
The One Who Stand Above All

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Captain of knight Elves (II)

[Dark Elf POV]

I had a dream...

I met so many females, or, to be more precise, my sisters, who had the same husband. I and the others spend our time day by day with happiness while watching the kids.

My husband was a mighty person in personality, physically, and even in bed. The reason there were so many women to be his wives was that they fell in love with him, and one by one they had their own story of love with the husband.

My husband's existence looks like that of a god—no, maybe even beyond that, as some of my sisters were also goddesses before falling in love with him and releasing their duty to be goddesses in their world just to follow and spend their time with him.

Sisters were from all kinds of races, but predominantly the human race.

Husband also had thousands—maybe a hundred thousand—of followers and citizens who respected him.

He looked like a true leader, and even if he did not say anything, his people would always support and protect him, just as he did for them.

He was a magnificent and lovely husband, and he was even a perfect father to our child.

All of his things were perfect, according to what I thought before I realized...

His wives or my sisters were so much that we always had to have a lottery to decide who was going to spend the intimate night with him.

You know, when you too fall in love with someone as if it were your half, you always want to spend your time with that person. Especially because he was so perfect in bed. All of us, the sisters, became addicted and hungered for his touch every night.

It was hard, but if it was because the libido of the husband was limitless, if it was just one wife attending at night, they were worried that the sister would die of exhaustion and dehydration.

I cannot help but smile, as it was a nice dream...

Because I knew it was just a dream, while in reality, I was already a miserable, broken woman.

A broken sow that was forced to birth those disgusting creatures.

Please, whoever deity is in there...

Let me live in that dream forever, and never wake me up.




In the end, I was awake.

Ah, it seems like a dream, just a dream, as it's time to face reality...

I can feel tears quickly accumulating in my eyes, gradually falling into my cheeks.

I... hope I can't pluck out my eyes, rip my ears, or numb myself, as I don't want to feel anything being a disgusting tool for disgusting creatures.

But, what can I do as my two hands were by those fucking magic ro-

"???" I just realized that I didn't feel something tight on my wrist.

My legs too, especially in the ankle area...

"What's going on?" Suddenly I felt curious, but I was scared to open my eyes to see that disgusting bastard or anything that belonged to him.

"...??? What is this?" I cannot help but ask myself, as my hands feel something so soft under me.

It reduced my fear, but still, I'm too scared to open my eyes. As bad thoughts flash into my mind, that bastard dares to play nice and put me on something so soft so that he too can feel great enough to rape me and turn me into his sow.

Fear... I don't dare to open my eyes...

I cannot help but curl myself up and bury my head into my knee.

I decided to calm myself before opening my eyes and running with all my strength from this unknown place.

Yeah, let's do it like that.

But... how about the others?

"Ha... Ha... Ha... You're an idiot... at this moment you still tried to act like a brave captain knight of them."

I cannot help but mutter myself, as my useless pride still makes me think like that.


Before I was doing my inner monologue, my nose caught something that pleased my mind and body in a good way.

"This scent made me hungry."

Instinctively, my body moves by itself, following the good scent that looks like someone's cooking.

Every step that I took made the scent stronger and stronger, and gradually it made my stomach growl, and the noise almost matched the growl of a wolf.

My body stopped as if it were detecting the source of the scent in front of me, and my eyes were still tightly shut, as it made me look like a blind person.

"Hmmm? Oh, you're finally awake."

That voice...

My eyes gradually open as my curiosity suddenly reaches its peak, breaking the roof limit of its meter.

Suddenly, my eyes gradually became blurred, as my tears could not gather in my eyes the moment I saw the source of the voice.

"Hey, why are you crying? Is there something hurt?"

My body screamed, making me jump to hug the person, then bury my head in his chest.

God... Deity... Whoever you are in there...

Forgive me for badmouthing you.

You give me the person who looks the same as the person who gives me and my sisters eternal happiness.





[Kaito POV]

What kind of luck did I have in my previous life? to be hugged so tightly by this kind of beauty.

