
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

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Agraliel Kingdom (II)

A/N: Double update!

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"Charge!!!" "Don't let them enter the kingdom!" "Brace yourself, everyone!"

War has happened outside of Agraliel Kingdom, not just in one place but on the battlefield. Every sound was thundering outside of the kingdom from clashes of steel weapons, magic, screams, and others.

It's naturally a nightmare for the people of Agraliel Kingdom, who have been living in peace for years, to suddenly be faced with such a shocking situation as this.

The majority of people in the agrarian kingdom were normal elves who lived and did mundane professions in their lives. Whereas the ratio of women has been dominated in the kingdom, men's natural power in the army in the kingdom cannot be said to be powerful.

Elf was naturally blessed with the skill of archer and magic element in the natural fiction world, but in the agrarian kingdom, it's just a high-elf who naturally has a tendency toward magic element, whereas a normal elf is like a useless race.

As for dark elves...



One of the demons has been neatly cut in half by the black metal sword that has been held by Narrus.

"Narrus-sama!" "Captain Narrus!" "Leader!"

All the soldiers who still survived on the battlefield where they fought against the demon army led by the werewolf, Narrus, have appeared out of nowhere, like a goddess Valkyrie has been descending from heaven to help them.

"Shut up! Don't lose your focus!

Instantly, all of the soldiers straightened their backs at her scold. It was usual for them to feel like that, but just now it seems different as their first-class captain and imperial guard of the kingdom were more fierce and emitted a dangerous aura from her body.

Even when she scolds them like that, their eyes cannot help but lock at their beauty captain, who so smoothly massacres their enemy, and not just that it was one slash with one slash for one demon.

Seeing this, of course, lifted the spirits of the elves army, and the high elf captain, a subordinate of Narrus in the army, smiled happily as she saw her captain and burst out laughing like a fan seeing their idol.

The demon army was taken aback when a dark elf appeared out of nowhere and slaughtered them without breaking a sweat. They are now in a panic because, in addition to Narrus' sudden appearance, their leader, the werewolf, was easily beheaded without their knowledge.

It was a huge surprise when they thought they were on the winning side, only to flip up like that on the other side of the coin.

Fear overcame them immediately upon witnessing their partner being killed by the dark elf with ease, and other elves appeared to have been given a dopamine boost, making them even more ferocious than before due to her presence.

"N-no!" "Please! Don't kill me!" "That bitch was lying!!! Help!!!"

All of those who remained tried their hardest to flee the scene with their shaken legs.

They who were told by the mastermind that this would be an easy mission for them and that they would be rewarded handsomely if they completed it, have been betrayed by the altered reality in which one person can easily change the knot of destiny story that was originally going to happen.

"Running is pointless; it is your fate to fall in this place!"

Narrus, an exception among dark elves who has advanced in speed and strength as a result of her hard work and desire to change her destiny, decides to eliminate all enemies while also completing the mission assigned to her by her loved ones.

Failure was forbidden under her sword-wielding ability and experience as a first-class captain of dark elves and a black metal sword trusted to her.


At another place, under the panic state in the kingdom. There is an elf and a human who easily infiltrate the kingdom without raising the suspicions of others.

"Dinelynd, it appears your plan was a complete success."

"*Snort* Despite our easy invasion of the kingdom, you know nothing, Ingwill.

"However, we must hurry into the palace and find the queen and princess, as both of them hold the key to the fall of this kingdom."

"I know you have already told me about this, but I, too, want vengeance on those two royals for my death."

The human's name was Ingwill, and he was the one Narrus said had been strangely invaded and blamed for being a peeping tom by Narrus, who caught him in the act.

As for the voluptuous elf beside him, her name is Dinelynd. She was wearing a skimpy witch outfit where she just barely wore a cape, sling bikini, and witch hat on top of her long, violet, wavy hair 

A famous witch who, according to rumour, has been rebelling against the kingdom, but look at her appearance; she was not a part of the dark elf, where her skin was silky smooth like milk.

"You can see that luxurious building," 

Dinelynd pointed her wand into the huge building that emits a luxurious aura where the royalty has been living.

"It was our goal," 

As his blood began to boil, Ingwill nodded, and at the same moment, a mysterious aura emanating from the ring sensed his emotions.

They move their legs to approach their target without wasting any time because they know what they want.

As for our main character, that man tried her best to complete the urgent mission under half of the limit time that has been set. The mission that has appeared was not part of what Luna was doing, as that woman was just a controller of the system.

He knows this because Luna told him so while he easily massacred the demon army that had been duped by Dinelynd into distracting a large portion of the elves army while she and Ingwill sneakily entered the kingdom.

How did Dinelynd get past the barricade that had been erected to protect behind those massive, tall walls, with only one gate to get in and out?

She was a well-known witch with extensive magical knowledge in this world; it was simple for her to concoct a plan that led her and Ingwill to invade the kingdom.

Still, there must be a reason why she, a rumor witch who can easily drive a kingdom into madness, requires assistance from a mere human like Ingwill.

Returning to our Kaito, that man in his god-speed form nearly completed his mission by 90%. The ability <Electrical Manipulation (Absolute Level)> really made him live in very easy difficulty right now.

If counted correctly, he has massacred thousands of enemies in a single swoop movement per battlefield.

