
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime und Comics
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"... Sigh, this kid would be the death of me." Fan Ye sighed while looking around. in all 360 degrees, it all leads to the upper region. at this moment, from all sides countless experts were heading towards them, attracted by Ling Han's breakthrough. 

If Ling Han had just taken his time to break through, this matter wouldn't be so big. But Now they had to put on another act to scare these powerful experts off and buy them some time. how? simple, they had bits of the poison Ling Han had eaten. 

Ling Fang would use it as a barrier to cover the whole lower region. not even Saint King dared to come into contact with that poison. Plus, the will in that poison was of course destroyed and refined with Ling Han energy, making it more deadly. Ling Fang with this poison should be the strongest person alive.

"Do you think Ling Han would be as strong as a Saint King from eating that poison?" Ling Fang asked calmly while forming hand seals.

"Not likely, at the end of the day, he isn't even 8 months old yet. No matter how much he pushes his body, there is a limit. most of that poison strength he devoured would just be used to make his body strong enough to handle his QI Sea." She said before frowning as her ears sharpened, She and Ling Fang looked towards Ling Han's room where they heard Ling Han's mad laughter.

they froze for a second before they disappeared, it was almost like they used the One True Supreme Movement technique, just far far far less complex than the one Ling Han used. they both appeared in Ling Han's room and their soul almost left their body at the sight before them.

There Ling Han with rivers of blood running from his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears stood while looking at the sky. from the sky, a sword slowly appeared, the chains holding the sword being destroyed by the sword's aura.

The sword floated to Ling Han, who took the sword. The sword and Ling Han went on to bond, a special bond that made Ling Han the master of this sword. although the sword mighty was greatly nurf, even so, Ling Han had become the strongest person alive in this world. So powerful that cracks began to appear on his body, unable to handle this sword.

"Now we can be together," Ling Han said while rubbing the blade of the sword, causing the blade to shake at his touch. it wasn't shaking out of fear, it's just that Ling Han's touch made it feel weird.

"M-master, can we do it?" the tool spirit asked in a shy voice, Ling Han looked at it for a moment before a disappointed look appeared on his face.

"Sadly I can't. I'm too young to do it with you just yet. but soon, we can do it as much as you want. we can do it for hours nonstop at that point, we can do it until you grow sick of it." I said softly, causing Ling Fang and Fan Ye's eyes to twitch.

"I-I will never grow sick of it... not with you at least. I will wait until you're old enough then we can do it. Until then I shall not do it with anyone else, or even by myself." the Tool Spirit said, causing Ling Fang and Fan Ye's twitching eyes to grow.

"LIng Han!" Ling Fang said causing Ling Han's soul to almost leave his body as he was scared shitless, just when did they appear in his room? He quickly hid the sword behind his back, but with the sword being more than twice his body height how could he hide it?

"T-this is the..." Before I could explain, the tool Spirit quickly stopped me, confusing me slightly.

"Those powerful experts are already searching for where I am. they had sealed me away, but although I could have broken free at any time I didn't as I was waiting for my master to return... but since I had broken free and chosen you, I hid my aura so they couldn't locate me easily. if you say my name, they would know I'm here. you're not ready yet to use my power and fight against them." She said softly, if I had not bonded with the sword then I would not have to worry about its power overwhelming me. but since I had bonded together, this was a problem.

The pro of bonding with a weapon was that the weapon would fully belong to you. the weapon strength would fully be yours to draw upon. meanwhile, those who don't bond with a weapon would not be able to draw upon the weapon's full might. since I had bonded with this sword, it would not slowly kill me. but in return, it would be nerf until I was strong enough to bring out its full might.

"Explain... and let go of the sword, can't you see your body is breaking down." Fan Ye said to which I let go of the sword to its disappointment. but the sword understood it was too powerful. Fan Ye quickly pulled me away from the sword and began to check my condition, and instantly her face turned dark seeing my condition.

to see so far away and to even have my voice appear so far away, let's say my body had felt the burden. Fan Ye was about to explode from the rage she felt right now, why can't her son just sit back and grow up in peace?

"I wanted to help you and Daddy through the trouble I brought," I said cutely, making her rage wash away. Ling Fang looked away, almost in tears. just how lucky was he to have such a loving son?

"Ling Han... lie to me again and you're grounded for a year." Fan Ye who was moved one second went cold the next moment, making Ling Han lower his head as he played with his finger.

"I-I had to take the sword before anything or anyone could take it. so when I was strong enough I jumped at the chance. The sword is too beautiful for anyone else but me to have it." I said weakly, how could I allow anyone to take such a beautiful treasure away from me? its mine.

"Just who are you?" Fan Ye asked with a deep frown at the tool spirit, just what item was so powerful that her son would willingly suffer like this to have it?

"I'm the sword that came before the birth of the idea of a sword, as for my name, I can't say. I'm the most wanted treasure across the river of time and beyond. I'm the most feared treasure, a sword that transcends even the heavens." the Sword said calmly, no longer shy like it was near Ling Han.

