
- Man at the Gate

Minutes later, they were assembled behind the gate. Bran and the others could hear a young boy from the other side pleading with the guards on the gate.

"Let me in!" the boy begged, with a desperation in his voice. "It's urgent! I must speak with your commanders! We need your help!"

The boy's pleas were met with mocking laughs and disparaging comments from the guards above, who openly mocked him. Every one of them was aware of the civil war that had occurred in the domain of Merthin, and none of them wanted any part of it.

If Rovinia was to get involved, then it would be akin to a declaration of war on Merthin, with the side of the war that was not supported feeling especially aggrieved.

"Why should we?" one of the guards asked. "Why should we get involved in your civil war?"

"It's not a civil war. We are beset from the West, by vice creatures that threaten to destroy us all if we do nothing to stop them."