Hmmm, maybe she was my wife in my previous life, and this woman was the reincarnation of my wife.

I mean my previous life before I was born on earth.

But my instinct says it's not, but one thing I can say for sure.

That's why this dark elf was already broken the moment he faced that tragedy.

"Sorry for suddenly hugging you, sir. Um..."

"Ah, you can just call me Kaito; I have no last name as I live alone in this world."

I was not lying to her.

As it's just me and my partner, the mighty system, the moment I arrive in this fantasy world,

"Kaito, your name is exactly like my husband in that dream." She muttered something that my ears could still hear clearly.

After that, she smiled brightly and warmly, despite her face being quite cold, sharp, and stubborn. She looked like a cold woman.

But in the next second, her face was cold with a regret expression, like she just remembered something unpleasant.

"What's wrong? Did you feel hungry?"

I just ask randomly as I call out my partner with my mind.

'Hey, partner, what's wrong with her?'

[Host, you're a really shameless person.]

[You knew well how to use the system.]

'Yeah, we're partners, you know. Also, what is 'Pride'? Is that something that I can eat or made me survive in this world?'

[Pfftt, yeah, you're right, host. Then, the woman in front of you seems to feel disgusted about herself, as suddenly she feels she is already dirty and ashamed of herself.

'... Stop; I already know what you mean. Hey, give me help, okay.'

[Ah, that's what you mean, host.]

[Okay, it was efficient too.]

I smiled, as it felt good to have a system that looked more like a buddy than those annoyed systems in many works of fiction.

Also, the creator of his system was nice, as the voice of the system was such a warm female voice that it didn't look like a system at all.

"Hey, It's alright... Those pigs don't have a chance to filthy your body or your comrade."

My words seem to attract her attention as she looks at me in disbelief.

Without warning her, I get up from my seat that I made just from the medium log that was cut in half and point my right index finger to do something magical.

"Transfer memory"

From the point of my index finger, a warm light appeared and entered the girl's mind.

It was a borrowed power from the system, as I was perfectly doing the mission and transferring the soul back into the system.

As for the rest, don't care; just know their destiny was not good at all at the hands of the system and its creator.


I finally arrived, but it seemed I was quite late, as, in my eyesight, those pigs had already made the move. 

My position now was above the camp, near the cliff.

Especially that huge pig who already harmed the innocent dark elf while locking the head of the woman while pointing his cock into her nose.

"Damn, I never thought I could see a real-life orc and an elf. This just looks like that kind of hentai thing."

I could not help but let out the comment, as it was a new sight for me—I mean, a live show with my own eyes.

[Host, act quickly! Don't utter your inner useless comment!]

"Ah! You're right!"

I slap my forehead, then I consciously lick my lips as I'm going to try one of the doflamingo moves while being enhanced by the full power of color armament.

I slammed my hand into the ground and then grinned like a psychopath.

"Ever white!"

The ground under my legs quickly became white and spread quickly into the below. It was super fast with no sound.

Those filthy pigs' eyes were already focused on their prey, which narrowed their eyesight.

Well, even they realize it. Their fate at the front gate of death was already absolute, and I was the doorkeeper for that door.

[Sigh. You and your useless inner monologue.]

"Hey! That's rude!"

This system just ruined my moment.


"I know, I know... then... die."

"A Thousand Arrows": Flap Thread (Wing Strike String)

One by one, sharp black thread strings came out of the ground that looked like a huge spike and pierced all of the orcs from all directions in those camps and outside the camp without exception.

It was instant death more than a massacre, as the power of string-string fruit was dangerous even though I was not being creative enough to evolve the power.

"Damn! Look at those skewer orcs! If I had an element of fire, I could make them an orc skewer instantly."

[Please host; you've made me embarrassed.]

"I know... I too suddenly feel cringe about my words," I said while jumping down there easily as the ground was soft and still under the influence of my power.