Ling Han was special, be it the energy he had, or just how capable Ling Han was. The Sword was moved, but for others, it was the primal Chaos Sword. A sword that thirsted for slaughter, a sword that would cut down those powerful figures birth by chaos like Pangu. Pangu Ax split the world? so what, a simple cut form it shall leave the world in chaos.

It was sealed away back then and its master was killed, but many things had to play out for this to happen, and even then they couldn't fully kill its master. Even the heavens would shake before its might. While others say they were number one under the heavens, well it was number 1 and the heavens were number two.

Ling Han explained what the sword was, leaving his parents stunned for some time hearing this sword could give mortals the power to kill immortals. what did this mean, giving a normal human such a level of power? just how many levels would that mortal be jumping?

huge gaps like the Nascent Soul realm and Saint King realm jumped like that and into the immortals? and to make it more shocking, it was not any normal immortals but those powerful immortals. this was truly shocking.

"Do you want me to name you?" I asked, while looking at the sword who had a prideful look hearing how I was speaking so highly of it. but as soon as I spoke to it it froze

"A name?" It asked nervously, to which I nodded slightly.

"You will now be a part of my family. you're not just any treasure, you're my friend." I said softly, making the tool spirit's eyes widen for some time. it opened and closed its mouth for some time, no one had ever asked it something like this. 

"B-but you're my master." It said weakly, to which I shook my head and went over to hold it, but my mother stopped me.

"No, for other treasures yes. but for you, we are as good as siblings. we shall be together no matter what, you're too beautiful to be anything else." Ling Han said softly, making the tool spirit's face go bright red. Ling Fang and Fan Ye were speechless. Couldn't he word things differently to not make people misunderstand?

"Cough, well, I should go deal with those who are coming to seek trouble." Ling Fang said wanting to turn and leave, but Ling Han stopped him.

"Wait, you wanted to stretch after being sealed for so many years. go with my father." I said making The tool Spirit size up my father for a moment. Its eyebrow raised seeing him, before looking at my mother and was stunned.

"So capable and you all have yet to fuse your cultivation?" the tool spirit said in shock, to which Ling Fan and Fan Ye poofed their chest slightly. Indeed, they were capable without even needing to fuse their cultivation. what did this mean?

In this world, there were 3 paths... no, 4 paths one could take in cultivation, but for now, the 3 main ones were important. the Body path, Qi Path, and Soul Path 

At Houtian an expert cultivates their body, they refine their body making it so that simple swords and attacks can't even scratch them. everything from their eyeballs to even their balls were strengthened. Their blood would hold more energy and so on. this was the first path in cultivation, the Body Path.

At Xiatian a new path is born, the Qi path. this is where one absorbs heaven and earth energy. this strengthens, dense, and purifies the energy within their Qi Sea until it hardens once they reach the core formation realm.

at the nascent soul realm, a new path to cultivate is born, the soul path. this path strengthens their soul, giving them the power to have a spiritual sense and even use that spiritual sense to control things with their mind. they could even sense the laws.

Not everyone has the talent to be able to cultivate all 3 paths, and cultivating them all allows you to fight above your level, it's pointless if all of them are not balanced. if one path gave more strength than the others, then the other path's strength boost is pointless. but there is a unique path one could take, which fuses these paths.

If one fuses two cultivation paths, they are known as the duet Cultivator. if they fuse 3 paths, they shall be known as perfect cultivators. when fused, depending on how perfect the fusion is, it would depend on how much stronger the fusion shall be.

Currently, Fang Ye and the others had not even fused the other paths, instead they had only focused on the Qi path. they didn't have time to split their attention to cultivate other paths. at the same time, other paths normally needed resources, although Ling Han's breath could take the place of such resources the effect of his breath would not be as good for other paths other than the Qi path. so everyone had fully put their attention on the Qi path until they could slow down and cultivate other paths.

So, yeah. they were powerful as they could skip a whole realm using just one path. What would happen when they fuse all paths? Adding the fusion with clones, and the fact Ling Han had yet to see the full limits of his ability, everyone around Ling Han was fated to grow.

"He would not use me, only you can." The Sword spirit said after some hesitation. it felt like if someone used it, it would be a betrayal of Ling Han. Hearing this, Ling Han was moved, but before he could say anything the tool spirit returned to the sword. after a moment, the sword began to transform into a dark red-haired girl who was the same height as me.

"Since we are siblings... I thought we could grow up together." She said softly, I was stunned for a moment before nodding my head with a smile. seeing this, the little girl sighed in relief. 

"If you don't want to, I have other means to deal with this," I said while looking towards the tower of heaven within my father. after a moment, a Deer appeared, stunning everyone there.

"That reminds me, was this the powerful expert you spoke of?" Fan Ye asked to which I nodded slightly.

"this here is a level 7 Saint King. One strong enough to endure that poison for millions of years while level 3 Saint Kings would die in just a few hours after coming into contact with it... how much of your strength have you recovered?" I asked to which the Celestial Deer bowed slightly.

"My strength is currently at level 3 Saint King." The Celestial Deer Said respectfully, within that tower it had done more than regain its strength. if it were to recover back to full health, it would be far stronger than its peak. its recovery was also greatly improved by the fact it used its blood to have the herbs grow, this allowed the herbs grown near it to have a connection to it which allowed the herbs to better affect it while at the same time making the herbs stronger.

