
The one above omnipotence

Once in a crowded and bustling city, there is an orphan boy without a family. He was born with a terrifying understanding and talent but lived a boring life. The only thing that makes him happy is watching cartoons and reading novels. And one day, when he was getting ready to watch a movie, a terrible accident occurred as the TV exploded and he died instantly. His soul disappeared into a dark place for an unknown period of time. Just when he thought it was the inevitable end, his soul was taken away and he was reborn.

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10 Chs

Chapter 6 Opera,Victoria,Seraphina

Aboard a vast, technologically advanced ship that exuded nobility and elegance, soaring through the starry skies, Licht's eyes burned with anger.

"Seriously? They just dumped me here, told me to go to some strange university, and didn't even tell me its name."

Licht was genuinely furious this time. But what could he do? In all honesty, he felt weak. However, he never admitted that his mother, Yuumi, had mentioned the school being incredibly fun, which made him curious. What was this school that everyone was so keen on, sending him away, diverting him from empire duties?

"Kyaaa! Look over there! It's the young prince!"

"What? Were the rumors true? Is the young prince actually here?"

"There he is, the young prince!"

"He's so handsome and dashing."

As Licht was heading to the opera theater on the ship, he heard that the most potent and youngest opera singer, Seraphina Belle, was there.

He had once attended an opera with his grandmothers, Satomi and Yuki.

It was there he first heard Seraphina Belle sing, and he was utterly captivated by her performance.

He recited a verse so loud that the entire capital could hear,

"With every rising note of yours, I lose myself in the depth of your beautiful voice, Seraphina. Who are you, oh mistress of melodies? You make the world stand still, and every ear listens with utmost attention."

With the poem recited in Licht's recognizable voice, a voice well-known throughout the empire, Seraphina's fame skyrocketed. Not only did she become the most renowned opera singer because of Licht, but her mesmerizing and beautiful voice drove people to adore her to the point of obsession.

Now, back to the opera theater!

In the opera theater, there were about a hundred thousand seats filled with people.

Special rooms were reserved for the wealthy, and a single royal chamber was for their young prince.

However, one individual, situated next to four young ladies, quickly stood up, followed by the person next to him, and so on, until the entire opera hall, including the noble chambers, stood in attention.

"Behold, the shining star of our nation, His Highness, the Prince!"

Everyone in the opera hall bowed in allegiance to Licht.

Their eyes gleamed with devotion, respect, and pride.

Their prince's presence was felt across the seven continents' skies and lands.

"Alright, Everyone is resting. I'm here just like all of you to see Seraphina and to head to the university. I don't want anyone to disrupt this performance."

"Beeyou, Bring me some wine"

"At your service, young master."

At first, Beeyou worked as Yuumi's maid.

But since Licht was heading to university, Beeyou asked Yuumi to become Licht's personal maid.

Yuumi easily agreed, not only because Beeyou had been her servant, but also her friend since their university days.

Yuumi's agreement was also because of Beeyou's strength; she now holds the seventh rank in the Lower realm.

The wine here isn't like the wine from his previous life.

Instead, this wine is made from medicinal herbal ingredients and is full of heaven and earth treasures.

It helps him maintain constant focus for cultivating and understanding, and also adds a few touches of enlightenment.

"Here is our beloved prince!"

"He truly is wise and extremely calm. Our actions didn't anger him."

"Indeed, he is truly a symbol of our pride and dignity."


"Alright, didn't you hear His Majesty? He asked you to calm down because the ceremony is about to start, and he wants to listen to it intently."

The hall, previously filled with noise, quickly became quiet due to the pressure and the high-pitched voice.

Everyone was looking to see who made that sound and wanted to reprimand them, but they all swallowed hard as soon as they saw the person.

"Damn, it's Victoria Knight, the sister of General Leonidas Knight. Didn't they say that she intended to break through her realm to reach the rank of fourth peak realm? Did she really succeed?"

"I believe that aura must be specific to the rank Fourth Peak realm."

"Yes, that's correct. I know many from the rank Fourth peak realm, and even perfection, but I've never seen a fifteen-year-old girl reach it."

"That's right. With such talent, she deserves to be the sister of General Leonidas Knight and one of those who stepped forward to be one of the young prince's guards."

Viktoria Knight, the pure rose from the family of General Leonidas Knight.

Her long wavy blonde hair cascades over her shoulders, gleaming like gold under the sun's rays.

Her emerald green eyes shine with a unique gleam, expressing truthfully without the need for words, as if they're a window to her pure soul.

Her soft white skin accentuates her pure rosy cheeks, adding a touch of innocence and beauty.

Her full and beautiful figure makes her stand out among the crowd. She wears the university uniform, a short skirt revealing the beauty of her legs, paired with thigh-high socks.

She's a model of elegance and bravery, having registered herself with the young prince Licht's guard squad.

As the noise diminished greatly, Licht took a deep breath and gave a grateful look to Viktoria, making her smile.