I then walk leisurely into those corpse orcs, seeing closely that the orc's physique is huge, as it almost reaches 2-3 meters.

"Magnificent. Seeing this, I feel like I am really in a fantasy world." I cannot help but touch the green skin of an orc.

"Hey partner, what're you going to do with this corpse? It became useless, as even though I wanted to turn them into meat, they're bodies were already full of holes being skewered by my power."

I tried to call my system 'partner', as I realize it is kind of cold to call it their system from now on.

[Hmmm? Well, as for the corpse, I can help you clean it and turn it back into nutrients for this earthly world.]

[As for the soul, hm, it seems the creator needs those souls for something.]

"Ohh, then I hand it over all of the useless corpses to your partner," I said while retracting all of my power from the ground, then walked quickly into that dark elf who seemed faint because of the pressure psychology.

When I got closer, just for a second, I was captivated by her beauty while drooling a little bit because of her voluptuous body.

Before I tap my cheeks in a loop to focus, rescue this woman first.

I noticed that when I tried to release the rope that tied her hands and legs, there was something wrong with those ropes. I noticed it gradually shrank and made the knot harder to untie as it was being programmed by someone.

"Artifact?" I muttered, but seeing it closely, it wasn't an artifact, as it was just a normal rope being enhanced by some kind of magic, and there was a condition that triggered the magic.

"Hmmm... There's a magician or maybe a witch, and it seems there's a conflict happening between whoever it is and the elves' kingdom."

I just muttered my simple deduction: as far as I know, this kind of setting is common in a fantasy world.

"I can easily rip this rope with brute force, but there's maybe a trigger that will notify the culprit about the situation here."

[What're you doing?]

[I'm done with my job.]

"Oh, partner, it's just that I'm quite confused and need to break this magic item, but who knows, it will trigger the culprit and tell the situation in here.

As you know, there is a collision between this bunch of orcs and whoever gave them back up to ambush this woman and her companion."

[...I'm speechless...]

I'm stunned, as this system of mine seems quite surprising, seeing that I can use my brain to make a deduction.

"Hey, even though I was quite an idiot in my previous life, even an idiot can be made to speculate, right? Also, this kind of setting was common in fiction stories!"

I was quite annoyed because I knew I was not a person who used their brain a lot to improve myself.

Still, with this kind of thing, even a person like me can make speculations.

[Hehehe, don't be a mad host.]

[You know, I'm just joking with you.]

"*Snort*, joke my ass."

I kind of forgot that having a system with a personality like a real human can sometimes annoy their host in many stories.

"Is there any backup magic and others like that in this rope?"

[Nope, it's safe.]

[It seems whoever transferred magic on that item did not think that far for Orc to fail to do the order.]

"Yeah, too much trust, to be exact," I said, as maybe that person was not the type who used his or her brain much or the strategist type.

After that, I used a few strings to cut the rope, as the durability of the rope was just a matter. It was easy to break free as long as this dark elf found a sharp object, but yeah, genius, all of his hands and legs were tied tightly by the rope, so what could she do by herself?

After cutting all the rope, I caught the dark elf that almost fell to the ground. 

All I can say is, 'It's so fucking soft' the moment my hands caught her body, especially this pervert hand finger placed perfectly on her chocolate marshmallow ass.


"Hey! It's not my intention, I swear!"

With some regret, as I still want to grope that juicy ass, I quickly construct some soft mats before lying down the dark elf.


Once again, I could not help but drink my saliva, as the view I saw was so bewitching. The dark elf was twitching and wriggling while letting out some weird, sultry moans.


Oh, shut up! It was normal to drool! I was a fucking virgin and a healthy man!

[*Rolling eyes*]


Next, I constructed some blankets to cover her as well to protect my reason not to jump and help this poor woman release herself from whatever made her like that.

After that, I looked at the surroundings; they were already clean, and there was no trace of Orc in my view.

"Open [Map]"

I tried to search for the rest of the elf or soldiers that were being captured by this dark elf captain.

