity>, <Enhanced Sense>

= = =

[Third Pov]

The hunting process was quite easy. No, it may be too easy for Kaito. He, who has enhanced sense, can easily detect any animals surrounding him. It's like he had been building to be a predator to those poor animals.

Plus, with the power of string-string fruit, it's easy for Kaito to catch the animal and trap them instantly within a second.

The harvest of hunting was a huge wild boar that seemed to reach a weight of 200 kg or less.

Before deciding to take it down, he tried to scan if there was any family board nearby, as it didn't look good to kill it if he was the mother or father of the child.

"Then... The next question is, how do I butcher this huge boar without a knife?"

He had knife skills, but without the knife itself, how was he going to use his skills?

"Sigh... Knowing this, I should get some knives from those drop items before exchanging them with the system."

What a blunder...

[Host, simply chop some nearby branch wood into the shape of a knife, then adorn it with a colorful armament to make it sharp]

"Wow, what a smart partner you are!"

Kaito sighed as his habit of being a fool still lingered on him, or maybe his intelligence didn't increase so much even after being reincarnated.

He then follows the system's instructions and puts that enormous wild boar to rest. The wild boar quickly butchered into all kinds of parts with ease and no waste movement, as he was an expert in butchering and had years of experience in it.

A few minutes later, a variety of parts were neatly arranged beneath a mattress made of thread. from skin to various meat, bone, and ocular parts, etc. There are no wasted parts that he throws away because of his <Magical Touch> all of the parts were of the highest quality that ever existed.

Kaito then decided to make a simple skewered meat boar before opening the map to scan his surroundings for any simple plants or herbs he could use.

It is most likely a wild herb that can enhance the flavor of the meat; there is also a side effect. However, in the hands of Kaito, who possesses Purification, he can easily neutralize the side effects while enhancing the flavor with his other skill.

He quickly returns to the location of the wild boar goods. Then, using string power to grab some branch wood, he built a basic campfire in the center of the camp, where he would probably spend the night while also keeping an eye on those poor elves.

As for the fire, he uses the move skill of overheating from his power, like what Doflamingo does.

The fire instantly burned the wood and made the campfire light. Slowly, he started to prepare cooking for his wild boar skewer.

[Ding-dong! Congrats, host, for completing the random mission! Did you want to claim the reward now?]

"Sure," said Kaito flat as he was busy preparing the food.

[Congratulations, host! You have received <Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: Opposite Sex]< p>

"???" Kaito, who is busy putting meat on a self-made wood skewer, is stunned to hear the reward he gets.

"What the..." from the name itself; he had vague idea what it was, but still he needed an explanation from the system.

[There is no complex explanation, host; it's just your entire body fluids now have aphrodisiac effect and it's just working with the opposite sex.]

"..." Kaito nodded as well and sighed secretly as if it were working for the same sex.

Just imagining it made me shiver like crazy and want to puke so hard right now.

[Flashback End]

Now we are back to the current time where the dark elf captain and Kaito were sitting by while enjoying the flavor of simple skewer boar with mixed herbs.

Looking at the dark elf sitting next to him, Kaito saw that the woman was chowing down despite his icy, sardonic expression. She looked like a squirrel with food all over her cheeks.

He feels somehow happy inside seeing others enjoying the food he made.

Feeling being stared at, the dark elf turned her head while her mouth was still full of food. She suddenly blushed before quickly chew the food and made a shy expression.

"W-what?" she said feeling nervous being stared so straight by her savior and husband in her dream.

She was energised and back to her normal self after seeing a fragment of memories shared by Kaito minutes before.

She was so grateful as Kaito was really a figure husband in her dream, where he was unconscious, and because of this, her heart trembled and beat at random rhythms just being near him.

"There's nothing; it's just that I feel happy when you enjoy the food that I made," said Kaito with a soft smile before chewing the juicy skewer meat and throwing the skewer into the firewood.

The dark elf captain's heart was racing like crazy as she found herself in a helpless state where love felt so sweet and new to her after a long and difficult journey.

It is like an iceberg melting due to the opposite's heat radiance.