(So she's Leonidas's sister. She does resemble him a bit. That bastard, every time he talks about his sister, he smiles from the heart.

He even surprised me by wanting to enroll her in my guard squad.

But she's a good seed, with tremendous talent.

If I share some of my knowledge and cultivation books with her, she might have a chance to reach the eighth, or even ninth rank. But her smile...)

She didn't notice that her beautiful and infectious smile made Licht's heart beat.

(Truly, she made my emotions stir.

This world is terrifying. When one cultivates, the charisma and beauty of both women and men become so overpowering that it's impossible to ignore.

Her beauty is on par with my grandmothers, my mother, and Beeyou.)

(As long as I'm a man, even if I were at the ninth rank, it's impossible for me to run from beauty, love, and the like.

But it's good because what's the point of my cultivation if my emotions were to disappear, making me a machine that can only protect itself and kill its enemies? It's impossible for me to cultivate the Aether.)

As Licht was lost in thought, suddenly the chandeliers in the opera hall darkened.

This made the opera hall calm down and all the lights focus on the stage.

A beautiful girl emerged from behind the curtains onto the stage.

Seraphina, her beauty resembling a unique piece of art, distinguished by her light pink hair elegantly cascading over her shoulders, and enchanting violet eyes that shine like gems on her soft white face.

Her rosy cheeks and red lips add a touch of softness and romance to her features.

Her full and beautiful figure sets her apart from the others. She moves with femininity and confidence, with every gesture reflecting her alluring charm.

She wears a classic opera dress made of flowing white satin, characterized by its embroidered bust and its floor-length, adding grandeur and sparkle to her look. The dress is complemented by an elegant high-heeled shoe in a soft color that matches the colors of her dress, highlighting her height and grace.

Every time Seraphina appears, she captivates everyone's hearts with her stunning beauty and elegance.

Everyone in the hall started applauding her; the sound of the applause was very loud.

As Seraphina waited for the music, she looked around until she found Licht. Coincidentally, Licht was sitting on his throne and their eyes met.

Licht was smiling at her and moved his lips, whispering something so silently that even Beeyou couldn't hear it.

Seraphina read his lips and blushed, but she nodded her head and mouthed "Thank you" back to him.

"Ara, what's this necklace? I haven't seen Seraphina wearing a necklace before."

"Really? But this necklace, why do I suddenly feel envious?"

"You're right. As far as I remember, Seraphina hasn't worn a necklace or even jewelry since her first day on stage."

"Yes, from what I recall, it was to display her true beauty. But this necklace, its maker is the most talented artist I know. I've seen a lot of art from my father, even the art book that covers all seven continents, but none matched the beauty of this necklace."

"It's as if it was crafted by a god filled with art."

"Wait, I remember that this necklace once belonged to the young prince, and he gifted it to Seraphina because she let him witness the intent of art through Seraphina's voice."

"Yes, I was there when the young prince gave it to her. I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was filled with jealousy."

As the noise began to rise, Viktoria was gripping the couch arms so hard as if she wanted to break them, but she couldn't because even a rank six couldn't break it, only rank seven and above could.

(That bitch Seraphina didn't tell me where she was hiding the necklace crafted by His Majesty. She didn't even let me touch it. Is this what you call an old friendship from childhood? Bitch, bitch!)

Seraphina felt that someone was speaking ill of her and started looking for the source until she saw Viktoria looking at her with anger and jealousy.

But she didn't care and smirked arrogantly, as if she had won a battle.

This made Viktoria even angrier, and she started to threaten that when they return to the academy, she would annoy her and fight her until she lets her touch the necklace.

These threats made Seraphina smile sarcastically.

Licht was thoroughly enjoying their actions, but after a while, the hall quieted down again as the music began.

In a magical moment of silence, the first notes of the music filled the room. Every eye in the hall was fixed on the stage, where Seraphina prepared to deliver her performance.

As the notes floated around her, her voice rose in a calm and poignant manner, singing with all the passion and love.

Her pure and captivating voice captured the hearts of those present, making everyone in the room be swept away in awe and admiration.

Licht's eyes were conflicted because every time he heard Seraphina's voice, he longed for his family, whether it was his grandparents, his parents, or even his older sister from his previous life.

He sometimes feared that the original world hadn't stopped in time and that something he didn't want to see or even think about was happening.

Throughout these years, he was under immense pressure.

He poured all his will into becoming stronger and stronger, aiming to be above everyone else and bring his family and the people of his empire with him above all dimensions.

Because he knows that in all the infinite dimensions, their one and primary law is the law of the jungle.

And even though he doesn't like the law of the jungle, he wants to give everyone a chance. And by everyone, I mean the good who do everything right and love to help.

The evil, the thief, and others should repay their actions.

For every evil deed, they must do ten thousand good deeds.

He won't let them die unless they've atoned for all their wrongdoings, and this is just the beginning.

When Seraphina stopped singing, everyone, including Licht, applauded.