As for why, I know the identity of this woman. I somehow know her from some Eroge games, but I forgot the details about them, even the title of the game itself.

On the map, there are so many gold dots scattered around me, while there are ten or more white dots gathered in one place.

"Hey partner, gold dots mean treasure or drop items, right? While white dots mean NPC's?"

[100% correct]

"Nice." I cannot help but be grateful for convenient tools like this [Map].

Quickly, I approach the white dots first, as who knows what state they're in now?

Are they already being drugged slowly, or is worse happening to them?

Their location was deep in one tent; its size was quite different from others.

Inside it, there were a bunch of elves and dark elves being tied roughly while their eyes and mouths were being shut with some cloth.

There was no flinch or gesture on they're bodies when I walked closer to them, as it seemed they were fainting or being forced to drink some sleeping drug by those orcs.

Who knows.

"What state are they in now? Are there harmful objects on their body? or some kind of effect?"

[No, it's just being forced to sleep by some sleeping herb.]

[Still, there's an injury, especially shock, because of the sudden ambush.]

"I see..."

It was unfortunate to happen to them, but who am I to say this? All I can do is help them release themselves from the ropes and cloth that bind them before giving them a soft blanket to cover their bodies before getting out of the tent and leaving them alone.

I cannot help but sigh, as it was lucky for me to not witness a dark scene that usually happens to those elves when they're being caught.

This world was a fantasy, and a dark fantasy must be happening somewhere in this part of the world.

At least, I hope plot armor can help me prevent those in the future and give a better ending for those poor women.

"Oh yeah, the mission!"

[Congratulations! The urgent mission has already been completed.]

[Seeing the host clear the mission perfectly and with care about those women]

[The creator decided to give a double reward this time.]

[Does the host want to open the reward now?]

"Sure, partner! Also, give my regards to your creator."

[Okie-dokie! The reward has been generating... 35%... 50%... 90%... 100%...

Congrats! The host has received <Skill: Purification>, <Passive: Enhance Senses>.]

Once again, a warm feeling invades my body. Gradually, I can feel that all of my senses seem to be sharp and enhanced.

Hearing, Smell, Taste, Feel, Touch...

All of my five senses have been upgraded, and it made me feel crazy as suddenly the small detail sound that happened nearby could be heard clearly in my ears.

It's not just that; it also enhances my accuracy, perception, precision, and many more.


"Purification," I mutter the word, then gradually particles of magic or something were gathered on my hands. It gave me a warm feeling that looked like an angel was touching my hand.

"Partner, can this skill help to ease their trauma and make that dark elf normal?" I cannot help but realize that this seems to be a direct help from the creator to make me help them and those who are being corrupted by some malicious things.

[Yes, it's like what you're imagining it to be, host.]


Without wasting time, I moved my legs to get into the tent where the soldiers were.

I use <Purification > to ease their state, give them a warm feeling, and make them ease away from negative emotions.

I can see their complexion became much better with small smiles blooming on their lips.

It made me smile too.

[*Giggle* seeing this made the host look like a religious pope who gives a warm embrace to their child.]

"Oh, shut up." I cannot help but snort and roll my eyes upon hearing that comment.

After making sure they're alright, I quickly get out of the tent to approach the dark elf captain. Carefully grab her body while being covered by blankets and mats in another tent, as it's safer than an open space like that.

The dark elf's complexion was much paler because she was in agony and could not resist rubbing her boobs and pussycat with her hands.

She was in pain, being drugged to make her body sensitive and feel burning.

Observing this, my reasoning was put to the test as to whether I should use <Purification >, as I do with the others, or give her a real treatment to get her to release the poison through her pussycat.

Like it or not, you want to use the devil's way or the angel's way to help this woman.

"Fuck it, whatever the circumstances, never take advantage of a woman when she is vulnerable!" I said to myself as I imagined that I was crying blood rather than tears.

You know, I was a healthy virgin, so there is a possibility that it could easily influence me to act badly.