When he arrives on a battlefield, he immediately targets one nearby demon and makes a dagger shape on his right hand pierce right into the heart of the demon before continuing his movement like an unstoppable Chidori technique that takes 0,1 seconds to kill one demon regardless of its level of power or position.

This is still inefficient because he can summon a dragon from nowhere and dominate the entire battlefield in a single swoop, but what is the fun in that?

The method he used to kill those demons had its own advantages, as he could control how much power he used to kill the mere ants.

He, too, has been infused with the power of string-string fruit, allowing him to easily attach super-thin wire that appears invisible in naked normal vision to all of the demons before conducting it with electricity that invades their bodies and burns all of the cells in those demon bodies.

The elves army that fought in the battlefield was stunned to see the demon army that they had fought with struggle suddenly killed in front of their eyes.

All they see is the demon abruptly stopping their movement before falling to the ground, with some of them emitting smoke and a large hole appearing on their bodies.

"10% left..."

Kaito stopped his movement and launched himself into the sky before glancing at <Map >. All the dots that had been left on his surroundings had gathered in one place, and there was no white dot there.

"Luna, is it bad to show off a little of my power at this moment?"

His hand tingled as he wondered if he could summon Raikiri like Sasuke, and he also noticed two red dots that moved quickly into somewhere deep within the kingdom.

[ Why do you even bother to ask if you already know the answer? ]

Kaito laughed as he imagined Luna rolling her eyes at him for being so boring to even ask her a waste question.

Gradually, the weather above the kingdom agraliel and its surroundings darken, with dark clouds forming and thunder rumbling in the distance.

Everyone down there was taken aback by the sudden occurrence of phenomenon after phenomenon right in front of their eyes.

Narrus, who had just finished slashing all demons in her eyes while supporting the others, looked up to the sky.

Her stoic cold expression quickly turned warm as the sun with a beautiful smile appeared on her face.


That woman did not care about her surroundings as she waved her hand like a playful woman, which completely stunned her subordinates, including her junior, the high elf who led the army before Narrus appeared.

The sudden phenomeon has captured the attention of all citizens who have taken refuge in their own homes or fled to refugee camps prepared by royal troops.

The Queen, Princess, and all the high-elder elf who had been inside the palace gradually came out onto the massive balcony as they were captivated by the suddeny huge gathering energy on those skies.

As for the two invaders and masterminds who tried their best to invade the palace, they suddenly felt shivering on their spines and could not help but turn their backs and see the phenomenon.

Dinelynd, who has been mastering magic and all those history books on the library palace, was stunned to see it, and she could feel that 100% there's something coming into her, no matter how she was going to run or try to make magic to protect her or Ingwill that stood beside her.

"It was futile,"

Ingwill frowns at seeing this phenomenon while looking at Dinelynd beside her, who has given up on her leg and is sitting on the ground.


He, who is just a mere human that has been luckyly saved by Dinelynd, doesn't feel like he already stands in front of the door of death right now.

Back to the kaito, the culprit who is doing this kind of phenomenon already locks the presence of the mastermind in his eyes and mind.

"Well, who knows the mastermind to be that sexy? Let's see, it's quite wasteful to kill that woman."

Kaito feels it is a waste to kill Dinelynd with his next move, as he can easily use that woman as a slave, especially remembering the rope that was enhanced to tie Narrus yesterday. 

Dinelynd is going to be a nice magician slave for his future goal.

[ What a sick sycho you are, Kaito.]

"Well, you can blame your creator for bestowing such absolute power on me.

As humans, we can easily change our personalities to become worse, like more dominant, sadistic, and tyrannical."

[ .... ]

Luna, who was lying on a long chair somewhere, rolled her eyes, hearing those words, but slowly there's something strange happen where there's a sick smile on her face.

(This man... I had assumed that he would be a simpleton who would perform his duties and act heroically.

(*Laugh* Well, seems like it would not get boring to stay with him in the future.)

[ Well, just do whatever you want, future sick sycho emperor~ ]

Hearing it just made Kaito show her tiny smile before he opened his mouth to say goodbye to the rest of the demon army, especially to that human beside the voluptuous witch that seems to be in this world, BUG.

The moment he sees Dinelynd as another heroine, he already knows what kind of story he has been invaded by right now.

A classic revenge story with hypnotic ability.

As it detected the emotion and thought of the person manipulating it, the intensity of lightning in the sky increased.

"BUG... I don't know what the meaning of it, it's is a another word of protagonist of some story or there's a hidden meaning about it..."

[ Argh... Just do it! You appear to be the type of idiot who takes their time performing their final ultimate move!]


Hearing it, Kaito's corner mouth twitches.

"Sigh... What a grumpy lady."

Kaito then focused on his target before opening his mouth.

"Devour them, Kirin!"

Those who have been imprisoned by Kaito have no idea that in the next second of their lives, their existence has been devoured into nothingness.




To be continued


Name: Kaito

Race: Supernatural Human

Age: 20

Ability: <Enhanced String-String Fruit Power (Thread, Silk, Wire, Yarn)>, <Armament Haki: Absolute Level>, <Culinary Mastery: Absolute Level>, <Magical Touch: Culinary>, <Purification: Intermediate Level>, <Electricity Manipulation: Absolute Level>

Passive: <Control Immunity>, <Enhanced Sense>, <Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: Opposite Sex>, <Endless amount of cum>, <Woman Slayer>, <Pleasant Scent>, <Pleasure Touch>

Equipment: Spatial Ring (Unlimited)

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