
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Alternative Ending (III)

It's been days.

Dinelynd, who had been meditating for a day, gradually opened her eyes. She could feel her power improving, but it was not as strong as when she meditated in her secret base.

This is due to the pressure of the anti-magic barrier that surrounded the prison where she is now.

She is unable to gather and convert natural energy for use as fuel or to increase her level of magic power.

In a nutshell, she uses nature's energy as magic mana and experience to level up her level and skill in magic.

She was a witch after all, so it's not strange for her to know this method.

"Sigh... It is very frustrating to be locked up like this; it makes me look like rats caught in a trap."

She massages her temples because she appears to have had a migraine, and despite being a witch, she still needs that to be fulfilled.


"Fuck. So hungry..."

Yes, she is naturally hungry right now after not eating for a days, and the meditation she did drain made her even more hungry than usual.

That is why she always prepares food for herself to eat after she finishes her meditation.

She then looked at Ingwill, who was sitting staring blankly with empty eyes, his brain having been fried mercilessly by electricity.

He is said to be dead in a physical sense, but his soul remains trapped in his body.

"Sigh... If this human is still alive, at least I can have some protein milk from him to fill her stomach. At least wait until I get real food to eat."

She tried to touch the crotch, but there was no reaction, even though she was already doing some sensual movement with her hands.

It is perfectly normal for Ingwill to be unable to feel her touch now that his main brain has been fried well enough that it no longer works.

"Sigh, why suddenly did I have horrible luck like this where the world seems to be targeting me personally?"

The famous witch pouted while slowly not caring again and being an honest prisoner until there was someone who was going to visit her down here in the prison.

As for why she doesn't regenerate the brain of Ingwill? 

Don't be funny; even a witch who masters so much magic exists in that world. There is no trace of magic that can regenerate or restore something to its default state; even if it does exist, it's already made the Elves kingdom more powerful than a human kingdom or monster race that scatters around the world.

While Dinelynd appears to give up and accept her fate to be imprisoned in prison,

Her long ears twitched as she could hear the steps of someone who seemed to be getting closer to her place.

'Who is it?'

Dinelynd is intrigued as she imagines someone who attempted to visit her in this deep prison, and from the way it walks, it is female.

Not just that, he can her some clutter sound and tray on that femal hand.


Dinelynd sat still on her wodden bench, staring at the stone wall in front of her, turning her head to see someone she had known her entire life.


Yes, it was Ephidis, the queen of this Agraliel kingdom.

She came alone to the prison while bringing food and water above the silver tray that she brought with her hands.

They both looked at each other as if they were long-lost lovers who had been apart for years. They shared a sense of longing and sadness, as well as regret for the events of the past that had brought them apart and a sense of guilt about those events.

They are both seen to be smiling gently at the person in front of them. Their mouths are open, but they are unable to speak, as if there is something stuck in their throats preventing them from speaking.

Memories of the past seem to flash through their minds, where the two of them were as close as if they were biological siblings.

It was a terrible awkward situation for them, but it was suddenly broken when Ephildis opened her mouth and successfully let out some words from her throat.

"How are you? Sorry for the silly question, but..."

Ephildis bit her lip; she was currently troubled with a choice between maintaining her authority as a queen or giving it all up and becoming the old Ephildis, who was sweet and spoilt in Dinelynd's presence.

While she was perplexed by the cold floor beneath her feet, a warm hand that her body recognized made her lift her head.

To see Dinelynd with her usual soft smile that made her feel warm as if she were her sun.

"I returned, little sister, and you should know the reason for all the commotion in a few days."

Dinelynd's gaze was warm, as it was when she spent time with Ephildis.

There is no manipulative intention in her heart where she wants to use Ephildis to complete her revenge, because she knows Ephildis wants to help her so much that she knows what the root problem is that caused her to be exiled from the kingdom where she was born and lived for years.

Tears slowly accumulated from corner Ephildis eyes; she seems to have decided to forget all of her demeanor as queen and help her Dinelynd pay back to those elders in her kingdom.

"Un! All this time, I have been wondering how I can exact revenge on you, Onee-sama. I would have had enough of those elders who always demanded the impossible from me."

Ephildis' barrier as a cold queen has been broken, and she now acts like a child who has had enough of those irresponsible adults who always expect the impossible from their child.

Dinelynd, seeing this, cannot help but cry; she feels bad for having intended to control the kingdom through Ephildis and Almia, her daughters, as royalty and authority in this country by hypnotizing them to be lust slaves under Ingwill.

She knows the dark secret behind the reason why there are more female elves in this kingdom than males, and it all has to do with the human race having a relationship with their elven nation in the past, or arguably thousands of years ago, the foundation and first ruler of this kingdom.

She knows about this because she has all of the knowledge of the kingdom's history stored in her mind, which is one of the reasons why the elders are threatened by her because it is their deepest secret that no one except the royal family should know about.


Dinelynd felt embarrassed when her stomach grumbled, evidence that she was hungry and needed food as soon as possible.

"Don't laugh!" 

She pouted, seeing Ephildis laughing at her and her embarrassed stomach sound.

"S-Sorry, Onee-sama. Pfftt, hehehe."

"Mouu! You've become a bully!"

It was a nice reunion for both of them, who regard the others as their sisters, but what they don't know is that when Ephildis entered through the anti-magic barrier to meet Dinelynd, it awoke the elders, and those bastards quickly made the move that they already planned so many years to bring the kingdom down or to exactly remove the royal family of Agraliel and be a true ruler!





While there is a sweet, warm reunion happening inside the castle and a panic state situation happening elsewhere, they are unaware that there is someone above the castle wearing a black tight-fitting short-sleeve shirt that shows the curves of every muscle in his upper body, and below that person wearing sports tan baggy training pants with a black belt weaved through the waist and black martial arts slippers that look down the castle below his feet.

His messy black hair, styled in a messy wolf-style cut, was wavy due to the strong wind, and he had an aura around him that emitted the cold iceberg and confident demeanor as he was the one who stood above all in this world.

"Ohhh, it seems I can finish my main mission and get an alternative ending, which is the best ending that even I've never thought about."

He smiled, and that smile was far from the usual warm smile he always shows to others.

"Narrus has already entered the palace, where that girl went straight to where Almia was."

He smiled because that girl was so concerned about Almia's condition, where her heart, as a big sister, felt too clearly the misunderstanding between her husband and those humans that Almia was aware of.

"Good luck, my baby girl. "I know you can break that crying baby princess's stereotype about the human race."

He then left from where he's at in one blink, leaving the trace of electricity on his place.


Name: Kaito

Race: Supernatural Human

Age: 20

Ability: Enhanced String-String Fruit Power (Thread, Silk, Wire, Yarn), Armament Haki (Absolute), Conqueror Haki (Absolute), Culinary Mastery (Absolute), Magical Touch (Culinary), Purification (Intermediate), Electricity Manipulation (Absolute),

Passive: Control Immunity, Enhanced Sense, Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: Opposite Sex, Endless Amount of Cum, Woman Slayer, Pleasant Scent, Pleasure Touch, Killing Intent

Equipment: Spatial Ring (unlimited).


- Narrus (Kyonyuu Elf)

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