After applying <Purification >, the dark elf captain is ultimately calmer, and her breathing is returning to normal, hopefully helping the terrible experience she just went through to fade from memory.

She can finally sleep peacefully and slowly.

Seeing this made my corner lips rise, as pride in myself can help this kind of beauty.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that!"

In a hurry, I make a simple white shirt, underwear, and some simple pants for her to wear later when she wakes up.

Well, you can say I unconsciously tried to gather her favor for my image. Who knows? This woman will be my wife in the future, right?

[*Giggle*, in the end, all of you're good actions are just to rub their favor and make yourself look good in front of them! What a cunning bastard!]

My corner mouth twitched upon hearing my partner's comment. I almost vomited blood as the word stabbed straight into my heart.

"The way you said it made me look like a scum, partner."

[*Snort* who knows, the host was a real scum in nature]

"... Fuck you"

In the end, after making sure and checking that they were all right, I quickly gathered all of the items in the area, like professional looters.

"Whistle*, who knows that those orcs were professional hoarders where there's so much treasure they gather?"

I cannot help but say that all of the things already gathered were tremendous, especially those gold coins that looked like currency in this country or around the world. There were so many of them that there were almost a hundred big bags of them.

"I feel like it will be pointless to keep them, especially since I do not have any inventory bags or other storage to keep them all."

"Yo partner, can you convert all of these items into something?"

[Well, I can actually turn them into host points. As those points can be used by the host to exchange things in <Market >, the feature <Market > was still locked by now, so you cannot use points for now.]

"Is that so? I thought there's maybe another feature from you, partner." I nodded as I received new information about my systems.

"Then, can you exchange all of this for some specific skill like <Cooking skill>, etc., as I am aware of how horrible my craft is." 

Remember in the past when I tried to cook for myself? It was a horrible experience, as the food was so bad that it made me have stomach pain for 3 days.

I don't know if it was because the ingredients that I used had already expired or what, but it still gave me PTSD from cooking by myself.

[Hmmm, I can do that.]

[Does the host want to exchange all of this for a skill related to cooking?]


[Okay, wait a minute.]

I nodded, then constructed a mattress to sit on while the waiting system did the process.

All right, the skill that was worth it as a result of the exchange of the treasure and the intention of the host has been knowledge by the culinary goddess. The host has been a blessing from <Unrivalled Culinary Mastery and <Magical Touch: Edition.< p>

I was stunned, not because of the skill but because this culinary god seems to have been seeing from a faraway place. 

"Thanks for your blessing, Culinary Goddess; I will make sure to feed my family to the fullest!"

Warm, familiar sensations are entering my body, and this time they made me feel a little emotional because it seemed to address my mental health and totally eliminate the PTSD I had previously.

"Partner, tell me what this magical touch is all about." I asked the system whiile the other skill simply made me the most unrivaled chef in the world, or maybe even further, as I can't measure the limit of the skill for now.

[Hmmm? It's made all of the ingredients being used to be of unrivaled quality; it's like those farming games you used to play in previous world hosts. Ingredients have been graded from basic to iridium quality. This skill makes all of the things you touch that are related to cuisine automatically of perfect quality.

So no matter what waste of ingredients you find, it automatically converts into the highest quality that ingredients can be!]

When I heard it, my jaws could not help but fall, like in those scenes in the One Piece.

It's really a cheating skill. I mean, there's so much overpowered skill out here, but for me, this is the most important for someone who is gluttonous but cannot cook for herself and always eats outside or delivers.

Also, in the end, most likely, it's going to bring joy to his family and the people he gets along with well for this skill to exist.

[Oh, at the same time, if the host forgot, knife mastery and fire control mastery are included in the host's culinary mastery!]

"I know. Thanks for the reminder, partner!"

I take a breath before deciding to hunt some animals, and at the same time, I want to test how broken those two blessings by the culinary goddess are.

[Ding! A random question has been generated!]

[Mission: Hunt some animals and make some food from them!]

[Reward: ???]