Right now, it is at 1% health, yet even at 1% of its health currently puts it at the peak of this world. of course, before enjoying Ling Han energy, at 1% health, its strength would not even be in the Saint King realm, but now it was.

"I just thought of something..." I said softly while going through my mind to find the strongest healing technique. after a moment, I found one which was called the Phoenix Of Life. A technique of the Phoenix Clan that uses the flames of the phoenix to heal all damages.

Flames which seemed to have the power to heal all damages appeared at my palm. the damage I suffered from pushing my abilities so far all recovered, while at the same time, the flames swallowed the Celestial Deer, burning away its injuries 

[The Host has used a Healing technique... the host has been rewarded with [Supreme Heal]

[Supreme Heal]- The fusion of all healing type abilities. The Users can heal and restore anything and everything to optimal condition and health, including people, objects, locations, environments, abilities, powers, defensive powers, souls, worlds, natural forces and concepts, etc.

Note: the more damaged the target is, the more energy would be needed to heal. although all healing is instant.

'System, what do you mean by concepts?' I asked as I have been seeing that word in many of the system rewards.

{Host, when you see that it means that your abilities affect something down to that level. Your power affects even the fundamental concepts and principles of something. this means when you heal something, you're not simply healing their damage, you are healing the very idea of who they are. when you attack, you are not simply injuring the body of a target, you are injuring the very idea of who they were.} the system said stunning me as I watched the Deer return to perfect condition as if nothing had happened to it.

{As you can see, thanks to the level of healing, so long as the damage didn't affect the very concept, very ideal of the target. the healing would never be troublesome to you. plus, you would not reverse them to a state where they would lose their gains when injured. they are restored to their peak with the benefits they gained.} the system said to which I nodded slightly... that means I could kill just about anyone if I attack one at the conceptual level.

I was stronger than I thought. If I needed a healing technique to get this reward, then I should use an attack technique. but for now, let's deal with this.

"Well, with how powerful you are... we can use this. since you are so powerful, you can say an immortal took in our son as a disciple and left behind a guardian to protect him..." Fan Ye said with a smile,

"So... I'm ungrounded?" I asked with bright eyes, to which Fan ye smiled slightly.

"Of course not, you just showed me today more reasons to not let you be on your own. A part of me wants to seal away your strength until you're old enough." Fan Ye said with a smile, making me pale slightly

"one more time, and you will be ungrounded but be sealed to avoid more trouble." She said before she left with the celestial Deer and Ling Fang. I watched them leave with a pout, before looking towards the little girl.

"I will call you... wait, are you a boy or girl?" I asked, although she looked like a girl, she had no true form. She was genderless. even her sword form wasn't her true form, it was a form taken thanks to the world's belief thats what a sword should be.

"What do you want me to be?" She asked shyly, to which I just shrugged as if I didn't care. She looked at me for some time, before speaking.

"I will be a girl then." She said weakly, to which I nodded slightly before speaking.

"How about Ling Hongwa?" I asked, to which she thought for a moment, before looking at me, wanting to know the meaning of the name.

"Ling is our clan name, and it has many meanings such as Sound of Jade, Dawn, and Unbreakable spirit. than Hongwa which means, Red, Doll, or Pretty Girl." I said with some thought, leaving her stunned for a moment.

"Song Of Jade Red? Sound Of Jade Doll? Sound of Jade Pretty Girl? Dawn Red, Dawn Doll? Dawn Pretty Girl? Unbreakable Spirit Red, Unbreakable Spirit Doll, or Unbreakable Spirit Pretty Girl?" She asked leaving me speechless,

"I wanted to give you my clan name and you had red hair... you look like a doll and you were pretty." I said truthfully, leaving her speechless for a moment. 

"You have a bad naming sense." She said while looking away to hide her blush, leaving me awkward as I thought of a new name.

"But I will take it." She said weakly, to which I smiled brightly at her before taking her hand.

"Well, we have to go and let everyone know I have a sister. I have to also show you around the city." I said to which she nodded while following behind me...

"You all dare to form an army while coming to bother the young master breakthrough?" The celestial deer, who had forcefully gathered all of the experts to one spot yelled in rage, causing all of the experts who had gathered to shake in their boots in fear.

"We thought a treasure was born, we had no idea the disciple of an immortal was here. please forgive us." Far away, a powerful expert at level 3 Saint appeared, not wanting to see his people slaughtered

"I will not kill you as I have orders to follow, but if you had dared to have bothered his breakthrough, you all would beg for death." The celestial deer said while its antlers glowed, unleashing a powerful push that sent all of these experts rocketing far away, back to the upper region. even the level 3 Saint realm experts couldn't fight back against this power.

The Deer secretly sigh, it never had to act like this before such ants. but Since Ling Fang didn't want to rely on his power too much, then what could he do? turning around, he looked at Ling Fang and Fan Ye who were also sighing softly.

"Well, with this show of power, taking over the lower region and upper region wouldn't be as hard." Ling Fang said softly, those of the upper and lower regions would gather to the Ling Clan with gifts. From here, the Ling clan should only rise...