
- Order to War

"That seems... farfetched. Why should we believe you?" Vayne asked. Her thought process was simple. If there was an invasion from some place West of Merthin then there is no way that no one from outside would know about it. And, if there was a war occurring there against an outside foe, wouldn't this boy be able to tell them more details about the events that happened?

"You shouldn't, I admit," Valen said. "And I get it, if the positions were swapped I think that I myself would call what I'm saying bullshit. But I'm telling you the truth. I promise."

"I know it's probably not my place, but... I believe it," Leddel said. "Commander, if you saw those hounds that attacked, you would understand. Their skin was damaged and dead, yet they still moved like normal. When they bit people, it was impossible... they aged the skin, inflicted hundreds of years of decay in the blink of an eye. I don't need to hear a story, I believe it from the things that I saw."