"Umm... "Thank you for the food, it was so delicious... Sir Kaito," the dark elf said shyly, as she had never imagined there was a food so delicious that made her eat as if her life depended on it.

As for her knowing Kaito's name, it was due to a fragment of memories she received. Despite his human race, she knew the man sitting beside her was "Unique."

She had no idea there was a human with power who resembled Kaito, and the negative image of a human she had in her mind could not be applied to him.

He was unlike any other human she had ever met, especially that bastard who appeared out of nowhere and peered at her queen and princess while they were washing themselves in a lake near the castle.

Of course, it should be noted that the dark elf is unaware of the existence of the system.

"You are welcome, and if you do not mind, just call me Kaito."

"I am still young to be addressed as Sir by a beauty like you," Kaito almost puked blood at the thought of being addressed as Sir.

He can also hear his partner laughing hysterically as a mockery of him.

"Then... K-kaito..." 

It feels so good to hear his name called by an exquisite beauty.

[*Snort* Hopeless Virgin...]

Yeah, the system mocked him, and it gradually became a normal situation for Kaito.

"If I may know... What's your name? Also, where are we?"

The dark elf was taken aback when she heard the question because she assumed Kaito knew exactly where they were because in the fragment of memories he was so quick to approach her and knew exactly which plants and herbs he picked up to spice his food.

"Cough... My name is Naruss Linhen, and I am the queen's bodyguard as well as the First Captain of the Knight Elves of Agraliel. As for where we are..."

The dark elf named Naruss Linhen then explains where they are to Kaito.

Even though Naruss was delivering the majority of the information to him, Kaito nodded slowly, as no memories surfaced.

To sum up, he was now in the Agraliel Kingdom or the Elf Kingdom's territory. They were currently quite a distance from the kingdom's gate, and it would probably take them a half day to get there.

As for the incident where Narrus is ambushed by Orc Narrus's opinion about the culprit is told clearly to Kaito, as she completely trusts him.

"Thank you for the information, Um... Linhen." Kaito asked, hesitant to address the stunning woman by her first name.

You know, there might be a customary restriction similar to what exists in Japan, wherein only a close relative is permitted to address us by our first name rather than our family name.

"K-kaito can just refer to me as Narrus... If you want..." When Kaito calls Naruss Linhen, she feels aloof, so she blurts it out.

"Then... Narrus, thanks for the information," said Kaito with a soft smile.

When Narrus notices this, as usual, she blushes like a naive high school girl who has never experienced the taste of true love.

It was adorable how her blushed, shy face contrasted with her icy, beautiful face at that moment.

As the sun gradually sank and was replaced by the moon, they spoke casually to one another, as though they had known each other for a very long time.

Kaito remarked, "I just realized it is already night."

"Yeah," Naruss said in agreement with Kaito, realizing at the same moment that Kaito's every move enthralled her, and her eyes and thoughts could not stop seeing Kaito.

"Oh yeah, do you want to take a bath or not? As for me, I feel quite uncomfortable after moving so much."

Kaito was a normal human, and his habit was to take a bath or shower around this time. He became aware that despite moving so much throughout the day, he did not perspire at all.

But habits are habits, and he started to feel uneasy if he did not take a bath.

[Hmph, you look like a girl that needs to take a bath~]

'Shut up'

Upon hearing this, Narrus becomes agitated as it seems like her thoughts have vanished out of her head. It appears that the memory of her and Kaito sharing a private moment is imprinted on her mind, causing her to imagine inappropriate things happening between them, something she had never thought about before.

Kaito questioned, "Narrus?" as Narrus's eyes were out of focus and she appeared to be drooling.

"H-huh? Oh yeah, I want to take a bath too!" remarked Narrus, who was oddly excited all by herself.

"Okay..." The sensual dark elf beauty in front of Kaito had a strange imagination, and he knew it. He could only smile helplessly.

Kaito's keen sense allowed him to discern people's intentions with ease.

Who knows if Lady Luck was smiling on him at this very moment.


He will graduate from his virginity with this dark elf beauty later.




To be continued